mfnf '.'-".PI 5 -D was in-m a mill cad. was . at Prt'ice mcnt for o Whalen, .ime. suf WlOlf.U I m I lM m i IB, ill. ill. n mi. rfH in, in li va m m. m - ... ft a fered a-bruised, knee and was looked after In Terrace. William H. Tom, president of Thorn Sheet Metal Co. arrived in the city on the Coqultlam Sunday night on business trip to the local branch of the firm. i Trappers, Ranchers and Dealers . MARKET PRICES ship all your RAW ITJUS to JACK I. LOUIS , uvi Hastings Street, Vancouver, n.C. PROMPT RETURNS .art No Commissions Our Prices Are Net to You 0 A- , ' I j, M fcj w (283) fmmmm siiorriNt; DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS IUILOVAS GKUENS LLC INS and Many Others to Choose From DRESSER SETS FLATWEAR The Early Shopper Is Never Disappointed On Engraving ALL WORK DONE ON THE PREMISES i i lit', i . t ir. i i in I r it riiiii i . SANSON'S JEWELLERS It FRIENDLY JEWELER" A A A a a a A A A A A A 9 A A X C.C.F. BAZAAR WELL ATTENDED Christmas Atmosphere At Affair Friday Afternoon 21 S n 3 Miniature Christmas- trees dominated the tea tables at the C.C.F. Club fall tea and bazaar Bartlett, sr. Jjl The following were in charge or booths Mrs. E. A. Evans, raffles; Mrs. George Rudderham. Mrs. Geo. Mayer, candy; Mrs. George Hills, Mrs. M. M. Roper, home cook-, ing; Mrs. G. Hcbb and Mrs. I George Scott were in charge of the kitchen. Raffle winners were: Mr. Geigerich of Tlell, pair of Hudson Bay blankets, ticket number 653. Henry Hanson, Box 161, pressure cooker, ticket number 352. W. S. Holgate, Ocean Falls, satin bed throw, ticket number 189. Mrs. George Rudderham, The whole Iowa knows that 1 Mi nviiiTvm V V I mxaw, v Ait JUJMJUV-.- 1 5 1 t s t rr I ; n Ms ls i iscellan ()E DAY OMA AIR PASSENGERS For Vancouver today) L. M. Felsenthal, Miss Eleanor Block and Robert Kane. For Vancouver (Saturday) E. Pascas, O. Ratcllffe, H. Gerard, R. Shaw and J. Beaubien. From Vancouver (Saturday) J. Worrell, II. Abbott, V. Hog- vivk, E, C. Thomas, A. Abbisou, held in the ladies of lounge thelM, ElMnftI. mivV T mnnrilv. Civic Centre Friday afternoon. Robert Kane T Murphy and Articles for sale at the various stalls soon disappeared under the demand of the large number of ladies who attended the affair. Receiving the guests was. Mrs. J. S. Black, who also acted as general convenor. The tea room -mmm-,,.-,.-.... i. was 'n charge of Mrs. Tony Bus- sanlch, and serviteurs were Mrs. (TgJWl'M ifc 2 Oeorge Viereck. Mrs. J. Colussi, Mrs. Hanson and Mrs. P. For- man. Cashier was Mrs. A. G. Mr. Olney From Sandspit (Saturday) J. Wells, R. Douk, T. York and Mr. Christensode. Christmas cake, ticket number 64. Mrs. Jean Dickens, crocheted dolly, ticket number 1. Mrs. Tony Bussanich, baby set. ticket number 10. Mrs. J. Batt, box of candy, ticket number 65. Mrs. W. M. Smith, cluny lace centrepiece, ticket number 6. 10FFICERS OF ORANGE LADIES Mrs. John Johanscn Elected Worthy Mistress . 1 The Ladies' Orange Benevolent Association at their meeting Thursday night, elected the following officers for the ensuing year. Worthy Mistress, Mrs. John Johansen. Deputy Mistress, Mrs. Harry Paulson. Junior Deputy Mistress, Mrs. William Way. Chaplain, Mrs. E. A. Evans. Recording Secretary, Mrs. W. Hauser. Financial Secretary, Mrs. W. II. Hill. Treasurer, Mrs. A. Lund. Director of Ceremonies, Mrs. J. G. Anderson. . ' 7 - a UTrv... I senior ijeciurer. Mrs. n. new- ton. Deputy Lecturer. Mrs. L. Wide. Inside Guard. Mm. F. Ellison. Outside Guard, Mrs. C. Adams. Guardian, Mrs. F. Ellison. Pianist, Mrs. J. Carr. Standing Committee Mrs. A Denton, Mrs. J. Feasby. Mrs. J Wide, Mrs. A. Taylor. Auditors Mrs. J. Kasper with two more to be appointed. Local News Items J. A. Rutherford, B.OX.S., sail ed last night oh the Casslar for Sandspit, Queen Charlotte Islands, on professional business. J. II. Schrlaberg returned to the city on the Cooultlam last evening from a week's business trip to Vancouver. Mrs. George Dybhavn returned to the city on the Coqultlam last evening from a visit to Vancouver. Customers ratronlzc thaw who advertise. Let Dally News AD columns help