LABOR'S THANKS ll I'rince Uupcrt Trades and Labor Coundl ...,,hH- t. thank the elector for the HUpport iriven SAI.F I B( . ,.,:it: SAI.F G, ...IMntnu nf traui ra rt ..1 it i , j- l'atHlltl4li: J-"Viim; n Hilt triUVllOI) ,.,,(1, rsat.ion of Labor- stand on the liw I ho Ni i Fancy h SUKtiUy Used Topcoats, -oat Logger Boou, Log-j Sut Everything at a id:! price Come in and :, m over II C FURNI-F ( ii Black 324. : p i P.K.: SALE j- : : i '.l p SAl i House, four rooms .th Ave. near hos-Linzey, Prince Co tf) Well constructed u house with basely two room rental :i tr McBride on 9th Armstrong Agen- oal Heater. Phone 537. ;re Co. Good (290) SALE Oollchan urease, H Quality, order wow. p. ISAir room house, full 8 two lots Phone 292) British India Rugs, ;-4ful Colors. Limit-iv Reasonably Pric- in and look them B ' F nlture Co Black r etric washing M condition; Mc- and coal range.; ! closet and Blue 787 291) White Nylon For-tor $27 50 Phone 1291) .jr Trawler Enavour equipped with or wi gear Apply 420 Av. West '292) sai One oil burning v :ply Prince Rupert ind Heating 292 4 room house with Ave 2 blocks, off ftpply O. P. Tinker i292i LOST In reddish case. 0:3th School and tnc Lunch I-eave at n. Reward. 292i HACIIINEKY FOR SALE I SAW octter lumber more aonu-.-ally use the modern I! up-m-date type National tabic Sawmills manufac- o National Machinery ppanv Limited, Vancouver, Vt3 0 (tf) TENDERS !'NDERS will be re- "itlc:. ! .he Prince Rupert - Co-operative As-oi purchase of the ruck at Prince Ru-closing date De-1947: Ford V-8, 3- inn .8' w.D.. 1944 model. a!PPPd with two-speed rear inn inur rtvrlrnilllp ln.ld - i 'Aii -aie Truck may be "i t the P.R.F.C.A. store at Bay Prince Rupert, B.C. bmlt tenders' to the above latic: p.o. nox 2G4, 'e Rupert, B.C. Highest ny tender not necessarily (292) ItlniSTUY M'T "'5 U nf Tltlw Nn. 23082-1 J Ni.rth-west Quarter of Lot Z J10- md Seven Hundred 2 Mtxy.iive (17081, Queen fctte District. Bold to contain ivire or less. atlsf actorv Droof of b:iv roriirirnts nf TltlO iJ 'lie name of Cesar Verhey-J""n tiled In this office, "Kby given thit I ahall, tf-'iion of one montn irom j ( tint nnt nnhllcatlon a Provisional Certlflcate H u tn snia lorn, vervuiL-ubo. t b, meantime valid odjpc- ifj. ii 10 me in writing. I-, the Land Registry Offlco. Mok " B.C. this 20th day I1M7, A D. Andrew TVinmwmn. Imty lleglstrar of Titles. furnished, Red 441. and fran- rhif KLKCTION COMMITTEE. tlaaaiita Advertising lj, jr per w . . . ......,,1 ouc. mnn notice. SALK ' - ' -. ..wwvo, . tlj I iHf-C and fcngateroeut AruuuniemnU: 12. roit SALE i WOKK WANTED Brand new 4-piecei MIDDLE-aged woman will look i:te. Apply 433 ljth. after children evening. Phone tton that E il (290) Oreen 583. i-AI.F N''W ana usea r ur- RENT ,iware eic. new uu (tf) with private bath. (293) FOR RENT Three room furnished apartment, with bath. Apply 701 8th Ave. West. Phone Oreen 316. (292i ROOM AND HOARD ROOM AND BOARD-$43 will mind children, days or evenings. Phone Red 59. (293) RUGS AND CHESTERFIELDS- -cleaned and shampooed. Phone Dlue 318. (292) ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Offers a permanent release from drinking. It is a confldetlal service rendered without cart, by others who have found freedom from alcohol. Box 270 Dally News tf) WHY MISS Halt Your Notes? Learn to write rapidly from first day. LIGHTNING LONO- HAND is simple, safe, efficient. Price one dollar only ftL. L." Box 120. Terrace. (291) A SANDED FLOOK makes a new room! Dark and stained floors can be made as good as new by sanding, a quick, efficient Job with- modern equipment. Greer and Brid-den have the latest in floor Sanders and guarantee the best service. Phone Red 561. (tf) FOUND FOUND Keys and case FOUND American Scale Rule Owner pay for this ad and apply to Box 157, Terrace. B.C. (2951 METAL WORK PLUMBINO Installations and rotvilrs. SHEET METAL wnnK Furnaces, tanks. eavcstroughlng and stack n, tiniirneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. 'tf) ftrr.t. vnur Troubles to Thorn sheet Metal. Furnaces. cmnitpstncks. Air Condition ing Units. Black 884. 