Bern t 3 lany To Be Merged France Makes Suggestion Should Foreign Ministers Fail To Agree i.VDi'N ( Pi Foreign Minister Georges Hi t a"(!c said today that, if the London con e oj . ih';n ministers fails to agree on the! t.'1 u i i ! , ic Qanj , Luc riuicu wiw may oe merged i . ' and United States zones to establish v) i rt( rn Germany. SE-LEND AND S FISHERIES Id Stales Helping Soviet in North IUublished it Industry Russia, ac-S'utcs auth-x endive deep in the North - Sea area, tuning vessels, ,;u -le.ise at a wciity million jbmitted to Secretary Of . m the nuc-. i.t modern filing fleets further rear northeast ; t. appears to arc under KATCHEWAN W OATS KING i.'Tl Rnbblns.of Run. was de-cliampion at aitural Winter I, LESS I IN NOVEMBER: l'h!j Kf,tort of Dominion' wloisi issued j cad less rainfalll in? than Novem-j cionthly weather v. '.'IDs morning by U: ". orologlcal Stair re have been bright sunshine rainfall for the - j this year than c -lod last year. 9 hours of bright c.onlh, as com- ' nours In Novem-ir the llrinonth - there ahead) uswhlnc than, or : !016. Total hQurs, " !r rnd of Novem-v. ti'Teas the total ": last year were (948, there were nd the total for th period was 86.71 Ra (cil on 21 days last ::i Ripcrature during 1 ' s 3 degrees on p title the mlnl-20 dr i ocs on Novem- Av - temperature f. wings showed a 1 .',(131 tnr-hive nil 23 una a low of 29.28 m v uid for the month , . un hour from the November 15. Ff DESTROYER rARLY FINISHED JArWA Canada's latest - m Jtroyer Atnaoas- ( f-w I, nearlng completion "iiX m.. .. . I. " ""Kvas, Her coni- riur,, De Lieut-Command Sinclair Dayis R.C.N, of Ontario. Iln sprved JlOtli K- , l''4th wal' Demg cnp" t "tt to; ate Royal Mount, nut i Bideault, who is going to Paris tonight for conferences with ' French government leaden. ' stated this position at .a meet- j lng vHth French reporters short-! ly before the foreign minister., ) council opened its second week of sessions at Lancaster House. Meanwhile it is authoritative ly reported that Russia today ir npTinri turned down a French proposal j ILI UKtl for the settling of the issue of j German aeU in Austria which) OTTAWA The vital role of the ha hn t.hp rhirf harrier Canadian weekly newspaper In peace treaty here. Palestine In Ferment Arab, Aroused by V.S. Partition i-tcwa aerious Trouble Urewing? JERUSALEM, Week-end violence, aroused by the United Nations decision to partition Palestine, has resulted in the- deaths vt eight Jews and threat of more trouble tomorrow during a large demonstration .planned to start a three-day Arab general strike. General Sir Alan Cunningham, Kritish High Commissioner, and Hussein Khalidi, secretary of the Arab high committee, which has called for the country-wide strike, conferred on the explosive situation. A communique said that Khalidi had been advised that Itritish army and civil officials proposed to maintain law and order until tbc withdrawal was complete. Sir Alan warned the Arab committee against any action "contrary to policy." Arab sources said that a demonstration would be held at the start o;. the three-day strike tomorrow inside the old city of Jerusalem and "there may be trouble." THE WEATHER A storm centre which Is moving eastward over the Gulf of Al aska will bring rain to the north nr.nt tnHav and snow to the rainfall totalled i northern Interior tonight. Varl- inglng the total able' cloudiness is expected over :ath period to 88.05 the remainder of the province fnriav and Tuesday. Temperatures throughout the province are expected to continue near normal. Forecast Prince Rupert, Queen Charlottes and North Coast-Overcast today. Rain in afternoon and tonight, Tuesaay with showers. Wind southerly. Increasing to south-, 15 m.p.h Hv 25 this afternoon. Light to- night and Tuesday Little change and highs Tuesday: Massett ij and 47. Prince Rupert 35 and 4o. Southern Section-Cloudy today. Overcast with occasional light rain Tuesday. Wind light. Little change in temperature. Lows tonight and high Tuesday: Port Hardy 40 and 45. TEAR GAS USEFUL Chloropicrin. the tear gas of the First World War has been found a good preventive of eel-worm damage to several crops. t. t peed of 19 miles an phasize how cltally the paper and staff enter Into community life and activities, how thev erve the area covered, and how the activities in that area affect the paper and Its contents and services. . PACIFIC COAST SALMON PACK Pacific Coast canned sajnion pack up to the week ending November 22 was 1,498,096 cases according to the latest bulletin Issued by the Chief Supervisor of Fisheries, Vancouver. The pack exceeds 1948 production for the same period by 153,788 cases. Tills year's pack, by varieties, is as follows: Sockcye, 288,281. Springs,. 