4 iisr CSS &rfhrc Kimcrt Dally Hew Friday. December 12, 1947 PADDLES ACROSS CONTINENT IN m MONTHS p, Built. 28. ,i Canadian logger, is the first man to have navigated the in! md norihwest pa. are. He travelled 6.000 miles across the ivVnh American continebt by canoe. He began his trip at Victoria on April, 13, 19146, and arrived in New York on Tuesday, November 25. 1947,,nlneteen months later. He did all his travelling in a 16-foot aluminum canoe. Burtt's hair was shoulder-ieiiRth when he arrived in New York. It had not been cut since he started his journey. The traveller had this to say: "I proved you cm tot across the continent by water; it is something I have dreamed about since I was 13." Steamship Sailings Fur Vancouver Sunday ss Camosun, 2 p.m. M-niJay--M Princess Adelaide 10 p.m.- Tuesday ss Coquitlam,, 1:30 p.m. Tauusday ss iPrince, Rupert 11:15 p.m. tffig" A Fj iday ss . CatfliTir? From Vancouver S'.:ndy-ss Coquitlam, 4 p.m M jnd.ay. ss Pjlncpss Adelaide pjn. W dhesday -ss Prince Rupert 10: fj a.m. Friday ss Camosun, 9 a.m. ' .ida.v--ss feat-ala? a.m. """' For Alaska Friday ss Camosun, 2 p.m. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert 12 r.-.idf.isht. , From Alaska v Sunday ss Canrajun, 9 a.m. MUSIC LANGUAGE A universal language based on the seven notes of the musical scale instead of grammar or vocabulary, is called the Spat-ari-Radio-Code. , , , -i i'li'Ur , for quick ...no need 4 Mi nil I THIS AND THAT ! " I O 1 ! 1 o I 5 TI Cto,,r Malllicw Aj.m. 5rt.nr. Int. V' I j'd "W.ell, if it isn't Mr. Plunket! How about that salary raise you promised me?" baking ff? to keep if in ooth Memorial School News ! Student Voices CARELESSNESS At first it was a mere wisp of smoke. The Forest Ranger at his lonely lookout atop Bald Peak Mountain at first thought thatvWe the glrls wlth tlce , ii wits uuiy u puny ui ciuuperia picnicking in the woods. The column of smoke began to grow , bigger and bigger. When the ; ranger noticed It again the forest about five miles away was a blazing inferno. The flames grew larger by the minute. He could no nothing now but turn in an alarm. Wild life of all kinds came streaming out of the forest in a large horde. Enemies were running side by side, fear ol each other forgotten In their fear of fire, destroyer of all. After it was all over there were hundreds of animals who had no homes and hundreds were no longer needing homes. For the wildlife's sake: Make sure your fire is out before you leave, Buddy! B. C. 8H. House Volley Rail Results Monday, Senior Boys Gamma defeated Beta 15-12. Referee, J. Finlayson, Tuesday, Intermediate Boys Both Delata and Gamma defaulted. Wednesday, Intermediate Boys --Both Beta and Alpha defaulted. BARLESTONE, Eng., Of Miner Danny Martin, 73, after 58 years at the coalface, has retired. the ice box! Keeps in the aipboard for weeks! Always righc there when you need it! It's New Fleischmann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast the modern baking discovery that gives you delicious breadl and rolls in quick baking time. No dashing off to the store at the last minute just keep a supply of New Fleischmann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast handvin the cupboard. Use it as you need it IF YOU HAKIi AT HOME get Fleischmann's Royal Fast ilising Drj Yeast today. At your grocei'. Christmas Dinner By Girls of 9M Bo-Me-Hl teachers are anticipating a Christmas dinner prepared by the 9M Home Economics girls next Thursday. The nrmslnn shnnM tint, nnlv nrn- preparing the Christmas dinner for the family but also the teachers