Phone " firorerv Slore -J 1 V.terda,V ve rtof iiUwrios In csiminsLer tic as previously . responsible for tji'iv yesteday a ,) mating two men COO and a grocery yielding $872 ln- i : cheques. :c South Westmln-the Bank of Nova red by two ban-J B. Pawson wm the floor and i and two clerks f at (gun's point iey was scooped up. manager of Ray's r Burnabv. was SPEEDY COUNT IN ELECTION By means of use of the Hunter ballot, results of mayoralty, aldermanlc and school board contests as well as the bus franchise referendum became known simultaneously just about two hours after the doting of the polls In the an-""fowl civic election. In view .of the heavy vote oast, this was considered a very expeditious ELECTIONS IN CITIES i Loutet Defeated in North Vancouver Nicholson Re-elected in Trince George i VANCOUVER. 9 -Eight Brl-j ttsh Columbia mayors were rc-1 turned to office yesterday and three were elected for the Ilrst time ln civic elections held throughout the province. North Vancouver provided the biggest surprise when the veteran mayor. Jack Loutct. was defeated 1582 to 883 toy a new- . , . ii... in comer. FranK uoiaswwuu. o" year old shipyard electrical sup- erlntendent ueorte Muir oi iwu i ... c(,.h,-b vnip Jack Nicholson of Prince George, " S re" . l i . nrrtA tim mi.-."" wv"i r.TTT Jl-r;;,rb in a o'clock, low than two hours after ter aeieau. " Uic polls-closed at 8 o'clock. Dur straight contest. (he houf of the cQunt 'TKmi H -Po-i inc. trcnas in tne voting reinani- d i si nutht mat i-i-j tr a rrnu TRAGEDY KAljmi KILLS JLLJ two pairs of! xcci)t. In the mayoralty vmc. ONTARIO WOMAN Shock of Husband and Three Sons Being Killed Proved Fatal TILSCNBURG. Ont. O Mrs. Elmo Howey, whose husband and three sons were killed yesterday In a level crossing collision, died from shock early today at the home of friends here. She was found dead in her room this morning. THETFORD, Eng., Rev. Charles McCarthy conducted ! of his own service wedding p.m. while, closing the i daughter -ana gave nc .Ww - - - '..wwwwwwww t- i -iiri-frAI I 15 1 Dftt"" O The Season's Fastest KKTCH1KAN Vs. IKKMK-IU TONIGHT and SATURDAY TIU GAMES: Friday -ill-School Girls vs. Sweet Sixteen Saturday- Co-op vs. Brownwoods CIVIC CENTRE, 8 P.M. j to the polls in the, record large number of 1366 in; the annual civic election yesterday. I Mrs. Arnold had a'declslve majority of 142 over ex-Mayor 11. i M. Daggett in the mayoralty I rrtn(ocf TVtA uni Tio a vu kvok. Atc lute iio tu out. The lady mayor h.-d gained in javur since a year ago wnen sne started her first term with a scant majority of four. Aid. O. W. Rudderham, who has already served ten years in the council, won another two Z i Rush .")0c two school board seats. The vote'against the bus franchise idea was close 636 to 612. Over 100 ballots -were spoiled, many being unmarket. The details of the voting were as follows: roc i Stone. For Mayor Mrs. Nora Arnold, 716 (reelected). H. M. Daggett, 604. For Alderman Aid. G. W. Itudderham. 758. J. R. Morin, 731. Aid. T. B. Black, 691. W. I'. Slone, 603. O. A. Hills. 581. Mrs. Edith Black. 561. Aid. T. N. Youngs. 540. August Wallin. 489. For School Board W. J. Scott, 890. A. J. Dominato, 868. O. J. Dawes. 513. but as tne count uovancca mc leaders began to emerge. Mayor Arnold's majority showed up in the first survey and grew steadily as the counting continued. One of the highlights of the counting was the heavy vote polled by J. Ralph Morin, who at one time achieved a one-vote lead over Alderman Rudderham to head the aldcrmanic vote. Final count, however, found him ln second place. Mr. Morin, although a well- known pioneer of the city, had taken little part ln civic politics up to the present campaign Alderman Youngs was the only one of the three present aldermen who sought re-election to lose his seat on council. The election gives the 1948 city council an lndepedent mayor, six Independent aldermen and two labor aldermen. Next year's council will consist of Mayor Nora E. Arnold. Aldermen T. B. Black, Arthur Brooksbank, Casey. McKay. Mo-rlri. Nickerson, Rudderham and Mrs. Arnold Is Pleased Happy at liting Klected But Realizes Responsibilities Happy at Independents' Success Happinncss at her victory, appreciation of the renewed con- j fidence that had been Imposed , in her and a full sense of the , responsibilities Implied w e r e I rnmhlnpd in a fitntpmpnf whlph years when, he topped the poll,Mayor Nora Arnoid made ,ast for the fourth time In a civic : nlgnt after lt became : apparent election. Despite the general ; that she had been re-elected to trend away from Labor, Aid. the chief