MX. I; r Ei r !?! 8 4. Ldrlucc ttupcrt Daflg JSclus Friday, December 12, 1917 VARDEN SINGERS CONCERT PLEASES CHURCH GROUP Chora) and solo renditions of Norwegian folk music and classical composers made up an interesting program presented by the Varden Singers and assisting artists at a pre Christmas concert held in St. Paul's Lu-4heran Church Thursday evening. The choral presentations by he Varden Singers under direction of Peter Lien, included mthems and hymns from the Lutheran .hymnal, followed by a nroup of four Christmas carols, nmg in Norwegian during the second half of the program. The second part of the program was opened by Rev. Earl Holland who established the The Popular S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Sails For VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE FORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11;I5 P.M. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT ' Hook Early for Xinas -For Information call or write Clty or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE RUPERT, n.C. I inc' 'ed the hymn "Awake, i w:e. for Night Is Flying," sung j by the choir and audience. The ! choir then sang two anthems, ; "Glory or God in Nature" by ! Beethoven and "Send Out Thy i Light" by Gounod. Two organ solos, "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" and "Cajus Ani-mum," played by 15-year-old USE IBBBBBBBBB Bulkley Valley Scotland Having National Parks OTTAWA Some of the finest scenery in Scotland is being preserved for all time from any danger of being spoiled by industrial development. As soon as the necessary legislation is passed, five areas recommended by the Scottish National Parks Committee will officially become parks. The areas are Loch Lo- Roald Fesess, showed a fine mas- mond. Trossachs. Glen Affrlc- tery of the instrument and were Glen. Cann Cannish-Strath Far-warmly received by the audl-Jrae. Ben Nevis-Glen, Coe -Black ence. i.i .Mount, the Cairngorms. L,ocn Concluding choral number in Mariee-Little Loch Broom. the first section was the an-' them "Jubilate, Amen." It was1 ARMY 1 FARN followed by three piano solos by CrnV, CQkTIlvrnQ Mrs. George Mead - "Liebe- rKUM straum" (Listz), "Cradle Son?" WASHINGTON. D.C. The furs fJarnfeldt-. "Pastoral Dance" of ,hp prjmiUve Eskimo are (Edward Germyn). ' warmer than the cold weather The Christmas music in the combat clothing worn by the second portion of the program army and navy. This is admitted Included the anthem "Behold, here, states Lt.-Commander J. Thy King Cometh" and two vo-1 v. Haggard, speaking at a naval Christmas atmosphere with a cal solos. "He Shall Feed His 1 research meeting. "To keep .-ihort introductory talk on "The i Flock" Handel and "The Pray-; warm, men must wear layers. Message of the Advent." Mr. Soi- cr Perfect" by the American find in so doing, perspire at the land concluded the program by composer. Speaks. ! least provocation. The Eskimos' hanking the choir and assist-i Four Norwegian Christmas clothing fits more loosely, allows ing artists. ! carols, sung by the choir, con- for free circulation and provides First portion of the program .-luded the program. maximum warmth." iaaBaaaaHBaBaaaBaainBBBHiiBBHaBnBaBK9tiiBiaBHBBaaiiaBaaRBBBR "FORMAL-ly Yours" I B fl B fl B B B B B B B fl a Sizes twelve through forty-four . . . i ptyle selection to please the fastidious. Holiday season formals can be made so much more enjoyable with a new Formal. We invite your approval of our formal tlresses of today. RUPERT PEOPLES HOLIDAY EXTRA SPECIAL! 15 EVENING GOWNS Selection of all sizes. No two alike each different. Your choice. REDUCED x!i PRICE "In the Mood" EVENING WEAR at PEOPLES Hollywood Cafe rniNCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 AM. TO 4 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST IBEBBECSBHEBriBBBBBBBBBSBBB iuw Available! COAL AND SAVE OR Get 25 More Heat From A Ton of Coal Your dealer can supply you BULKLEY VALLEY COLLIERIES Telkwa, B.C. LIMITED LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL PREVIEW OF CHRISTMAS FOR ILL BOY The spirit of Santa Claus became a living, vital thing for bright-eyed Donald Mc-Enaney. eight, of Chicago, who is a victim of the dread leukemia. At a party for the boy. Santa brought Donald gifts from warm-hearted Chicagoans, Donald also got a long-distance phone call from his cowboy idol, Gene Autry. THEFT CHARGES AGAINST WILSON Amendments Are Made By Prosecution Leslie Wilson, Port Edward fisherman, who was committeed for trial on three charges of breaking and entering at his j preliminary hearing before Magistrate W. D. Vance In district ; magistrate's