— - . e + { I? " € ‘ yy) } f ECONOMY PLUS Pesinass by 1 rofessic John F. L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs, 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appointment only 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 e ei —_~ ee ee a —_—_ wee fe mH. KH ape . ert . 4 me riiee Mupert wuriy iyewes = | Tuesday, July 15, 1952 PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER BLACKWOOD on HANDYMay DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 PM. DAY PREVIOUS i” | } Lo ge i FORD'S ENGLISH BUILT HOME Servi FOR SALE | ope GENERAL © ‘ Classified Rates ONTRaQ Vlosure time 4:30 p.m. day pre- FOR SALE—Chromium kitchen ~ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES _ Building and Repay * aaah ene anes | kinds vious to publication. set. Table, four chairs. color Wa an as ao a * CONSUL and PREFECTS | “io nai fi See : red (new). Full sige spring it sen oF exchange for house Are y ing for a depend- || . — : vlna — es filled mattress (Hammond) as or other property. For parti- { By EASLEY BLACKWOOD oy en cae | SCOTT McLAREN ae soe ertion; minimum charge 50\new A , 2 antare . -ulars C + ‘ u a sty y Comms _— : a ‘ VAR cents. ae oe emp) en Oe . i . ear that makes GASOLINE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT RS : 7 i ’ Me 7 si nin oe * TWOR : PAR? | meth Eesien, 50 cents; Cards|_ 5 ne ee Abel Ss Two Club c alls Leaves Mrs. Keen Free GO TWICE AS FAR" {| James Block 608—3rd Ave. W. PHONES: oO Thanks, Death Notices, CARS FOR SALE . : ee ‘ | Then Test Drive the New | Prince Rupert, B.c. - oe Funeral Notices, Marriage and ros . ania nai eis ea i “You made a free bid on that trash?” said Mr.} Prefect or Consul. | Phone 347 wah Box 374 re. am 90% Engagement Announcements, FOR. SALE— 1951 Prefect, 5800;\ WANTED — TOP MARKET! ,, : +1 * , ee : i i a —— , | : $9.00.” mouncements, “miles. Radio, heater and de-| PRICES PAID for scrap iron,| New, the avid kibitzer, when Mr. Abel bid two clubs DO IT TODAY! Special Display double price. _ troster. Phone Red 594. (169p)| steel, brass, copper, lead, ete. in today’s hand. South dealer “Home of friendly service” | FRED E pow FOR SALE—Most reliable low Honest grading. Prompt pay- : OU a ‘H DEALERS DOW — SALE—Most reliable low-| > ade as ir Mr. New has many things to. North-South vulnerable FORD—MONARCH DEALER: CK ‘ith o ee eee ee cost car-make for rough roads ment made Atlas Iron & egg FOR YOUR RO OPTOMETRISt ANNOUNCEMENTS 1948 Chev. arey coe . wit! Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St. Van-| learn and this is one of them North Phone 93 AND CONCRETE WORK cm “Rebekah Bavaar, October 4 under oating and extras. ‘inane couver, B.C. Phone PaAcific| Mr. Abel’s bid was correct even Saat ‘a2 ' Room 10 Stone Bui a ee ” ; ly new engine and tires $1495. 6357. (tf) | though he had only a queen and H—A 8 5 SAUNDERS BROS. Phone Blue 5% Catholic Fall Bazaar, Oct See Dan’s on McBride. (168p)| , Y , ja jack. It was correct because D—K 7 6 3 We Pour Ceinent For Less Open Friday Rye and 9 a ‘ CASH for scrap brass, copper,| he had a fairly respectable five- c-T6 4 LIMITED p ve BI 939 } ty Even io svctkh lianas ._ FOR SALE—Car trailer, com-| batteries and radiators. Phone | ¢arq suit and because he bid pte a nae. sats | -hone Blue y Canadian Legion Fall Bazaar, pee 4.2 a ane “ve as Call 630 6th Avenue “. the “nent” sulé ower Mike Meash’s| Ass 5-6 4 e : November 5 . _ < “pair's, . — we O98 7 