r V, h I I t 'Prfntr .Rnnrrt pnflp. lochia Monday, December 1, 1947 BORDEN-KING EDWARD WIN First Games Played Yesterday In New Juvenile Basketball League With nearly 50 howling fans cheering them on to victory, Borden Street and King Edward schools racked up their first wins In the new Juvenile .League basketball games Frl-day in the Civic Centre gymnasium. The first game got under way with Borden Street facing their public school opponents from King Edward. This was a hard 'fought and closely fought game with the first half ending up brief lead In the third quarter but a last quarter drive by Bor-1 cien gave them a 6-5 win over Business and P, N. Kilborn W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Green 977 Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT 'BOTTLE COLLECTOR ; nnd MESSENGER ! PHONE GREEN 955 Agent for Pacific Bottle B.C. Ltd. ' JONES NEWS STAND ' Eastern and Western Papers I Magazines .. SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Red 808 - GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc Income Tax Returns Compiled. i Besner Block Phone 387 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Phone Black 823 H. J. LUND SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone Hi P.O. Box 274 McKINLEY & ST. CLAIR V PAINTINO AND PAPERHANGING ' PHONE RED 240 GEORGE McWHINNEY PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING 147 4th East Phone Black 489 SUPERIOR DECORATORS PAINTING :; PAPERHANGING Phone: Blue 952 or Black 245 Len Hltchens Bill Thornton ' - . . (D18) ARMSTRONG AGENCIES REAL ESTATE BROKERS INSURANCE ADVISERS Phone 342 P.O. Box 927 DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST ANNOUNCl'S :he opening of ins office FOR THE PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY IN SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK. TELEPHONE 7C5 rr-if i ritri nintt a nnrinxi GRADUATE NURSE Dealer for Spencer Style and SURGICAL SUPPORTS INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED FOR COMFORT and FIGURE PROBLEMS. For appointments please Phone, Res. Red 240. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP permanent Waving Beauty Culture In m all Us branches. 20S 4th Street Piione 655 their rivals. Driving hard all the way the King Edward No. 1 team swamped the less organized Booth team by the lop-sided score of 17-3. King Edw shone In their fine teamwork; and expert shooting but Booth was never out of the fight. Bob I Irvlnes boys from King Edward I showed that many hours of j practice put In. i King Edward No. 2 Chandler, Smith, Lanridge, Cooper, Sedge-wick, Erickson 5, Barnes. Borden Street Blackaby, Patrick, Lyons, McKay C, Shen-ton, Davidson, Adkins, Veil, Julian. I King Edward No. 1 Mcintosh 2, Ciccone 5, Helin 6, Webber 4, Chrlstmanson, Cameron, Chandler. I IJooth-Leighton 1. Sheppard, Clarke, Forman, Williamson, ' iNesraff 2' Jeffrey- Martin- - Advertise tn the Daily News" Professional HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners. PHONES: Green 480 Red 894 FOR LIFE INSURANCE see our rates first. ROSS RICHARDSON 628 Taylor Street Residence Phone Red 246 Confederation Life Association PRINCE RUPERT FLORISTS A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Large selection of Gifts MODERATE PRICES prompt attention to mall orders Box 516 Phone 777 300 3rd Ave. If It's Rock Work-- CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house .and yourself fully Insured while I do the work. BOAT CONSTRUCTION DESIONINO REPAIRS F ne Workmanship Estimates COW BAY BOAT WORKS A P Crawley Green 391 JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 ASTORIA'S LIGHT DELIVERY & MESSENGER Baggage Freight Express Phone Blue 2C9 . 