. Clarified Advertising - - ENTHUSIASM M dm. word per Insertion,, minimum charge, 50e. Birth, Notices, , I f rilMliirvl f snsssiss u ! IS REKINDLED- 111" - . - member zn ---' a vr vf.irs. be- sister oim."'"" amera services w Rev B. A. Wilson ,:t Glow 443 Hnesday, November. inw; rpmeterv D. C. In . cnan:c cilburner. FOR SALE ' . i InUlu nnrl ch,; tmlUUOIl IHt .h iriiitnr Phono K (275) j ..Vil mi mn. .id kitcnen swvc wiui Phono (279) SALE Furniture uu. bedroom anu cnester-cable- tri-llte, beds. er chen of urawers. n" Blue t;3. 724 Frascr St, ViM) SALE 3-roomi cottage, immediate possession. j . ,ni .V tn1f $850.00. A flPMf'TPR . ii (279 We maKe them all-Boat .. wnrip-' stacks, furn- tavc:!T0U3hi Thorn Sheet i j r.-,ii. r ii .l in 11 www - Phone Black 884, (tf) .if n VTnnt ii ilcnn h'ur. Hardware, Crockery, piece set new dishes, . At: Pimo nnrl RmiP. U.I T V'" 2e, Soup Plates- 25c Now :;tjr. New and Used Hard- ;e Squares from $2.25, i si Mens auiis ana r;a gcod quality, 1 La Pur C:at size 14, Coney, e $i: New and Used Heat- cw Mattresses vo cu;ar C:ne end look them over Furniture Co. Black 324.. sale , rrxim nouse. nai i kvr r.rrpn I'm 27ftl SALE IC40 Oldsmobile car :. rziz? defroster, and - - W A. Oralg, Ter , B C .(275) "13 cr.ractlve home in Tv. : 4 rooms, fire e-enly decorated; klt Jier. Situated on , -k le See Armstrong Ave, Evenlnes' Phono Red (2751 Wrod and coal klt-$35.00. Phone 342. (275) SALE 1938 Chcv Tanel .L m ... .... '3 KLEEN KITCHEN Fulton Street 7 rooms, toment furnace. Reas- ' . . nna1 17.. i - (27C) SALE We have on display immediate delivery, one ton Studebaker truck JPPed with 2 speed rear - booster brakes, heavy . .v-miuitcu irame cut. nk . . . mm.,, at ouprnur Juw "wy Service, or Phone 2" (27C) 1 SALE- Transfer business. :e Covered Van. nne steel "jy hydraulic dump truck, '"ng sand pit. Good op- u'uiy tor young man. ate Box 1095, station "B" -- iupcri, or rnone 527. (27G) 0FTER the following list of -".uuunery lor sale, suu- prior sale. Prices can be 1 H.J -"v-u una machinery seen -""cm, at wnite.construc-Company Limited, 1652 5th Avenue,, Vancouver, on,y 301 Koehrinf? Shovel '"iDragUneand Backhoc at- 0n'y 100 CU. ft. Rnlllvnn Pnm- or -gasoline powered, y 200 Amp. Hobart Electric ' "s- easoline powered, 11 Emco Muckln8 lachine "ilycnw - .vi. iu ipv .ivnrnu c ess, SALE-4"; m h; C.A Hth T Wlin IuU basement to at rn. " v" A - -w, sumo urms ai I. Anr,l 5fl. V -":rv 1 Collart Si Mc ALCOHOLICS- ANONYMOUS OfferB a. permanent release from drinking. It is. a. confidetial service rendered, without cost, by others who have found freedom, from alcohol, Box: 276 (280) 1937 Ford Sedan in 5jj iuun, t-none uiacK (275) fn. "'-ii- -Sewlncr Mnxlilnn --unortien Street. j(275) uauy News. (tf) Dress making: alterations, 25 f years experience. Phone Black B87. (275) A SANDEDi FLOOk- makes a ; new. room I , Dark' and stained ! floors can. be made as good as i new by sanding, a- quick, efficient Job with modern, equipment. Qrcer and Brid-den have the latest In, floor sahders and guarantee the ; befit service. Phono Red, 501. (tf) FOR RENT- WANTED WANTED Frlidaire- or. refrigerator, electric. Apply Box. 289 Dally News, (279) WANTED House, 5-or 0. rooms. Phone Black 232. (278) WANTED .100 furnaces to re pair. Thorn Sheet Metal Ltd. 253 East First Avenue, Phone Black 884, (tf) WOllS WANTKD WORK. WANTED By young man, will consider anything. Phone Red 728 after 5 p.mt. Uf) MTDDLE-aged woman will look after children evenings. Phone Oreen 583. (tf) H)K SENT FOR RENT 2 rooms and kitchen. 