CAN 17 7 7 " ...... iTff PV I jy ANN'1' "0"uu jc w t k pertain that j (res" veast that has jtjke should not be ; (, 011 it Oood vf"' creamy ,n -f biip tun uc iuo A 9o cao ittractlveiv moliin" t serve spinach TENDERS Into an ob- ape, placing on a platter jrrangin:! sliced ,. dairy of-als- white of around it. ... thrniiffh Singer Sewing treadle, two occft- i Cresting table, cof- n.. leaves, all in t T Ann d vim unvj S (280) ULE -One 2-room fur-i c . Prudhomme r r .skiff with ... vear. One 3 8c Arwater 'outboard !!, r.ndcl All for f' Bhck 285 between it .a.. all -Ner; an Used Fur- 8 p!c: L.'t new dishes, w . t'ups ana sauc- 2t Rfn tloo, OCa Mom, '1M,4 n ii . . u . . . V 1. 1 v f. V M a . . . . . . , swci tapes vac, tai- s Squares from $2.25, Used Kitchen 1 Men's Suits and ... vuai. biv.c i. ijoiicy. t ITK V . ... ... .new ana usea tirai- Mattresses to clear tome and look them over, furniture Co. Black 324.. WLE -A room house on :t nni.i r - i . umy a years nin px- 41 U..- - - Muz i or casn seven- -uac wim run basement 1 Avenue near McBrlde: it ran A .1 loom nniiso nn nnp Classed in front, nnrrh t Ll . . . " i-uuioing and wiring. Ex- - w, in Section 2. Ap- m It McCaffery Ltd. (2801 ho U co-operative As-.4a for purchase of the WHIT trnolr. .- cwng date Nov. 15, i tons 1 ( w n y( 1947 Mndpl pH onths, condition as new. Wlin 9 cnnarl ronr reinforced frame, pkit- ( 10"t17' C' W n,...i . . .... watelv u t V ton U.Jn lit j , D1''"'C-lJUUjr ''uu, completely over- !st class condition, "Hies. tv,i j UiTTlP t ll'n tnnid rMf Datf ."- . . v. ,"""" o 6"xio' witn only. tender. iu. !rPratIve Association, pertFI shermen's -HIP MCPM . . 1 I. . . A . . tJm Ce Rimprt n n ur o.m & i & un, i.innRr nrii. .i . " uvLruLi nun s'iner of the above (tf) strainer and piled up to make daisy centres. , Q. How can I make' a home remedy for a sick headache? .A. Try drinking the Juice of half a lemon In a cup of black coffee, without sugar or milk. Q. How can I remove Indelible pencil stains from fabric? A. Soak the fabric in denatured alcohol and then launder. Train Schedule For the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday's p.m. From the Fast Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p.m. . Classified Advertising r - ... J ... mi word Dcr insertion, minimum rhnm Kn T'cuit of Thanks. Death Notions Hinral Notice. Marrlape ar.d tugagemmt Announmpnts: 2. Pa:-'d away at miner ornerai uos- fiovember 28, Charles iStsve:; m nis eigniy i year Survived by two jS!;x Vancouver, and . Dri-a Hiinpn runerai r.: December 2, pjn Orrnville Court . ,r I i-1 ... i U' unuctiaacw. FOK sale (2801 -Cabin cruiser speed . ; er.-;r.; Apply Marine SALE Six rooms with sua av r. zsw casn. i urc Prince Rupert ,r iri -Xlt i room house. 1431 Arenue Oreen 296. (281) comfortable 80C Fraer (290) ' aLS -C.r.'.vrt-j lounge !nU li't PLone Green 990. (281) FOR RENT-flat with Phone 422. FOK RENT FOR RENT -One three room apartment unfurnished. Phone Red 441. -4 room furnished bath and toilet. (281) WA.VrL'I) WANTED TO RENT Three or foui room furnished apart ment by reliable party. Phone Dally News. tf a player with WANTED TO RENT Small fur- . c. Rci 107 mf, hi -.! iour room i i.. Ave near ho-p tf ur.ic Prince Ru nt) nished apartment Phone Blue 240. or WORK WANTED house. (284 WORK WANTED By young man, will consider anything. Phone Red 728 after 5 p.m.. (tf) BABY Sitters, any evening. Apply 1543 2nd Overlook or call Red 962. (282) WORK WANTED- Woman will I look after children evenings. Phone Red 495. (281) MIDDLE-aged woman will look after children evenings. Phone Oreen 588. , (tf) ROOM AND HOARD ROOM AND BOARD S40 each double; $45 single: Home away from home. Tabl. meals. Mrs Lawley. 622 Fraf Street, (tf) PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Offers a permanent release from drinking. It is a confldetlal service rendered without cost, by others who have found freedom from alcohol. Box 276 Daily News. (tf) Close our divorce courts and we close all other houses of ill-fame. Independent Progressive, Box 288 Daily News (it) FOUND FOUND-On 12:30 "bus" child's double-barrelled gfln. Owner call at the Dally News and pay for the advertisement. (tf Open for engagements for house-parties and etc. George Ellott and his accordian. Evenings Royal Hotel, Room 40. (282) A SANDED FLOOR makes a new room! Dark and stained . floors can be made as good as new by sanding, a quick, efficient Job with modern equipment. Greer and Brid-den have the latest in floor sanders and guarantee the best service. Phone Red 561. (tf) .METAL WORK eavestrouching and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) TELL Your Troubles to Thorn Sheet Metal, Furnaces, Smokestacks, Air Conditioning Units. Black 884, 253 East First Avenue. iti) MACHINERY FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. () LAND REGISTRY ACT He: mtlNrutr '( Title No. Il.ifi0-I tn Lot fourteen (11), llwk Twenty-elRlit (2). Section S x (fi), City of rrlme Kiiiert, Map WHEREAS satisfactory P0' f above Certificate of Title loss of the Issued In the name of Benjamin a. hlce haa been filed in this office, i. h.rrhv elvcn that t shall. of one month from M the expiration lie date of the first PuMtfcm hereof. Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title in lieu of sa d lost C tlllcate. unless in uw -ob ectlon be made to me In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Of-flee r?lnce Rupert, B.C. this 24th day of NovenrBEm7A.D.psoN Deputy Registrar of Titles (301) WHAT'S NEW IN TODAY'S MODERN BATHROOMS - Color scheme of this new bathroom is green and white light green walls, dark green floor and white curtains to match the tub. New, too, are the glass shelves for towels and cosmetics, the seagulls stencilled on the wall and the extra-large recess behind the tub for soap, sponge and washcloth. Gingham check is the pattern of the new plastic shower and matching window curtains. Plastic fabric by Ihe yard is used to make the skirt of the dressing table with ruffled edging top and bottom also a ruffled 0. C. Football English League First Div. Aston Villa 2, Buinley 2 Blackburn Rovers 1, Middlesbrough 7 Blackpool 3, Charlton Athletic 1 Chelsea 0, Manchester United 4 Derby County 1, Arsenal 0 I Everton 2, Preston North End 1 Grimsby Town 0, Bolton Wanderers 2 Huddersfield Town 2, Sheffield United 1 Manchester City 2, Liverpool 0 Sunderland 4, Portsmouth I Wolverhampton Wanderers 1, Stoke City 2 . ' Srcond Division Bradford 3, West Bromwich Albion 1 Bury 2, Brentrord 2, Cardiff City 2, Birmingham City 0 Chesterfield 3. LeHi United Argyle 0 ' ' Mill wall 1, Fulham 2 Nottingham Forest 1, Barns-ley 1 Sheffield Wednesday 1, Newcastle United 0 Southampton 3, Luton Town 1 Totenham Hotspur 2, Coven try City 1 West Ham United 1, Leicester City 1 Scottish League "A" Diy. Airdrieonlans 1, Hearts 1 Celtic 3, Motherwell 1 Dundee 5, Third Lanark 2 Hibernian 5, St. Mlrren 0 Morton 0, Aberdeen 1 Patrick Thistle 0, Falkirk 2 Queen's Park 1, Rangers 4 Queen of the South 3, Clyde 0 MARKETING DISCUSSED Deep Sea Fishermen's Union to Draw un Program of Halibut Curtailment Measures To prepare a program of re commendations for curtailment vf h-ilihiit nrnductlon In the lr.- PLUMBING Installations and(teresU of consemtlon, the 10-repalrs. SHEET METAL (al Deep Sea Fishermen's Union wukk. rurnaces, has set up a committee consist ing of George Anderson, i.. Greenstrand, H. KnuUson, w. Lund and Olof Skog. The recommendations are to be ready for meetings of the International Fisheries Commission to be held In the near future for the purpose of considering possible omendments to the treaty governing halibut fishing during the coming 1948 season. Business at the meeting of the local Union, where this important matter was considered, was otherwise of a routine nature. Rvnps. nresldent of' the Union, was in the chair. Reduced Rates For Correspondence OTTAWA Arrangements have been made to obtain correspon ripnre schools courses at a re due'ed rate for servicemen. The nuroose of offering the courses is twofold. Troops may wish to follow some line of study to fit them for a civilian occupation on going to pension or