it 1 W. l.r a.' m El t 1 if if '!S 3tfti!rfr.Riiiittt Staff? JScUis Tuesday, November 25, 1947 SAM BILL, LOCAL PIONEER,. PASSES Death claimed another of Prihw Rupert pionws- thi morning1 with the passing- at Pince Rupert General Hospital of San Bill, a. resident of this rMAHPrf UAMhC city, since l09v He succumbe f AhULJ ilAll L3 to illness- which forced his an gT LOUIg g,Sale of tne st retirement from work two years Cardinals Natlonal League ago. He entered hospital yes- baseball club t0 a Syndicate in-terda'- eluding Postmaster General Born in Yugoslavia in 1883, Mr:, Robert E. Hannegan and Fred "Bill came to Prince Rupert lnjsaigh, St. Louis business man, 1909,.,taldng part in the railroad was announced today by Prest-construction cf the- early daysj dent Sam Breadon. Later, he mored tb Ahyox, where j At the same time it was an-lie worked as a miner, then re- j nounced in Washington by Pres-turned ,te Prince Hupert where ident Truman that Hannegan he entered the coal business, with Thomas Trotter uneil 1922. At the time of his retirement he was labor foreman for the public i works department. i He Is survived by hb wife, two Bustness and GEORGE L. RORIE Public" Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax" Returns Compiled. Besner Block Phone 38T PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Phone Black 823 H. J! LUND: SMITH' & ELKINS LTD; Phnrrbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O.' Box- 274! MfcKINLEY & ST. CHAIR PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING PHONE RED 240 GEORGE: McWHINNEY' PAINTING. AND' PAPERHANGING 147 4th East Phone Black 489 SUPERIOR ., DECORATORS PAINTING PAPERHANGING Phone: Blue 952 or Black 245 Len Hltcnens Bill Thornton . (D18) ARMSTRONG-AGENCIES REAL. ESTATE' BROKERS INSURANCE ADVISERS Phone 342 P.O. Box 927 DR. P: Jl CHENEY DENTIST ANNOUNCES THE OPENINO OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF .. DENTISTRY IN SUITE 5: SMITH BLOCKl ' " TELEPHONE 765 ; MARIE RICHARDSON , GRADUATE NURSE Dealer for Spencer Style and SURGICAL SUPPORTS INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED FOR COMFORT and FIGURE PROBLEMS. For appointments please Phone, Res. Red 246. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving '.. .Beauty Culture ln all its- branches. 206 4th Street' Phone C55 P. N: Kllborn w, Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood- Bageage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Green 977 Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR and MESSENGER PHONE GREEN 955 Agent for Pacific Bottle B.C. Ltd, JONES; NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Rod COS j sons, Alex and Daniel at home. ; and four daughters, Millie, Nellie and Olga at home, and Mrs. Mary Gullekson, of Mooseheac!, Minnesota. i 1 BASEBALL CLUB had resigned his federal post,) effective December l. Breadon said that Hannegan would be president of the new organization. He did not disclose the purchase price. Professional BOAT CONSTRUCTIONS DESIGNING REPAIRS Fine Workmanship Estimates' COW BAY BOAT WORKS A. P. Crawley Green 391 JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 ASTORIA'S LIGHT DELIVERY & MESSENGER Baggage Freight Express Phone Blue 269 322 Sixth St. Night Calls Green 882 THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS, Mgr. Specializing ln Marine and General Sheet Metal Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks Stacks Furnaces ' Gutter Work. ' 253 East First Avenue Phone Black 884 it Grandvlew Hotel ROBERTSON BOTTLE BUYER & TRANSFER DAY AND NIGHT Call Black 412 HANDYMAN of HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS In Building and Repairs of all kinds. Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners. PHONES: 4 Green 486 Red 894 PRINCE RUPERT FLORISTS A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Large selection of Bulbs MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mall orders. Box 516 Phone 777 300 3rd Ave. If It's Rock Work CALL BLUE 939 M: SAUNDERS CONCRETE 8IDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully Insured while I do the work. Serving the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Cartage, Labelling Weighinr BLUE 992 m MOM FT m4 vnCUKT smUS Mil lMr to O0UMB1A OPTICAL CO. I? Train Schedule For the East- Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. From the East- Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday , 10:15, With but a few games under their belts, it appears that the veteran, Co -op- entry in the sen- ; with Sweet Slxieen in the La-ior league is away to a winning j dies' League fixture. Both teams season unless rival squads start rehearsing something or other to stoo Aneui MacDhee and Jack- Lindsay. Saturday night those two. lads took it upon themselves to lead their team to a 75-60 victory over the youthful Brownwoods and . the students by a large score. with the great scoring show and Brownwoods and Savoy senior fast olay. the game was- easily should be a thriller. Art Mur - the best so far this year This ra? has hls eers all tuned up same team was just last week ' for tnis Be and all Indication $ bothering the executive nf thelnt to a "al battle with league with, the thought In mind that they should have a little bolstering up in the persons- of Lavigne and Flaten of the Bo- MeHl. It.wasclaimed.thenthat; due to age and general condition. 1 the old boy needed some help seems they were greatly concerned. Now the shoe Is on the other foot-who's going to be .uoAMtfrea 10 neip- tne young fellows- keep up to the pensioners? A word or two with Sid Wood- side on Saturday night was all that was necessary to find that ' he was very much put out about the way Alex Bill's High School : lads entertained his Merchant cury in me lniermeaiate section. Hi school had no regard for Mr. Woodsid or his boys and made the game so one-sided that i began to bother the specta- i tfr.Q. RpforAa Af vr .. .. 1 1 J ..v.v.w, ..ib muiiay xiau La .?o so far As to banish one of the ana tne subject of his being denied the pleasure of playing lor a game or so, Is under discussion by the referees' association. According to Johnny Comadina, referee-ln-chief of the league, remarks from the bench, particularly of the nature the one made on Saturday night, will tolerated and will definitely result ln action being taken against the player question. Brownwoods, even though they lost 75-60, played a much better game Saturday than they havei done so far this year. Considering how unconscious . Macphee seemed to be In picking up a neat 25 points, and also that LindsayBeynon and Co. were enjoying an evening above average, there was no disgrace in dropping the contest. If Boyoi Ourvich can be talked Into getting a little averdupois off his tall frame and getting on the move on defence, the rest of .the gang will no doubt give him a hand. It is however, necessary that they have some size to cope witn situations such as Domlnato, Morgan and the other big iaas seem to present, and Gur- vlch has that size. . With the crowds contlnulne to Increase, basketball u now enjoying the greatest patronage ior a number of years and Don Forward -is- one man that, is happy about it all. At Saturday night's game there were more fans than have attended many Inter-town games ln years past and now the gripe Is where to put the customers- when an outside team does visit, us. It Is understood that the basketball association Intends to approach the .Civic Centre body with the thought of "season passes" not such a poor idea- either; The first visitors this year will be Ketchikan High on December 12 and IS. Then there will be Duke of Conn aughts back around the Xmas holidays. 