322 Sixth St. Night Calls Green 882 THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS, Mgr. .Specializing in Marine and General Sheet Metal Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks Stacks Furnaces Gutter Work. 253 East First Avenue Phone Black 884 Orandview Hotel 'ROBERTSON BOTTLE BUYER & TRANSFER DAY AND NIGHT Call Black 112 Serving the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Cartage, Labelling, Weighing BLUE 992 aniitiiii KM MIOMPT m4 EFFICIEKT SflBM ll vr (hNM U O0UM6IA OPTICAL C(XU Today GROTTO STRONG SIN "B" MEN'S F I V " L F ' P 1 I N PI LH AY I It was cIearly lhe 0roUQ teams big night In the men's "R" fivp nin hnwllnff session ai. the week-end with all honors going In their direction, even though they did manage to win only one of their three games against Co-op. Among other honors, Grotto bowled the exceptionally high single game team score of 1,391, sparked by Robert Tubb, who rolled the highest single game srnrp nf 353 nnrl Rnh Mnnlov. whoso Uiree.game score was 7u3. nrnHn ,,. ,nH in th i., team scoring with 3,145. The session saw the comple-tlon of the first one-third of the league schedule, with Stone's sitting at top place. Stone's have 33 points and are followed by Thorncliffs, with 31. Moose, standing fourth in the league, was the only team to win three games at the week-end session. They defeated Mutts 3-0. Below were the game scores for the session. Moose 3, Mutts 0. Stones 2, Canfisco 1. Maple Leafs 2, Thorn S. M. 1. , Thorncliffs 2, Army Signals 1. Fish Dock 2, Scotians 1. m. McKiKnnon ao5 234 219 Hampton 218 138 200 r. Par"u 9 10? "I B. Bellnmy 113 1M R. Powell Handlcnp 131 131 131' Totals 007 D7S 1020 ; MUTTS 1 B. McNab 142 177 141 W. Landon 207 156 130 R. Houston 124 121 99 B. Tough 144 im ion H. Llndseth 187 176 185 1 Handicap 109 109 109 Totals 913 885 798 STONES Bremner 151 187 165 Wlndle 247 193 173 Blmondson 230 144 Million 120 146 Stewart 189 151 177 Duncan 154 227 Handicap 87 87 87 Totals 1024 916 975 CANFISCO T. Mooney 129 110 145 H. Basso ,190 245 193 M. Stokes 88 142 65 E. Shier 150 273 185 L. Oarner 133 120 157 Handicap 141 141 141 Totals 831 1037 886 I MAPLE LEAFS Hilton f64 198 169 Whlttaker 175 117 99 Morrow 204 200 139 Jcrmaln 258 150 228 Low Score 106 135 93 Handicap 125 125 125 Totals 1032 925 853 THOM'S SHEET METAL E. Miller 150 216 124 E. Speers 106 182 174 J. Dewagd 107 137 144 Morse 141 187 139 Edgar 150 135 93 Handicap 150 150 150 Totals 804 1007 824 THORNCLIFFS A. Mathecan 165 183 146 T. Crawley 243 248 214 A. McCully 104 185 126 M. Orasdal 135 145 148 E. Mussallem 198 220 169 Handicap Ill 111 111 Totals .. 956 1092 914 ARMY SIONALS T. Lushlngton i 177 130 205 L. Hagg 158 117 183 A. Wilson 117 94 85 D. Shaeu 145 84 164 N. Hrcczka 135 114 146 Handicap 160 450 150 Totals 882 689 933 CO-OP N. Powell 228 124 100 ' W. Ward 210 172 109 Q. Viereck 131 101 115 D. Ward 195 171 221 J. Kurulok 159 221 176 Handicap 93 93 93 Totals 1016 882 964 OROTTO 158 123 280 W. Leverett 199 148 193 Q. Anderson 191 180 282 R. Tubb 164 159 353 R Moxley 200 232 277 Handicap 39 39 39 Totals 051 881 1430 I SCOTIANS i W. McChcsney 210 205 211 J. Laurie 144 175 151 , J. Wide- 127 140 131 J. Davidson 77 137 163 JJ. Graham 160 200 201 Handicap 130 130 130 Totals 854 1047 077 FISH DOCK F. Sharp 109 224 183 A. Hanwn 114 162 221 B. Wallace 120 289 157 N. Sheppard 100 179 335 Low Score 77 137 W. Brett 125 i Handicap 93 93 03 Totals . . 