5 : n : 1 !l4' It m 1 i a a a a a D a B a a a a JPrfncc Rupert Daflp JSetojs Monday, December 1, 1947 SHIPS AND WATERFRONT According to reports reaching here, Union Steamship Co. is planning to witharaw the steamer Camosun from the Vancouver-Prince Rupert-Alaska service late in December ror a period of two or three mor.ths. Representations are being made to the company to reconsider the decision, if it has already been finally made, as it is felt here that it would be a matter to be regretted if the nes? connection between Prince Rupert and southeastern Alaska and the direct week-end service between Prince Rupert and Vancouver should be interrupted after having been only so recently in augurated SUMATRA CITY Medan was the pre-war of Sumatra, Pick it out Lay Away Plan If You Prefer PEOPLES ' STORE B B 0 i A Small Deposit Will Hold It i Rupert i Peoples Store Swocmship Sailings For Vancouver Sunday ss Camosun, 2 p.m. Monday ss Princess Adelaide! 10 p.m. I Tuesday ss Coquitlam, 1:30 ! p.m. , Thursday ss Prince Rupert I 11:15 p.m. Friday ss Catala, midnight. From Vancouver Sunday ss Coquitlam, 4 p.m , Monday ss Princess 'Adelaide p.m. ) Wednesday ss Prince Rupert 10:00 a.m. Friday ss Camosun, 5 a.m. Friday ss Catala. a.m. For Alaska Friday ss Camosun, 2 p.m. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert 12 midnight. From Alaska Sunday ss Camosun, 9 a.m. FRENCH INVENTfON The parachute was first invented by a Frenchman trying to find a way to rescue people from high burning buildings. In the 1870's. IDBBQBBBBBBBtl a RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST 13 B a uaaaMBnaaaaHMBBHMsiaaaGBBnHHHBHBaHM1 : The Mens and Boys' Store 1 Major Gifts for Minors CALLING ALL AGE BOYS! SUITS COATS SWEATERS JACKETS PARKAS PAJAMAS SHIRTS a laBflBBflBBSJBBBBBBBBaHBBaBBBBBaBBaBBflBB Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. T0 4 A.M. Special pinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. THOUSANDS VIEW NIAGARA 'MUM SHOW During the next three weeks thousands will view one of Canada's largest chrysanthemum displays in the Niagara Parks Commission greenhouse in Queen Victoria Park at Niagara Falls, Ont. More than 10,000 varied and colorful bloom are now at their peak Peggy Cameron, Niagara Falls, is shown as she Inspects one of the banks of 'mum bloom. 1 I mt I ) CHRISTMAS SPKCIAL One Photo and Twelve Christmas Cards for Price and Appointment call at Chandler & Cowgill 4th Street, Prince Rupert Three Bailings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays, l:3i pjn. Coquitlam. Fridays, 12 midnight. Catala. Sunday, 2 p.m. Camosun. KETCHIKAN, WRANGELL and PETERSBURG Fridays, 2 p.m. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 12 midnight. QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS October 17 and 31 November 14 and 28 Midnight. FOR SOUTH ISLANDS October 19 ' November 2, 16 and 30 Midnight. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 if r . jii's-tn'i Garden 'NarEBofaF MANY PERENNIAL FLOWERS , . BETTER SOWN IN THE FALL Seeds of many perennial flow- j trollius and pholxes sometimes ers may be sown this fall rather show tnese tralts- than next spring. They will germinate earlier and will have a corresponding longer growing season next year. Then, too, the weathering of winter speeds up germination in many of them which, sown in the sprfng, are slow to appear. In fact, some of them will lie over a year in the i ground before appearing. The j ! irises, the gas plant, Dictam- iiius. uaxineua ana aeipniniums Sew delphiniums, columbines, gaillardias, foxgloves, Canterbury gells, peach-leaved bellflower.;. coreopsis in fact any of the I AFTER SOWING SEEDS IN COLD" FRAME, COVEB WITH LATTICE !TO BREAK DIRECT RAYS OF SUN. hardy perennials late this, fall and save tha,t much spring work and get better results in the; way of germination. Primrose seed gives much higher perccn-' tage of germination if sown in the fall than, in the following , j spring. Sow the seed in rows where it may grow along until the plants are sufficient size to transplant. The one danger of fall planting is the wash from heavy rains, a danger always in planting seeds in the open. To cbvratc this danger, mulch the beds with some material that will not mat down solidly, such as oak leaves, pine needles, or fresh straw. In the spring the beds may be protected by frames covered with window screen or lath to break the force of driving rains and prevent the tiny seedlings from being washed out of existence. This scheme is used quite widely by professional gardeners to protect their seedlings, a large proportion of which might be lost if fully exposed to spring downpours. Those who grow irises from seed, a popular garden pastime of recent years, should plant the seed an inch deep this fall. Siberian, Japanese, and the tall, bearded