iter "AIRY DRINK f.1 In i ( tastier broad! 3 1 I m. I I : . :. j women tall it ;-jrity,"said .4 . I . ':: c an element don't think tl t.t.t question of 'T- iv they wwk : :u and soundly v.: a have that k o any security r. a urson in that r when I was - :urj, and I've f:T(-)ttcn it. I was f. x , t::: a company i good pro-the employees Cutting better i shorter hours time. Every- -i c: j 1 remember 'ij v. rr when we ' - th? door one :; '' wai v ;rnp;iny )pc!Q5cddown. u..: :n in the wash, :spany wasn't " th? first place, 'i vcr -;rvcs of capital, 1 ru: .ing them up M ' a spent every -V. 't: market with c.:;h!-:ry to keep up irtc 't: -:;llectionswere tflitunt getting farther till the crash ' 'J' RX4 )obs went up Be: 11 w, a rathet : ro one else would J". bucinesi.and wc iw":k, dtij I won't ever -i waf to get 0 q get building up '-nt and sound an element in i ' woikincman A and there should be .IDfM.. 1 i 1 Timer art bresmte J TM r under the lfvminr. ,,.m rcucrnnon oj prices. P.I 9 'Uulterfat urn niM;v UKEIT I Vn., ... "aeon. Grocer -,'Miar r DAIRY 657 FLEISCHMANN'S FRESH MHVf .,7 ,m fULl-STRtNGTHJ rieiscnmann s tresti ch Yeast starts working right away! All the strength of the ast brings out all the flavourful goodness of your ,read. Be sure of sweet taste light texture fragrant freshness every time! OU BAKE AT HOME, insist on chmann's full-strength, fresh active . .:.L iko rimilitr'vntmn IiK1 in ii m m ! Pays! :- Duuy New1 n i i I 'i ill linn 1 bLf u raff? fea hi a m m mm n v JJESJJ ; ') if SERVICE CLUB OF CHRISTIANS New Organization Being Formed In Prince Itupert Dr II. W. Rlggs. a charter member of the Vancouver Kl-wanls Club, was on his way to an International conference of the club when he and other members met a group of ministers going home from a Presbyterian convention in Winnipeg. The two groups discussed the principles of a service club in the light of Christian teaching with such interest that when Dr. Brlggs returned home he had a vision of a service club within the church. Now twenty five years later the A.O.T.S., meaning "as one who serves," has spread through southern British Columbia, into the north as far as Prince George, east across the prairies into Ontario and Quebec, and now these clubs are beginning to appear in Washington. Dr. Douglas H. Telfer, president of the British Columbia conference of the United Church, presented this outline of the growth of the A.O.T.S. in a talk before a group of Interested men who gathered last night in the United Church hall. 'The 'A.O.T.S.; which is a n o n - denominational organization, Is not controlled by the church in which It may have Its beginning and is intended to of fer a means whereby men wno believe deeply in the Christian nrincinirs mav express their faith through service to oth ers." declared Dr. Telfer. Following Dr. Teller's address a number of those present ex- oressed the desire to see A.O.T.S club formed In Prince Rupert and a committee consisting of Crawford Moore. Martin Stuart, Dr. D. Galbralth, George Mc Whlnnev and Harry Seaman u'ns nnnolntcd and asked to compile a report on the possi bilities of such an organization tiip refreshments, arranged by Harry Sheardown, were served, stvle. each man STEAMSHIP BOOKINGS TO GREAT BRITAIN NORWAY - SWEDEN CONTINENT ALL LINES REPRESENTED Truiis-1'aiiinlii Airline Passports and Visas Secured For Information See V. f, 1 KIM HI I I" City TU ket .RPt 528 3rd. Ave.. Prince Rupert or any agent Canadian national Movinjr, Packing: Crating", Shipping anil General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor, 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones CO and C8 Social D FORMER LOCAL GIRL MARRIES Miss Jean Murvold and Raymond Furness United In New Westminster Prince Rupert-born Jean Muriel Murvold, fourth daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. John Murvold. formerly of this city and for the past five years residing in New Westminster, became the bride of Raymond Nell Furness, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Furness, also of New Westminster, at a recent quiet ceremony at the home of the bride's parents in the Royal City. Rev. F. W. Eide officiated and the attendants were Miss Beverley Furness, sis ter of the grpom, and Miss Nora Soros as bridesmaids, and Ted Moulton as groomsman. Prior to the wedding, a number of showers were held in honor of the bride. AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver F. Barteleossi, A. Scritzel, Mrs. A. M. Ingalls. To SandsplWW. Mattson, R Richard, Mr. and Mrs. D. Secord Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25 cents a word. Another Rotary ticket will do three things give you a chance to win a car, give you ticket to Grand Rotary Dance, help the hospital children's ward. Get one today. (289) Salvation Army Home League Sale Nov. 25th. Catholic card party at the fSchool Hall, Nov. 27, 8 PJ.I. CCF Bazaar, Civic Centre Nov. 28th. Sonja Tea, Home Cooking, Fancy Work. Lutheran Recrea tion Rooms, 2:30-5:30. Nov. 29 Plavs. Presbyterian Church. Dec. 3. United Church Bazaar, Decem ber 4. Orange Sale, December 5. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Dec. 11 making up his own sandwiches from the assortment of cold meats, pickles and cheese. Dr. D. Galbralth presided as chairman of the meeting. omos (Contributions to this section will he iMmH) MEtt LOCAL COUPLE Another highly enjoyable WW TO I lF whist party and dance was held 1 ' u uf ,v LI I L by the Moose lodge in the tern- j AT f A I f A Tl pie Saturday night. Prize-win-' M I LALUAKI ners at whist were Mrs. L. Bo-' lam, Mrs. S. Corliss, C. a. Brechin A rite Joining members of two and George McWhlnney. Dane- 'ocal families was solmenized by lng, with music by Stevens or- Kev- J- Carroll, O.M.I., in the chestra and Carl Brechin as chapel of Annunciation Church master of ceremonies, was en-Joyed from 10:30 p.m. During an Intermission refreshments were served and whist prizes were distributed. at 7 o'clock Monday evening when Norah Cecelia, youngest daughter of Mrs. Ellen McCaf- fery and the late M. P. McCaf-fery, became the bride of Wil liam E. Bond, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bond, of this city. The bride's graceful gown was of off-white brocaded satin with an lnsetyoke net. A small cap of matching material held the floor-length veil. Her bouquet was of deep red roses. She was given in marriage by her cousin, R. E. Moore. Bridesmaid was Miss Charlotte Balagno, who looked lovely in silver blue taffeta with pink accessories. Groomsman was William Long. A reception, attended by about 60 guests, was held at the home, of the bride's mother, 445 Fourth Avenue West. Mrs. McCaffery and Mrs. Bond welcomed the guests, the former wearing a floor-length gown of royal blue with black accessories and the latter gowned in violet with black accessories. Toast to the bride was proposed by Father Carroll, with response by the groom. Toast to the bridesmaid was proposed by Judge W. O. Fulton to which the groomsman responded. Those pouring during the eve ning were Mrs. C. P. Balagno and Mrs. Francis Mlllerd, of Van couver. Assisting with the re freshments were Mrs. R. E. Moore. Miss Mary Armstrong. Mrs. Don Fitch, Mrs. P. Bond, Miss Mary McCaffery, Mrs. Clarence Thomson and Miss Frances Moore. The groom's gift to the bride was a lovely. string.of. pearls..- The newly married couple left last night on the Princess Ade-1 y lalde for Vancouver. They will j y spend, a honeymoon in the south, after which they will go to Cal gary where they will make their home. The bride and groom have spent the greater part of their lives in Prince Rupert. The bride was recently employed by y Canadian Pacific Air Lines. The $ groom is a graduate "of the Uni- g versity of British Columbia. The 8 per cent sales tax that has be?n charged to domestic consumers of electricity since 193ft has been cancelled by the government as oi midnight, Ncrvember, 17. As this company was not officially notified until November 21, our. customers whose meters were read between November 18 and 20 were charged tax, but this will De adjusted on their next month's billing. NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO. PRACTICAL GIFTS . . . are always acceptable Drop in anil inspect the many useful items that we are show-in? for the coming Festive Season. FOR lltM" l'''r and ('nrprntt'i Ktn Ui:K: Ijhids. UMies. Hshl"K Taikle, Sport sure Cookers, K.leitrlc Irons ,'IS ,.,. Toasters, .Mixers l-yrex Mare. H)R THE YO I'M T KKS Ice Skates, Skis anil equipment, Slelis, Holler skates, Hiifiiuis le.v;le ami Klildle Cars. "SHOP EARIY" .... iCTJ llrlile St.. riione 311 iff Attention Trappers, Ranchers and Dealers FOR TOP MARKET PRICES ship all jour RAW FURS to JACK I. LOUIS 207 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C. PROMPT RETURNS We Deduct No Commissions Onr Prices Are Net to You (283) Local News Items Valhalla Whist Thursday, Nov. 27, 8 pjn. Refreshments. 