65 Taxi and Bo-Me-Hl Junior Rainmakers will provide the curtain-raiser In tonight's bas- uau league games. TUe Cab- - 'tumis hip junior cir- The Basket.. taking them Into camp, High School Co-edswill battle will be trying to get In the win j i column, j i Fashion Footwear and Bo-Me-1 Hi Rainmakers tnnirl In th in. termediate circuit. Domlnato has I "tlon!j, Cla3f , , M been putting his team through 3CKlng Edward Physical Edu-some catlonaI C1;xss-Shoemen strenuous training and tht ! figure they will take 4:00-Hlgh School Juvenile Girlj mondson and his Savoys comin? I oui on me smau end or tne scoring. I SafrfIav aturday Wight-S NicrM' Scoring' Details The score by quarters in Sat- urday night's senior game was as fo'now6s. Co-op 21, Brownwoods- 14. Co-op 23, Brownwoods 1G. Co-op 17, Brownwoods' 15. Co-op 14, Brownwoods 15. Individual scoring: 1 1 Senior ,cL0r,Mcel25o' Lfy Haugan 3, Pierce 8, Benyon 7, um 5, Fitch 7, Menzies., 1. Brownwoods Gurviclii 8, Ci-cohe 6, E. Cicone 4, Forman 12, Hartwtg 19, Thompson 5, Petten- uzzo- Pierce 6. . ' M. m , ,. Shiers 6, Carlson 2, Davidson 1 Springs 1, Boulter M-hont. U.kU n t, ...v.kl.u ireuu a, .iiaugan, : Currie irrie 1, Owens, Moore 4, S. 1 Scherk 2, Youngman 10, Sunberg 2, Mercer. ( Junior Gyros Marshall 2, Sather 2, Hills 2, Hartwtg, MacAra 2, Young 2, Slater 3, MacTarlane. Toderas. High School Jeffreys 2, Webber 4, Prevost 4, Simondson 4, Smith 5, Black, Jordan, Weiss 1, Johnson. "Gin Pills Helped my Sore Back" says Montreal man. " had rlnumatie aches and stifl back-couU hardly straighten up "A" nT'" friend advised , . mw I'm ever st much better".-l.r., Montreal. E""?" ,t!,n' 4.? J"" G'n Pill Kheuniaiic Pain. Uickiche, Scijiica. Lurabaiio. .Get a patkaie lo4,y. ,uu"'' u Ji provea ihe;c meriu Regular itit, 4IMItf Economy llit, U riMt A (Inllia Oi.A.ait(cr Olo. pan) Company of Canada, Limited j7 BEER delivered free to your home G . 0 . D PHONE 654 25c PER DOZ. PAID for EMPTIES Please have them ready when the driver calls. Thl. advertisement 1. not published or T .1 'A ' """"Muwt.ontroi Boardor cult but the. students plan on Tr molBtnmColumbl- I DRAMA ANU MUSIC FEST Considered liy L,-T.A; Council Acropolis Hill School Site Ain'oreu At the regular monthly meeting last night in the Civic-Centre of the Prince Rupert Parent-Teacher Council, which dealt with a great number' of items, reports from the different Parent-Teacher Associations indicated a lively Interest ln a pro- : posed music and drama festival, j It was felt that this- would be J a very large undertaking and I should not be the responsibility ! I of the Parent-Teacher organi-1 zation alone but should be aj ' I community effort. An. Interim committee composed of Mrs. J, H iBtactt, h. D. Cieland and J. C. at GVc Centre WEDNESDAY (Sports) A.M. 9:00 Booth School Physical Education Class P.M. 1:00 Booth School Physical " ' ' iat"Le ! , , 1 5:00 High School Junior Boys C. : Basketball Practice and j6 - 00"0 J"lo Basketball I f,factlcfr R"PRec Intermediate Ollker1 was named toinakt prt- 1 llmtnary investigntloiutnud later taK neceaiary sieps in iquow up the idea. The value of tudy groups and the various courses offered by the Extension Department ol Ihe University of B.C., as well as through the Parent-Teacher Federation, were considered anil a copy of the study kits' will be obtained. J. S. Wilson reviewed the second lesson In the P.