H—6 42 | i ipedipiagl . Ist Ave. East. (165p) or ee D—J 9 2 D—Q 108 | ° | MATTSON§ as ‘ J Ce ee » words i s} ica. oe 2 . i090 9 86 | s 5 tee ae Rasmar, Noveur- | non SALE 10M ereen Cher.) ACCOUNTANTS In other words, if he Sees Caan Cease | J. DN; PRECISION SAW FILING UPHOLSTERINg per “| Sedan. “New engine, excellent) PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, income | ‘Me, Same weak hand, but with (Miss: Brash) unese t4Re5|| Lawn Mowers Sharpened sia ila dad ee teehee ieee condition. Phone Blue 814. Tax specialist 8 G@ Fark |? five-card heart or diamond S AJW9756 \ 215 Ist Ave. W hone Blue 126. poy ber 27. ' re aeees (168)| Stone Building. Red 593. (20m) | Suit, it would not have been H—10 3 sp Suey - Ct Mein || sah : yee 234—3rd Ave. § Eee FOR SALE—1$ hllve ~ - ‘proper to bid either of those . . 2" |] Chop suey - Chow on Phone 909 Prince Rupert a BIRTH NOTICE "Woe Gites lei withy Ramat suits. The — Ss that such The bidding : Open 6 pan, - 3:30 a.m, P.O. Box ra water "ieee = tye a Kove wing 75 ¢ » cable. $1.000. a bid would have cut out one th we t nee an . J. pk Wee ve adie ae 3lue 602. (165) bid =. Mrs page bans 1s Dl tcl A e a Py t thes aw ok en wanted to make—namely, two ** Pa 16 All pa 8 3 ‘ eral Hospital, July 18. a boy, FOR SALE—1950 Dodge ‘-ton. clubs. = | HOLLYWOOD CAFE oe fo @ @ REGS Ralpl ae ae lbs. 81 Pee .? Perfect condition. Phone Green es | BEAUTY SHOP ‘aia MupR Barrie, T 108.0% OB. {20p) 400. Call at Totem Pole Shop Mr. Abel's te ee ee Ct Reds Call Off i ee : — _ - —_——_— (187) }jout nothing. Mrs. Keen could || For Outside Orders Phone 133 Permanent Waving |] REAL ESTATE & IN PERSONAL F |either accept clubs as trump or AA | | Beauty Culture in all | MARL Sn & & ING YOUNG MARRIED var 7 -. a a oo fais e . : |she could bid any other suit a! unsan Talks i | its branches }| Phone 96, Evenings i JUNG } 2D woman will ible; radio and heater. Ca + ‘ ae | ds . INGAN ( Secret Dy) | EEOC EE EEE ELST REELS OTE, | Satan , | take in children by the day, 623A 6th Ave. West after 5 -_ —_ o_o be a lk a Pos . 3 canine Besnacedbe 1 621 Fulton Street, Suite 2 p.m. (170p) | Miss Brash had to play well ee mining sat "y i tee 3 \ ‘ (167p) co | lto bring home her four spade) COM™MuUNISL reques ss (oie PO : ; - FOR SALE—1950 Dodge 1,-ton,} 1 | sbi ng : ‘ a ,}speculation that the deadlock y ss co THE I WILL NOT be responsible for) mileage, 13,000. New condition. | ee Pag yr ymin the over prisoner exchange Was near- | QUALITY KEPAIRS LING THE TAl debts incurred by anyone but) Contact Mrs. Martell, Prince ; | King of hearts c as per- +. al , For Downtrodden Heels Tailoring - Allert myself. —P.B, Hunter. (170p)| Rupert Hotel. (16%p) | | mitted to win, Mr. Abel playing '"6.8 ChOmOx on |} BOATS and CABINS and Wurn Soles ' OF Beauty Salon for better per- 1947 Dodge '4-ton panel, recon- prefers the old type aircraft as Po ney eee ae 0 m | ae manents (165) ditioned $1045 Compared with the modern jet ec || FOOD ‘o COOK se es i. ‘s “We used to joke about tak- }. Z, | LADIES try our clever new sty 1947 Fargo 2-ton—-2-speed a ing off, flying and landing, all | ime y | + es £ list Miss Hendry. Thelatest in duals $1295 at"40 miles an hour,” he said in | ECIPES | FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 permanents, styles, cuts, dyes, “ Wy 5 an interview here, “but we got | } bleaches. Don’t wait Phone Frizzell’s Motor | roducts @ great thrill out of those 40 Serve “Layered Olive Aspic” at | BROADWAY CAFE 855 for an appointment. Jerry’s| Phone 87 1] miles—just as big a thrill, I’ll| Your next bridge luncheon. It’s a| : Beauty Salon directly oppos bet, as those jet pilots get out | distinctive salad and one which and — ee sunduanameinengigbreneons ite Super-Valu. (165) BOATS FOR SALE‘ of 600 or 700.” tastes particularly delightful in | sie ies ay The former Saint John resi- | ¥@!