9.943. Steelheads, 3,234. Bluebacks, 4,545. Coho. 140,433. Pinks, 599,223. Chums, 454,434. RECORD MAIL i FOR BRITAIN I MONTREAL- -All mall carry ling records were shattered last week when the Cunarct unc ias rr.MTihi.rr Asia sailed from Montreal for Liverpool with mail bags occupying 115,000 cubic feet of space, one quarter of the entire cargo accommodation. The new 9,500 ton freighter Is expected to make the voyage from Montreal to Liverpool- In less than seven days. The previous record was held by the Aquil-anla which left Halifax with 77,- 000 cubic feet lanen up uy ma... FROM ENGLAND TO THIS CITY Cousin of Local Man and Family to Settle Here wmiam Rothwell of Sher in ieniprivuit. - - - . hls cous n. w. U. KOinwen living in England, that he plans n wvlns for Prince Rupert soon, accompanied by his wife u recently sold nis grocery business. They plan on leaving about December 12 and will fly the Atlantic. They snouio. oe here before Christmas. They will make' their home In the city. Another cousin, Peter Rothwell has also left England but travelling south, Instead of west. He joined a motor caravan, making a total of about a couple of dozen people, to travel through SPEEDY FOR 8 5 ; V' hVontinent right The first eiecinc " tn JohaneSburg or iipetown NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRIT18H COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ' ! . PICTURE WITH A GREAT DEAL OF HISTORY WRAPPED UP IN IT The buildings are original quarters of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police at Maple Creek, Sask., now used as a clubhouse for the town's golfers. History of the buildings dates back to the eighties, soon after the force made its famous march Into the prairie country. Just south of Maple ! NEWSPAPER the completion of the Austrian the llfe of tne community and the nation will wm soon mjuii get gcu recog- ictus SANTA CLAUS MEN BURNED Pre-Yuletide Tragedy Today In Homeless Dormitory In Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA CPi Six men, some employed as street corner Santa Clouses, are known dead injured following a fire which swept through a dormitory of homeless men. The flames whipped through the four-storey building early today and some of the victims were killed .or injured In leaping from second and third storey rooms. Others were treated for burns and smoke Inhalation. BULLETINS PARTITION FAVORED NEW YORK The United Nations, in what was probably its most fateful vote since its birth, decided that the tumultous Palestine problem can best be solved oy partitioning the Holy Land into indepen dent Jewish and Arab states. Canada voted for the partition as the best choice of alternatives. FRENCH STRIKES STKEAD PARIS Paris subways were closed down today as strikes spread throughout the Republic. Tower and gas plant workers arc now on strike. The National Assembly tonight authorized calling up of 80,000 troops. WORLD WHEAT KING CHICAGO S. J. Allsop of Red Deer, Alberta, on Sunday was adjudged "Wheat King" of North America at the forty-eighth International Livestock Exposition. Mrs. Amy Kelsey of Erickson, B.C., 1940 wheat champion and only woman to be crowned "Wheat Queen," was defeated by Allsop in the class competition. She took second prize in hard red spring wheat judging. CANADIAN'S ARE SAFE 1JERLIN Safe return to Berlin of two Canadians, reported to have been captured November 12 by the Russians in Soviet East Prussia and detained for some time thereafter, was announced Saturday by the Canadian military mission in Berlin. Creek; in the Cypress Hills, Is Fort Walsh, one of the first I headquarters of the force and scene pf a massacre famous In western history. Fort, Walsh for years lay burled In the hills, hut it has beeri rebuilt and today is operated by the force as a ranch for raising horses. Seven Persons Killed as Alaska Plane Crashes on Seattle Field SEATTLE (CP) Seven persons were killed and ten others critically injured when a four-engined Alaska Airlines transport overshot the runway yes- , . , , fl. r, m .... ..: l v.J :4. Inltion on the motion picture ' let'Uay at me oeattie-iaconui airport, muumiuu hhu screen. The production will ap- a passing automobile and ended up in tne orusn on pear in a numoer oi ioreign languages and may go to as many as 70 countries other than Canada and the United States. The principal aim is to em the other side of a road. Twenty-six of 28 persons aboard the plane scrambled from the door and emergency Monk, who was credited with having .led many of the pas- lers 6T