253 East First Avenue. . OAiinn (tf) LAND nE0I3TKY ACT lie: (ertlllcnte of T'"'"- '' I,, .i.t lourleen (II). I" (fl). City 'f ,rl' K'M'ert, 'P WHEREAS satlsractory pml f Title low of the above Certificate of SLi In the uame of Denjamln B mco has been filed this omre. . ' that I anaii. , ,i i, herebv given Lt the exnlratU,n of one month from ?i.th5JSP3 the first Plication! hVretif laiue a Provisional wruu-2JtTot Title In lieu of said lost Cer-unUti unlea, In the meantime Ud , objection De mauo vu """,", fit. DATED at the Land I t't tlce. Prince BUPW' .B---A D"lB 2Hh day of "t.AS-psoh. Deputy Registrar of Titles. 1 vl UWilslKV ACT CerUfi'ate of Title No. 25.104-1 rte- R'to Ue North Half.of the - South; pt Quarter and me '' h-EaslQu.terua ili RiTtv-flve (1705), Queen cnhlr.o8tuy r.ct!r.d to contain One Hundred and Sixty (iou) loss of theaoovL-.. . - . at the "P1""0". nrst publication h'P?e0ril Provisional Ccrl.ncate ue a T?tlVln UeS . f W lost Certificate. SmVhe meantime valid objec- of November, ij; DThomp8on. DerAity lleglstrar of Titles. BASKETBALL BREEZES by A FAN Everyone else Is doing It and Just so we wpnt be left on a limb by ourselves- we'd better Jump back into the current Ar-ney-Forman controversy. This corner goes on record as heartily endorsing the sentiments ex peased by "Spectator" In yesterday's "Letterbox." That spectators are anxious to see clean, competitive basketball goes without saying and we feel that the local league should either treat us to some exhibitions of real basketball or lollow the sugges- uuuoie; 8 single, bleeping sponsible rooms lor rem. Table meals. they take up some other game. The responsibility for providing local fans with the kind of basketball that is a rvJ,t -bleeping uj watch and is not gaui' i- 25c, Soup Plate. room for;P'easure an ;p -Set $4.45, New htv suitcases, new un- F iiniutre, 6 ft. Steel i-ninrp 2 25 levels gentleman. Call between C:00 exhibition of raw tempers, fly-and 8:00 p.m. 742 7th Ave. Ing' elbows and general poor w"t. (294i .sportsmanship, rests with both the Referees' N, u Qurney Ranges FCB RENT-One 3-room apart-, the Basketball Association Blankets ment. uiiiuniraiea or parity Association and 0-t 'ronklv it apcears froml thl distance that major respon-sibilitv rests with the Basketball Association. We hold no brief for the Referees' Association nor dq we feel that they can be entirely exonerated from blame' for the game having slipped to' such a sorry level In Prince Rupert, but we do feel that the each ( referee can only be held re- for the behavior of teams and Individuals on the Mrs. Lawley, 922 Fraser Street." noor durlng actua, contesU. me Basketball Association has fallen PERSONAL- ' down very badly in that they have. aDDarentlv. failed tn hark 342. evenings Red pERSONAL-lO-year old girl up the decisions rendered by (290) their referees during games. It seems obvious to us that, when the referees had banished two players from a game one for a flagrant fou:, the other for a. display of unsportsmanlike con ductthat the Basketball Association should then have meted out to the players concerned whatever susoenslon or other form of penalty seemed appro priate. lister has brought down a, pretty powerful outfit to tackle jAlex Bill's Rainmakers and the story goes that the Polar Bears are a well drilled, smooth working aggregation. Some of last year's they will take both games when they play here tonight and to I a INDIAN TROOPS TAE PRISONER IN KASHMIR -Liaquat All Khan., prime minister of Pakistan, in a statement at Lahore recently, proposed that the whole dispute over Kashmir between India, nd,. Pakistan should be brought before the United Nations and asked Immediately ta appoint representatives In Jammu afcd Kashmir state to put a stop to fighting there. This photo shows, soldiers of the 1st Kum,aon Regiment as they arrest and search, a prisoner on the road to Baramulla, Kashmir. All his belongings are on the ground. with him, it should be quite a BELFAST, Eng.. a- Sydney battle. Brook. 31, who works In Lon- The preliminary for tonight's j don, malls laundry here each name should be a very interest-, Ing encounter. This Is something more than Just another girls' Rumor numur has nan it n that mat Mr. game, Rose ckwell, , . a grandmother tv,. 