B H B B H II a Q B n N a a a H M B B II U H A H 01 1 B U a a a m m B B B B H B B B fl B B B B B Prfnrc Rupert Dnflp S3tus Tuesday, November 25. 1947 ISLAND PILOT BUSY JOB AT CAMPS . .Adventures Also in Flyinj Between (Jueen Charlottes and Mainland SANDSPIT Pilot Jim Lough-eed, who operates the Powell Hlver Co.'s Goose aircraft between Sandspit and the pulp company's scattered camps on the Queen Charlotte Islands, has teen having a busy time of it since the company air service went into operation three weeks ago. Lousheed is the connecting link between the Canadian Pacific Air Lines terminal at Sand- spit and the Powell River Co. c?.mps at Cumshewa, Beatty Anchorage, Aero Camp and Jus-katla. and, so far, he has been averaging about 10 passengers and considerable freight and ex OF YOUR BEST EATING PLACE FULL-COURSE MEALS II A.M. TO 8 P.M. press a day, from Vancouver. With his eight-passenger amphibian he hops off the Sandspit air strip, landing on the water at the remote camps. So far, he has had one mercy flight to his credit. Called from Sandspit, he stopped at Cumshewa and picked up an injured logger whom he flew to Beatty Anchorage for medical attention. They had a narrow escape as they approach ed Beatty Anchorage for a Approaching the oay between two high pinnacles at the har bor entrance, C. P. Airlines agent ! Bob MacKinnon went to the nose of the plane to act as lookout. , Beneath them, apparently there I was deep water. Suddenly, how- rtr. ABDEN 'NOTEBOOI r ? Simple Method of Vegetable Storage. Vegetables which remain unused in the small garden after freezing weather has put an end to the harvest can usually ba stored in a garage in good condition for several weeks and in most cases can be used up in that time. Beets, carrots, potatoes, turnips and rutabagas should all be given the same treatment which is as follows: Dig them up as late as possible before the ground begins to freeze and cut the tops off. Do not allow the roots to dry. sand, loam and sawdust. Vegetables which have passed their prime are not worth storing. Those w;;cn &:iow evidence of disease or insect injury or which have been bruised will not keep well. Young vegetables are-better than old for storing; they continue to mature in storage, though a-. very s:ow rate. The temperature at which these vegetables keep best should be between 35 and 40 degrees, sufficient to keep them dormant so that no sprouts develop and out examine mem carefully and flavor. They must be protected store only those which you 'against freezing but the risk 1-: would consider in good condl-lnot great in a garage until out-tion for table use. Do not clean door temperatures get much be-thedirt from them but place low freezing. ever, it shoaled, showing rocks just beneath the surface. MacKinnon shouted warning to the pilot, who pulled the plane up, but not before it touched the surface with a tear ing (crash. MacKinnon and Lougheed waited for the water to pour through the hull. However, the hull was not damaged but the tire of one of the wheels which had been let down to protect the hull was torn completely around its circumference. The injured log ger was :anced safely. On the return flight to Sand spit, they were unable to use the runway and had to let down on the water which was extremely rough. They pitched around for an hour before a 'boat was able to reach them and tow them to the air port. RADIO BEACON NEARLY READY SANDSPIT -Work on the new-radio range beapon for the Department of Transport has almost been completed by the R. A. 