A! IS 8 a prince Uupctt Daily ftcutf Thursday,; November 6,J$ll KINSMEN BUSY ON LB. SEALS .'Harry Sheardown Speaks -Kin Ideals at Semi-Monthly Meeting . Seals end of on nnrtant in know whether a can JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST Jo An Bulger Ltd, Third Avenue PRINCE RUPERT j YEARS AGO November 1, 1922 Capt. Hoomes K. Freeman appeared In police court before Magistrate McClymont on a were on the receiving ( charge of obstructing a police a good deal of energy ' officer. The charge arose out of J. last night when Pierre LeRoss, capt. Freeman's armed protest through the club representative, i The members approved a motion asking that more supervised creation be arranged in the Civic Centre for children between the of 6 and 12 time) ages years, dldate had sufficient spare to assume the obligations required of a member. Rerjortine on the shell-out A new office was created in the club when Piere LeRoss was appointed to the position of pro- HrtPt rammten. Jack McRae perty man. Cnaries comns was stated that, while gross sales appointed to represent the club ! were less this year than last, the at the National Film Board net gain was up $40. He point-1 council; Wes Manning and cd out that this was due to re-' Harry Seaman were named to ductiort in expenses. assist Alex Balllle, editor of the William Long, speaking for Kin Bulletin. forbade the officers to enter. Registration of voters for the civic elections closed with 108 new homes added, as compared with 207 the previous' year. The large Increase in voters during i the last two years was taken by j City Clerk Woods as indicating an increase of interest in civic affairs. Halibut arrivals for the month of October totalled 2,154,000 pounds. Bad weather caused the chairman of the Kinsmen tuber- against the workings of the Cus- am0unt to be smaller than was clilosls" seal committee, enlisted toms office when he posted him- antlcpiated but, nevertheless, it the aid of all members present seif at the door with a rifle and was greater than the landings at tne regular Kinsmen dinner; rneetfrjg in the task of readying 2400 seal-containing letters for mailing. Following dinner In the Civic Centre dining room the 18 mem bers present and ex-Kinsman Orville Moscrip, a the entertainment committee, ' i said that contestants in the Kinsmen amateur night would be limited to those between the ages of 6 and 18 years, thus it show entirely for fnrmor rhor. : making a ter member of the New Westminster club, who attended the meeting as a guest of Carson Wallace, retired to the Ladies' lounge to work on the T.B. seals and to conduct the business of th evenine. Harry Sheardown, called on by President R. G. Moore to address the club on the subject of qualities desired in a Kinsmen candidate, stressed several points a prospective member should be judged on. He should bTthe"type of man that will cooperate with other members and the people he may have to deal with while carrying out club projects. He should be willing to work hard to live up to the club's aims and ideals. The speaker felt that it was also im- the youngsters. MOVIE PARTY FOR CHILDREN' As a Christmas treat to the kiddies this year the Kinsmen will sponsor a free movie party at the Civic Centre. President Moore, who suggested this form of entertainment, received the full support of the club on the question. A report by Bert Haugen, for October, 1921. November 1, 1912 Miss Edna Joy Jeffry, who secured the highest marks at the High School entrance examination in the city last June, was presented with the Governor General' Medal at a pleasant ceremony which took place in the basement of King Edward School. O. H. Nelson, chairman of the school board, made the presentation, and Principals J. C. Brady and D. McD. Hunter spoke briefly. In the firsi game of the winter basketball season, the Tigers defeated the Baptist Brother- Kinsmen representative to the hood by. a score of 12-8. The Civic Centre, touched off a discussion on the effectiveness of presenting constructive suggestions to the board of directors teams were as follows: BrotherhoodHarry Mobley, A. Young, Leo Ives, Adair Carss, J. Schaef-, fer and Jarvls McLeod. Tigers i Lee Dell, A. Lee, Harry Daggett, Eddie Mann and