maeistracv. Rudderham seems to have gain- "I shall carry on the admin- ed in popularity over the last , ,,lraHon . .,. nffalrs ln ,hp $omeUmesJf(Wrtll'p1irT toommence nls pendent candidates in tne pan. even when there have been smaller votes. It has been as late as midnight before final results became known. gether for the good of the city." She was particularly gratified that Aid. Thomas Black had retained his seat and expressed regret at the defeat of Aid. T. N. Youngs who had given "good and faithful service and who will be missed." FELICITATIONS ARE EXCHANGED Soon after the count had been completed and the result made known, mutual greetings were exchanged between Mrs. Arnold and her defeated opponent, H. M. Daggett. The latter warmly congratulated the former. "I am quite satisfied" said Mr. Dagett. "I offered my services. It seems I went to the well once too often." His co-operation ln the promotion of city affairs he Strong Presentation by Chamber of Commerce Against Curtailment of Service if and when he promised might ; our members state this figure " no mllpn nnnn i . . ICKENHAM, Eng., 0 Fifty birds' nests were found ln a village pump when lt was cleaned for the first time since 1897. i noioing wai me proposeu new ; merUs and abo ln respect to the , schedule of. Union Steamships long range efect on your com. Ltd. Would result In a grave loss pany j. to all classes of Prince Rupert! ,.We urge that you consider snippers ana Dusiness men anaithe value of goodwill to your that the hardships Imposed upon i.uic ic inn iu jears ago ana . hpst nf mv nh,ttv " sh nipri smaller. communities wmcn nave made only third place. J. R. mentioning streets and tele- j been entirely dependent upon Morln, a newcomer in municipal phone system as priority mat-1 the company for service are ob- poimcs. ran a strong second ana ters for consideration, FUOITICE POLISH LEADER ARRIVES- -Stanlslaf Mikolaj-czyk, leader of the Polish Peasant Party who fled Poland to avoid being 'shot like a sheep," Is shown as he was welcomed on his arrival In New York. Arthur Bliss Lane, former ambas- : sador to Poland, Is the greeter. j t Appeal To SS Company i I Chamber of Commerce to the ..ij Is far too low. One small ser vice alone will lose $20,000 In business, Involving $12,000 wages and $2500 freight bill to you. "The hardships your schedule I will impose upon smaller com- owoooowaaowoooooH3CKKooowotft'aoooaooaoc :: TODAY'S STOCKS :: Courtesy S. D. Johnr.ton Co. Ltd. Vancouver Bralome' -. 10.75 B. R. Con .0434 B. R. X 09 Cariboo Quartz 2.80 Dentonla 17 Grull Wlhksne 05Vj Hedley Mascot 1.02 Minto 02 U Pend Oreille 2.10 Pioneer 3.75 Premier Border 04 Privateer 33 ' Reeves McDonald 1.05 Reno 1 3 Vi Salmon Gold .23,i Sheep Creek 1,12 Taylor Bridge 50 Vananda 21 Congress 03 Pacific Eastern 05 Hedley Amalgamated .03 Oils Calmont 37 C. & E 2.70 Home 4.80 Toronto Athona 12 Aumaque 25 Beattle 1.00 Bevcourt .58 Bobjo ,17 Buffalo Canadian 17 Consol. Smelters 97.00 Con west 1.20 Donalda .' .99 Eldona 1.01 Elder 72 Giant Yellowknife 6.30 2 God's Lake .92 Hardrock, 34 Harrlcana 08 Vi Heva . 25Vi Hqsco 46 Jacknife 07 Joliet Quebec 44 Lake Rowan 15 Lapaska 14 Little Long Lac 1.70 Lynx 09 Madsen Red Lake - 3.35 McKenzle Red Lake 62 McLeod Cockshutt .... 1.70 Moneta 40 Negus 2.24 Noranda 49.00 Louvlcourt ! 1.57 Pickle Crow 2.65 Regcourt t 08 San Antonio 4.25 Senator 'Rouyn 71 Sherrlt Gordon 2.96 Steep Rock 2.12 Sturgeon River , .22 munitles entirely dependent on , your company for service are too i obvious to need belaboring but: should certainly be considered! hv vour comnanv on their own I company. The resultant loss oi -goodwill to you will be very great ! and will undoubtedly result In aj drastic reduction of. tonnage and i vlous, a strong presentation has passenger traffic' between Prince Aid. T. B. Black came a good Mrs Arnold pxnressed satis-1 been dispatched by a special Plin.ri mini wnue . t. oione woK.Jaction the-succes of inde- commii-owine-.j'ruiwvuHe-g.yven nrst term as an alderman. "j am sure." she said, "that we W. J. Scott and A. J. Dominato ' shall be able to work more ef-had no difficulty In taking the I fectively and harmoniously to- - . ail WIUUUiV wvu w company seeking reconsidera- good service that lt seems a pity Hon of the drastic service cur- that vou snouid iose it. As the ! tallments. The loss of goodwill pubilc here now regards your which the company would sus tain thereby is also emphasized ln the communication to the company which is as follows: QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SERVICE "Your proposed new schedule will result in a very grave loss