r AlB CONUITIONINa ' fj) ;. v- aKO slave In :,vi place in India threw ' a ,, curtain of reeds hurry ti c?c"JnB ln a wal1 and Vis primitive type' of air- . i i i arvarPT mp pnn OptomeArist . -i - AT MANSONS Jewellers 522 Third Ave. Phone Green 324 for HABIT COUNTS Irregular teeth, which ruin the appearance, literally have) ineir roots may. be due teem, to such child habits as thumb-sucking or llp-bltln?. ran For the . . . Finest Selection You're headed in the right direction when pi follow old' St. Nick's sign post and Shop Early! Right now our stock is complete with wonderful, exciting gifts. Want to hear the boys and girls laugh and gurgle JrtEtsas morning? Then select your gifts from our big lc:'a of toys. There are wind-up ears for Hill ind llnh tjtnr nt nmw flnlli to -brill Jean and Dorothy. ut ie Jimmy will. like the bright coloring books, and :i i orother. Tom, will enjoy books from our Young ft' Llbrarv. Ihtre are crockery, aluminum and plas- notify1 ft w dishes for playing house . . . dames, Kfor all the kids. MMBSMVMV11 V -T 1 5H Third Ave. West Nione Red 400 LOVELY LADY PERFECT BEAUTY IS EVERY WOMAN'S DESIRE ... AND WHEN WE SET YOUR HAIR THAT DESIRE IS REALIZED. CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT. PHONE 055 Helen's Beauty Salon 20G Fourth Street - DE LUXE WALL TINT ftH Improved ICalsomlne Is an ideal finish for p aster and excellent for decorating Gyprock, Beaver Board Snlte, and all heavy wall board. Beautiful ar stic ',fMts with one or more tints. can be obtained by .dappling lIaJe In ten attractive colors. FIVE-POUND PACKAGE ? THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. HlONF. lot 2r'5 Thinl Ave KNOX HOTEL p A QUIET, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED - ROOMS REDECORATED SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietors: TOM PESUT - STEVE VKKLAKN AD iTfe'DAlLY tfEWS-UIRCULATION COUN1B " F. HEMMONS in childhood, andpAFC A WAV to to neglect neglect of of baby baby "JJLJ Mil HI Easy-going- -yes and good-looking too' I.eckie loafers put you on friendly terms with your fret to comfortable and to well built, liuy a pair, and months from now you'll appreciate their loiig-ueariiig qualities. QUALITY SHOES Veteran of First World War Lived Here 27 Year Fletcher Hemmons, a resident of Prince Rupert for the last 27 years and a veteran of the First World War, died ln Prince Ru- i Dert General HosDltal Bundnv j afternoon at the age' of 65 after jan illness of several weeks. I Born in Liverpool, England, I he served in the merchant mar-jlne prior to the First World ! War. He saw service in France iwith the Seventh Battalion, C.E.F., and returned to the sea for a short period after the war. He settled in Prince Rupert in 1 1820 following several occupations during the years. in the Second World War, he was employed as a watchman for the American Army He Is survived by his wife, seven sons, Fletcher, Qlen, Stanley, James, Ronald and Allan, at home, and Cecil in Vancou ver and two daughters. Ethel. at home, and Ellen. Mrs. A. P. Lucas, of Kansas City. Kansas. Funeral arrangements will be announced lafer. Is Fined $100 On Supplying Charge ! In city police court Saturday. Charles Anderson of Port Ed ward, was fined $100 plus $3.50 costs with an optional two months ln jail when he pleaded guilty to a charee of suDnlvine liquor to an Indian, Herbert Ridley, of Hartley Bay. Ridley received three months suspended sentence on a charge of being in possession of liquor. Gabriel Wlckman was fined $10 plus $3.50 costs or five days in Jail on a charge of intoxica tion. Santa's 'Sugsesiion SLIPPERS for the ENTIRE FAMILY j I'Oll JUNIOR I FOR MOTHER i -i FOR DAD II Fashion Footwear STONE HIiDfl. From This Pate WAR ASSETS COAL will be: LUMP Sacked - 512.00 per ton MINE RUN I,ose $11-00 per ton No rebate for quantity HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 FALL FLOWERS' ADD SEASONAL COLOR NOTE I mw?'