your Busi ness () C.C.F. Club meeting Tuesday 8 p.m. New Headquarters Fulton St., opposite Scott's Meat Mar ket. - (281) W. H. Brett, M.L.A. for Prince Rupert, returned to the city at the end of the week from a two weeks' trip to Queen Charlotte Island points. Mrs. C. Johnson and daugh ter, Margaret, and son, Arnold, are sailing, on the Coqultlam Tuesday to Vancouver where they plan to take up future residence. Mrs. J. W. Smith and daughter who have -been guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Kelsey, Fifth Avenue East, are sailing Tuesday on the Coquit-lam to, return to their home at Vancouver. Mrs. D. McMillan and daugh ter, Islay, are sailing on the Co-quitlam Tuesday on a trip to Vancouver. Mr.' and Mrs. William Brid- den of Massett arrived in the city on the Cassiar yesterday morning from the Queen Char lotte Islands for a two weeks' visit here. Sgt. G. H. Mead, provincial police, returned to the city on the Coqultlam last evening after aj.week's trip to Vancouver to receive treatment at the hands of eye specialists. W. H. Francks, Vancouver op tometrist, who has been a visl- Sick and Visiting Committee j tor he cty for the past week for East End Mrs. J. P. Molle,r, I on professional, business, is sail-Mrs. J. G. Anderson; West Side, i ing. by the Princess Louise to-Mrs. F. Ellison, Mrs. W. Gard- njgnt bn his return south. ner Mrs. Georse Howe, Grand Mistress of British Columbia, was presiding officer fer the election and will preside at the next meeting for the installations. Mrs. Allan Coiclough return- orl tn thf citv on the Coauitlam ; last evening from a trip to Van-1 returned to Vancouver on this COUVer auciuuuna iniiK. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 2nd Christmas Suggestions For Thrifty Buyers CHRISTMAS SHOPPING UPSTAIRS IN THE DO YOUR STOPPING FOR YOUR STONE BUILDING, CORNER THIRD AVENUE AND FIFTH STREET ONLY BLACK & WHITE CHECK RAINCOATS Kegular Value $22.50- MS SALE PRICE ALL-WOOL DRESSES Values to. S:5.00- 12.95 v TO CLEAR AT WOOL SKIRTS Regular Value $0.95- S4ty5 AB SALE PRICE WOOL HOUSE COATS Kegular Value to $21.50- 12.95 SALE PRICE HOUSE DRESSES Printed and English Broadcloth- 2.5)5 Kegular Value $1.05. TO CLEAR ANNETT FLANNELETTE AND PRINTED SPUN SILKS "' $2.95 ontju i Hivii WHITE AND, COLORED BLOUSES Crepes and Jerseys. Some Judy Rond's. $2.95 Regular Value to $G.!)5. SALE PRICE. LADIES' BRIEFS AND PANTIES . Small, medium and large. Tcarose aiulwMte-T instil all round. 9. 1 llll HlfUIUI " 1 - N " . HOSE . Service weight. S1.0U Regular price $1.25. SALE PRICE. . . Lisle Hose XT Vft , Regular price $1.65. SALE PRICE. . . . Regular Price $16.95. 3 ONLY QUILTED HOUSE COATS SALL 1 mir, 1 ONLY JERSEY SILK HOUSE COA'l $3.00 L. M. Felsnethal left by air this afternoon for a brief business trip to Vancouver. Mrs. J. A. Brown of Port Es-sington is sailing tonight on the Princess Louise for Vancouver. Mrs. McDonald and daughters, Mrs. Relth and Mrs. Gibson, are sailing on the Princess Louise tonight for Vancouver. Wilfrid Blair of the provincial welfare service left at the end of the week for a trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands on -official business. 1 , Ml ..I. .1mm 9 uoncen ana rum uui"Bi y Civic Centre Auditorium, Friday, J J ripe. 5. 1947. at 8 D.m. Admission i 35c. Proceeds to go to Prince Rupert Film Council. (284) Robert Parker returned to the city, on Saturday night's train from a business trip to Terrace. Hugo Kraupner returned to train from a brief business trip to Terrace. Mrs. W. W. Smeeton has sold her residence on Park Avenue to Mrs. Ketch and will shortly be moving to the Patmore Apart ments on Borden Street to make her future home. to the city on the Coqultlam last evenlg from a brief trip to Vascouvcr on official duties. With the regular monthly business luncheon coming up this Wednesday, the executive of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club was In session at luncheon y Miss Margaret Palmer, pro V Lieut. M. Stapleton, officer j E Corp of Signals here, returned w vincial director of Junior Red Cross, after