336 9th Ave. West. (279) FOIt RENT 3-room house with bath and range. Apply 215 4th Ave. Bast. (tf) FOR RENT Single sleeping room. Gentleman wanted. 221 5th Ave. East. (275) FOR RENT One comfortable room, reasonable. Apply 806 ..Praser St root. - (275) -Pianos. Phone C78. (tf) JMACHINKKV FOK SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date- type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (M) MF.TAL WORK PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Furnaces, tanks eavestroughlng and stack work. Letourneau St Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) ROOM AND UOARI ROOM AND BOARD $40 each double; $45 single. Home away from home; Tablr meals. Mrs Lawley, 622 Praser Street, (tf) mens five pin -if league schedule Nov. 28 Fish Dock vs. Sco-tlans, Maple Leafs vs. Thorn S. M., Mutts vs. Moose, Co-op vs. Grotto, Army vs, Thomcllffcs. Stones vs. Canflsco. FOR SALE Large supply of dry scrap wood, random lengths, $6 per cord, 3 cord lots $10. BLUE 810 Bert's Transfer .103 Third Ave. Enthusiasm, ot tha minus of "LAUGH1 and world laughs with i the-High, and' various city public youi weep and weep alone," ischooLj for Junior Red Gross-ac-also Work and world , works i tlvities- was rekindled last week with, you( stubbornness strug-1 through visitation to. the classi gles- alone. Independent-Pro-. rooms andi In. assembly of Miss gresslve, Box 288, Daily News. Margaret Palmer, provincial dlt- (it) rector of. Junior Red.Cross-ancLa j former local, teacher. Miss- Pal mer Jelt it tha- weekend' fbr Smithers, Terrace and other in terior points' andi will, toe back here this Saturday, night; sailing next Monday, night by the-Princess Adelaide on her. return' to Booth Memorial High' School pupils, Miss, Palmerr t&ld-'of trie tremendous, increase In , membership, of Junior Red. Crosss from 78,000 last yair to 90,000- this year. She-outlined the peacetime activities of the organization principal among; wh,loh were general activities. Is promotion of. Improved, healthi. the expending of. about $2000. per month om crippled- and handi-cp.nDfrti children andi overseas relief in the way. of furnishing school supples-, food; and; clothing for the needy children of Britain and Europe, and the providing of gifts and comforts for disabled veterans. At Borden Street School Miss Palmer found.the pupils prepar ing for a Chrhtmas sale t6 raise funds- for crippled and handi capped chljdren while at Con rad Street there were activities on behalf of the Datlents Miller Bay Hospital, TEND KRS- Further Information mav be ob. talned from Dr. J. M. Black, Asso-clatfr Mining Engineer, Department of Mines, Prince Rupert, B. C. Removal. of. building must- be completed by Dec. 31st, 1947. The highest or anyr tender, not necessarily, accepted. PURCHASING COMMISSION, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C. Nov. S4T (1 5.22.25) .TENDERS1 will1 be- received by the Massett Co-operative Association', for purchase off the ' following trucfcs-at"- Massett, B.C.; closing- date Nov. 15; 1947. FARGO, 3 tons, 196" W.B., stake-body, 1947 Model, used two months, condition as new. Equipped with 2 speed rear axle, reinforced frame, platform 7" 10"xl7" 6". Platform may be purchased with truck or separately; FARGO, 2V2 ton, stake-body; 1942 Model, completely overhauled, 1st class condition, good tires. Equipped with reinforced. frame, two speed rear axle, platform 0' 6"jc16V with 1 truck only. Submit tenders to. the 'Mas- set Co-operative