&2 wx&rmm?s&xm2'gi. - " 9b , FALL FLOWERS ADD SEASONAL COLOR NOTE "Thank you, they're lovely, she says when you thoughtfully wire ahead floral adornment such as this. A bamboo vase contains a fall arrangement of contrasting mums, cat tails and bittersweet. A timely centrepiece for the late fall dinner Is shown at lower left. The low bowl displays bright Fugil mums, striped sansaverla leaves and sprigs pf wheat. Jack of All Trades C1...1. u: emu iu content to leave .V W the Li.v, list uov at uw .70, . " ; Highway Popular ' During Week-end Taking advantage of Sunday's delightful weather, hundreds !WET COUNTRY, Old I IS 1 ll uvm Juu . FORT ERIE (P George Bond, j Q J I H RU A I J alleri "Pnn" hv mnst. npnnle In u.vv. vf J f the Peace River Bridge area,! thinks there's nothing like steady work, but as he prepared to take i his 80th . Job he Indicated he likes a bit of variety too. His last job ticket taker at the women's bathing beach at Crystal Beach was the best, he thinks, but now he has gone to work at the chemical plant here. George has kept a record of every job he has done and they range from printer's devil, steel worker and railway man to i street car conductor. He was New Zealanders Boycott Beer In Protest At - Price Boost GREYMOUTH, N.Z. (H Driest place ln New Zealand recently has been Westland Province, in the South Island, where the rain-tall is about 200 inches a year, easily the heaviest in the coun-by. . .'Traditionally hearty drinkers, the West Coasters have been grimly observing a beer boycott as a protest against an increase i in orice of two cents a glass The r-v boycott J - was declared by the ItUMlCllb and spent the wlntr..at ea8WCrades I Council, con.tr oiling but uv when his friends told ------ him rade union body in the district r i he- could not run the count to and has been observed by most an even 83. he said he begged I unionists, inougn lempeis to differ. Now he's a pill mixer. 'become frayed as a result and there have been several clashes. One sawmill haa to close dowr. j for a time. A bushman felling J trees for the mill refused to ob-j serve the boycott and continued to buy his beer after work. En- ; vious members of his. gang stood for a while and then refused and went to Port Edward yes-'" to work with him It was ; sev-j terday. The highway, as far as before they could be Skeena, is reported to be in ex-'al days return to work to to persuaded tra good shape and further j nlnn if rnrnolm rwrniMh V rc w ,rauuB' satisfactory with some snow fall, but rather soft. There is considerable flush, around BOASTS FAMILY TREE HALIFAX 0i Harold A. Garrison has family records dating back to the earliest days of1 Halifax. Among them is the or-1 iglnal passport granting permls slon to his great-great-great-1 grandfather to leave France to, come to Nova Scotia. The docu- ment, now yellow with age, stiil i bears the official wax stamp, j EARLY APPEASEMENT The first theatres in Rome were organized to appease the gods. POWERFUL RESULT One hundred octane .gasoline Is net obtained from crude oil but is the result of a series of i'lltlllations and processes. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Awav From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 19J WHO ME? . YES, YOU That is what the lianas 01 Anarei Gromy'ko rleft, of Russia, and Herbert V. Evatt of Australia, seem to be saying. Actually the men were, for once, having an amicable conversation in which no vetoes or other bothersome things were even mentioned. It was at the cocktail party given by Dr. Eyatt and other Australian delegates for United Nations Colleagues at the Waldorf -Astoria ln New York Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "Here are a pair of shoes." 2. What Is the correct pro nunciation of "hoop"? 3. 'Which one of these words It misspelled? Mackerel, clien- tel. dishevel. 4. What does the word "pris tine" mean? 5. What is a word beginning with "be" that means "improve ment"? ANSWERS 1. Say. "Here is a pair of shoes." 2. Pronounce the "oo" as in "too," not as. in "hook." 3. Clientele. 4. Belonging to the earliest time; primitive; uncor-r rupted. (Pronounce last syllabi.? "teen"). "The foliage had a dustless pristine freshness." 5. Betterment. LAXH KKOISTRY ACT Re: CertifloaU ol Title No. 25304-1 to the North Half or the South-East Quarter and the South Half of the North-East Quarter of Lot One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty-five (1785), Queen Charlotte District, said to contain One Hundred and Sixty (iou) acres, more or less. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of lose of the above Certificate of Title Issued in -the name of Cesar Verhey- den has been filed in mis omce. notice is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof. Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title ln lieu of said lost Certificate. unless ln.the meantime vaua oDjee- tton be made to me in writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert. B.C. this 35th day of November. 