the piahd's pas sengers and crow are In a critical condition and several are not expected ito, live. Pilot of the plane blamed the i crash on failure of hydraulic brakes to "take the slightest hold." Pilot -Captain James E. Farris, , aged 37, of Seattle told the Seattle Times that the DC-4 landed at speed of approximate- j ly 100 miles per hour and "rolled like it was oft a bed of, ball- j bearings" until It leaped the 60-1 foot embankment at the of the runway. An attemptJiad been made to land at Boeing Field but this was prevented by heavy fog. INDIANS ARE WITHDRAWING ! JAMMU, Kasnmir, India, P) I After evacuating all civilians, from KoKtll, south Kashmir Indian troops today withdrew town near Pakistan-Kashmir border. They had relieved a hard-pressed Indian garrison which was under siege by raid ing Pathan-Moslem tribesmen for 32 days. The Indian forces have fallen back to Jhangar, shortening ex tended supply' lines by 30 miles."j Yesterday 30 tribesmen were killed and '50 wounded in a four-hour battle between 400 raiders and an Indian Army patrol 30 miles, north west of here. SCULPTOR SCUPTED MONTREAL ttiA. plaster busi of noted Canadian sculptor Emmanuel Hahn by a Hamilton ar tist, Mrs. E. B. Holbrook, has been, shown here at the Royal Canadian Academy. Mrs. Holbrook will spend next summer at the University of Syracuse studying under Ivan Mestrovic, famous Yugoslav sculptor. WOLF HUNTER HIRED TULLIBY, Alta. fl Fanners and stockmen of this district 142 miles northeast of Edmonton have engaged a hunter to destroy Prairie wolves which have been plaguing their stock. Each farmer and rancher pays 15 cents a head ot stock Into the fund. "OIL BURNER" The coyote hunter Is paid a A destroyer burns about 3,000 bounty of $25 for each animal gallons of ol n "hour destroyed, TEN-DAY ALASKA SERVICE PLANNED This Will be Schedule of New Steamer Prince George JUNEAU Announcement was made during a visit here by W11-. 11am Crulckshank of Prince Ru pert, general agent, passenger department, for the Canadian National Steamships, that the steamer Prince George will make 10 day tourist cruises from Van exits or were pulled from the C0Uver to Skagway. The steam- flames oy rescuers, au were, snlp wiU nave a five-hour stop- however, seared by Hames that over n juneau enroute. north flashed through the fuselage. an(j a three-hour stop-over . Five of the rescued died later, southbound. The first trip to today,, several others are iriiss-lsengersj to safety lng' arid more than' thirty arTeiflJthe The latest casualty was the Alaska has been scheduled for plane's stewardess. Miss Reba the end of June. The new, Prince George, which was launched In Victoria last September, is completely modern: yitri'accomraodatiSil for 30P passengers and ample space for carrying automobiles, Big Break at Okalla Seven of Fourteen "Trusted" Prisoners Who Made Getaway Recaptured VANCOUVER 0) Squads of police today, forming a huge dragnet over the lower British Columbia mainland, attempted ot cut off all means of escape for a gang of fugitives who Saturday night engineered one of the biggest jail-breaks in Canadian penal history. Of 14 men and youths ranging In ajge from 15 to 30 years who made the break from Okalla Prison Farm, nine miles from here, by sawing the bars of a west wing window and fleeing under cover of heavy fog, seven were today back in custody. Three of the Jail-breakers- Frank Cross and Tom AIcKellar, both 17, of Vancouver and Don aid Goudie, 15r. of Sooke, were recaptured. five hours after their break-out. Their only upper garments their prison shirts, the chilled trio said they were "happy" to be taken back. Four other escapees Donald Walker; 18; Edward Jones, 19; Robert pickle, 16, and Edwin Tacommy, 15, were recaptured later. The break was discovered at 7 p.m. Saturday just before the day's final roll call. The prisoners, a "star" group, had been segregated from more hardened criminals In the hope of "making, good citizens" of them and their cells were not locked, enabling them to get to the end of the tier and saw away the' window bars. TROLLING TO BE EXTENDED VANCOUVER The federal Department of Fisheries today announced that trolling for sal mon has been extended lndef lnttely after November 30. Spe clal regulations authorize the permission through the season Other types of salmon fishing ended 'ast week CIGARETTE PRICES UP 9 iTYYTTTTVi 'TTTTTTTTTTTT TTTT B rr A VI 1 vi Phone a ! r iTTCTSTAR Black & White Cabs Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVI, No. 230. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1947 " PRICE FIVE CENTO kAAAAAAAVi AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ouncil Plr About Face On B us D ea stern Occupied Zones Aldermen Calling For Rescission; Will Meet In' Extraordinary Session City council may make an about-face on the bus franchise issue which has been much in the limelight of late. A special meeting of the council has been called for tomorrow night to consider a resolution, moved by Aid. C. G, Ham, seconded by Aid. Arthur' Brooksbank and assented Are Increased from 33c to 35c for Package of Twenty MONTREAL, O) Imperial Tobacco Co. of Canada announced today that the price of cigarettes will be Increased by two cents for each package of 20. Announcement by Earl Spaf- ford, president of the company, said the basic price In future will be 35c a package Instead of 33c. Cigarettes are still selling at the old price and company sales' men said they believed the low er figure would be retained on old stock. There was no Immediate an- nouncement by other tobacco companies but It is believed here that they will follow the Im perial Tobacco Co.'s lead. o by Aid. T.:B. Black and Aid. A. S. jNlckerson, that5 the council's previous action In the matter be rescinded and that a referendum be taken on two points-r-whether a franchise should be granted and, if so. whether it be, granted to Messrs. Smith and Murray as previously proposed. A notice has appeared at the City Hall reading as follows: "We the undersigned are opposed to the passage of the bus franchise bylaw in Its present form for the following reasons: "1. The agreement contained therein Is In effect different from that previously submitted to the council. "2. We believe that the council has been misinformed and misunderstood the question to be decided by the plebiscite, the ! issue thisreby being confused. Two separate and distinct answers are required to the questions, (a) Shall the city grant a franchise? (b) Shall the franchise be granted to Messrs Mur ray and Smith. TODAY' STOCKS' "3- A petition properly drawn BraIbrne B. R. Con -043S B. R. X 10 Cariboo Quartz 2.85 Dentonla 20 Grull Wlhksne -07 Hedley Mascot 1.0! Minto - 02t'2 Pend Oreille .2.15 Pioneer 4.00 Premier Border 05 Privateer .33 Reeves MacDonald 1.00 Reno 14 " Salmon Gold 23 Sheep Creek 1.12 Taylor Bridge - -50 Taku River 73 Vananda 22 Congress -03V4 Hedley Amalgt -03 Sllbak Premier Oils C & E - 2.50 Home .'- a--4.40 .Toronto , Athona H Aumaque 2' Beattie 2 Bevcourt - .......i., 50 Bobjo - 15 , Buffalo Can ...... -1634 Con. Smelters .:,.-94.00 Conwest M0 Donalda I-60, Eldona - - 1-1& Elder -79 Giant Y'Knlfe 6-35 God's Lake 05 Hardrock 35 Harricana 08 Hava - 28 Hosco -51 Jacknlfe 07 Jollet Quebec - -45 Lake Rowan - 1" Lapaska 1' Little Long Lac I-63 Lynx 1 Madsen 330 McKenzie Red Lake 59 . MacLeod Cockshutt 1.65 Moneta - -4J Negus 2-1 Noranda 48.23 Louvlcourt 1-53 Pickle Crow - 2.55 Regcourt I2 San Antonio -- 4.50 Senator Rouyn 65 Sherrit Oordon 3.05 tSeep Rock 2-25 Sturgeon River 2i DUAL PURPOSE Plumbing is the science of getting water where and how It Is wanted and then getting it away again. up and presented to the cU on November 24 cannot be Vancouver, LThJs,; petition -signed , ignored. ignored. tlnuation of service by Arrow Bos Lines. "4. The proposed bylaw, whether rejected or approved by the plebiscite, does not permit of any but a negative an swer to the original applicant (Arrow Bus Lines) for a fran chise which application was received March 10, 1947, and has not yet' been answered. . 't "The question as now worded is undemocratic procedure. "(Signed), "C. G. HAM, "A. ' BROOKSU ANK, "T. B. BLACK, "A. S, NICKERSON. "In view of the foregoing, I move that the council's action In this connection be rescinded and that a referendum on Questions A and B stated above bo taken. Moved by C G. Ham, seconded by A. Brooksbank." BRITAIN GETTING MUCH COAL NOW Production Reaches its Highest Point Since 1942 LONDON Last week close on 4.25 million tons of coal were mined In Britain, the highest figure since the pre-Chrlstmas week of 1942. This output exceeds by more than 150,000 tons that of a previous week, the best since the five-day week started last May. If production is maintained at this rate for the remaining weeks of the year the industry will easily reach Its 200 million ton target. LOCAL TIDES Tuesday, December 2, 1947 High 4:20 19.2 feet 15559 20.9 feet-Low 9:59 8.8 feet 22:46 3.2 fect Magellan was the first European In the region of the Marl-anas islands. New Telephone Directory. A new Telephone Directory Is about to be published. All changes of listings must be in by December 8, in writing at the City Telephone Office. CITY TELEPHONE (280) DEPARTMENT. i is m i m