29. Sonja Tea Sale,. (277) November (278) Basketball tonight. Senior fixture 9:30 p.m. Brownwoods vs. Savoy. (it) Mrs. Onolee Kirkaldy and Miss veima urieg oi Terrace were air passengers leaving for Van couver on yesterday's flight. C BOSUN INN, 909 1st. Ave. West, announce the opening Saturday, November 22. Specializing in Mexican dishes. (275) Mr. and Mrs. Neville Gerrard sailed on the Coqultlam this afternoon on a trip to Vancouver. Dr. Jens Munthe left on last night's train for Smithers where he will spend a few days In connection with his dental practice. Customeis Patronize those who advertise. Let Dally News ness He y Is employed by an oil company at Calgary. Try a Dally News Classified Ad. BLACKHEADS go quickly by a ilmpU method tht ii lolvei thn. G. two oiinci of peroxln powder from your dniKKiat. PP'y Uh hot. wet tloth g.nUy over the blackhemde eud yoa will wonder where, they hert NOTICE Watch the Classified Ads! K (tf) Not long after the funeral of his wife a few days ago, Rev. W. H. Pierce, veteran missionary, found it necessary to enter the Prince Rupert General Hospital.' He has attained the great age of 92 years. "Brother" Moody, who left here a few years ago to dwell In Minnesota, continues to enjoy reasonably good health, ac cording to recent word. He Is about 88, his chief problem being his eyesight. Robert MacKinnon, agent for Canadian Pacific Air Lines at Sandspit, arrived in the city by plane on Saturday on a weekend visit. He left on yesterday afternoon's flight to return to the Islands. Rt. Rev. James B. Gibson. Bishop of Caledonia, sailed last rdght on the Princess Adelaioe for a trip to Ocean Falls on ecclesiastical duties. Robert Gordon sailed this af ternoon on the .Coqultlam for a vacation trip to Arizona. He expects to be away for two or three months. Edmund Wark of Vancouver, international representative of the steam engineers' union, after a week's visit here on organizational business, sailed by the Princess Adelaide last night on his return to Vancouver. Er Tftls is iie way to sell that furniture you no longer need a Classified Ad in the Daily News. AD columns help your Busl-'to Vancouver, O RUPERT LEGION MEETS THURSDAY,! NOV. 27, 8 O'CLOCK. (276) Dr. Douglas Telfer, president of the British Columbia Conference of the United Church of Canada, after a week-end visit here following a trip through the interior, sailed last night by the Princess Adelaide on his return Felix Batt, who moved from Prince Rupert some years ago to locate in the south, recently returned from an extended business and vacation trip to his home in Rossland. The party comprised himself and wife and a few friends. Among the cities visited were Toronto and Montreal, Niagara Falls, Salt Lake, as well as Yellowstone Park. Since leaving Prince Rupert, Mr. Batt has also been in Yellowknlfe. the mining camp in the great northwest. Quickly Relieves Distress of SiiemSftifly neatsoom A little Va-tro-nol up each nostril promptly relieves sniffly. stuffy distress of head colds makes breathing easier. Also. helps prevent many colds from developing ( It used in time. Try ltl I You'll like ltl Follow directions In package. VltKS YATRO NOE. i i;ici!eit!t:!e,'t!C'''S!C'!!e!t'''!5'S!5lie,!'ete!f suorriNG DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS IIULOVAS GRUENS ELGIN'S and Many Others to Choose From DRESSER SETS FLATWEAR The Early Shopper Ie Never Disappointed On Engraving ALL WORK DONE ON THE PREMISES FOR THE LATEST IN JEWELRY . . . MANSON'S JEWELLERS "YOUR FRIENDLY JEWELER" OPEN 5 A.M. TO 2 AM. TRY FOR TASTY MEALS Chop Suey Chow Mein CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Tuesday, November 25, 1947 BViMliiiHLHflHiHBIHiiiiiHHHilHHHBiHHHiiM We think you'll agree that our Fall showing is the smartest you've seen in years. It's built to stand plenty of wear, too. The range includes mahogany rawhide, solid pigskin and twecd-covcrcd sets. Make your selection for gift or presentaton now. MI.L1JO-M..I.W J.I' IB M M III - Jl -1 J m I '.Liir-aaiuqmifiuu A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Christmas Suggestions LANE CEDAIt CHESTS Tennessee cedar throughout with exterior of burl walnut The Ideal Gift. Got to be seen to be appreciated. Phone 775 327 Third Avenue Prince Rupert J-jlP-I l'LLNESS and longer skirls are keynotes in the new dress styles. Cloth coals are treated with full swing backs for graceful lines . . . Furs are more lavish, more luxurious than ever. Sweet Sixteen has all these, styles, so visit us, and you too can be trim, smart and for the Christmas glamorous KIIILillUUa il UIV VII ej seasnrt. scasorl. i i j 4 (Oj 'if 1 a Our BUDGET PLAN No Interest No Carrying Charges, will Win assist usmsi, one uuc and iiau all uu to tu become ucuuiiiu a a part paii. ui of the uic new new J Fashion Fashion World. World. J . . Announcing the opening of our new CARPENTER SHOP with the very latest in WOODWORKING MACHINERY We will build your kitchen cupboards right in the shop ready for installation. Also Floor Sanding with the very latest machine. For appointment call Gunnar Selvig Phone Blue 610 P.O. Box 651 it's made of wood, We can doit