Association, co Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-oneratlve Assn.. P.O. Box 264. Prince Rupert, B.C. inchest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Addl tlonal Information may be had from either of the above named; W "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT (Section 26) Notice of AppllcoUmi for a Club Mcrnce NOTICE Is hereby given that on the 28th, day ol November nest, the undersigned UEX BOWUNO CLUB LIMITED Intends to apply, to. the Liquor Control Board for a Club Licence In respect of premises s tu-,ate at No. 221 Third Avenue West, Prince Uupert, unusn (First Floor), upon lands described as Lots 45 and 46, Block 34; Section Map 023. Prince Rupert Land Registration District, in the Provlne of British Columbia, to entitle each, member of the said Club to keep - on the- premises a reasonable- quantity of liquor for, personal consumption, and entitling the on the premises, liquor from a vended Club to. purchase and to sell by the glass the liquor guests for consumption on the Club with the Premises In accordance provisions of the "Government Liquor Act" and the regulations promulgated thereunder. . . DATED this 27th day. of October. 194 REX BOWLINO CLUB LIMITED. (278) Fully qualified and experienced Joiners.. Limited, accommodation will be available for suitable applicants. Avnly br Air Mall, stating age ami experlenre. Married or single; .0 YARROWS LIMITED SHIP BUILDERS AND ENGINEERS V1CTOUIA, n.c; Reminiscences By WJ. and Reflections One can easily recall' that Vancouver was once-assensitive as an. eyeball1 or stomaclv.ulqer about her rainfall. Rain lrn Vancouver?' Nlx Go. to- Prince Ruper. to see cloudbursts, Vancouver basics-In the-sum Lately however? thatu-lty. ha.been pub lishing regularly ai public oplhrl Ion quiz whlclli bares. trie- Inner thoughts of herr citizens Van couver Justi loves raim Tb be her headquarters-in Vancouver., precise, 7V.& of her ptople pre- Speaklng to an assembly of er a musical drizzle to the pure. spotless- flakos- from'' on high, making! certain the Jingle of bells and; the- healthful games played by rosy-cheeked children. It's great to hear such a candid confession, and note the follows lng of an. example. Prince- Ru pert has never had to be evasive. Here; we- guileless, artless- folk Just tell the truth, and lo, these many years, we are known, for what we are-fortune's ' There used lo be-stage plays lh Prince- Rupert with- actual iactors and actresses treading the beards- andi flesh- and blood musicians down front. If you Is out, and so's the buggy. develop ment lagged. A railway had been' running for about eight years. .Growth was leisurely,. Skeena, vas indeed far away even' prl-.mitive. Today, the province's real forward movement is only commencing. This is The wedding week was, doubtless, a-good tonic-for the hard-Dressed "people of the- British Isles. For years there had been nothing to relieve the accumu lated burdens of; bereavements and losses, anxiety and perplexi-ities. common as well as personal. And as If there was not enough gloom, the blackout returned to help lessen the cost of power. So Cupid put smiles on careworn faces, the ring of gladness In countless voices, and almost re- stored the sense of youth and glowing potency as the great day dawned. Magnificence and music, beauty and brilliance passed along- the ancient streets "GOVERNMClf. ,iQUOR ACT" (Section 28) Notice of Apiillrullnn.rnr Ileer Licence NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 28thi dayw of : November, next, the undersigned1 