W. Blythe. W. J. McLean, loca' manager of the Canada Railway News Co., left on the Princess Mary to spend a month's holiday in the southern coast cities. STUDENT INTERNATIONAL The International Student Service, founded 21 years ago In Geneva, exists to promote understanding among university students and professors throughout the world. GLOVES ! ! GLOVES !! GLOVES!! all hands point to the RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Show off your hands to advantage in our handsome, new gloves. All fabrics, all colors, all sizes and lengths to please all fashion-smart women. The Store For Accessories GEORGE HILL & SONS LIMITED Complete Stock of Men's Shoes and Rubbers AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES 624 Tulrd Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe P.O. Box 737 KNOX HOTEL A QUIET, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS REDECORATED SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietors; TOM PESUT STEVE VRKLAKN a MAC SHOE HOSPITAL WE DOCTOR SHOES- HEEL THEM ATTEND TIIEUl THEIR SOLES Box 774 Second Avenue i I i i Communism Seen as Continuing Menace to Europe's Restoration Bishop Jordan Fears For Italy and France Tells Gyros of Impressions After European Tour Enormous difficulties in the restoration of Italy and France following the war ravaging by Nazi Germany were being made the more acute by the influence of communism which worked not for the good of a country" but fqr the promotion of an idealogy, declared Bishop Anthony J before the Prince Rupert Ojto Club at luncheon yesterday on Impressions gained during three months of travelling In six dif-i ferent European countries. Communism sought to eventually gain Its ends, asserted the Bishop, by causing turmoil and topsy-turvy conditions in a country. It was Impossible to have an orderly state of affairs in any country where communism was trying to "get its linger in the pie" by setting working men against the richer classes, by a program of setting one man against another. There was still a danger. Bishop Jordan feared, of communism gaining the ascendency in Italy 'because the ordinary man In that country is not aware of what communism means or what has happened HEAT is your KAN GE ' I ' ILENT GLOVC Oil Burner l No mora oslies, soot, dirt, fires thai dis outj In your kitchen range I Fly Ytar Guarantts by malitn. Over 400,000 In use today. ON SALE AT: orcian, u.iu.i., in speaKing words and actions were tending to give men hope and to renew their faith in the old beliefs. In conversation, the Holy Father himself had told the local Bishop of his constant anxiety over conditions In his own country bf Italy, extolling the people of Canada and the United States for what they were doing in a humanitarian way. One of the outstanding impressions of his trip abroad, asserted the Bishop, had been the great name which this country had, the praise and esteem e had seen manifested on every 1 hand when he said with pride that he hailed from Canada. Gyro President C. O. Ham presided over the meeting which was well attended by Gyros with guests in the persons of Mayor in other countries where com-; Nora Arnold, R. E. Moore, Jack munlsts have taken over.'' Asjsauriol Kelowna). Al Mather for France, it was, unfortunate-! (Penticton), S. E. McCrea (Van- ly, even further along the road .couver), and Orville Moscrip of communism with which it i (Vancouver) had been dilly-dallying since 1937 until now the public morale was shaken and the depressed and pessimistic people had last confidence in almost everything. However, events of the past few weeks indicated that the country might turn. In spite of his faults and mistakes, to General Charles DeGaulle to lead them to better days. Speaking of Spain, the Bishop said he had gone to that country full of question marks in regard to the Franco regime and had come away still with questions' in his mind. The people of Spain, he found, however. I were better clad, better fed and happier than in many other European countries. They might not be satisfied with the Franco regime and its rigid discipline but Spain, having had a taste of communism, seemed agreed that it would make any sacrifice to prevent that doctrine getting hold of the country again. However, it was to be hoped that, as time went on, the Franco regime might . be liberalized. . STRAIN OF AVAR LEAVES ITS MARKS In the countries in which he i had travelled deprivation, strain, B i anxiety and semi-starvation had li left their marks upon the people. JjThe people of Britain seemed a ! to be standing up better, how- ever, than those of other coun tries. Better disciplined, Britons still retained their power of endurance, their ability to laugh and, above all, the insuperable hope that everything would turn out well In the end. One of the difficulties in Britain, however,! was that the wholesome attitude toward hard work had been vitiated if notv destroyed. Much harm, he felt, had been done through the workman accepting the philosophy that he should work fewer hours and take more time for play. In that attitude lay peril for the person and for the nation. There was another Europe, however, which was trying to carry on with culture and religious practices which were a stabilizing and humanizing in fluence. Here the BlshoD Dald tribute to the Pope as belnz one of the most powerful stabilizing laciors in tne world today. His " WWW YOUR HEALTH COMES FIRST I0HN GURVICH Belter English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "Each of the girls have their own rooms." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "Faust"? 3. Which one of these words Is misspelled? Obstreperous, bar-berous, preposterous. 4. What does the word "prodigality" mean? 5. What is a word beginning with tor that means "shortness of duration"? ANSWERS 1, Say, "Each (singular subject) of the girls has her own room." 2. Pronounce foust, ou as in out. 3. Barbarous. 4. Extravagance in expenditure. "Gaming Is the child cf avarice but the father of prodigality " Colton. 5. Brevity. Classified Advertising Pays) SB: CHRISTMAS SPECIAL One I'hoto and Twelve Christmas Cards for Price and Appointment call at Chandler & Cowgill 4th Street. Prince Rupert has returned to the f Mi rlt whrrr U ft )u mut krrp )our boil)' and iimlrrrlnlhint dry. Kr-iiirmlM-r thrri' In ONLY 1 1 N K (1KMIXK "lK V-IIAK" that l l'lDMKK llltAM) "IIHV HAK," Marie In Vunrouvrr, ILC. I) Jour Trut .V Ah nine Mil. .UV for It by name PIONEER BRAND DRY-BAK WATERPROOF CANVAS CLOTHING Pioneer Ilrand "Dry-Ilak" waterproof canvas clothing sold in Prince Rupert by: Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Morgan's Men's Wear Ltd. Fraser & Payne Acme Clothing Store Watts & Nickerson "Offering 37 years of practical Experience in Prince Rupert' CONTRACTING BUSINESS No Job Too Large No Job Too Small EXCAVATING. HAULING, LAND CLEARING PHONE 32 SIXTH STREET LUMBER JUT RECEIVED a IarKe shipment of Fir Dimcssion, Shiplap, Flooring, Vcc Joint, Kiln-Dried Fir Finish, Shingles, and a large assortment of Moulding. Sole Agent for B.C. CEMENT CO. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING SUPPLIES THONE 11G COAL rilONE 117 wvuai,x vim in nr ir rr s I i ll Advertise in the Dally News! r'-r-t-r-r j ' ( O W Zr- - "V,,"H I The i EGG and 1 (m M-StlBni fed, b, n,, m,, tM W7 Margaret McLeod Optometrist AT - MANSONS Jewellers .522 Third Ave. Phone Green 324 for L00K FOR Till NEW RED WHITE iftniiuni .1 MClUllntUN FHAKMAUll (E. C. Wallace, Manager "Your Friendly Dru? Store" Third Avenue at Sixth Street PBO.i Hollywood Cak PRINCE RUrERVS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS rilONE 101 FROM 11 AJI. TO 6 A-M. bpccial Dinner hvery Sunday -u p.m. to s p CHINESE niSHES A SPECIALS WE CATER TO PAR TO' CHOP SUEY CHOW IK FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS MON'E 13 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST mi L R A Pro F Uor FNAM and DAPL-ART PROCESS ..... r.- ll-'ffl WDodn.Tjrk. and dries wlin a men g;b- popular colors, ana is reaay 10 was t;i . a. A IT TUHMDCHKl WADHWAPF (01! IIIUl'II JUI1 Hliimiifc-- 1)1 ,UU- YES!! We Make Them All . . MUTLERS - STACM IIOAT TANKS - ........ . v t vrTROrCII titah ctircT nil. i a . uiv. ni I VI .iriL.Lil ... r.J '1J 1.' I Phone Hlack Hfi I ZJ Announcing the opening or uu. CARPENTER SHOP with the very latest in WOODWOHKING MACIHNEBY We will build your WSnS right in the shop ready for instai the very Also Floor Sandinyith latest machine. For appointment call Gunnar Phone Blue 610 AfMsmadeftvoodt