to all classes of Prince Rupert shippers anfl business men. It will be said that your proposals are for the winter months only but we would point out that once this business is lost to our community, new contacts will have been made elsewhere and the loss will be permanent. Committees from this Chamber have gone fully Into the particulars at this time, a conservative fig' ure of loss to Prince Rupert bus! ness men will be $400,000 per year in volume of business. Many proposed schedule lt seems to the writers that you might al most as well forget Prince Rupert as a source of business. "The effect of your schedules on the mails for which Prince Rupert is the distributing centre, is nothing short of chaotic and of course vigorous protests will be made to Ottawa from all points concerned. without offering you any alternative. We suggest that you could handle the traffic with satisfaction to your customers by Installing a ten-day service from Vancouver to the southern Queen Charlotte Island pointa thence to northern Queen Charlotte- Island ports thence to Prince Rupert for a layover of from 24 to 48 hours, returning via northern and southern Queen' Charlotte ports to Van couver. This involves no aaai tional vessels. "Have you considered the danger of freight competition by some Independent line which might at this time take over business which would be retained even If you do, later in the year, augment your service. From the personal knowledge of the writer's, this Is already being considered by several really sound parties. PORTLAND CANAL AND NORTHERN PORTS "As the p'orts of Stewart and Alice Arm are entirely dependent upon you, we urge that the service should remain as at present upon a weekly basis. According to the Stewart Board of Trade you service some 2500 people north of Prince Rupert. At this time, with X new development at Alice Arm and mining generally looking up, a blow such as 'you are giving to these communities is in justifiable and short sighted. "Boards of Trade in various affected ports have already con- fnpfpri us nnrl u-p havp no hesl- I " your present proposals are made effective, you will sustain a loss of prestige and loss of business which will take many years to regain.' HOCKEY SCORES New York 4, Montreal 2. l NORTHERN AND, CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NZWBPAPrR ,tttttttia rrrrm TYYTYTTYTT TAXI a If .H L Pp. LilBlue TTErsTAR a V FlPCabs i. W'll WIHTI-' CAIN m V.' i'ublishcd at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL XXXVI, No. 290. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS mAAAAAAA Yt AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 'Itrnunn rved frilMniii til iwmmmKKm 9 '?3SMPHHWi P;-L,;Dt:T OF JEWISH STATE Chalm Welz-. i i, . :,i pre udenr- of the world n , ii Mi'-wn u. New York with his wife and Piiit -Unr' rcpii .-cnutive to the U.N. as Dr. ..1. 0 ,!. tlir first piTMdem of Palestine at the : . v i'-n which turned into a victory celebra-ui'' United Nations' adoption of the Palestine : H the creation of independent Jewish and up Holy Land. mmous Rome rr TaKts Slrune Arm huii to l.iul Strike T'. situation In ; n f ominous to- j P Alclde de Qa- bjiked wrUi measures Its ;.)UatC .SVUter neral strike, now ijon.ia. heart A under the eyes ' minbtrv. helmet-1 'Cd i r ivvds which ! ho .'st arcade, j unvmi; tliem with i-lle bystanders .acr-iiicn with Jeer-a-id shouting In- Ruine j''ep loads a;.itcd constantly . t.r kppt on the rrcsts were made. tecn railed In :i--mpiyment " Lib era CIVIC ELECTION- Strensth in P.E Mayor Arnold Wins Easily, Rudderham Is Top Alderman Independents Carry the Day Wth One Exception Bus Franchise Idea Rejected Returning Mrs. Nora Arnold, incumbent for the past year, to the mayoralty seat for a period of two years, sending the veteran Laborite, Aid, G. V. Rudderham, back to the council with three independents, choosing two young business men for school board service and rejecting the idea of granting a private i franchise lor city bus service. 