'Wassman Construction Co. of I them in boxes and pack them m Vancouver. The company already has completed alterations to the 1 Canadian Pacific Air Lines! staff house which now provides1 41 passengers wno .mignt oe grounded on account of weather. Accommodations in the build- j ing are designed for 15 men and : ' six women. They have been used several times when weather ' around Vancouver has cancelled the southern leg of the flight. I In addition, the Wassman Con-! struction Co. is building eight i four-room residences for De-1 to prevent drying out, which partment of Transport employees causes them to shrink and lose j who will be stationed here. ! PERSIAN SPINACH Spinach is probably of Persian origin. Introduced into ; Europe about the 15th century. niiiiBiniRinnBBBBiBi it bd b b b n n a b pi bdiiqd n u a a n b abb b bibb b ' WALLAC E'S - THE HOUSE gifts and mui fornishiks too.' You weren't really stumped sneri.il crifr at what to buy for 'that ii If so su you you cuan didn't t see see the -j 0" iiv- jfuu.- bridee sets, rahl , ,utlv.lltwlI acj,, cuiu laoie ciotns BROADWAY CAFE (FORMERLY BOSTON) Chinese Dishes a Specialty Banquet Hall for Luncheons, Dinners, Parties 608 THIRD AVENUE WEST Telephone 200 at Wallace's. Even those hard-to-get fine English. Scotch or Irish linens. states... RUPERT MARINE REALTY i (J. CLAUSEN & SON) I We Take Listings of . . . j BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISIILNG EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) BOX 548 Phnnp firi-pn HEADQUARTERS FOR THE PARTICULAR SHOPPER ace's Course l Ban i HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 714 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 JSoiv Available! B B B B B LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL y y a I Th Gtttrp Mtlhw Adnn Sfttirf, Inf. P "I'm afraid tha,t new girl. Isn't cut out to be a .salesgirl!" CFPR Hadio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) TUESDAY PJrt. 4:00 Al Harvey comfortable accommodation for' 4M5 Stock Quotations. 4:30 Especially For You 4:45 life In the Open 5:00 Music in a Mellow Mood 5:30 Platter Parade 5:45 George Elliot and His Accordian 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Dinah Shore 6:30 'Inside Story 6:45 According1 to Record 6:50 Recorded Interlude 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Leicester Square to Broadway 8:00 Alberta Ranch House tf:30 Record Album 9:00 Tuesday Evsning Recital Wpg. 9:15 Points of View 9:3(U-Design for Listening NBC 10:00-CBC News 10:10 B. C. News 10:15 Neighbourly News 10:30 Pacific Pianororte 11:00 Weather and Slsn Off WEDNESDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical CiucK 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert . 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodle 11:00 Elevenses 11 : IS Reminiscences 11:30 Weather furccsst 11:31 -Message Penod 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Ethel and Albert 12:00 Mid-day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25- -Program' Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Int. 1; 00 The Concert Hoilr 1.30 Jlecltal, Ottawa 1:45 Commentary "And His Mother" 2:00 B.C. School Broadcast 2:30 Men and Music Igjji Three Ballings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays, l:3t p.m Coqultlam. Fridays, 12 midnight. Catala. Sunday, 2 p.m. Camosim. KETCHIKAN, WRANGLXL and PETERSBURG Fridays, 2 p.m. STEWART and ALICE 'ARM Sundays, 12 midnight. a QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS October 17 and 31 November 14 and 28 Midnight. FOR SOUTH ISLANDS October 19 November 2, 16 and 30 Midnight. FRANK J. SKINNER I Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone -468 LOCAL MAN'S FATHER DIES Ross Ingram, local business man, received word Monday, of the death at Vancouver Sunday night of his father. C. A. Ingram, who passed away at the age of 82. Mr. Ingram was a real pioneer of the coast, having lived at Vancouver since before