-T.A. course In leadership training. The Idea of having businessmen address the various schools on local business opportunities and requirements was considered at length. The recommendation of the School Board that the Acropolis Hill be the Kite of the new Junior anil Senior High School was approved with the suggestion that each P.-T.A. dis-ouss the matter further. Various local groups are being organized for study ot pertinent probiems wnile Mrs. J. 11 Black will also co-ordinate the worjc with a province-wide study of the question of education 01 Indians in B.C. On behalf of the Prince Itu-pert and District Teachers' Association, J. S. Wilson thanked Mrs. E. Becker and Mrs. J. H. Black for their valuable contributions towards the observance of Education Week. Present at the meeting were Mrs. E. W. Becker, president; Mrs. J. H. Black, Mrs. G. A. Hill Mrs. D. Gomez, Mrs. Kullander, Miss Moxley. R. D. Cleland, J. Gllker, C. nansen, H. Cooper J. S. Wilson. Classified Auvertisiny Pays! SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 541 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert Gillalle Milord One-piece raror, gold-plated, in alligator-grain case with five Gillette Blue Blades with the sharpest edges Tn ever honed $3.79 ''''fcMBBfcBBf GlrU Class , uu ercnanw isastceiDau Practice 8; 00 Fashion Footwear Basltet- ball Practice 9:0O-u-Co-op Basketball Practice Special Events) 8:00 Badminton Teen Aers 8:C0 Little Theatre Meetine 8:00 Industrial Workers Union 8:00-Cltizens Forum &00 Kinsmen Executive Meeting. Enjoy Extra Shavinq sPeed d Convenience with a Gillette ONE-PIECE RAZOR Shavine is miphtv 1 ., .J . M uuu easy witn tne handy, modern Gillette one- piece razor. Blade changing is a cinch ; Twist. . . the razor opens and you drop in a blade. Twist again ... you're ready to shave. To clean, just loosen holder, rinse and shake, Arlttocrcrt One-piece razor, heavily gold-plated, with rtcn rtxol-covered case '"' and ten imootht m, mavinguiuette Blue Blades. Please RIM! Give n I nDCCClMP r-rwxTKj :r" Keduced' from $15.93' AT BIO' ItEDDCTION' , LEATIIEK BELTS Finest made ACME CLOTHING C33 Third Avenue West T Why gel Caught? f JL 1 Mfe&V ) I MlM Iff $&fA I' mmti S J Sgl K V I TlES-Boxcd lor Xmas J STORE 1'HONK :r 1 ,mmmm i i j ill WINTERIZE NOW! Recharge Battery, Tune Motor-, Check Cooling System and Instal Antifreeze, Repair or Replace Those Worn Skid Chains, Change to Winter Grade Lubrication. DO'lT NOW AND AVOID THE RUSH RUPERT MOTORS LTdT LP CHOI The Tobacco of Qu THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 2JI CIVIC CKXTKi: : 7:15 P.M. All lnteretetl in the or ol the Boy ScouU J Prince Rupert are cordialiy ir.v.tcd to attn Space by courts -y Bob Parker Ltd, "The Home of Friendly Service Phone 83 P.O. Bottom 2 . WK SKItVICi; YOUR CAK. llltlVB IT IN NOW 1011 A wimku ciii:ck.()vi:k. Dan's Service Station .MrBride Street Green COS LIHC THE TAIL! Me are takiaf tlaiJ pressin j and slum 1 while jom j PHONE C49 - 225SJ ORDER NOW! Personal Christmai Greeting Cards ALSO BOXED ASSORTME In New and Original ut Prices from ."flf 1 GIFT STATIONERY FOUNTAIN DIBB PRINTING COMPi UESNER BLOCK &,iiia..xxxi..i'2.- From This Date WAR ASSI1TS COAL will be: LlIMl' Sacked 512.00 per ton MINE RUN Loose $11.00 per ton No rebate for quantity HYDE TRANSFER PHONE S80 THIRD! MAC SHOE I WE DOCTOR SHOES HEEL TIIEM ATTEND THEIR DYEING-save their iu Second Avenue KNOX HOTfl A OIIIET. PLEASANT PLACE TO Uff r. POOMS KEDEC0R1 UUMri.,iJ!4jX WiHUVftltu SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES MANAQEMBNT iiNnp MEW fropnecors: ium i iuovm. c. steve xsojP TRUCKS - CARS TOj miRUiniff & SON CONTRACTORS Land Clearing and Rock- Work- Phone 32 or Red 511 ality rttlXCE KL'PEKT DISTRIlj UY SCOUTS ASS0CI.ll Annual Meeting Box 38 Prince Rupe-i OurSp Sixth si