9? will Hurst and Vernon Clconne do the whistle-tooting for this128 preliminary encounter and H teems that the idea is to give both the girls who play and the faas an object lesson In refer-eeing. Since the two teams who! will be guinea pigging for the ex "BASKETBALL" hlbltlon are Sweet Sixteen and THIS EVENING the Ralnblrds, this should be a Tonight perhaps we sfialf bsivery edifying experience treated to a "basketball" exhlbl tion between the local Rain Jmakersjmp; their AjafMn rivals. KETCHIKAN me Kay hi polar Bears. Mr. 1101- ivi UCDC 1 1-V1M tll4t Under Coach E. Holllster. the Ketchikan high school basketball team invaded Prince Rupert last night, all set for the two-game series which will be 'played players are still with the squad here tonight and Saturday night and the boys are confident that Three Sisters caie. Jwner tlnues t0 blay The party was made up of the following: D. Anderson, J. Sten-ford. E. Johnson, J. Tucker, E morrow. The Rainmakers arc , Forstad, A. Hammer, H. Martln-equally confident that they can ' ROn, H. Johanson, M. Slatta, J take the measure of their Alas-' Johanson. J. Lewis, D. McMllfan nearikan rivals. If Jim Flaten con-, the brand of LONDON, P Wigmakers re- may have same by paying for (heads up ball that he has shown port a boom in their business this ad. ,U) .recently in the local league and because so many men In their If the Rainmakers can keep up early 40"s are going bald. GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS CHISELDON, W.itlshlre, Epg. O John Llddiard, 80, married Advertise In the pally News. t - ?w They beg for them... MEATIES A Uaiuly Little Jor All Breeds Repairs Construction Alteritions J open 1 , 1 I t tv AM I ' II!" ----- CHARLES ADAM COMMISSIONER Elected to Terrace Village Board in Succession to 1 II. II. Oliver TERRACE; (Special to. Daily News) Charles M. Adar tocM theatre operator, was yesterday elected, to. the bpard. of village commissioners. He s u pc e e d 3 Henry .If. (Bill) Oliver who waai seeking re-election, The vote wa C. M. Adam, 77. H. H. Oliver 58. Walter, Warner, 13. Continuing members of the council are Emil Haugland and Thomas Walsh, There were six spoiled ballots. at Ciyic Centre SATURDAY Sports a.m. 11:00 High School Juvenile Boys Basketball practices, p.m. 12:00 High School Novice O iris Basketball practice. 2:00 Badminton. 8:00 Basketball league games Brown woods vs. Co-op. 9:00 Bo-Me-Hl vs. Ketchikan. LETCHWORTII, England Oi Prize at a local dance was 10 I pounds of potatoes, which are ! rationed In Britain. Two Sailing Per Week for VANCpUVER - VICTORIA SEATTLE -uesdays, l:3i Fridays, 12 midnight. Catala. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 12 midnight. QUEEN CHARLOTTES: FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS December 12 midnight. FOR SOUTH ISLANDS December '14 midnight. I-RANK J. SKINNER. J prince kuperl Awil Third Ave Phlinr 38 THY Rex Cafe FdU TASTY MEALS Chop Suey Chow Mein CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY OFPOSITE OFPOSITE PRINCE PRINCE RUPERT RUPERT HOTEL HOTEL ' i ,,ri - PnilnvT-l SECOND AVENUE. I IHMIl iv4l inn I : : . .. , Ri Chin Vnfinoil M ONDIE nc Wuz Konheu: It Phone 83 gJrfnfe Riiprrr paflp Jctou. Friday, December 12, 1947 I 90S Fourth Slrppt IN THE TROUSfcRS WJ 1 "r rl AjvJ THEV FIND r, $XSZ TKrrDirt P PI J! rn BOX 548 GURVICH & SON CONTRACTORS Ik Um-Mf mm ,IIer Story, tut He's Stuck With It! ( ffl Kl bread anO IfT cmrSSf atePUo Wi? cookie- xrr oellvjj- y?Js-H in this ReMEKeeu Ci ate rrQ .J,t W V Li II ROAD LIGHTS Numerous' Other Items Bob Parker Ltd. "The Home of Friendly Service" P.O. Box 38 Prince Rupert SAVE MONEY! Send Your Orders to Prince Rupert Roofing Mail Order House 3 SiiMA$&k): Good for you. ''' MKMi ' -t . SEAT SEAT COVERS COVERS ..DEFROSTER DEFROSTER FANS rANS SPARK PLUGS LOCKING GAS CAPS SPECIAL! SHINGLES NEW SHIPMENT HAS ARRIVED Tiles, Felts, Roll Roofing Papers, ShingfesTNvallboards, Mascnlte, Flexboard, Lusterlite ASBESTOS PRODUCTS OF ALL KINDS: Mats,. Sheets, Pipe Covering, Brick, Packing, Brake Lining PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. Phone Blue 389 Land Clearing and Basement Foundations Rock Work Our Specialty 'A TRUCKS CARS TO HIRE Phone 32 or Red 511 Sixth Street RUPERT MARINE REALTY; (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER. BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsetfs. Waterfront) - rnone ureen un i SUITS of the SEASON We are proud of. our new shipment of Suits!.-Drop in and inspect them. Double-Breasted qnd single ntodels, BE SHARP! Pick cut Yaur SUIT OR HAT (or Christmas NOW while our. ranges are still complete. ACME CLOTHING STQ.RE PHONE .ISO ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS FOR BEST RESULTS -i'..-i