sorts. This will give 1'- WE DOCTOR SHOES IIF.EL THEM ATTEND TO THEIR DYEING SAVE THEIR aOLES MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. From iQl 1 Tod pBpl Bottom 4Sl . . . WE SERVICE YOUR CAR. DRIVE IT IN NOW FOR A WINTER CHECK-OVE.R. Dan's Service Station McBride Street Green COS CP D D Ilat,i I)ial lift 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) v V M V w V a v y v V V V y v MONDAY P.M. I 4:15--Stock Quotations and Int. 4:30 Especially For You 4:45 Maggie Muggins 5:00 Latin American Rhythms : 5:15 Vaughan Munroe and j Orch. 5:30 Rhythm and, Romance 5:45 Toronto Trio 6:00 Tex Beneke 6:15 Martial Airs 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 According to Record 6:50 Recorded Interlude 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Round-up 7:30 Margaret Fewster 7:45 Canadian Short Stories 8:00 The Choristers 8:30 The Smiths of Hollywood. 9:00 National Farm Radio Forum 9:30 Intermezzo. 10:00 CBO News 10:10 B.C. News 1 10:15 Provincial Affairs '10:30 Dance Orch. , H :0o Weather and Sign-off TUESDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock " 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News i 9:15 Morning Devotions j 9:30 Morning Concert j 9:59 Time Signal j 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Purity Flour Program 10:40 Recorded 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 CBR Presents" good germination next spring, which will not result with as much certainty from spring-sown seed, some of which will take a year before appearing. The perennial seed-bed should be made early and enriched with a balanced plant food applied at the rate of 4 pounds to a 100 square feet, to encourage a strong early growth of the plants so that they may better wlth- stand the hot dry weather of-midsummer, which takes such toll of seedlings each year. I A 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather rorecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Ethel and Albert, ABC P.M 12:00 Mid-day Melodies 12:25 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B. C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded 1:00 The Concert Hour 1 :30 Artists or Tomorrow 1:45 Commentary and Ethel wyne Hobbes 2:00 B.C. School Broadcast 2:30 Sheila Present 3:00 Varieties In Music il Etj COMING DEC. 8-!) Evenings 8 p.m. Matinee Monday 2:30 OUR PRICE POLICY FOR certain man in this town 'needs WATCHING It may be your !iuhaml, your brother, jour son, your father or your boy friend. Whoever it Is we will be sure to have a watch that will be the right thing for him. We have fifteen jewelled walclies for as low as $15.00 and tlicy will keep good time too. But of course we have better watches and more stylish watches which run Into more money and bring joy to the heart by their elegant appearance.- However, wc will guarantee any watch we sell to give you the satisfaction you expect for the money spent. WE HAVE WALTHAM, ELGIN, BULOVA, ORUEN OMEGA, MIDO AND MANY OTHERS n TECHNICOLOR To present this great .attraction as a service to our patrons we must charge the tame advanced prices as are being charged everywhere this picture is being presented . . . OUt MtKTJ TO THIf UMITtD CliOAOCMCVT WIT MATINEE 75 EVENING $1.20 (Including Tual NOTE: TOIEVE1 AMBEl" WILL NOT IC SHOWN AT KECULAt ADMISSION rglCES UTOtt 1491 H!8EflE. Fur Gifts for your Leading Lady Beautiful furs are the Ageless Gift of Distinction Yearned for by every woman from 1C to CO. BILL SCUBY- Furs 322 THIRD AVENUE BLACK I HI LUMBER JUST RECEIVED a large shipment of Fir Dimcssion, Shiplap, Flooring, Vcc Joint, Kiln-Dried Fir Finish, Shingles, and a large, assort-ment of Moulding. Sole Agent for B.C. CEMENT CO. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING SUPPLIES phone nc COAL PHONE 117 I A X 9 n H IT V Y if Wfini' rex geoI TheGh0StaidMls.il 2q, I EDNA BEST - VANESSA BROWN Ana Lea R iH u" isi 1ni, .KN0 0F WL I()KSES Phone RED 5G1 j Monogram your If GREER & BRIDDEI BUILDERS AND CONTRACTOR n "i . . ii. . ivepairs consiruction Aiterauq 'Give That Personal T P.O. Box .i Tlio fnllnu'imr Itoniu nviv Kf i iiiii l': , ' m i H ; v name or initials, in jjold. sti j red or blue : ! I Hoxctl Sets of Colorful Paper Matches U Fancy Napkins and Coaster Sets Leather Hinders .anil I'lioio .'",, Fancy Stationery (Juilt-edjrcd Playinjj Cards 7.' minimum charge for impriiilinB aliovr iniprinung 7,r iirsi uoen ana .m Inlnr;ninT Free of Charge on i DON'T FORCJET CHRISTMAS ( AKIW i H ... i . .... . r.... .I.liliillial (If Waterman. Parker and Eversharp Pens and Pencils We give 21-hour service on all imprinting ....... .fiTTi1 x,e,,ic!i'!tiitie,,,''it,t'ct''e'; ?i Thinki nq of . . . CAMERAS For Christni Kodaks and Brownies. iriccu 553.40 to S61.50 McCUTCHEON PHARMACY Lfl (E. C. Wallace, Manager pJl0Sj Thira Avenue at Sixth Street