Intends to apply, to the Liquor Control. Board for a from palace to abbey, .and: back; again. lb was a noMe show, and exactly what was needed. There are as many problems' as beforee Them will be more en durance- tests. Austerity is not any, the-less. But the" change' from' dreariness to radiance from dour- thoughts to Joyous anticipation, from tiresome jstodginess and dulLroutine the change fronf all this, to, something that had enchantment in it came as a national, refresher, bringing renewed strength) and life, and the will toicarry oni YEARS AGO' i Novomberr 25, 1922. , . R. May, Morloetowa farmer, reiumea to nis nome alter ai business- visit to the- city In; iwhich. he sold a large quantity of potatoes to the Prince, Rupert Table Supply Co. Mrv Mayv had 10' acres- In1 potatoes- with the exceptional; yield! of; 97' tons to .the- aero; . . According to the report of, Po lice Chief W. IK Vlckers submlt- did not care-much-for the pTO1- ted to .the police commission, 'ductibn; you. at least had' the. $3,099' was collected In police comforting thought that if was court fines during October, always- yourprivllece to hiss the TheTe were 51 cases In court lot. But today, that's a waste 'during the month; 34 of which of time-and effort. The shadowy. of; figures and1 metallic melody re main supremely Indifferent to either praise-or blame, or to you and!your hiss, Members of stage and! press are sometimes ac- tenders. enclosed in envelopes Quainted and are quite approach superscrlbsd "Tenders for Sampling Plant", will be received. bv the. underlined up. to .Noon, Monday, Dee. 1st, 1947. for. the purchase and removal of a 48'xBO" corrugated galvanized Iron, structure (e contents) sitnot. able. British Columbia' wa.s 89' years old last week when the annl- ed on the Grand Trunk, Pnoifio Rati-1 versary. wos observed- af Port! wbj company s coal and lumber Lanslev Un ti lftO"? , uaugit jr. up. UJ ICTJi wharf Prlnr n,,rv.r. n n resulted' in convictions. Of the remainder, two were dismissed and 14 carried over into November. In answer to a, request for In formation' on his- standi on. the question of lower freight rates. Fred Stork, M.P:, wired, Mayor C. E. Tisdall; of Vancouver that he was "using; every influence to remove unfair discrimination In freight rates, against British Columbia," November. 25j. 1912 Alfred. Thomas, father-inlaw of Alderman G, W. Kerr, was killed and two others were-injured whenta.flre auto fell' over the air, the plank, road, at the corner of age, the era of speed. The-horse Eighth. Avenue and, Hays Gove Circle. Chief MacDonald of the fire department sustained a broken arm. Tho accident occurred during a practice run and was due to slippery-roads; The first criminal assize court in this city was held when Lester Randol of Massett wa.s charged with' assault. Chief Justice Gordon Hunter was on' the bench. The accused was-, acquitted. A. W. Agnew reutrned. f ronv a short business visit to Hotel. . . - arrivals Prince Rupert' Mr. and Mrs. L. T Lewis, Hyder, Alaska; D. W. Webster, Vancouver; W. II. Williscroft, llrenee in reueet of) nremlsea belne Terrace: MISS K, WllllSCrOtt,. part of a. buiidiinf known as Ka,ris- Terrace; c; P. P. Faulkner; New-court Hotel, situate-on. Colllson Ave- o . . Parsons New nue, at Massetu nueen unarioiie' - . - Islands, British' Columbia, upon the lands desorlbed'aa Lota One'(l), Two (2) and- Three- (3)i, Block; Five (5), Subdivision, of' District' Lot Sevwi (7), Plan 946; "rlnce- Rupert Land Reglstratioa Dmtrict, In the Province of British. Columbia, tor the sale of beer by-th-glass-or by .the bottle for consumption on the premsles or elsewhere,. DATED- this 27th, day of October, 1947. HERALD" DRAT .Applicant (3781 PHONE 81 DAILY DELIVERY' JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd, Third Avenue Westminister; T. Moore, Vancou ver, Major L. T. Deryck-Berry Vancouver; INCOME, TAX Returns Prepared See-It El MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CPPR) Civ, yourself . ffiwffl 1 C0i...