being re looser! from the service. Sec nndlv. many of the courses of study offer training in trades used In the army. SKI CABIN BROKEN INTO Oldfiehl Reported Oldfieln Reported Vanr.als, who are oelieved to have entered the ski cabin belonging to Alex Mitchell at the top of Mount Oldlield about a with a quantity of ski clothing, and other articles. Mr. Mitchell discovered the Incident on Sunday. Damage Included the smashing of two -w indows, one of whicn was knocked out entirely, the breaking of the lock on the door and the chopping of the table and kitchen cupboards. . A pair of skates, considerable ski clothing and ski poles were stolen. Wet clothing was strewn 'around the floor. ; Mr. Mitchell believes that the ) sUs mebest edging of plastic fabric around the mirror. Three walls of this bathroom, are In a medium blue -the wall behind the tub and the celling are In a delicate pink. Illustrated Is one of the1 new plastic shower curtains, with matching .window curtains. The silk-screen pattern illustrated is "Sea Scape" with pink background, enlivened by gay tropical fish and graceful marine plants. Housewives admire these new plastic, curtains because they are so quickly cleaned' with a damp cloth, never need ironing, never rot or mildew. Dude Ranch On Telegraph Trail With the' general Idea of catering to big game hunters, at tracting tourists ana graauany The toughest job at Friday aeveioping a dude ranch, W. A 1 nights amateur night was held unuin nas sola his property on by R. G. Moore, custodian of the tne luspiox mver located on the bell. The gong wasn't intended old telegraph trail. There are tc indicate the contestants lack 157 acres. The place was orig- of ability, it was used merely inally staked Charles Barrett to save time. Judges W. D. week aeo. damaeed the build-1"""' by uf T"U Mrs. F. S. Leary from the Carl boo country. at Civic Centre damage was done a weago,"0".. Educational Class, S; rHn ho urao nn inrrt urenlrn an.v 2ToO AtUlUnCla andr found the cabin in good shape. Part of the missing clothing has been returned by a youth who said that' he had taken Jhem after he had fallen through .the Ire while skating. The cabin had already been broken Into at that time, he said. This Is the second time that TUESDAY Sports A.M. 9:00 Booth School Educational Class. ,M. OO-wBooth School Class. Physical -4:00 Juvenile Basketball Practice. 6:30 Basketball league games Gyro vs. 65 Taxi Sweet 16 vs. People's Merchants vs. Fashion Brownwoods vs. Co-op. 8:00 Run-Ree Men's flvm the Mitchell ski cabin has beenand Apparatus Class, damaged by vandals within two , years and Mr. Mitchell says he is (retting a bit tired of it. ! "If the remaining articles of gear are not returned in short ; nniMPT mmmT order, I am going to turn theiPtlNl T Kllr'rKl flV 1,1 UL "rL5 matter over to the authorities" Mr. Mitchell said. Customs Revenue Shows Increase : Customs receipts ac the port of Prince Rupert during November were $33,193.79, bringing the total for the 11-month period this year to $371,544.85. Receipts during November last year were $24,281, and the total for the flrst 'll months of 1946 was $267,460. IMPRESSED WITH Impressed with the appearance and prospects of Prince Rupert Is Robert Kane, superintendent of passenger service, Canadian Pacific Airlines, Winnipeg,, who was a week-end visitor In the city, making his first official visit here. "It is a delightful city." he said "and I would really like to live here." Mr. Kane arrived in the city on Saturday afternoon's flight from Vancouver and left today on his return there. i ECHOES .OF KIN AMATEUR NIGHT i a ana ea i-narieston years gao. Smith. L. Felsenthal and G. A. IIJ5 auu iumuuic 1UU iliauc UllU no,,, . .. . .. . . . ..v. uwucxa aic mi. i"iu nunter aiant have a snap either with oyer 50 contestants offer ing a variety of talent that ranged from classical music to comical recitations. Andy Mc-! Naughton, who accompanied 'many of the young entertainers ion the piano, had a busy night as did R. E. Montador, acting as master of ceremonies. To the large crowd that packed the Civic Centre Auditorium the night was a long parade of iwai uncut, mey were given a chance to see what the young ! J Physical people of Prince Rupert could f '. ; co on the stace as well as hav- , Hon i School I Ins the ODDortunitv tn hpar t.h. i PhysicalEducational Class. i Borden Street School choir, the' 3:30 Rup-Rec Junior Boys ! Annunciation School choir, the King Edward School girl sing- 1 1 ers, the Prince Rupert Civic J band and Jimmy Reil on his ac- cordian. j X It ROYAL RIVERS I Five rivers in Virginia were named after Queen Anne of England. iSmv Arailnlilo! 