court Thursday afternoon, will face three charges of theft, Instead, when he comes up for trial in County Court. Tlie charges were changed by J. T. Harvey, who was appointed crown counsel at the conclusion of the preliminary hearing. Thej change was made on the basis of evidence presented in the preliminary hearing. i The depositions indicated that ; theft would be a more fitting charge than breaking and entering, r. Harvey decided. Wilson Is alleged to have entered three homes of natives at Kemano Bay, Gardner Canal, last August and stolen househola articles and a shot gun. Goods, claimed by the crown to have been stolen, were found in his home at Port Edward earliei this month. Wilson was scheduled to appear before Judge W. O. Fulton for election this afternoon and it was expected that he would elect speedy trial immediately. Roderick MacLeod is acting for Wilson. CHELMSFORD. Eng., H Total age of four cribbage players here Is 323 years. DEBHAM, Eng., a - Mr. and Mrs. A. Holland recently celebrated their 70th anniversary. Try a Daily News Clasil.'-d Ad 'CATHOLIC CARD PARTY ENJOYED Eighty-eight players took part In the Catholic Women's League card party held in the Catholic School Hall last night, filling the ,hall to capacity. General convener of the affair was Mrs, Walter Lahtl, League president., who also was cashier. Proceeds will be used for the children's , Christmas Tree party later this month. During the evening, refreshments weie served by a commit-' tee consisting of Mrs. Leo Dolr-on. Mrs. J. Garon, Mrs. J. Shannon. Mrs. P. Lyons, assisted by Mr McCormack. Prize winners were: Bridge Ladles, Miss Mary Astoria, Mrs. O. R. Brett; Men's, Glllls Roycr, George McWhln-, ncy. 1 Whist Ladle, Sltlla Wagner.' Yvonne Smith; Men, 11. Wright. Mr. McCardle. ! Crlbbage Ladles', Mrs. C. Schaeffer, Mrs. Coultler; Men, N. Rodseth, G. Couture. Raffle winners were: Hamper of groceries, Miss Monica Le- sleur; cushion, Mrs. A. Astoria; Pair of Socks, Miss Monica Lc- i sleur. i Woman Elected to Board at Stewart STEWART Mrs. Sadie L. Loung. pioneer local woman. j was elected to the board of village commissioners at the annual election here. Continuing members of the board are W. R. Tooth and John Thompson. After many years of service, Chairman W. L. Newell declined to seek re-election. Try a Class: fled Ad In The News From This Date WAR ASSETS COAL will be: LUMP Sacked 512.00 per ton MINE RUN Loose $11.00 per ton No rebate for quantity HYDE TRANSFER , B Hi PHONE 580 S DIAMOND BUYER? i. 1 I Then wwant your ear Just fr a minute M yjliZy iC55 B ' 1 We want to tell you that this store is fixed ffi V' ,J IHSifeSf j H to suit you no matter how much you wish to pay. ffi 1 LMbmTOi Also we handle nothing but standard stones n Announcing J H We want to say that our diamond stock is B CHOCOLATE ffi very carefully chosen. Mir FLAVORED J "I I I 3 DAIRY' l ORDER FRESI-llE DnDPAOM r-v-xr. u FROM THE CAPITOL . . PHONEfo .Jrfi-.. JbbV A, ftUENDK t ' .tf " wmtiuiMiUMMii:Matri".if fl m That it Is now extra large, ana inai oiu- mt . duink 11 ' U monds will soon be hard to get on account of the H . "a Hi J JW 1 Prices from $25.00 up I "iurui sin . i vm. " I Mf zkwt flSKMfaw fWJsasjapweiiii'ii'WWMiMi -vex. Are You Ready For Christmas ? .. if not, let us help you Ik 1 Hsil- I Hi K B 518 ? Third E? West Order from your Wagon, Oroctr or Dairy at popular prices. VALENTIN DAIRY IMIONi: 657 W11IHJ DROP IN ANYTIME . . . RKOWSE AROUND AS LONG AS YOU MKE . . . YOU'LL FIND JUST THE OUT FOIt EACH ONE ON YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST. Come to HERE YOU'LL SI; TOYS, GAMES, DOLLS, MINIATURE PIANOS THAT PLAY, SAILING SHIPS, SLEIGHS, DOLL HUGGIES, METAL CARS THAT WIND UP, WIRELESS SETS . . .AND SCORES OF OTHER GUTS TO GLADDEN THE HEARTS OF CHILDREN. Gift Wraps, Seals, Ribbon Gay Tree and House Decorations Phone HE I) 100 6h tti noon inn Ki f int 1UI.K TODAY P Imported Direct From Scotland SLEEVELESS PULLOVERS ALL-WOOL, IN SHADES OF MAROON. CANARY. LIOHT BLUE, BROWN. IDEAL GIFr FOR ANY MAN A ; u:i)u(s!iii' i STYLE AM) ( OMfORI MORGANS MENS WEAF 'TAILORED IX THE CISTuM M ANMll SLIPPER GIFTS FOR ALL THE FAMILY! From oldsters to i-mmesf its ovprvonp 4 loves slippers . . . It's a . . .1.. T'lff .'V ' praciirai inn $gr yet a lux- f& ury of comfort, too. Fashion Footvear STONE HI ILDINf; ORDER NOW for the Holiday Season to assure delivery. DELIVERED FREE C.O.D. PHONE 654 Plc"e , 25c per doen paid for Oiiipnes. have them ready when driver calls. This advertisement J 1 ihl Lio"0' Is not published or disP ' 'j Control Board or by the Government oi TRY OUR CLASSIFIED GET BBSClfl Al)3 THEY