with practice in 'getting around that turkey awaiting each at his or her home. Delicious aromas drifting to rooms above, suggest plum pud-dingi mince meat, cranberry mute uuu uuicr ciu por - tions of the menu. After the ex- cenent luncneons ana teas pre-what for aU a clatter they run pared by these girls in the pastltnelr hats and coats and away month, no one entertains a doubt . they gQ dQwn the stalrs and out that this Christmas dinner from turkey to trimming will be JustThey don.t nave tQ gQ t0 scnool a ueitctuui a uit waning thu afternooni they just have aromas suggest-good to the lastly g0 down to tne clvlc Centre gobble. f Qr p Everyone has eaten by now. CHRISTMAS PLAYS Tne students wno llve out across the bridge take the bus or ride Final rehearsals for the three bikes. They all arrive waiting High School Christmas plays will I for the gym to open. When they be held early next week. The 1 are in they put on their shorts plays themselves will be held at the 'Civic Centre on Wednesday night next. High School students selling tickets will be admitted to a special show free. Cheer Meets n Auditorium Two cheer meets were held in the school auditorium this week in order to give the students! practice in the school yells for' the Bo-Me-Hl Kay Hi games' on Friday and Saturday nights. ! The cheers will be led by three ' lovely cheer queens Shirley Sla-1 ter, Beth Astoria and Lily Syl- j vester. j At the cheer meet on Thurs- j day noon there were approxl-1 mately 85 students and teachers! present who intend to be at the I games on Friday and Saturday, i TV. ...til ah1p ,, 7 .1 I V. V T jcii iui mc uu-iuciii beam uui have practiced several yells. for : Kay-HI. , A A new school song will also be i sung at the games. The word3 1 are as follows: "Well stand and cheer for the old Gold and Green, And we'll defend her where'er were seen For Bo-Me-Hl and we are proud To echo her praises long and loud. Though we may wander o'er Rosa-LCC ii4 YOUR BEST EATING PLACE full-course means' 11 A.M. TO 8 P.M. STUDENT EDITORS Editor-in-Chief, Mary Mac-Afee. Social Editor, Yvonne Morin. Sports Kill tor, Charles Forbes. Typists Jean Fatight, llerdis Holkestad and Frances Olaf-son. rnysicai Exercise Healthy Diversion All morning Wednesday the class sits in school working. But what they're waiting for Is noon time. The 12 o'clock bell rings. . Everyone to their seats and quiet. ,et "Class ..class Dl4mUsed; Dismissed." Oh! the door. And then all is quiet. 'and runners In the dressing room. Then they all come out to play either basketball, volley ball or exercises. The exercises arent so much fun though. The P.E. teacher will keep score while the children play. It's a lot of fun playing the games but when the fun is over we have health and go home. D. J., 8H PERSONALITIES Most Popular Orade 7 Girl Margaret Glske. voted th? most popular Grade Seven girl. was born in Prince Rupert 12 years ago. Having lived In Prince Rupert all her life she is a true Ru- pertlte.' She has attended two schools King Edward and Booth, being an honor student in both. Margaret says she has no real i hobbles but enjoys reading best of all. Her favorite sports are cycling and swimming. Although she has no definite plans as to what career she will choose, Margaret favors stenography. land and sea Old old High School she'll always be We'll fight, fight, fight With all our might For the spirit of Bo-Me-Hl. Rah!" GLAMOR AT HOME! Smart and Cozy All-Wool Plaid House Coats SEE OUR EXCITING Blouses Rose Marx BRASSIERES LINGERIE REGENT SIREN KNITTING WOOL CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Irish Linen Handkerchiefs Luncheon Sets .Vi.f.'i.'