1 LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL Both are becoming, madam . . i lut one lias a fersonal touch that licst enhances your individual cliann. It's that way with life insuranc e, too. For litsl results, you need a saving and-proleclion plan that is tailored to j our personal needs. Your friendly Crown Life counsellor is especially trained to help you draft a KTsonalized program for achieving security. Consult him today, with confidence. Crown Life ISTAIIISHID 1900 Insurance Company .Tore.?"",, O. HAVROY, General Agent, Prince Rupert J. J. Kenny, ,C.L.U., Provincial Superintendent Provincial Office; Rogers Building, Vancouver 71 Prfnrc Rupert Dallp jHJctos Monday, December 1, 1947 FUNERAL OF MRS. GREIG TERRACE Funeral services were conducted on Saturday in St. Mathew's Anglican Church by Rev. Roland Hills for the late Mrs. Mary Greig whose sudden passing has been keenly felt by her many friends and relatives In the district. The aisle and chancel were banked with beautiful wreathes and flowers and the church was filled with those who came to pay their last respects to the deceased. The hymns "O God Our Help in Ages Past" and "Breathe on mo Breath of God" were sung with M-s. C J. Norrington as orsan l?t. Interment took place in the Kalum ' Cemetery. Pallbearers were Messrs. O. T. Sundal, Geo. Dover, Billy Donald. Elwood Brooks, Dudley Little and Peter Van Stolk. Principal mourners were members of her family. grandchildren, relatives ajul very close family friends. 1 ' OPEN AAI. TO 2 AM. J IP-FULLNESS and longer skirts are keynotes in the new dress styles. Cloth coats arc treated with full swing barks for graceful lines . . . Furs are more lavish, more luxurious than ever. Sweet Sixteen has all these styles, so visit us, and you too can be trim, smart and glamorous for the Christmas season. ARMY BUYS MORE BONDS -3 VANCOUVER-The sale of Canada Savings BoVifys ti!$slnow been ended and'lht total -kale? in the Canadian Army ActlVe Force Including' civilian' Force personnel empldy'ed 1jy the armj amounted to scai.u&o wnich almost double last year's totaj. Try a Daily Ny.'s piaslfird, Ad Tesrace TERRACE LITTLE, HAUGLAND & KERR LTD. Lumber Manufacturers Rough and Dressed Lumber T E It RACE if Logs, Poles and Piling Agents For International Harvester Co. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. I'hilco Radios Willard Batteries TRY HI Rex Cafe FOR TASTY MEALS Chop Suey Chow Mcin CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY SECOND AVENUE, OFPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT MOTEL crcr Our BUDGET PLAN No Interest No Carrying Charges, will assist one and all to become a part of the-new--Fashion World. - ,. i CHRISTMAS G1FT Suggestions i ! Elizabeth Ardcn Evening In Paris Adricnnc Max Factor Yard ley Pcjruy Sajjc ( utex Tangcc j ; Bachelor WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION OF OUR.-.LARGE ASSORTMENT CF GIFT SETS. Wc will hold any article till Christmas. No deposit required rmes Drugs THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS ASK ABOUT, CREDIT TERMS WE PUT NEW LIFE IN OLD FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS New Upholstery Materials Truck and Auto Cushions Repaired and Recovered 330 Second Avenue (Next to CFPR) BLUE HiH LOVIN'S Prompt Attention to Outside Orders i Transfer&Taxii Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS ; SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) . P.O. Box 1C7 , Terrace' I -i i 4 3