' ! J tl I I Yithdrawal of Forces mite; of the Unl- Li::mt!!y by a vote i ;r the and Russian iu ::a oy junuary i. ;j Minister Andrei .u:::cd Immediate- ; (ifff.it that Russia pte in voting . proposal for pcrvijed elec- J us meaning !.. rv cbserver .. :ht political ;"i to set up last : for helping - pendent Kor- POMS Stucco had fallen away and what has not gone was loosening. Stucco should not have been put on In the first place, the report said. Attention should be given walls and roofing. A new roof. In fact, was needed, 3$ well as roofing .gutter. Among the leakages was one in the marque over the main entrance. Complete replasterlng -was necessary and a good deal of work applied to the stairs, doorways, basement and down stair floors. There was other work that also should be carried out. CANADIAN COW TOPS WOODSTOCK O' Alice Calamity Bonheur, a Holsteln cow formerly owned by J. D. Innes of Woodstock, and bred by Arnold Hogg of ThamesfordV Ont., has been crowned grand champion at the national Holsteln show at Bogota, capital of the South American republic of Colombia. Hill F avore hi II I C I I v ww m. m rm ww mm wm r Board Goes On Record Modern een Koom Structure Is froposea School board last evening went on record as Acropolis Hill as the most suitable sue lor iv II wnnnrk i iti 11 fimrr ii inn itniu'ii ini'iiiiit'i ocation, said, after many other places had Ot U. ... ... me man into tnt- h . . when the mothpr ishe found the dnor n thA i i . , . snuuex nrawn fc and the man fled N Was found Imrirfiprf tcrical condition and t clothed, lrePort on the condl f lld is not yet re- a oeueved to havp. ' Ptvert. TTt-v,, LI. 1 A, r,i.t ..... a (!.. I 1 DM. 4ur nt-oon November 7 8 P m. ATTr.Mn - fit) 1 was considered Dest to recuin- I mend the Acropolis. There were f t several reasons. There had been criticism on grounds that the ?. I. , aiivuiivvr :allng an aDDarent . .... w T-jvtti-um tl a niilHl..o..j I M n M I - neighborhood Is not now as central as others but this, he believed, would In time be overcome. Within the next few years Acropolis grounds would be Im proved and, when the building of homes resume more actively, the site, the committee felt. would become an excellent one. It was suggested that It might be a wise plan, Instead of choosing the Acropolis, to select somewhere more convenient to the Civic Centre but this proposal did not receive much support. Finally, on motion of Mrs. E. W. Becker and A. J. Dominato, the board accepted Acropolis as recommended. ! The proposed new school building will have eighteen class rooms, Industrial arts room, science room, an auditorium, luncheon accommodation and cafeteria, offices, counsellor rooms, premises for use of physician, nurse, students, locker space and central heating. This Is alt subject to changes before final negotiations for building are proceeded with. iFull Lumber Cargo ;From Churchill . ss, MOSCOW 'CP-Foreign Minister Molotov said today that the Soviet Union would defend the interest of peace of the whole world "till the end" but also said that "It Is well known that the United States is basing Its policy on the sole possession of the secret of the atom bomb although this secret may be considered non-existent." The Associated Press, in a dispatch from London quoted Molotov by radio had used the phrase "has long ceased to ex RUSSIA VOTED CANADA SEAT Vishlnsky Now Wants to Get Place For Ukraine On United Nations Security Council in centlv from Hudsons Bay car rying 4,581,263 board feet of lumber from Saskatchewan and Manitoba. It was a full load, LAKE SUCCESS 0) Russia's Andrei Vishinsky disclosed today that Russia had voted for Can ada as a member of the security council ''despite differences we have." This was the first Indication of the way Russia had voted when Canada, along with the Argentine, was a successful candidate for the council when the first ballot was taken in mid-September. Vishlnsky was making an appeal for co-operation from United Nations members in the election of the Ukraine to take the remaining council seat over which there has been a long deadlock. Vishinsky accused Great Britain and the United States of preventing the Ukraine from being elected by "ordering" other countries to vote against this Soviet republic. FIRE DAMAGES TRUCK INTERIOR A fire which smouldered un noticed for eight hours, badly damaged the interior of the cab of a truck owned by City Transfer before it was put out at 4 o'clock this morning by the fire deDartment which answered a call to Hays Cove Circle where the vehicle was parked In front of the home of Vic Menzies. The blaze is believed to have been caused by a cigarette which dropped down under the seat while Mr. Menzies drove the truck from Terrace Wednesday evening. He arrived In the city at 8p.m. and parked the truck in front of his home. At 4:10 this morning, Mrs. Menzies was aroused by a "cracklinc" and looked out a front window to see smoke seep ing from the cab of the big truck. She called the fire de partment. Contents of the gasoline tank, situated under the cab, were aflame when the fire depart- ment arrived. The firemen used' fog spray and quickly extinguished the blaze. The rear of the truck contained a number of gasoline and oil drums which were brought back empty from Terrace. These might have exploded had the fire not been put out before it made further headway. Damage was confined to the Interior of the cab. . , worm, bane of the pulp and paper Industry. C. A. Radford, traffic supervisor, Canadian National Tele-cranhs. Edmonton, paying his nffipinl visit here since taking to Wlnninesr In a similar ca paclty. arrived in the city on Tuesday night's train and will NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITIflll COLUMBIA'S NEWBPAPER ."if'TTTTTTTl A """""" """ TAXI i LJkBlue 235 phon4 J A ijm star wrnHT RtfRVICE Aw " i gund: note!. Third Ave.T I Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." Cabs 1 VOL. XXXVI, No. 260. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS 1 10 GIRL uni r rv i viruni .11. IrllVXC(l tu hnHv nf 13 If. lliC AnHrrson was . rn H.irne street. c ---- . nf xnr. j.-ir-ii mat trie nrl had been dad been missing ,,me sir.:e Sunday --u..... ili tn snnvris :gir.3 lie ground in hre the strangea ... rA Trie :!i their deatns is i .... nrt had been 'f . ... MAIN ORE A school Repair (fttom Is No Longer Secret Molotov 111 ISO I I Ar?rVTM?T AT. T-TTlPATWl Hoard Told $10,t l181 June juno 31-4$, mh,'. Needed to Put Booth Memorial Structure in Shape To restore the Booth Memorial School to a condition lit for continued use will cost about $40-000 trustee Bruce Brown told the regular monthly sitting of the Prince Rupert School Board last evening. As a member ol a committee of inquiry that had conferred personally with W. H. Shortridge who had thoroughly inspected the school 'building, a good many details of the shape the school Is in had been learned. The provincial government, It (was anticipated, would Ibcar half of -ix separate mc ouiiAicu luoi iwiauuit. tae past four In listing what it would be necessary to oo. Mr. urown saw cornices would have to be replaced where, at certain points a risk is involved. The school chimney had sustained a severe fracture. There were defects In the window construction. There s prpnt rfpnl nf sppnairp. TED STATES IS PRESUMING T OO MUCH IN BASING ITS POLICY uh BELIEF IT IS EXCLUSIVE, SO VIET FOREIGN MINISTER HINTS ist" is reporting his reference to the secret of the atom bomb. It quoted Molotov as saying "It Is Interesting that, in expansionist circles of the United States, a new peculiar sort of Illusion Im been formed about their Internal strength a belief in the secret of the atom bomb' although this secret has long ceased to exist." A Moscow radio commentator said cheers greeted this remark. ''Evidently." Molotov Is credlt- TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy 8. D Johnston Cn tit Vancouver Bralorne 10.80 B. R. Con 054 B. R. X 092 Cariboo Quartz 2.85 Dentonla .18 Orull Wlhksne - .06 Hedley Mascot - 1.01 Mtnto 02A Pend Oreille 2.15 Pioneer 3.75 Premier Border . .05 Privateer .36 Reeves McDonald 1.05 Reno .13 Salmon Gold 23 Y2 Sheep Creek 1.01 Taylor Bridge .45 Taku River - .66 Vananda 20 Congress 04 neaiey Amalgamated iw2 Spud Valley HV2 Central Zeballos 01 V Sllbak Premier .70 Oils A. P. Con 13 Calmont . C. & E.,..'. Foothllis. , Home . T Toronto Athona . Aumaque .38 2.60 2.60 4.20 .12 .31 Bcattle .85 Bevcourt 4. .64 Bobjo -15 Buffalo Canadian 17 Consol. Smelters 89.75 Conwest 1.70 Donalda 1.22 Eldona 1.28 Elder 80z Giant Yellowknlfe 6.10 God's Lake 1.08 Hardrock 35 Harrlcana 10 Heva -33 Hosco 56 Jacknlfe :. 07 Joliet Quebec - .48 Lake Rowan 16 Lapaska -23 Little Long Lac 18 Lynx . 10 Madsen Red Lake 3.50 McKenzle Red Lake 62 McLeod Cockshutt 1.70 Moneta 50 Negus : 2.12 Noranda 46.50 ;. Louvicourt '. 1-62 Pickle Crow 2.50 Regcourt 17 San Antonio 4.60 Senator Rouyn .66 Sherrlt Gordon 3.00 Steep Rock 2.31 Sturgeon River .22 ARMY BANDS GET LARGER GRANTS OTTAWA Whether or not there Is any truth In the old barrack room ballad: "You'd Be Far. Better Off In the Band,' a recent Army order has Increased the amount of annual nur wahfare crants wmcn may De paia to SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont.. i authorized yjHds 'exceed-. -Bacteriological warfare will 1 ..... i. u.i ..ui a nvpr the Dost from Gus oou quantity is ucjub wi - . 4or.cforrpH through Port Churchill. The f red, who , has been transferred Empire Beatrice sailed re- be waged at a new forest lao-oratory to be built here shortly. Bacteriologists will attempt to find a virus to combat forest pnemles. especially spruce bud- ltl JJIVVkl w . ywww -r - Local Tides Friday, November 7, 1947 High 9:11 18.5 feet 21:20 18.1 feet Low 2:32 5.8 teet 15:18 8.7 feet "MOTHER RUSSIA" Empress Catherine received a Russian peasant woman In 1757 who had 57 children, all living. H. E. Pawson, assistant com mercial manager, Power Cor poration of Canada, Montreal, Is a visitor in the city, having . . . . . . , 4 sail tonight on the Prince ku- arrived ny air yesieraay auw pert for Vancouver noon, u lste need this faith in the atom over the Soviet went to peace-bomb which, as Is known, Is notlful work. The economic systems a means of defence but a weapon 1 of the United States and Union of aggression, Many are indignant that United States and Oreat Britain should hamper the United Nations from adopting a final decision on prohibition of the atomic weapon." SECOND MATE RESPONSIBLE Ray Ketchum Blamed by Coroner's Jury at Powell Ktver for Wreck of Gulf Stream POWELL RIVER Second mate Ray Ketchum was held Immediately responsible toy a coroner's jury yesterday for the loss of five lives when the motor- ship Gulf Stream crashed on Dinner Rock near here on October 11. Ketchum was in charge of the wheelhouse when the vessel wrecked In the fog. He failed to take proper action on nonappearance of Ragged Island light," said the verdict. The jury found, however, that the shin was not on the proper course when Ketchum took charge and criticized lack of discipline on the part of the ship's crew. During the three-day inquest, witnesses testified that members of the crew had been drinking vath.the passengers a short time befoxethe crash. Ketchum denied having been on a party and declared that both he and the helmsman were sober at the time of the crash. The jury recommended the placing of a navigational light "at-jsom? suitable point on or near Dinner Rock." Quizzed On British Labor Government's Views On Irish Partition DUBLIN 0i Prime Minister de Valera informed a questioner In the Dall that the subject of partition division of Eire and Northern Ireland has been mentioned to the British government In correspondence since the war ended but he declined to give details of what was said. The question was asked by Deputy B. Corish, a Labor member. 'I do not believe that any more formal representations to the British government in re gard to partition than those 1 Viovp made woulu nave Deea helpful," de Valera said. "The matter has been men of Soviet Socialist Republics are different. Yet they cooperated during the war." Molotov further said: "Not only In the countries friendly to us but elsewhere there are The Russian foreign minister j millions of people also declared: "The Soviet, the Soviet Union. devoted to People see Union, Britain and the United In the success of the Soviet States successfully co-operated Union an approach to releasing during the war Jn a common their own liberties from the yoke ed with having said "Imperial- fight. As soon as the war was of enslavement." BOILETBNS LOTTERY LETTERS SEIZED OTTAWA The Post Office Department has seized approximately 15,000 lottery letters nd sent warnings to addresses warning them against using the mails for illegal purposes, W. J. Turnbull, deputy Postmaster - General, said today. "We seize lottery tickets moving in any direction," he said "but at present the most of the movement is from Ireland." NEWFOUNDLAND WELCOME OTTAWA Canada today offered to welcome Nefoundland into Confederation on terms described by Prime Minister Mackenzie King as the "best that could be contemplated" and which would impose ''further financial burdens" on the Dominion. VERIGIN'S CHARGE SOUTH SLOCAN In a tur- tloned In writing In the course of certain communications between ourselves and the British government in the period referred to by the deputy (sub sequent to August, 1945), but I am not prepared, at present, to place copies of the communications in the library." Cornish: "Does the Taoiseach (de Valera) assume that the present British government has the same attitude as the old Tory government, had in the past?'' De Valera: "By their fruits you shall know them." ALL QUIET NOW DOVER, Eng., W Civic officials of Dover, which had more than 3,000 air raid alerts during the war, were present when Ger- ' man prisoners-of-war gave a piano recital at the Town Hall. STREET CAR MEN 1 1 II W C U I I EC ARE NOW VOTING J U V L n I L L J . Jn a nrri uriTi i VANCOUVER Members of Street Rallwaymen's Union in Vancouver, New Westminster and Victoria started today discussing a new proposal to end the eighteen-day old transit strike. The result -will not be known until Saturday. Service may ibe resumed on Sunday or Monday If a vote is favorable to acceptance of the new proposal. It Is understood that the new formula provides for a ten-cent hourly Increase retroactive to March 1, with a 40-hour week. citybohg" rodent drive Campaign to be Instituted Poison to be Distributed The city council plans to embark on an anti-rat campaign to reduce the Incerasing number of rodents that are menacing the health of the city. Poison, of a type that will toe practically harmless to domestic pets and children, will be made available to householders and spread "In liberal quantities by the City Engineer's department. .buUnt session. Michael tW . J; TK EtWEArTH ER Archangel) Verigin, 67-year- old leader of the Doukhobor colony on Vancouver Island, charged that Doukhobors of the Kootenay Valley were "the killers" responsible for the reign of terror which took a toll of life and property. 'BY THEIR FRUITS' VALERA RETORTS Decision to attack the rats was made at a special meeting of city council last night, called to con sider a report on the garbage disposal problem submitted two weeks ago by City Engineer C. B. Howe and to re-conslder a de cision made last week In regard tc the sale of wartime houses. The rat poison will be bought in quantity .by the city and spread around the garbage dump and other places. . It will be made available In desired quan tities to householders whom, city council hopes, will co-oper ate In the campaign. The rat population Is Increas ing greatly In the city. Engineer Howe told the aldermen. Synopsis Milder weather is in store for the entire province. A moist flow of warm Pacific air is expected to extend into the interior during the day. Snow now reported at most interior points will become mixed rain and snow dur- through the day with gradual improvement . overnight. The north coast now overcast with Intermittent rain, will become cloudy during the afternoon. Although freezing temperatures were general over the Inland regions this morning most places were 5 to 10 degrees warmer than the previous night. Slightly higher temperatures are expected tonight. Forecast Prince Rupert, Queen Charlottes and North Coast Overcast with widely scattered showers becoming cloudy by noon. Cloudy, occasionally clear overnight. Overcast Friday. Intermittent rain beginning about noon. Winds westerly (20) today, light Friday. Little change In temperature. No nation In 1,000 years has 'been able to conquer and hold I the Balkans. f TriM i HI TTK BP "Ti l "WASHINGTON PROBES HOLLYWOOD'S UN-AMERICAN ACTIVITIES Here is a panoramic view of the caucus room as the Un-American activities Committee of the House of Representatives, opened its investigation in Washington. Note the large assemblage of press, radio and news-reel men assigned to cover, the hearing, as some of Hollywood's greats, ,and near-g.rea.ts ar$ expected to testify. InAKUtU Wlin BREAK, ENTRY; Fingerprints, left by a juvenile on a pane of glass which he shattered to gain forceful entry Into Little's News Stand on the night of October 31 resulted in two boys ofajuvenlle age being charged with break and entry In connection with the Hallowe'en night theft. Thre boys were taken 'lh to custody by the police after ofte of them had been questioned earlier and had his fingerprints compared with those on the broken window from Little's store. Two were later released In custody of their parents. The third, whose fiingerprihts the police say were on the glass, was held in jail. Two of the three are expected to be brought up In juvenile court this week. The third lias1 not been charged. Solving of the robbery of Little's News Stand, where a small amount of cash In pennies was taken, is the second , casg to be broken by the police this week. In police court Wednes-t day two men pleaded guilty to break and entry and theft from the premises of J. H. Malr last month. Remanded for sentence after they had pleaded guilty to the charges, were Horace Bennett and Roy Innes, both about20. The police recovered a suit ol clothes which was part of the loot from the robbery of the Malr auction rooms. GARBAGE TO BE CHECKED Prior to Final Decision on Improyiuir Sf rvke nd . ,. (,UUIj ...... j Following a discussion of a report from the citv engineer on the garbage disposal problem, city council last night decided to have the department make a house-to-house check on garbage collections for a month be- ing the afternoon. Rain will con-1 e tul a"lu" tlnue over the lower coast, lttlCi ttS '" ; Figures Obtained during- the checking period will be turned over to the city treasurer's department for comparison with present costs and revenues and a decision will be made ori that basis. Cost to the ctly for garbage collections last year was $3,518 above revenue, and Mr. "Howe said that this year's cost would not be "any less." Alderman Rudderham apparently expressed the feeling of the council when he said "I favor Increasing the charges and giving the people back-door garbage collections." However; the basis on which such a system could toe worked out will depend on the results of the house-to-house check. The City Engineer's report recommended that rates . for domestic collections be raised from their present 35 cents a month level to 60 cents a month and that business and apartment house rates be given' comparative Increases. iBurmese Premier Escaped Death RANGOON, O) Thakln Du. Burmese Premier, today escaped unhurt from an attempt to as sassinate him at the Mlngat-doon airport when he was re- I turning to Rangoon from a holy i pilgrimage. Would-be assassins wounded a British officer when they opened fire from a roadside jungle on the Prime Minister's station wagon, an eye-witness said. .. PAGINO ALL WIVES. VICTORIA K Any man who j does his own cooking, housework, canning and gardening Is , Interesting, but when he hap pens to be 90 years old, ne becomes downright newswprthy. Capt. Eber Lee, who recently clebrated his 90th birthday, has a neat cottage and shelves full : of preserved fruits and veget- ables. to prove It.