j( (((fjfliiiiJ lnlormtion iri or fogy's womtn H jjgi j ( 1 uy si ! ' , 44. MONTREAL. Dec. 11th. "B. Prepared" Is one motto that deserves a place on your pantry shelf .v that the festive season Is fast approaching. ; oc hurc your Christmas "emergency supply good things Includes two or three bottles of 6 0. Smith's Pure Grape Juice. Right on the :ic you'll find a recipe for delicious " Winona "unch ... and there's no finer refresher than r.nt imple-to-scrve grape Juice and ginger ale ambulation. But be sure Its E. D. Smith's Grape imcr- It's made to the same high quality stand- Pure Jams famous for frult-ull flavour: E D. SMITH'S Maraschino Cherries to add a .oliday cooking! SHINING 'UP " HOUSE for ::; ... be sure to check up : slow. running drains make ind tub-cleaning . . . they're isle-makers! Wake up laiy .: t.!. 3 GILLETTS DRAIN .:::d that two tablespoons a ii b:itHroSm drains keep them tree fromclogging sediment! in.morrow for filLLETTK R- rollowr the instructions on il C :d as I have that even the worst clogged imgic to this thorough "trouble-shooter" . . . ilh regular cleansing! IJIA? I l TOR 'OK I.AIUII- MAKE THIS LAUGH-Tilt AMI A H A V P V HE A KT . . . io enjoy If your fnends your fc.iiy! Far bo Hum you to ncaltimo work, there are so tii s you can a BENSON'S li: try these . oiu from -me Recipe t, ; .(I mother's n o to keep .: cookie Jar hj( k! . . . . i Cake . . . Simply write nu 1411 Cres-P Q. - foe iiapd wh o : . c Ins wife drudgery . mom deli-re ' You see, ire-i'ooked. n quarter ( because ..me jpeed. (j cglour.ind, ' :s ;ind miner .' J vow plcas-:. PRESTO! , i d vi ill And reason-.1 a: y House-. fur yijj Ha;i- ArTKR A DAY OF CHRISTMAS SHOPPING rc.js our softest ; . , p :'J a : d i U a cool glas- f) ot 7-fp: v jr r 7-Cp is a K..h Up"... it has a light !: fiat's exactly tn as Season's is lemon-lime h ;rnd clean et .. . Sip 7-Up (', l.vely, happy .i d under your smiling? Of Vnu'U want to : uppiy of 7 -Up ! it at rhood store dp in;iis! . A n A tlTV rjk' V IMI 1 I '01 WGLAMOR FOR YOU rod times ming holiday u help you ii. 55 Beauty Salon Street 1 IN Mustards IVorwteriltire Sauce 57 Sauce arc. every une ot them, backed by that very famous HEINZ reputation for quality. That's why he finds these famous sauces in his favourite restaurants ... and why he'll be so pleased to soe them on his tabic at home! So take my tip . . . stock up with HEINZ Sauces and for your free coppy of "Ku Vtei for Hein: Sauces", simply write to me. Barbara Brent, Ml Crescent St, Montreal, r.Q. tiniSTMAS OUT TIP to the Man in i A to him that a drcam-come-iLt V 3 COUNTRY GARDEN Gift " race Pouxfer. Lipitick, Per- , . ,,,t,-it- all for 5.00 and truly a .-. , that "lovely lady" feeling! v hn the exouisite fragrance , c. s is COUNTRY GARDEN CHRISTMAS themerricstytt with a gift to the family of a pet canary! Haven't you often heard ,a canary gaily singing, and thought" Wouldn't he be fun to own!". I know I have. They're such cheerful pets and so easy to care for. And all a canary needs for singing good health is BROCK'S BIRD SEED ... a com. plete bird diet all In one package. So consider a canary the perfect preient this year . . . he'll be full to the brim with the Season's good cheer If he's well-fed on BROCK'S BIRD SEED CALr.NDAlMVISE SALADS AND DESSERTS i ( vourj if you know talad-'n-desscrt tricks with ,iK! :.-0 Jell-O, whipped or plain . . . JELL-0 ..Hriivl fruit or vMetshiM . . . 1 truly a dish i i ' K -A.uill( Annual'1 fnr it lftokl fl'prv bit B3 v..od a it Ustes! Only JELL-0 has that "locked-flMvour that makes it a family " flavourite " the o ijmple to prepare any one of a number of i d.ilics Aik for JELL-0 tomorrow at your and follow the recipes on every package results! LAUGH AT CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS 'rj Oil I.K.MS t V1A'AL5 SI rit here's a lip to make what-to-give worries vanish like snow in warm weather! Buy LEKTROLITE nameless lighters for your family and friends! LEKTROLITE, the lighter that really lights everywhere very time, makes the perfect present. It's different from any lighter you've ever known. There's no flame Just a steady, wind-proof glow. No flint to wear down or wick to fall ... the new LEKTROLITE Is a small miracle of practical Simplicity! Compact convenient feather-light . . . it's just the right size for purse, pocket or a very special some-ones Christmas stocking! licious HEINZ SIMPLEST WAY I know of to impress that husband of yours with your cooking is to flavour his food with de-Sauce.' HEINZ o a summer song! This perieci . C ,c cosmetic counters everywhere-toget her y GAHDEN Git Packcs, priced to suit eury Margaret McLeod Optometrist - AT MANSONS Jewellers S22 Third Ava Phone Green 324 for HOTEL A QUIET, PLEASANT TLACE TO LIVE ETELY RENOVATED - ROOMS REDECORATED SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Victors: TOM PESUT STEVE VKKLAKN Local News It Conrad School Card Party, Dec. 12. Announcing Opening Handcrafts and Souvenirs, Gifts that are Different, Monday, Dec. 15, 211 Sixth Street. (290) Valhalla meeting tonight at 8 o'clock. All members please attend. (290) Hear address by British Fraternal Delegate to Trades and Labor Congress Convention, C. F. P. R.. Saturday 7 p.m. (291) It Is proposed to open Navi gational Classes after the first of January subject to satisfactory enrolment. A tuition fee of $20.00 for the full course Is payable In advance. For further particulars apply to Capt. J. R. El-fert, Harbor Master, or the School Board Secretary. (292) District Fisheries Supervisor Ingvald Urseth plans to sail tonight on the Catala on a busU ness trip to Vancouver. Ernest Portman, Canada Railway News Co. agent here has returned from a holiday visit to Vancouver, and points east. He went as far as Kamloops and fays general conditions are busy. Bernlce and Jimmy Brldden are sailing on the Cassler at the week-end for Massett where they will spend Christmas with their grandparents. Mrs. Henry Smith, Jr.. who. with her son. Billy, has been visiting relatives In Scotland for , the last eight months. Is expecr ' cd to return to the city on Christmas Day. Mrs. Smith, daughter of Capt. and Mrs. W. F. Robertson, plans to leave South ampton on December 15 on the liner Aqultanla. If proper travel connections are made, she and Billy will arrive In the city on the evening of December 25. They have been visiting in Sutherlandshlre and Edin burgh. Announcentents All adwtlsemrnts in this column will be charged for a full month at 25 cents a word.' v St. Peter's YVA. Xmas Con- Hall. S.O.N. Christmas Dance, Mrs. Black and five-piece orchestra. Everyone welcome. Tickets at door. Civic Centre, Dec. 26, 9:30 till 2:00. S.O.N. Christmas Tree. Oddfellows' Hall. Dec. 30, 2 to 5. Refreshments and entertainment. Bosun Inn. 909 First Avenue West. Black 959. Fine food, ta-males, chill, barbeque fried chicken. Caterers large or small parties. Open all night. Orders to take out. 2' THIS AND THAT Ptfnc'e Rupert Dallp Bctox ems Friday, December 12, 1947 Moose Whist Drive and Dance, every Saturday night 8:30 (291) F. M. Dockrlll, well-known miner operator of Telkwa, left on 'last night's train to return to Telkwa after spending a few days In the city on business. Public Meeting J. J. SIEMENS, Manitoba Co-operative leader, will speak on CO-OPERATIVE PROGRESS IN SCANDINAVIA, In the I.O.D.E. Hall, Monday, December 15. at 8 p.m. (290) W. J. Nelson of the Depart ment of Customs, Prince Rupert, has gone to Tulsequah, the Taku River mining camp, where he, expects to be for the next few months. R. Nlffe and A. Truman of Vancouver, who have been In the city for the past week on business, are sailing on the Catala tonight to return to the southern cty. Harold C. Daykln of the University of B.C. Extension Department plans to sail on the Cassler at the week end on a visit to Massett. Local service organizations have been invited to be represented at a mass Christmas choral concert to be presented In the Civic Centre by all the church choirs of the city on the evening of December 21, the Sunday before Christmas. E. D. Forward will be master of ceremonies with Peter Lien conducting. D. O. Stenstrom, consulting engineer for the Celanese Corporation of America In connection with the Watson Island celanese pulp mill project, sailed by the Prince Rupert last night on hisj return to Vancouver after paying one of his periodical visits of inspection to the work which Is progressing steadily in the excavation stage. ANCIENT TACKLE Red salmon and Chinook sal mon are largely caught by gill nets, a type of fishing gear dat time. Mr. Morin's Thanks I wish to thank the electors for the splendid support accorded me In yesterday's election. I shall endeavour to discharge the responsibilities of the aldermanlc office to the best of my ability. J. RALPH MOKIN. CITY OF IMtlNCK RUPERT AUCTION SALE The followins vacant land will be sold at Publication on Tuesday, December 23rd, at 10:30 a.m. In the Council Chamber, City Hall Lots 15 16. 17 and 18, Block 9. Section 1-Level lots with total frontage of 100 feet on 2nd Avenue and 100 feet on 8th Street. Lots 6 and 7. Block 12, Section 1 with 50 foot frontage on Stiles Place between 2nd Street and 3rd Street. Provided anyone who Is unable to attend the auction in person may submit a sealed tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid. II. I). TIIAIN, 292' City Clerk. Hf" ., ...... J? I ill! 1111 ir. wntniPK ii urn -i- lif.lt" VI "" . 1 2 and li-Strand Pearls from 5-a P Musical Jewel and I'owder Boxes ..... . 8.7;. Cigaret Cases and Compacts up Barrings and Fins from 1-00 "1 N "N TU Cwr Mallhwr AJitm SVm. Inc H "What a character! Traveler Boy that was a hot tiresome Journey. Friend How come. , Traveler Well 'you see the ttaln was crowded and I had to sit with .a woman who had a double seat. Friend Well you should'nt have been crowded in a double scat. Traveler You don't seem to understand. It. was the woman who had the double seat. CM. Sawyer BEST POLICY FOR RUSSIA "UP and ATOM." ..PORTUGUESE' INSTRUMENT The ukelele is of Portuguese origin. Eureka DELUXE UPRIGHT MODEL (With polisher attachment! MASTER UPRIGHT MODEL DELUXE TANK MODEL (with attachments) . ALSO The machine that TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY PAIN Put a few drops of Vlcks Va-tro-nol up each nostril and eel it go to work bringing quick, 3krv' soothing relief m.am.9J7Wi from miserable MlffCS Scrubs Waxes Polishes Price 399.50 VA-TRO-NOL Mayor's Thanks to Electors The confidence whlci you reposted in me after one year's service as your mayor is deeply appreciated and I am fully sensitive of the responsibility which it implies. At this time I can only assure you that I shall endeavour to carry on the administration of your affairs to the best of my ability and, in so doing, I hope to have the co-operation and assistance of you all. Thank You! NORA E. ARNOLD, Major. cert. Dec. 19 and 20. St. Peter's! lng back aimost to the dawn of LxiaifckXi,lawjjsAalJ.ai.asia5iai'i9 CLEHfiE RS 109.59 89.50 99.50 Buffs No increase received on these Items as yet (prices subject to change without notice) . ULOVA HEADQUARTERS No Change in Our Prices on Diamond Rings Even Though There Will be a Shortage Owing to the Import Ban. Still Priced from $30.00 and up xvv ru I OFFER YOU A TIIREK TO FIVE-DAY SERVICE ON WATCH REPAIRS COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE - JEWELLERY REPAIRS AND ENGRAVING kA AKIQOKl1 Jewellers and Optometrists 1 J IVlM V Sincere, Friendly Service MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN JEWELLERS ASSOCIATION y v v v v v v v V y y y y v y y y V V V V it V V y WANTED Bolt or pump action g .22 rifle, eood condition. Write v particulars to Box 235, Daily News. (tf) FOR SALE Gas boat "Olympla" on view at Yacht Club. Further details Apply Dr. Large. (285) Relieved FastThis Easy Way! Ig K 1 R il A n A A A A A A A A A K A A A A A A A A A A A A A A n A A A A S V y v v v B V y y x v V if I I V ' a ; A A I A A 1 A A A - II There's No Doubt . . . ... he will appreciate one of the new TIES 8 or a smart, comfor- & table SCAUF. H In scarves you can make an easy selection from a wide range which Includes Quebec handwovens. authentic tartans and colorful plaids and stripes- We've silks and spun jayons also. Priced from $2.00 to $1.00 There's a host of fine TIES to choose from. See the new Swiss silks, Mac-clesflelds, silk foulards, as well as the favorite wool challls and Loch Glens. From $1.00 to $3.50 GIFT BOXES AT NO EXTRA COST PRACTICAL GIFTS . . . are always acceptable FOR HIM Power and Carpenter Tools, Fishing Tackle, Sporting Goods. ilr rilltmi 1 FOR HER Lamps, Dishes, Pressure Cookers, Electric Irons, Toasters, Mixers, Pyrex Ware. FOR THE YOUNGSTERS Ice Skates, Skis and equipment, Sleighs, Roller Skates, Wagons, Bicycles and Kiddle Cars. "SHOP EARLY" 1 Mtllrlde t.; l'lioiie 311 I D B a If you want your kitchen remodelled, we build your CUPBOARDS in our shop, ready for installation. Or if you want your FLOOR SANDED Call BLUE 610 We also have a good selection of furniture made in our shop, such as Cabinets, Book-Cases, Tables, Magazine Racks, Drying Racks, Rocking Horses and Doll Cradles K A h A A A A a i A A R ft K A a A A A A A A ft K A A a H A A A in three sizes. V I SEE OUK DISPLAY ROOM IN BKOOKSUANK BLUG., . THIRD Ave. Open 2-3 PJVI. THIS WEEK ', mm m m m m mm m mmmm m m m m m mm m m mnmrn m m m m m m CHRISTMAS GIFT Suggestions Elizabeth Arden Adrienne Yardley Cutex Bachelor Evening In Paris Max Factor Peggy Sage Tangcc V WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION OF OUR LARGE ASSORTMENT OP GIFT SETS. We will hold any article till Christmas. No deposit required Ormes Drugs THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS' A GIFT OF FISH ia Your friends will appreciate as a Christmas Gift a ten-pound carton of our Farnous'B.B. Brand of ASSORTED SMOKED FISH Shipped Express Prepaid in B.C ALBERTA, MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN Oil ONTARIO for $3.75 ' Send your orders to the Bacon Fisheries PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. For Prince Rupert Seafood Products PLEASE PLACE YOUR ORDERS EARLY