f1 IptUuc lUmcit Daily JScius Monday, December 1, 1947 A HUDSON'S AV.1 Timely Tecipe lllflll Kaisin Caramel Tie When a pie has plump raisins and crisp almonds in it, you can be sure it will be nnnular with aibtrYe menfolk. Make the fill-1 i... t .. n , ' i -it i.o: .vuicin iaramei ne ana then. pour it into a baked pastry .-hell. It is rich and delicious and needs no topping. 1 ciip seedless raisins 1 cup sweetened condensed milk '3 cup butter or margarine 2 Uij)les;30ons lemon juice 3 ejggs 8 spoorfgalt '-2 xfni chopped blanched almonds-. 1 bilked 9-lnch pastry shell :S 9"d irajn raisins. 'milk, butter, lemon juice. RINGER Immediate delivery of new ireatlle and electric sewing machines in .Prince Rupert and district. SINGER Scwinjr Machine Co. Phone 864 Prince Rupert BAY COMPANY PRODUCT mm t slightly beaten egg and salt. Cook over, hot water, stirring constanly until mixture begins to thicken. Add raisins and almonds and cook until thick. Pour into pastry shell. Cool be-Tore cutting. Serves 6 to 8. ISanana 1'eaci. tct Cream 1 cup canned cling peach halves 1 cup mashed banana 1 teaspoon plain gelatin 1 cup table cream 2 eggs cup granulated sugar salt 1 tablespoon vanilla extract gelatin and stir to dissolve gelatin. Blend in eggs beaten with sugar, salt and flavoring. Stir' In fruit. Pour . into refrigerator; tray and place in freezing cornA partrnent with Tconfrol set?, att firm. When firm reset temperature control to normal. Serves C. "TIED l" Since 1857, all land in the Netherlands East Indies has been owned by Indonesians, and cannot be sold to other nationals. Cy There' double reason for tlie w double goodness oi Post' Grape-Kills Flakes. They're made of two golden grains not just one. W heat and malted barley arc Mended a secret way, baked and llicn toasted to bring out all that distinctly-different flavor of these .honey-golden, delightfully crisp flakes.' v Tosfs The Experts Say . . . By KAY REX Canadian Press Staff Writer APPLES Now that the "quota" curtain has fallen over oranges, lemons, and other similar imports, more than ever the Canadian housewife will turn to apples as her "fruit-in-need' She will be grateful for the versatility of this fruit which may be used in salad, dessert, or as part of the main course at dinner. Early fall apples make light fluffy sauce, .but most of the varieties now at their best such as Alexander, Wolf River, Wealthy, King, Spy, and Rome Beauty hold their shape when; baked or coddled, and also re- i tain their coloring. j Glazed apples are the special apple dish which home economists o the Consumer Section, Dominion Department of Agriculture, are recommending. In-grients: l'2 cups granulated sugar; two cups water; six apples. Make syrup of sugar and water. Core apples and pare about lVi inches down from the stem end. Place in syrup with pared surface down and simmer for five minutes. Invert and cook until tender-about 10 or 15 minutes. When tender place under hot broiler and baste frequently with syrup until well glazed. Six servings. PLEASANT DESSERT Fresh apple sauce with hot gingerbread is a dessert that also is sure to please. Apple Sauce Wash, cut in quarters, but do not pare or core, eight tart apples. Add one cup boiling water. Cover and cook until tender. Rub through a coarse sieve and add one- Drain peaches, mash and quarter If tne , nrftce Ihrnnnh cIaha r . V. I . . r fiv uiiuugll wctc. VsUlUUUlC . with banan3. Soak 'gelatin ,5 minutes In.