.X'.HXt.X.KHt.if,Hi-.- LadieSWear (279) Vffi BROADWAY CAFE (FORMERLY BOSTON) Chinese Dishes a Specialty Banquet Hall for Luncheons, Dinners, Parties 6Q8 TIIjRI), AVENUE WEST telephone 200 Ethel and Bert Today - - By Archie Q. Is it correct for a boy to date his friend's girl friend? Answers: (a) . Yes. (b) . Talk It over with your friend. (c) . No, because the girl might think she is losing out' with her boy friend. Q. Is it all right to ask a girl to dance if she is talking with another girl? Answers: (at. No. I (b). Only If you can get a boy , to dance with the other girl. c. Yes, and leave the other. girl standing alone. Q. How should a boy go about 1 asking a girl for a date? (a). Ask her what she Is do-' lng that certain night. (b). Ask her if she would like a date on such a night and tell her the occasion. ! (ct. Ask her at the last mln-1 ute. ( Q. When transportation is difficult should the boy still call , for the girl and see her home? Answers: a. No. j b. Yes, always, unlew you live several miles out of town, then you could tell the gang to pick her up and you meet her at the party. ic. You should always pick her up and take her home. Q When a girl goes out I STARTS A in 2 i( EASE 'neurtc 0euft7lqic PMiN ASPi KIN OINUINl ASMtIN II MAIKID THU WAT Send 1'ersonallied CHRISTMAS GREETINGS made from your own KODAK SNAPSHOTS Come In and see sample WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing if (Hlu IP AS ' BBI 'Mi with a girl friend and the friend's date, should, the boy pay the way of both girls? Answers: tat. Yes, but the other girl shouldln't go along unless the boy Invites her. ici. The boy should let the other girl pay her own way. Answers: b, b, b, b, a. BRAZILIAN EMPIRE Brazil was an empire until 1889. STORMY WF.ATIIER I llrrrt He (S.inforUlilf. (il.T III IIIK.lt HKITM i: it GEORGE HILL A fitS 1.1 II. IMI Il4 ,3V Ml 3rd f. w for FRIDAY MEATS AND shuts pkfmh:.m 47c sirloin stf.ak swifts phf.mium 65c IIACON Sliced sr.N rvpi: clauifiki) APPLE JUICE 2 f0r 29c PACIFIC MILK 2 for 27c Are you Perplexed About your 'Xmas Gift ? lailu Niumi to SUGGESTS A Gift Subscription A GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING DAILY UNTIL NEXT CHRISTMAS USE THIS COUPON " " DAILY NEWS, -:i PRINCE RUPERT: ; . v ". ''4 Please send a Christmas Gift Subscription of the Daily N'w !" M (Address.) , (Post Office) , . It is understood you will send a cation to the recipient. ,'' 4 til 4 ' . ... fc receipt to me and 3 CHIUST.MASIHY WILL BE OUR HOLIDAY BUT PLAN Now TO DINE WITH OS HOXINC DAY AND NEW YEAR'S DAY I'hone in Iteservatiuns CALL 231 CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM NEW ROYAL HOIEl A Home Away From Hew 50 Rooms. Hot ano Ca Water PRINCE RUPERT BC Phone 281 P O Box r. ( AM) SATIKDAY GROCERIES Delirious, Trndrr 38c BEEF ROAST MEATY SPA UK BIBS 36c AYLMLR DICED CARROTS 2 tor 23c LIBBVS SAl'EKKR.UT 19c DON'T FORGET THE HOLIDAY SEASON WILL SOON HE HERE! ORDER YOCR POULTRY EARLY -WE'LL HAVE A FINE SELECTION Poulsen's Grocery and Meat Store 6th Ave. Iist (At Bridge) Free Delivery Mi 411 IF You Are Particular THEN CALL I S EOlt ALL YOCR PL 11 MR I NO AND HEATING R E ( J I' I U EM (NTS Phone 108 Prince Rupert Plumbing and Heating Second Ave and Seventh Street PHONE 1M a1 i i i 1 1 A gift noun if s'. A m i t Enclosed please find the sum. of $. . .-. . . ($7 for a year'8 subscription by carrier In the city, $4 by mail anywhere ..ma'' 1 " imiHiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiii