I 1 - i mi i prfnfr niuirrr Dnu J3cuia Friday. December 12, 1941 BRENTWOOD, Essex, Eng., SB -Grandmother Ellen Whitehead, 86, had seven proposals of marriage In six months. To the Electors ' May I convey my most sincere thanks to those who supported my aldermanic candidature at yesterday's civic -election. I shall do my best to give our city good government. .(290) WILLIAM F, STONE. Business and PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Phone Black 823 H. J. LUND 'McKINLEY&ST. CLAIR PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING PHONE RED 240 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 GEORGE McWHINNEY PAINTING AND X PAPERHANGING 147 4th East Phone Black 489 SUPERIOR DECORATORS PAINTING :: PAPERHANGING Phone: Blue 952 or Black 245 Len Hltchens Bill Thornton D18 DRVR J. CHENEY DENTIST ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY IN SUITE . 5. SMITH BLOCK. TELEPHONE 705 Armstrong agencies REAL ESTATE BROKERS INSURANCE ADVISERS Fhone 342 P.O. Box 927 P. N. Kllbom W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Ljmber - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Green 977 Prince Rupert X MARIE RICHARDSON GRADUATE NURSE Dealer for Spencer Style and SURGICAL SUPPORTS IND1-VIDUALLY DESIGNED FOR COMFORT and, FIGURE PROBLEMS., For appointments please Phone, Res. Red 246. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Pcrmaiieni Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches. 208 4th Street Phone 655 5 PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE. COLLECTOR and-MESSENGER PHONE GREEN 955 Agent for Pacific Bottle B.C. Ltd ) JONES NEWS STAND Eastern aud Western Papers Magazine; SUBSCRIPTION? ' TAKEN Sixth Street Red 808 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Account-ant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled, Besner Block Phone 387 Train Schedule for the East " "Monday, Wednesday, Friday 2 pm. Classified Advertising Pays! HOW CAN I ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I make gloves look like new after washing them? A. When laundering gloves, wash them In warm soapy water and rinse in teplc soapsuds, adding to the last rinsing water one tablespoon of glycerine. This method will make the gloves look like new. Q. How can I clean a slender vase satisfactorily? A. Fasten a piece of an old sponge on a stick and push this down Into the vase. This method Is also very useful for cleaning decanters and water bottles. Professional HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners. PHONES: Green 486 Red 894 PRINCE RUPERT FLORISTS A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Large selection of Gifts j MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mail orders. Box 516 Phone 777 300 3rd Ave. FOR LIFE INSURANCE see our rates first. ROSS RICHARDSON 628 Taylor Street Residence Phone Red 246 Confederation Life Association STEPHEN ERICKSON Piano Technician TUNING AND REPAIRS ... , I Black 195 " 1 If It's Rock Work CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Vniir hnnsp nnri vonrself fullv - ,i Insured while I do the work, 1 JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 H) .AT- CONSTRUCTION HESIGNINO REPAIRS ut Workmanship Estimates row BAY BOAT WORKS V P Crawley Green 391 ASTORIA'S LIGHT DELIVERY & MESSENGER laggage Freight Express 'hone Blue 269 322 Sixth St.' Night Calls Green 882 rHOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS. Mgr. Specializing in Vlarine and General Sheet Metal Work Electric and cetylene Welding Boat Tanks Stacks Furnaces - Gutter Work. 253 East First Avenue Phone Black 884 Grandvlew Hotel ROBERTSON BOTTLE BUYER & TRANSFER DAY AND NIGHT Call Black (12 Serring the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Cartage, Labelling, WeUbln BLUE 992 ooumma optical cam THIS AND THAT Y3M30A The Crrf Matlhfw Adau Srnhv, Im. '1 wear a size Tells About Alaska Run New Steamer Prince Oeorge To Start at End of June Steady progress Is being made with the completion of the fine new $4,000,000 coastal liner Prince George at Yarrow's Shipyard in Victoria and the vessel will go into service on a nlne- day run from Vancouver through Ocean Falls and Prince Rupert to. Alaska about June 30 next, it was stated by Bernard Allen, general superintendent. Canadian National Railways, for British Columbia, before he sailed Thursday night by the Prince RupeTt for Vancouver after a two-day visit here- on official business. Details of the sched- . t t t 1 A tl uie are Deing womea out, miu Mr. Allen, who gave assurance mai, wnue u wouiu ue tiauy a wunsi cruise bwyhx, space would also be protected on the veel for local Prince Rupert traffic. While the Prince George will operate Uirough to Skagway. the intention is to retain the steam er Prince Rupert on the run which she has for the past few years been carrying out through Prince Rupert as far north as Ketchikan. Mr. Allen also spoke optimistically about the changes of having passenger service on the Jasper-Prince Rupert line of the . ..... railway increased at least aur- lng the summer months. While here, Mr. Allen made an Inspection of the local dry dock plant cf which he was manager during the war years when the plant was so busy on wartime shlnDlne construction and where today there is a staf of about 00 engaged on miscellaneous marine repair work. After the first of the year, when preparations for the fishing season became moe active, he expected there would be more work going on there. The general superintendent referred to the scarcity of ex press refrigerator cars, many of wnicn were uea up in me ynu- ed States. Under the clrcum - stances, it was fortunate that 'sufficient cars had been avail- able to handle heavy movement of fish from Alaska through Prince Runert to the United States. This traffic had been given the priority on such cars. Mr. Allen expressed Interest In reports which were belnir Circulated in regard to the possibility of wartime port installations here being used for ocean shipping through Prince Rupert but had no comment to make or Information to give himself. LYMINGTON, Eng., JJ John Woolcott, 11. the youngest competitor In a plowing contest, won third prize. mcRs FRASER HOUSE Modem. Quiet, Comfortable 1U FKASCIt STREET Phone Black 823 ' 1 . BULLETIN tOA 9 40 . . . Why?" PRINCE RUPERT YEARS AGO (December 12. 1922) It was learned on good authority that Alderman Collart would be a candidate for mayor at the civic elections in January. It was expected that he would campaign on a platform to reorganise the departments in the city hall. After having been out of operation since May, the car ferry for carrying pulp from Swanson Bay lo this port' for transship-cnt to the east, mumed service. It was expected that it would make one trip a wtek. r 111 I tl TTI m Pill VnlVv ttppr f,rpl. 1 fipm the interior for slaughter at the local plant of Burns and' Co. for th? Christmas market A bfg explosion at Premier mln, wa, be,,ved t0 n(lve bfen cau;td by nn attempt by Car, B0oey an Ai,strlani t0 en(j his i ,lfe He succeeredi but nu3 ,n . Jured thrfe ,thr tn)ne workfrJ and dama?e(J part o( the mlne ! B. B. Kelllher, chief engineer of the Grand Trunk Pacific was a visitor, in towru. He planned to make rmlnspecTlon of the railway line out of Prince Rupert before returning to Vancouver-Captain C, H. Nichohon. manager of the O. T, P. Steamships arrived in the city on .the Prince Rupert on an inspection trip. I. N. Llnnell and JJ. Sloan teturned to the city from a trip. Ben eelf and.Mi3 Viola Lead-better were m& tried here. HASTINGS, Eng.. tf Sir Alf- Dv. edltolr for 38 years of the Hastings and St. Leonards Observer, died aged 81. ) If I I ! I ( CHIUSTMAb SPECIAL 1 I One Photo. and Twelve Christmas Cards for Price and Appointment call at - Chandler & Cowgill 4th Street,-, ,Pr!nce Rupert i Your Engine Needs Expert Care . BRING IT TO US FOR COMPLETE SATISFACTION Dan's Service Station Mcltride St. Green 605 INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See K. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) Irjeal, Constant Heat That is what you get with the new DUO-THE RM . Air-Condilion LJnit This handsome 'automatic OIL 1 KNACK Is perfect for all needs .. popularly priced. SHENTON'S SHEET METAL WORKS Third Ave. E. , Asents for McClary Furnaces Phone 33 Reminiscences By w.J. Reflections The ikeleton of creature, recently found ny fishermen at Vernon i Bsv. Bsy. west west coast of Vancouver Island, is net at all mysterious. But, th?y thouaht It was. The situation Is similar to what happened at Prince Rupert years ago. The hnrtu nt enmpthtn? nf rip?n Sea origin wa3 discovered on an Is - land near here and because no cne could name It. Prince Rupert jumped at conclusions. Perhaps ' "ls ,T . . thi:v or perhaps that! mybe'ta'le lhroushout ,ne the missing link. The story even """f? at"' Mundi: "Asking Ameri-of hit the London press. A man , Sal? sience took a look and o sniff ,cans o top Communism abroad, permitting American food to be and said "basking shark". And in the'wasted throuh a horlae of its also basking shark stnrv from Vernon Bav. But. Ilk- in Rupert, the discoverers mad? i the most of the occasion, as long as uncertainty existed. The Van - ' couver Sun sun run ran n a stnrv story. ktt double column on the front page thererby following the example of the Prince Rupert press years earlier. For years, municipal elections in British Columbia were held in January. This was tru of Trlnce Rupert where, as a .rule, everyone who could exercise, his or her franchise, was sure to show up and, standing behind the curtain, put down the little "X" on the precious ballot. With ' iomt, the process barely occupied a minute. It was clear, their minds were made up. Bqt others ! might take tfn Hrr as long j There l a good story In cvefy life, whether that life is famous i or obscure. For things of in- j terest happen to everyone. The ; latest celebrity to tell about him- thl Dtlkc Of WIndJOr. Thr PenlnS chapter is In a widely. "'tuiairu v" wuli:ai- ",e 4s a natural born newspaperman Thats' clear from the highly readable way in which he writes. Nothing stuffy You saw it in the Daily News! Mi ANNETTE mansell UPSTAIRS IN STONE BUILDING JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue CARS D II V I m. f f i ruraduxlral Situation Seen lly Representative at Washington WASHINGTON Representa 1"" Mun" wl! ,tent a reao- tion asljing iic government for details of a shipment of 210 uux cura u,,a ,mn snipping me box cars to Russia so she can bull more areaslve Com ''"-" " wiwim a six H'Ju- wiurnug dervish program which would would make a self-respecting ecrksciew turn gresn with admiring envy" WHEN IN TERRACE STOP AT THE TERRACE HOTEL Tor Convenience and Com furl HOT AM) COLD WATI'.K IN KOOMS Central lleutlnc Sprltn-l illed .Mattresse SINGER t 4 Immediate delivery of new treadle and electric sewing f machines In Prince Rupert J ana uisirirt. I f SINGER f Sewing Machine Phone 864 Prince Rupert NYLON Rain Coats With and Without Hoods, in all sizes. FOUNDATION GARMENTS STYLED BY NATURE'S RIVAL AND LE OANT -The corset that h different JUST IN Hie Order of WONDER BRA SATIN AND NYLON STOCKINGS New shipment, In all latest :;hadcs. with pencil scam. SAVOY HO TEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. I rhone 37 P.O. Box 511 FRASEIl STREET I j iTince itupen. r K LUMBER JUST RECEIVED a larKe shipment of Tir Dimcssion, Shiplap, Flooring, Vcc Joint, Kiln-Dried Fir Finish, Shingles, and a large assortment of Moulding. Sole Agent for B.C. CEMENT CO. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING SUPPLIES "ONE 116 COAL rilONE 117 FOIl THE m:ST IN AUTOMOTIVE SlltVic, Bee Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER 1'ontlae Oldsmohile r I" MACHINE WORK A GPEHALTV Terrace Machine shnn 2 I itti r in Ann urn n I " UK 1 l.llKrtl l,, II. " as P t PIT I W W K. I I I LI I ILL. lIHUULViltlJ IV rVrifw II - - m m w IILIll'i II I .u in her Man u fa rt u rm urrsKra i.uniuer j v r, Ascnts For lnlcrnatlonal lUrveUrr c,0. 1'ireMlonr Tire k ltnbl.fr (0. .t rhilcu Itadlixi UilUrd naileries Gifts Galore.., at McCUTCHEONS FOR UVM -CoRinetic Sets, Perfume:-, i C'ompactH, Stationery, 'tc FOR HIM Shaving Sets, WnhV.. !! Lighters, Pen und Pencil Sets fi;-i'?'Cftt'ct'C''C'twe,,Te'' tr -rrn Mrf CHUIN HHAWMAIY I T 3rd Ave. al Gtli SI. Hi IE 'PCm LS TPinr "TTTT?BIiIin Jf V 1 and LAMPS COFFEE MAKER FLASHLIGHTS A I TOMtllt IKONS rt.HTKK "EATI , .Mnvinj Slilppin? and GfRH Cartaie and Stori!1 For con:; R; muay o & Storage P A' C'nr 2- E. 'ant. phones 110 nd I 1 C 1 1 I l.lll i 1 1 i t i i5 V,C I V TRILITES TOASTERS RADIOS Rupert Radio & Electric I -HONK fN LING THE TAILOR W't are taking cleaning and pressing and steam re.in while you wait. PHONE 849 22'j Sixth Street Stainless Steel nnimi.K iimi.Kits COIM'KK-MOTTOM 1 THOMPSON I'lioNi; ioi ! r 1 u WE DOCTOR SHOES IIF.F.L Til EM ATTENII TO TIIEIK IIYEINO SAVE TIIEIIl SOLES MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave sK l;l'AV TBA KKTTU HARDWARE CO. LTD M WINTERIZE t Third A' stunt r WH MOVI.M ... nl! fiK r-lTY . ...,iM . i Mil inior. Lne i uttoi-ip une i""-. . (.0ei ra ' 1 I I I AAlll"-! Repair or Replace Jliosc vo , ub, Chains, Change to Winter cation. oo iTMMv -. . minnnT MOTORS iu r l i i h v i w -