™ weather. Odld slices of | WRA THAI STAR Delivery and Messenger.| jp aa a e bivlanis hos oar si riches g , "sre = ae ee ee nes. FOR SALE — 16 ft. Criscraft dent, visiting a sister in this dis- ham and finger sandwiches go HE JOHN H | 119 op Black 433 . (166) speedboat, Sports model with trict, considers the jets a great well with it. A frozen dessert is | ee S : aa new engine. Everything in ex- savance in flying but says that | Ways welcome and your menu) iabl d | B U L G E R on TRAINED Men Win—Write In- cellent ae ne cht cet in the old days a pilot required | '* Complete. The Reliab ean - bernedionel Correspondence | tryck in good condition, Phone More skill and had a more inti- Layered Olive Aspic i Prompt service C) cor ik mee 188) Blue 792 (187) thate knowledge of his plane. He| 1 envelope (1 tablespoon) ‘plain | You Know plometrist DEVELOPING, PRI ae. a. Bnet en creat BAIS witch Wecaiind baat has no desire to go up in a jet. | : en bo ‘ eNLARGING PLUMBING, Automatic Oil heat-|* oy) Gc Apcle 99) Bil Ree It’s just_a machine. There's Teo a ee WPOSURE ME ing, sheet metal work. Phone| With gears. Apply 221 oh = a nothing human about it. You| 1! 2/3 cups hot tomato juice | Phone 174 e EXPOSURE a 543, 630 6th West reer P) work the dials but you don’t} : ee oe : Ce ee ee ee || For Repairs and Alterations AMATEUR SUP (tf) ablespoon lemon juice : know what's going on under the | have them ready when the’ driver calls. , | . * j Baceernare se, pomith & Elkins Lid John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue % teaspoon salt FOR RENT __ hood. I'll bet. most. of. those jet | ; ‘ ¥o teaspoon grated omop of Duracleaners, Up-p--- ee ee eee ‘ Mee ; a aN ae rugs “ne caf elean-}FOR RENT—-Warehouse, 40ttex Pilots don teven “know how e} Phone Green 136 ey £9 a | Lal eal fing. Free estintates given on| 40 ft. on First Ave. and Man- engine operates.” 1 (S-ounce) package’ cream f Benish Col : oo P.O. Box 274 ‘ s request.’ Address 1228 Beach| son Way. Apply Standard Mr. Foley learned to fly with | cheese phn ecokatticrs | Place. Phone Black 433. (171) Machine Shop. (187) , ; 1 tablespoon mayonnaise the Wright brothers in 1912 and ~ -— / ; eee °j ives ANY ONE knowing the present|/FOR RENT—Log cabin at Lak-| 1913. He served with the Royal| ‘4 CUP Tipe olives — | , whereabouts of Alex Semenoff| else Lake. Apply 221 5th Rast.| Flying Corps in the First World| 2 vie chopped celery | “ i \ s\ I : please get in touch with Box (157p) | War, became commanding offi- Salad paced | Make Your | 1400, Prince Rupert, B.C FOR RENTW “ast ———| eer of a navigation school at Soften gelatin in cold water | ' | (165) I ne -To Souris ; surnien~ London, Ont. in 1940,’ was later , 2d dissolve in hot tomato juice. | ° 7 * | AN AN nani ggslo i Kennel ._| ed housekeeping rooms. Phone {Blend in vinegar, lemon juice rintin atter LOST AND FOUND Blue 638 after 5 p.m. (166) | 2 Wing commander overseas and | it and onion : Casi by odeila. g | VE che LOS’ 4 245 7th East |FOR RENT—House, with furni remained on