-Vi cup cream. Scald remaining cream and pour over ger; one teaspoon cinnamon. lowest iemperatlref and -frekerf Beat tother shortening, su- fitir pvprv every 9n minut hi esgs. Aua nour ana salt. Stir in one cup boiling water and start baking in cool oven. Bake 45 minutes. BREAKFAST "MUST" Now that cold weather days are here again more than ever it's the duty of every mother to see that not a member of her family lhe roads are terrible -but this flavor is gorgeous" Post s Grape-Nuts. Rtlirrred Trtde Mark rape: said Uncle Ned PFEIFFERS NOW IN UJS. Believed slated for arrest by the Communist-dominated government of Hungary. Zoltan Pfeif-fer, leader of Hungarys anti-'Colnmunist independent party, fled to Austria a few hours before reported cancellation of his parliamentary immunity. Pfeslier, who is now -.n the U.S., is shown In New York with his wife and their daughter, Magda. THE MARKETS Vegetables Cranberries, lb 53 Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs 29 Hubbard Squash, lb .07 Danish Squash, lb 09 Spanish Onions, 2 lb .23 Vegetable Marrow, lb 06 Citron, lb 08 Cauliflower, ea 30' to .45 Leeks, 2 bunches 15 Parsnip .(unwashed) 3 lbs... .19 Turnips, lb U6 Mushrooms, lb 63 Beets, 6 lb 25 Lettuce (head), each 20 Celery, 2 lbs 30 Garlic, lb 49 Cabbage (new), lb 08 White Beans, 2 lbs .33 leaves the house without a breakfast. Here is a well-balanced menu for that early -morning mea;: are under-ripe they may require fruit, fruit juice, or tomato more sugar. I juice; hot cooked or ready- to- Ginger Bread (hot water) 'eat cereal with top milk; toast. Ingredients: two eggs; one cup muffins, or rolls; jam, marma- white sugar one-half cup shortening; one-half cup molasses; two cups flour; two teaspoons baking soda, one teaspoon gin lade, honey, or syrup; coffee or tea for adults and milk or cocoa for children. Bacon, eggs, sausages or fish may be added to the above .menu for a varlefy. ' 10' PLANNING MEALS A truly economical housewife will plan meals for at least two or three i days in advance. She will avoid monotony inher meals by varying the ways she cooks and 1 CU- 111 -II- J oei ves iuuu. one win aiiuw up-1 to-date cooking techniques fonwf good-tasting, attractive-looking meals. A jaunt in Uncle Ned's gas buggy of the Nineties was mule an adventure. And another big thrill of that time was the appearance on breakfast tables of that new cereal treat Grape-Nuts. I1, very time his horseless carriage ftalleil near a grocery store, Uncle rs'i-il t'uuldn't rp!t tl temptation lo get himself more of that malty-rich, nul-xwrrt flavor -just as folks today can't resist tliat name deliriously-different taste in POST'S GHAPK-IS'UTS FLAKKS as well as And Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes really set jou up for a good morning, with carbohjdralcs for energy; proteins for jnus. clc; phosphorus for tectl. and bones; iron for the Mood; and other food essentials. Treat your folks lo a big economy package of Post's Grape-Nut Flakes soon. uts Hakes A Product of Gnrot Foods SugaT White, lb 11 Golden Pellow, lb 11 Fresh -Milk Quart 19 Pint : 10 Cream, li-Wnt .... :5 Grade A: Large, cartoned, doz 64 Medium, doz 59 Fish Halibut, b 33 Salmon, lb 35 Cod lb 25 Black Cod, smoked, lb .38 Smoked Kippers, lb 22 Butter First Grade, lb 70 Milk Evaporated Milk, 16-oz. tins, 2 for 27 Flour Pastry Flour, 7 lbs Flour. 49's, No.l hard wheat Second Patent ' Flour Ms) 9 .57 2.99 2 35 1.39 Tea and Coffee DeLuxe Quality, lb 1.07 Coffee, lb 59 Juices Tomatoes, 20-oz 17 40 oz 33 gallon 59 Apples, 20 oz tin, 2 for 23 40 oz. M Orange, 20 oz. 19 j Blended (orange ami grape fruit ) 20 oz U mi Seasonable Ideas for Housek Afternoon tea is perhaps the most simple as well as a most pleasant mode of entertainment. A cup of tea, well made and accompanied by thinly sliced buttered bread and a cookie, is all that Is necessary for a delightful little party. As the holiday season draws near. It Is well to have the cookie tin filled, so one Is prepared to extend an invitation to the friends who drop in for a little chat when they are home for a week-end, or for the neighbor who brings her knitting over to check on the Intricacies of the pattern. It is nice, also, to be ready to call up several cronies in the morning and Invite them to bring their various bits of Christmas fancy work over to sew together