679 1084 1114 Mi:VM 'II" IF. AC I I: HVK TIN STAMUMIH Stones 33 Thorncliffs 31 Orotto 29 Moose 23 Scotians 23 Co-op 23 Maple Leafs 20 Arm; Signals 19 Canfisco 18 Thorn Sheet Metal 18 Mutts 15 15 Fish Dock 14 GOT THE SHAKES HALIFAX tt When four Jamaican crew members of the three-masted schooner City of New York discovered at Halifax that the vessel's, next stop was Goose Day, Labrador, they "went over the side." They weren't Impressed by the fact the ship carried extra overcoats for delivery to the Grenfell Mission at St Anthony, Nfld. 3MB vis . Basketbali-Co-OpS Win Over Savoys Co-op 63 Savoy 51 .Merchants 40 Morgans 32 Gyros 15 Stones 17 Co-operative continued their winning ways by defeating Sav oys C2-61 in a somewhat dull Senior Basketball League tussle Saturday night. All bedecked In their new uniforms 'and sparked by Jackie Lindsay's sniping,' the Fish Handlers took the -lead riiht from the opening whittle. It was Just one of those niahts that the Hotelmen could not get started. They could not eet. the breaks. Half time score waj 28-16. Beynon was sent to the show- ers for five personals. Sev. Dam- lnato walked off the floor in protest at one of Comadlna's decisions and Dave Murray went with' him. The offiicaH called 43 personals, 21 on the Co-ops and 22 .on Savoys. .MERCHANTS H1N OVER .MORGAN'S Merchants won over Morgan's Men's Wear 40-32 in the Intermediate game. The storekeeprs took the lead at the start and never-looked back although thev were outscored In the last quar ter. It was a -somewhat rough Same with Forward and Hartwie dishing out 29 personal calls 11 against Morgan's and 18 against Merchants. Moore of Merchants was bounced on personals and Carlson of Morgan's went the same way. Jones of the clothiers squad made a couple of spectacular and also at three-quarter time I but. in the last canto the cloth. .era pulled ahead Sa her Md Meflra were me snooting s" for the service clubbers, while McCherney of the haberdasher went on a scoring spree and snagged himself 9 points. Junior League Gyros Mi rshall 2, Sather 4, Toderas 1, Hartwlg, McAra .5, mi's. Youn" 1. Salter MiFar- lane Stone's McChesncy 9. Lasiler, Dumas, Sharron 4, Carlson 2, Christoff 4, Welsh. Johnson, , Intermediate League Merchants Youngman 8. Hebb js, Currle 9. Scherk, Moore, Mrr- cer, Owens 2, Sunberg 3, Hau gan 10. Morgan's- Wilson 4, Scharffe 6. Jones 8. Hill 5. Lien 7. Roth well, Carlson 2. Senior League Cn-no-lacPhce 14, Beynon 10. Gill, Menzies 2, Hauuan 7, LJndsav 20. Pierce 5, Fitch 4. Sbvov Davis 11, Arney 14, Dominate, R. Holkstad 3. N. Hau-an 3. M. Holkstad, Morgan 14, Murray, Alexander, McClymont. League standings to date: Senior League W L Pet .Co - od 4 1 .800 , Savoy 3 3 1500 Brownwoods 1 4 .200 Intermediate I.ra(uc Bo-Me-Hl .. f 4 0 1000 Merchants 3 1 .775 Morgans 1 3 .225 Fashion 0 4 .003 ages use Here's shaving it contains Hazor, Shaving SET SHORT SPORT Cricket has been criticized by ."outsiders" In recent weeks but the badgering hosn't ruffled the placid oompojure of the rulers of the samethe British Marylebone Cricket Club. They refuse to be excited. Watching a game, whether from the sun-shaded pavilion of Lord's or frnm iha Mlmipri trrncfi fiiirrnnnri. )Pi, , rn . ..,. ( tef flf na, dLscretlon;. an .C. official said in a brief ' telephone Interview. His corn- jnent was made after Earl Wav-ell, former governor-general of India, had, dubbfd cricket as "peculiar" nnd Hithop (Barnes i cf Birmingham, had advised youngsters to spend their summer holidays hiking from one youth hostel to another through stretches of pure EriglUh country rather than watching a same. Earl Wavell said at Aberdeen that watching 22 grown men ca I vortlng on a cricket field in a game lasting three, four or more days "must seem to an outsider 'the height of absurdity." But the M. C. C. wouldn't be drawn, Into the discussion "because Lord Wavell Is a national public figure." But a futher cemment by Br. Barnes that "cricket Is good to b? watched by elderly gentlemen, wha can give It a nicely-Judged appreciation," didn't meet with the firm approval of th M. C. C. official, He found It could be "appreciated" by the younger gen- Ladies I.eacur Peoples 2 0 100? Eo-Me-Hi 