1947, A D. Andrew Thompson, Deputy Registrar of Titles. (303) LAND BKOIMKY ACT r. rv.rifi.t nt Title No. 23082-1 to the North-West Quarter of Lot One Thousand seven Hunarea citw.fivA n7Rftt. Queen Charlotte District, said to contain One Hundred and sixty ioui nut " - . WHEREAS satisfactory proof of inc. nf ihn Ahr.vp Certificate of Title Issued In the name of Cesar Verhey- den has been rued in mis mi r,n,na i horpbv elven that I shall at the expiration of one month from k. ho t nf the first DUbllcatlon hereof. Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title ln lieu of said lost Certificate, unless ln the meantime valid objec tion be made to me in writing. T-vATirr at th Tjind Reirlstrv Office Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 25th day of November. 1947. AD. inHrav ThnmDson. 1 Deputy Registrar of Titles. (302) i i Announcing j CHOCOLATE FLAVOR" UA1UY DRINK Contalnlns less than 1 buttertat 4 CIHLDR" n I.IKE IT Order from your Wagon, Grocer or Dairy at popular prices. VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE G57 prince Guucrt Da(!p ficta Monday, December 1, 1947 Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. What is the proper way to a-sk for a person over the telephone' A, The proper manner is to say May I please speak to Helen and not "I want to speak to Helen," this being too curt And when the person re plies with, "Just a moment, please or. "I'll call her," don't forget, to add a "Thank you." Q. What are some of the thlnts to avoid doing when playing cards? A. Whistling, humming, tapping the fingers on the table, s'-Ruing about a play, losing your temper, and boasting about you own clever plays. Q. How soorr after leaving should a week-end guest write his 'bread and butter" letter? A. It must be mailed, if possible, within a day or two after h)r. departure. You saw it in the 0allv Newsl r QUALITY FIRST In These Style-Right COMMANDO CORD TOP COATS Latest, Smart Gabardine Shades SWEATERS By Regent Knit. Fainer Tony Day are big favorites. BAIMI RANGE IIICKOK BELTS, TIE BARS KEY CHAINS Make Ideal Christmas Gifts TOOKE AND CURRIE DISTINCTIVE TIES Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert Georce Joy. Prince George; A. Crocker, Vancouver; W. Dupont, Thompson, Vancouver; W. H. Vancouver; A. T. Whyte. Van couver; N. S. Lyons, Petersburg, Alaska; Charles Fazio. Vancouver; A. Kay, Vancouver; A. Awid. Edmonton; Miss E. Black, Van couver; R. A. Kene, Winnipeg; T. Connelly, Vancouver; H. G. Hartzell, Edmonton; Lieut. Commander K. Grant, Vancouver: Mr. and Mrs.. J. Paulls, Cedar- vale; G. B. Talt, Vancouver; R. B. Mallory, Port Clements; H. O Perry, Prince George; Miss I. Pratt, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. McCallum , West Vancouver: iW. A. Thorn, Vancouver; A. Mc-j Donald, Vancouver; E. Johnson, (Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Duncan, Ketchikan; . J- nems-worth, Victoria; R. W. Martin-sen, Vancouver; R. S. Vinblad, Queen Charlotte City; Mrs. W. Payea, Hazelton; Mr. and Mr A. Pyper, Port Clements; W. J Hootz, Prince George. ACME CLOTHING STORE 633 Third Avenue West DON'T WAIT! SIS Be smart and let us put antifreeze in your car NOW! Any day now . . . the temperature will drop a way below freezing. Drive in now and we'll completely winterize and tune-up your car for safe, smooth driving all winter. Let us inspect your car today! "Home of Friendly Service' Phone 83 Boh Parker Ltd. Tiles, F P.O. Box 38 Masonite, Flexboard, Lusterlite Prince Rupert To Avoid Inconvenience ... We strongly recommend that our customers fill their coal bins as soon as possible, or at least .order well in advance as there will be, unquestionably, a shortage of supply this win ter. "CALL US OVER THE COALS it is going to be a burning question." FOOTHILLS LUMP EGG TELKWA LUMP Srtt'Mir i-.. i NUT SAVE MONEY! Send Your Orders to Prince Rupert Roofing Mail Order House PHONE .ro PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED Call 651 or 652 Coal Lumber Paints Building Supplies elts, Roll Roofing Papers, Shlngles. -Wallboards, ASBESTOS PRODUCTS OF ALL KINDS: Mats, Sheets. Pipe Covering, Brick, Packing, Brake Lining INSUL BRIC SIDING AND DONNACONA SPECIAL! New shipments of INSUL BRIC SIDING AND DONNACONA PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. 208 Fourth Street INCOME TAX Returns Prepared Bee R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) Phone Blue 389 hicks FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 714 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 W.C Pi" i 1