the big fire in the middle "80's. He was pre-deceased by his wife 10 months ago. He Is survived by six sons, four In Vancouver, and three daughters, two of which reside in the southern city. The late Mr. Ingram visited Prince I Rupert only a few months ago Nick Kurulok returned to the' city by air Saturday afternoon i from a trip to Vancouver. USE 1BBBBBBBH B.C. MASONIC HEAD COMING Masonic lodges In Prince Rupert and Terrace will receive official visitations later this week from the Grand Master of British Columbia, G. Roy Long of Vancouver. Mr. Long is flying up from Vancouver Thursday and will visit Tsimpsean and Tyec lodges here at a Joint communication this evenln. Next afternoon, Mr. Long, accompanied by a party of local Masons, will pro ceed by bus to Terrace to visit the lodge here Friday night, re turning to the city early next morning so Mr. Long may catch the noon plane for his trip homr to Vancouver. Hazelton Woman I Buried On Friday HAZELTON Funeral service for Mrs. Martha Turner. 32-year old wife of Ell Turner, who died at Hazelton Hospital last Tuesday, was held Friday afternoon at the Salvation Army hall here with -Capt. Randall officiating. There was a large number of friends at the service, Deceased was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Muldoe, of Hazelton, Sho is survived also by her husband and three small children, rani CHRISTMAS SPECIAL One Photo and Twelve Christmas Cards for Price and Appointment call at Chandler & CowrHI 4th Street, Prince Rupert To Wartime Housing Purchasers- SEE YOUR FAVORITE IN DO 518 Third Ave. West LLS AT THE VARIETY STORE Our attractive, colorful dolls are a natural with younsters. This season you will see the finest selection in dolls on display . . . dolls with sleeping eyes, movable arms and legs, real hair and smartly dressed, at prices to suit any purse. Phone Red 400 dub Kiev wallev UB'r Bf Jb mW AND SAVE OR Get 25 More Heat From A Ton of Coal Your dealer can supply you BULKLEY VALLEY COLLIERIES Telkwa, B.C. LIMITED I ! fire insurance able to offer you in . . . On your new home and futrniture. Do not delay in providing yourself with full protection. We have a plan to meet all your needs. Do Not Delay! Sec Us at Once! H. G.HELGERSON LTD. Phone im or visit our office 216 Sixth Street i i: i! invrAi ' .aim in ife i nil w . tinur in I aT1 ill fKfc i v bt n ma b u i i bu I X ft I IBH V J IM U urn t I' Wv WW 1 E Ann Sheridan in "NORA PRENTISS George Hill & Sons LIMITKI) (I'JI THIRD AVKNL'j: iNext Commodore Cafei P.O. Uox "37 LU torrmg i BIHG CROSBY loan CAULF1ELD Barry FITZGERALD or ivlhlN h hHU nnH Kl MK BBBi A. fl . m m mm I tot SLATE SHOES V-BBM A4 M ABJ 4Bi Bi I AAlflNft I 4fl WkM B mm mt B auillk. BlHfl j - u lleautiful furs are the Ageless Gift of Distinction Yeanicil for by from 1G every woman to GO. 1 v BILL SCUBY- I'uns 322 Tlllltl) AVLNIJi: RL.CK m T" rr v i -v B . I. . . f n I r 1? ? fl '..I i.M... vn Iniilt ft v a A- 1 1.. 1 w Will linen rir I'inisii, ouiiiK'es. " --. tuent of Moulding. Sole Aucnl for 15.C. CE3IKNT CO. ALBERT & McC AFFERY LTD. PIIONL' 116 . . ("f 1MM IP COAL A GIFT OF FISH. il M0NE Thinking of . . . CAMERAS For Christma Wc have just refcived a shipment J Itom Kodaks and llrownies. Prlcrd S3.40 to S61.50 McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LID- (E. C. Wallace, Mansn"1 Third Avenue at Sixth Street '--- " ...... ......i vkrrTUr'a y x v riioxE ' I IT (MMMOtf v nni' t vmnf a t'i 1 1 ! imiri'ciuLi' ti " n....in Y i i .a ...AV,. V.itnmis li.u.UI" v ii icii-puium fiu tun in ui I ASSORTED SMOKED FISH & Shipped Kxpress Prepaid in lit., w" tp, 15 SASKATCI1KWAN Oli ONTARIO for j Send your orders to t!e Bacon I'RINCK RUPKIIT, nc. Fisher 1'ro ( For Prince Rupert Seafood , vmra ORDERS ET,c r