1 1 .500 Sweet Sixteen 0 2 .000 Junior League 65 Taxi 4 0 1000 Stones 3 1 .750 High School 1 3 .250 Oyro 0 4 .000 HBv V When you give a man the world's finest KT shaving equipment for Christmas, it's sure Kg " be remembered with pleasure for a Hf JfrVxyi long, long timel You'll find the right set right price among the Gillette Gift Sets This 2-in-l gift set contains 10 10 packages packages of of Gillette Gillette Blue Blue Blades 5's - fifty blades in tmmi 0jBr all. After blades are removed, the package becomes a handy calendar and memo pad with 100 (sheets of paper included. Sells for the regular price of the blaUes alone. Z.50 GILLETTE MILORD GIFT shoots that brought the crowd to their feet; Haugan, Currle and Young, man were the scoring stars" for the Merchants. JUNIOK LKAGUK- . GAME TIIIULLEK Oyras and Stone's put on r thriller In the Junior League basketball game on Saturday nlht. The House of Stone came up from behind to sneak out winners by two points. The Gyros had the lead at half-time with Ont-Pece Razor This set features the gold-plated Oillette Milord One-Piece Razor in-aHigator-grain case, 15 Oillette Blue Blades and a large tube of Oillette Shaving Cream all j. in acetate-covered package Complete '4.62 GILLETTE TECH RAZOR GIFT SET Ever-popular at Christmas time. All-metal dinette Tech Razor and 3 pack, Oillette Blue Blades 5's all in durable transparent box. A smart, inexpensive gift any man can every day of the year. Only 70 GILLETTE SHAVING KIT a gift set that supplies a complete service. Beautifully packaged, the world-famous Oillette Tech 15 Gillette Blue Blades and a large-size tube of Oillette Lather ti o Cream Only ir GILLETTE ONE-PIECE ARISTOCRAT SET The deluxe gold-plated Oillette Aristocrat One-Piece Razor and 10 Oillette Blue Blades in a rich travelling case covered in fine-grained Ttxol ., and lined with velveteen '6.00 jMh GifftHa Ont-W.ce Razor hot nothing to lak, apart. Twnt the handle ... ft opent to receive the blade. Twiit again , . . ii'i ready for vte. jfration u wll and. point ovt ; it afforded pieawre to "wlveji and farallllei" of playera In the 1 country. . , ANCIENT NEWSPAPER The first newspaper was pro bably the Roman Acta DJurna In CO! B. C. tXOUBLE AUTOMATIC V c BOOKLET RUPERT MARINE REAI (J. CLAUSEN & SON) C We Take Listings of . . j BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTl I.IWll.'l.-t.l t .l.hri a . ........ fl i.mw.ii.-i i. iiw.ii.-5, .ikiiu.m; AM) FISHING KQUll ) r- IUX RUPERT MARINE REALTY I I UK UUICK SALES (lit fllAliTiiK! BOX 548 LAYAWAY NOW ! FOR CHRIST i Come In anil See Our Selection f Gifts KINGS - LOCKLTS ' fflfV t-lt t'V-ll. .ttv ff . 1.1 - oil,! I.ntt .Mil, It Tit' , ' mt V0 Too many gocd watches have be" l, ruined by unquali ' c L IMk for Canadian Jewellers Certificate C23 3rd Ave. YUKON JEWELLERS (J. G, Alexander i (JIKT STATIONERY FOl'NTAIN P DIBP PRINTING COMPA , HEHNER BLOCK IS WINTERIZE NOi Recharge Battery, Tune Motor CI Cooling System and Instal Antifn Kepair or Replace I hose worn. Chains, Change to Winter (jnoV u cation . 1,0 IT N()" AN" RUPERT MOTORS LI LING THE TAILOR tv'e are taking rlc:mlne and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 049 220 Sixth Street SAVOY HOTEL Carl Ziirolli, i'ro. I'lione 31 P.O. Hox 544 FItASEK STREET Mrlnce Rupert GIJRVICH CONTRACTORS Land Clcarini; and Hascmcnl l'ou ,i, wh1, Our Speci. TRUCKS - CARS TOj Phono 32 or Red 511 HOCKEY 8Atvd.' SUNDAY 1 tw. -nai NeW Yo 6 ChkJ Cr?THIN ST! Just East of Lipsett .,, Waterfront PAP NONE MAI rbone GretJ ORDER NOW Personal Christman Greeting Cards ALP BOXED ASSORTME In New and Original llti Trices from ."Of t THIHD A'l JOHN BULGI OPTOMETRIST! John Bulger Third Avenue LET US MOVING AND CAKTAOi: v M fl.10 - V ' CITY TRANSj ,i.ie and H &S0N J3 ally j Sixth