spending a week: visiting Smlthers, Terrace and other interior points on organi zational duties, arrived in the city on Saturday night's train and will sail on the Princess; Louise tonight on her return to j her headquarters in Vancouver j Meantime she is the guest of her mother, Mrs. P. L Palmer, Fourth Avenue East. Announcements Ml ndvertlbcmcnts m this column will be charged for a full month .at 25 centa a word. Another Rotary ticket will do three things give you a chance to win a car, give you ticket to Grand Rotary Dance, help the hospital children's ward. Get one today. (289) Plays, Presbyterian Church, Dec. 3. United Church Bazaar, Decem ber 4. Orange Sale, December 5. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Dec. 11. Moose Christmas Tree Saturday December 13. STEAMSHIP BOOKINGS TO GREAT BRITAIN NORWAY - SWEDEN CONTINENT ALL LINES REPRESENTED Also Triuis-CunaiU Airlines Passports and Visas Secured For Information See V. C. TKl Mi;KI.I. Cltjr Ticket Aeent 828 3rd. Ave., Prince Rupert or any agent Prfntc Rupert Bcfitf Monday, December 1, 1047 He Will Appreciate a ikm iv t m. f rxn.N ; I'm' ' ml PRICED FROM 7$ STETSN HAT for Christmas Also general merchandise certificates to any value Id l In II ill liMHi ill mm rj '-an- a- '.ft And it's no problem to suit him. g All you need to do is five. him a gift certificate (with a miniature S make his choice from our large - and varied stock. $7 50 tp $15.00 9 I ft A 'ft A ft ft A A it A ft A W. H. Crocker, field represen-, Malcolm McCallum, sales man-tatlve of the Bureau of Postwar I ager of the1 British Columbia Reconstruction with headquar- Co-operative Federation, and ters in Prince George, Is spend- j Mrs. McCallum, who have been lng a few days In the city on visiting at Massett with Mr. and official duties. He arrived at the J Mrs. S. L. Simpson, arrived In Pnd of the week from the in-1 the city yesterday morning from Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Cameron ! u . ... loavp at : thP oneen charlotte Islands and of Boise, Idaho, who arrived in 11, Z ,mw a,tembon on the city Friday to visit Mr. Cam- tne miQQ.e ox u 1 "T Z 'Z " Y vo.vr ernn'c tnnfhpr Mrs. E. T. ADDle- return to Prince Ueorge. I ie i,wiuiuu whaite, plan to- sail next Sun-1 dav on the Coqultlam on trip to Stewart. C. F. P. Faulkner, district en gineer for the federal depart-. ment of public works with head-1 quarters in Vancouver, is sailing by the Princess Louise tonight' on his return to Vancouver after having been here for the past Ijw days on official duties. Charles Graham, inspector of mines here, is returning to the city on the Princess Louise this Miss Eleanor Block R.N., chief afternoon from Nelson where stewardess of Canadian Pacific he has been spending some time Airlines for the Pacific region on relief duties. Mr. Graham; with headquarters in Vancou- had the misfortune while away ver, was a week-end visitor to to break his leg in 'an automo-the city in the course of an of- bile' accident and is still on iicial trip north. She arrived by crutches, aircraft Saturday afternoon and a ia . r T " r-".'!.V'' ra!KiWBi UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED ledinr It ti controlling factor In many of ear qlondi . . . New Nova Kelp contains a valuable amount of iodint, and may prov a very volo. able addition to your daily diet. Try our 6-montk court . . . atk your 4rua,git for full Information. SMALL SIZE y Obtainable at your favourite drug store .S8K LARGE SIZE (too i.Wtt.1 Jg FAMILY SIZE A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Christmas Suggestions LANK CLDAK CHESTS Tennessee cedar throughout with exterior of burl walnut The Ideal Gilt. Got to be seen to be appreciated. Phone 775 327 Third Avenue Prince Kupert Announcing the opening of our new CARPENTER SHOP with the very latest in WOODWORKING MACHINERY We will build your kitchen cupboards right in the shop ready for installation. Also Floor Sanding with the very latest machine. For appointment call Gunnar Salvig 11- Canadian Phone Blue 610 P.O. Rox 651 it's made of wood, we can doit