active duty 8 Sitenoy of umneeben eba wile, | A Good Place to Stop rn, ‘ LOST—Taken from 245 7th East, v ; ouse, with furni- | pilot until his retirement from | “UY : 8B e Part of | “se oe (All Times Daylight ® child’s small red tricycle Mon-| ture for sale. 625 6th Ave. | the service in 1946. | Soften cream cheese and blend | VANCOUVER & day morning. Please phone; West. (166p) Mtr YI aa jin mayonnaise, Gradually blend | 244 Miles to , and VICTORIA Green 972. (167) | ae Mr. Foley created a sensation |{n 2/3 cup of gelatin mixture. Your Business eG ——— ——— -=—____——_ ott Bs os : al eneral SUNDAY WANTED TO RENT | in the United States in 1916) Divide among 6 to 8 individual) : : — ie ee —— —__|when he made the first flight | molds and chill until firm, Mean- Construction ss. Camosun 8 P ee none ys ge See WANTED TO RENT — 3 or 4-| from New York to Philadelphia. | while, cut olives from pits into! Did it ever occur to you that FRIDAY a manl iS Ginkiway oui at ds ie ay ae “Flying from New York toj|large pieces. Stir olives and) you need distinctive printed @ Floor Sanding 58S Coquitian a Kwinitsa River Bridge. Finder — (166) | Diladelphia doesn’t sound like |,celery into remaining clear gela-| matter for your particular ALICE ARM, STEN". please notify E. L. Clement, : a | much now, but you should have |tin and pour over cheese layer. | business? @ General Repairs PORT oe Prince Rupert General Hospi-- WANTED TO RENT—3- or 4-| read the papers back in 1916.|Chill wntil firm. Unmold on salad i Friday, Camosun, © tal. (169) room apartment or 4- or 5-| You’d think I’d gone to the | greens, | e @ Cabinet Work FOR NoRTH qu [out Ot of kent Gey | ee eee ee Serves 6 to 8 CHARLOTTE 15t a eta bid aad ber so (168p) ani-rsatienciiia : June 4 and Finder please return to Daily ——-— — — aa 4 a Telkwa, BC. Type faces give you this . 88 Coquitlam, mids News. Reward (165p). WANTED TO RENT—Desperate. sc ord tincitt Mi . 4 a Us | House, suite, awartment. Any-| TV For Scholars eee ere. outstanding distinctiveness i rl en FOR sour . ee FOR SALE _ thing. Box 438 Daily News. | LONDON (€P)—Two-way televi- LLANDARCY, Wales (CP)—Ma- | Just a Nice Day’s Drive and these can be supplied by CHARLOTTE IS! ee co en (166p) | sion for schools is recommended| jor W. 8. Bryan picked out of a| our ~~ printing depart- |) LIMITED ss Coquitaty FOR SALE—Used washer. Apply| WANTED TO RENT—Furnis by educational officer C. E, Gurr|crowd of 500 persons the guest i et \ June 11 and? : : NTE INT— ished | : f 3 Kaien Co.op. (165p) waite aoe Sept. 1. Young aes. following a four-week experiment he was expecting from Switzer-| se Phone 909 FRANK J. SKIN® FOR SALE—Household furniture. 00 children, Box 440 Daily| iM one-way educational televi-|land. He said he knew his mar) GEORGE DAWES Di j p . ti ‘15 Ist Ave. W. P.O, Box 721 ‘Prince Rupe*t Apply 1007 7th Ave. East. News. (169p) | Sion. Gurr said the children were|by the ornate brown | and white) AUCTIONEER | rin ing 0. Third Avenue Pb | (168p) WANTED TO ane comparatively inactive” during|shoes he was wearing. Bryar rh G ase and Bed 19% = ae WANTE i | the lesson, whereas two-way TV|claims he can tell Americans by one ‘Ureen and ke | ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS R# ee sank; ae. WANTED—Apartment by young| Would afford a question-and-jtheir ties, Danes by their suits); ~ SS Sey ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS neuen atels yal. W% aterial eumad