and enjoy a little refreshment. Home Economists have some cookie recipes which may be called "party fare" as they are a bit richer and sweeter than those we have been having during the last few years. Meringues always makes a hit, and contrary to common belief, they are easy to make. The oven temperature is the important point. Long, slow baking to dry out the mixture, but not brown It, is essential. When making meringues there Is another cookie which uses egg yolks. The difference In tex-" ture and flavour of the two types makes them excellent Extra egg yolks, may be utl-: lized In custard or salad dress ing. Meringues 4 egg whites teaspoon salt 1 cup fruit sugar 'i teaspoon almond extract Beat egg whites with salt until stiff. Beat In sugar very gradually. Add flavouring. Drbp meringues on a lightly greased pan . with a teaspoon or pastry tube. Bake 30 minutes In a slow oven. 250 degrees F. Turn of heat and leave In oven until completely dry. Makes about p Iczen cakes. Thimble Cookies 1 c,up horjiening Vi cup Frown' sugar 2 egg yolks MAKE A DATE . . . To see our new selection of BLOUSES JEKSF,Y AND COKDUKOY Housecoats KEOENT SIKKN KNITTING WOOL Rose Marx Brassieres - Lingeries HUSH LINEN llAM)KKUCHIi:rS AND LUNCHEON Sins IDEAL GIFTS FOR THIS CHRISTMAS ROSE-ICC LadiWear mm YOUR BEST EATING PLACE FULL-COURSE MEALS 11 A.M. TO 8 P.M, (279) BROADWAY CAFE (FORMERLY BOSTON) Chinese Dishes a Specialty Banquet Hall for Luncheons, Dinners, Parties 608 THIRD AVENUE WEST Telephone 200 Phone Green 917 P. II. LINZEY 214 4th Street Prince Rupert Realty Co. Protect Your Horhe NOW Against Fire Losses Tomorrow May Be Too Late! 2 cups pastry flour OR 1 cups all purpose flour 2 teaspoons vanilla l' teaspoon salt Cream shortening and sugar thoroughly. Add egg yolks and beat well. Mix in flour, vanilla and salt. Form into balls, place on a greased cookie sheet and dent the top with a thimble Bake 5 minutes in a moderate oven, 250 degrees F. Then dent again. Bake 15 minutes longer. Put Jelly or Jam in the depression while still hot. Makes 3 dozen cookies. Date Roll Ups 1 Vi cups chopped dates 23 cup water 23 cup granulated sugarr Mi cup chopped nuts 23 cup butter 1'4 cups brown sugar 2 eggs 3 cups pastry flour OR 223 cups all purpose flour teaspoon salt V2 teaspoon soda Cook dates, sugar and water until thick about 10 mlnutess. Add nuts and cool. Cream butter. Add sugar and cream well together. Add beaten eggs and beat well. Add sifted dry ingredients. Chill thoroughly. Divide mixture into two partss. 1 " y ti r a b a 9 Q UlVfc. A MAIN eeper! "on seperately lnt0 t tangles about v4 lhlck J who date tming aJ "r jelly roIU j rolls. Chill cut T 7J 15 minutes , qsrce;i F for vuiuiu CUOKles RELIEVES MISERIES 0 BaiHi'sCbU '4 ft l: :w 1 1 renut V $imiJ '" tn IM I tutxi with 11. Ing mwticinil upon. I Warmtng.sootWnjrelW-J 'JYicksypoRubonth(thn chest and batk at bedtime. Penetrating-stimulating m keeps on working for hours. vites restful sleep. Andofta morning most misery of the ... Buiit. jMowonacr most mot! t n .... . Try It tonight- CKi home-proved VvaporI Gifts He Would Choose for Himself . . . HE'LL LIKE THESE Soch'S SPARKLING WITH THE RICHNESS OP FINE WOOL . . . MADE FOR AN OFFICE OR ACTIVE SPORTS WEAR. OUR WIDE RANGE OFTinr ARE A DELIGHT. ' ICi MORGANS MENS WEAI TAILORED IN THE CUSTOM MANX PRACTICAL GIFTS I ... are always ucceplubh W. 'iM IIIM !.....- I 1MI- 111 It I JHIIK. Pisho y - ... 1 unci mill . ? Carpenter Tools, Fishing Pressure Cookers. Electn Tackle, sportln. Goods. ro"s' S I'yrcx Hare. 5j P lOIt THE YOUNGSTKRS Ice Skates, Skis ami cquiii y ment, Sleighs, Roller Skates, Wagons, Bicycles " y niucue cars. y y .... V V V y y y y y y y v 5 "SHOP EARLY" M w I ''C'CCllgCtenHtcitH'4-'Clt'g'ClC't't''C'ftK''lt'''t'C'''t'C' j USE Buikley Valley COAL AND SAVE UK Get 25 More Heat From A Ton of O Your dealer can supply you RIIIKIFV .-.VAN FY rOLLIERlES i