'electors ol Prince Rupert went .1. Increased Government of Island Province Is Endorsed All C.C.F. Candidates Lose Deposits Legislature Being Called at Once CHARLOTTETOWN (CP) Premier J. Walter ' Jones announced today that he would call the- Legislature into session early in February after Liberal forces were, swept back into power for the fourth straight time in the province's twenty-first general election. Bulletins MIGHT DEFER CLAIM LONDON Russian sources reported today that Foreign Minister Molotov might offer to defer Russia's $10,000,000,-000 reparations claim against Germany if the foreign ministers' conference agrees to the immediate establishment of all-German economic and administrative agencies In Germany. $7 GOLD PAYMENT OFF OTTAWA Minister of Finance Douglas Abbott announced in the House of Commons that the government has decided not to go through with its plans to pay an additional $7 per ounce on some gold production but that it has devised new means of aiding the gold mining Industry. JERUSALEM Jewbh com- THE WEATHER Cvnnni Rain is falling over Vancou-1 ver Island and the southern! mainland ln advance of another i Pacific storm which Is expected j to move eastward across British Columbia In the next 24 hours. ! Snow is occurring in the central 'We do not want to criticize : regions and cloudy skies are ' 1 nA. t Vi n oc nf t Wn In- 1 CLaiva. nnHirltir will lewui. ouuMci . . spread Inland this afternoon and widely scattered snow flurries are to be expected ln the south ern and eastern Interior late ln the day. Unsettled weather will continue through Saturday. Temperatures are normal or a little higher than normal in air- areas. Forecast Prince Rupert, Queen Charlottes and North Coast: Northeast coast Vanqouver Island- Showery, overcast with showers tonight and Saturday. Winds easterly (25 m.p.h.), gusty, de creasing to southeast (15) by noon. Little change in temperature. Low tonight and high SaturdayAt Port Hardy, 38 to 45. Remainder of region overcast with showers today and Saturday. Winds southwest (25 m.p.h.). decreasing to 15 this afternoon. Little change in temperature. Lows tonight and "highs. Satur-dayAt Massett, 36 and 45; Prince Rupert, 38 and 44 The voters handed the Liberals an Increased majority of at least three seats. The government won 23 seats, the Progressive Conservatives six, with one still in doubt: The C.CJ". failed to elect a candidate and all 16 of them lost their deposits of $50 each. The standing after the last general election in 1943 was: j Liberals, 20; Progressive Conser-vatlves, 10. MANY ARABS TAKING ARMS Half Million Men Preparing To Go to Palestine to Fight Partition BAGHDAD P Tribal sheiks are arming, 500,000 men who are "ready to go to PalesUne imrne dia'ely. the secretary-general of. the executive council of the "San Palpstlnp Snoiplv' said mandos attacked the village of here twjay Tireh. near Haifa, today with tou nave i -ww . : .a -Vi-jrwwwMi .aar .. Hdat-"sre r""""",w teered during the past week and pons, killing li AraDs ana wounding six. This brought to 185 the Holy Land death toll since partition was voted for by the United Nations. ' will soon begin training for war fare under Gen. Hussain Fawzl, former chief of staff of the Iraq army. Arab armies are exnected to receive $8,000,000 from national donations. "Big quantities" of arms are PLANE CRASH KILLS TWENTY MEMPHIS, Tennessee Twenty persons were snow flurries today, and Satur- een PreParea' day. Winds light except soutn-i erly (20) In the Prince George area today. Continuing mild. Lows tonight and highs SaturdayAt Quesnel, 25 and 35; Prince George, 25 and 35; Smlth- r p a hf An tatlon In advising you that If VISITS HERE 0i killed Thursday night when an Armjr C-47 plane exploded ln the air, cut through a small grove and crashed into an open field near the municipal airport. Co!. Donald K. Fargo, commanding officer of the Army Air Force base unit, announced that all on board, presumably military personnel, were killed. - The plane was enroute from El Paso. Texas, to Memphis. TOMORROWS TIDES High 2:05 19.2 rect 13:35 21.6 feet Low 7:39 8.3 feet 20:18 2.6 feet AERIAL TOURISTS MAY HAVE CARS SYDNEY Tourists who come to Australia by air may be able to pick up a car at the airport to use while In the coutry. The scheme known ts the "road air plan" was first worked out by the Automobile Association or Britain and detailed-plans have Northern B C.Overcast with ALASKA MUST BE DEFENDED Washington F.eDresenta- ers, 30 and 35; Telegraph Creek, tlve c r a w f o r,d (Republican 20 and 30. 1 Michigan) savs Alaska must be ' j made Impregnable against at Grant McConachie. president of Canadian Pacific Air Lines and noted former bush pilot, Is expected to arrive In the city this afternoon on today's C. P. A. flight to Vancouver. .. He will spend a day here on an inspection of the local company offices and Installations. tack. Today, he declared, the great dams on the Columbia River and the huge power system serving Washington and Oregon have no protection. Alaska bases are still without adequate defence. Immense airfields are being pro-vldd in Alaska, but there Is nothing to shield them. Crawford Is a believer ln early statehood for the northern