&r PRESCRIPTION osaU W CHEMISTS WhfMftJ. Ormes Drugs THE PIONEER' DRUGGISTS' PETITION, LAID BEFORE COUNCIL A petition, reputedly bearing (the signatures of 900" citizens desiring "such action as will as sure the continued operation of Arrow Bus Lines," was presented to city, -council last night. The petition asked, that', "should a franchise be given, council consider granting it to Arrow Bus Lines," The petition was,-tabled. Vancouver Weatheir Hampering Flying; Fog and thick misty, rains- in the Vancouver area, have been holding; up. the Canadian. Pacific Airlines service between Prince Rupert and Vancouver. Yester'- day,'s flight from here to Sandr spit was cancelled when, the plane from Vancouver was unable to get- any further north j than .Port Hardy. Today's, fllgjvt left at noon as-scheduled. Santas Suggestion pefnee Rupert Dnflp I3cta8 Tuesday, November 25, 1947 1 1 "SALAM ; "IE lEm- JU j:if j COZY AND .- ; I FLATTERING JS , WU Villi. i&jtat:i. - iftT' !1 HOUSE Ws 1 j COATS P ..;f vest and ImllfT ! M rrinnrnr w SLIPPFRS panties mrtk I I J small, Medium, Large IffiM' f 1 . r the BLACK SLIPS P j M ,j ENTIRE FAMILY buck nylon- f l? i . NIGHT GOWNS l f fo pou junior: UPSTAIRS IN STONE BLDG. - T. j "WALK UP AND SAVE" f- PP' Margaret Mcleod ' ' : 2 Optometrist 'j '1 ' jfK JcWCllcrS "f'j Y'" Admiration will be yours. M y fi&'jfl Pfe -Jt'M 522 when your hair is set by, .jL'f KmkW 1 Thlrd Ave' "l,r exierls- srt ,ove,y" WE m. Ph0ne curls . . .to delight andi mjjF fB fop daii ) V ' I Helen's Beauty, Salon: j 206 Fourth Street W- Fashion Footwear STONE ULDG. SINGER Immediate delivery of new treadle-and electric sewing machines in-Prince Kupert and district; SINGER Sewinp; Machine Co. Phone 8G4 Prince Rupert Terrace LITTLE, HAUGIiAND & KERR LTD. Rough and Dressed Lumber Lumber Manufacturers T E R'R A C E Logs, Toles and Piling Agents For International Harvester Co; Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd; Philco Radios Willard Batteries i TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE 1 TO' ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II: Smith) P.O. Box, 1G7 Terrace j DE LUXEf WALL TINT 1 This Improved Kalsomlne Is an ideal finish for plaster walls, and excellent for decorating Gyprock, Beaver Board, Masonite, and all heavy wall board. Beautiful . artistic effects can be obtained by dappling with' one or more tints. Made In ten attractive colors. FIVE-POUND PACKAGE 7."f THOMPSON HARDWARECOUT0: PHONE 101 255 Third! Ave. GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction -r- Alterations Phone RED 561 P.O. Box 721 To Avoid Inconvenience .. We strongly recommend that our customers fill their coal bins as soon as- possible-,; or at least order well in advance as there, will' be, unquestionably, a shortage of supply this winter. "CALL US OVER THE COALS it is going to be a burning question." FOOTHILLS LUMP EGG NUT TELKWA LUMP PHILP0TT, EV1TT & CO.. LIMITED Call 651 or 652 Coal Lumber Paints Building. Supplies NORTHERN AND CENTRAL. BRITISH COLUMBIA 3 NEWSPAPER; lo 4