' rie f'FEE X WAFF.KS 50DAS- IfIC h JL JEiI " 11M OllV .WWW resh Veal , Beef JL FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ELTON POTATOES per sack 3,25 NS No. 1 Okanagan, 4 lbs. r.RQ C" -l . noo). O Jn. O'C TOSH APPI.FS fW Grade, per box -J'0i t OUARANTEeIaII merrhandise sold by us is guaranteed to, give complete satisfaction or money refunded. DELIVERY HARDY PRAIRIE JJLQQMS, j lKN a1 chamber of com-4 ...i air r serv-uAdslIkl serv Zmz with the merce announcement but ' lies by para- roses, gladioli and panslcs were . settlements In picked-In Barnwell gardens ln nf the prov- late October. Barnwell Is 166 Pa miles southeast of Calgary. petizing :R LEAF ROLLS sX i Yes, Fleischmann's active Fresh Yeast helps you bake fluffier, tastier Clover Leaf rolls. Fleischmann's works fast because it's full-strength. It saves you extra steps. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME, you'll kchmann's active Fresh Yeast the Yeast cake familiar yellow label that has been Canada's prover 70 years. Order some today! VS rrebll- at vour qrocers I PHONE MIDDLE AGE SUFFERINGS Male Hormone Testosterone Not Very Ilelpful By ALTON L. BLAKESLEE 8T. LOUIS, (AP) The male hormone testosterone Is not much help to most men suffer ing from mental depression and fatigue In middle age, studies at the Washington University school of medicine indicate. The studies were made under direction of Dr. Edwin F. Glldae, professor of psychiatry, in an investigation of the so-called change of life In men. This change of life in men does occur, but is rare, Dr. Glldae said. When men do undergo it, their bodies produce less testosterone. In such cases, they usually are helped by doses of the hormone, he added. But quite a few men reaching middle age suddenly begin to feel despondent and tired, and these feelings may last for a few months to three years. The studies here showed that there was not any lack of production of testosterone by their bodies, Dr. Glldae reported. Why the mental depressions occur was an unsolved promem hut. there was no indication ! that It was due to change of i life. The states of mental depression tended to run their t course, ending in recovery in due time, whether or not the . men were given testosterone. , Most men with such com- ain Bros. ' QUALITY FOODS' 1 mnnvirrirn IM)I!4V VH C ATITIMUV VftV. 7 AND O h a Mk. a A. I I ft II I I. I f II 111 inn i m i v binkfab V W fl) PARROTS I 111 I r I 1 1 1 f.UCTT, ,11111 I I II L k r i III I I I I 1 . I M A MB a&. a H 0 liltKKItt cound pkt. Z .... . . oer case Libby's. 3 tall tins Aylmer Choice 20 -oz., 2 tins ... Malkln's Best, 20-oz., 2 tins ... Cafelll's, 20-oz., 2 tins Kel Fancy Quality,' Unsweetened. 2 tins Aylmer Fancy, 20-oz. tin 1.49 51c 27c 23c 1 1C- 23c 1 White L.aDei, f- J-2-pound pkt. M I L K 5.95 I) ELTA Unsw eetcned , 2 tall tins BORDEN'S rf 27c 19c 31c 23 c 19c 35c LHtUII) WAX- 79(5 " Old English, 1 quart DKKI'T SOAP POWDER- 29 C PURITY OATS 22C 5-pound bag, each MALKIN'S BEST TEA C)l)( Evapora- C ted, case CHRISTMAS CAKE SUPPLIES '(ALII VVVX MIXEll l-TWITC '" Pkt. 11.1 I IV 2 it- f'llL'tt... -"t.iUllr.S . pound pkt. 23c 46c 34c 35c 38c MIXED CUT PEELS 1,2-pound pkt, FRUIT CAKE FRUIT Robinson's, 1 -pound pkt. ALMOND PASTE 8-oz. pkt. CURRANTS Iris Brand. 2 Pounds . CRYSTAL1.ED IMM- Saxonla, 7-oz. pkt. ppv Tccii9 i nni.i.s wMk 19c 23c 39c 37c 49c 45c 27c EVERY DAY Religion In House looerlefi totvertefi LONDON Q Religious nt fho Hraiw nf Commons. sundry bows to the Speaker, Col. Douglas Clifton Brown. The The United United Kindom Kindom parlia- parua . Commons members, who had heard the "traditional word3 spoken for years, recently be-1. came nueresiea in men uusui, Iwhen parliament was young Jthe Litany was read dally bv i the clerk kneeling and answered House members on their i knees. Changes came with the reformation but Commons guide books did not reveal the author of the prayer now used which was assumed to date from about 16C0. Recent, Inquiries revealed that It was written by a layman. Sir Christopher Yelverton, elected to parliament in 15C2 and later made Speaker. He presided over narllament which took office in 1597 and held power for only two months, long enough to es tablish the prayer as a Commons tradition. The nrayer appeals to God, bv whom alone kings reign and princes decree Justice,' and be seeches wisdom for "thine un worthy servants gathered here together." It continues: "and that, wc having thy fear always before our eyes, and laying aside all nrlvate interests prejudices and another " , , . partial affections, the Tesuit oi our counsels may be to the glory of thy blessed name, the main tenance of true religion and Jus tice, the safety, honor and happiness of the king, the public wealth, peace and tranquility of the realm, and the uniting and knitting together of the hearts of all persons and estates with in the same. In true christian love and charity one towards W.C. Oweis ., Spsr? J.fi Mc Afs7 J.J. Beian RAILWAY CHANGES The retirement of Walter C. Owens, for- morlv rronnral mnnntrpr nf thp Wpsfprn Rpalnn Pannrtlan Na - The most effective treatment UNPREJUDICED AWARD WINNIPEG 0i The Winnipeg school board has upheld award lb start i'S VHie day with JUST TRY THIS TONIGHT Why waken tired and listlei when you can do what thousand! of happy people are doing! They simply take a cup of Ovaltin at bed time to wake up fresh and alert each morning. For Ovaluoe acts in three wayi ' First, taken warm at bedtime. It fosters sound 'refreshing sleep, without drugs. Second, it supplies essendal food elements to rebuild Titality while you sleep! Third, it also furnishes Important itamins and minerals in a delicious, more natural way for all-round health and vigour; So why not. try Ovaltin beginning tonight? See if yott don't wake up refreshed and vigorous in the morning, ready to start the day with a song; Oviiltme : 0PEN HOUSE AT KING EDWARD School in Action Seen by Education Week Visitors On Wednesday in observance of Educational Week, open house i i .i i iri rJnTnKil ' mixed erade one and two, were j doing a writing lesson which was followed by cutting and coloring stand-un Dlctures. On I her dlsrilav hoards was some ex- i cellent printing work and her ' room with Hallowe'en art was j pleasing. I Miss Sweenevs Grade II was i doing poem illustrative work. On her board was a pumpkin de tional Railways, Is announced by W. R. Devenlsh, vice-presl- ' vice used for stimulating games j.-.. v.i. ii . .iu -i v,i I and work. Her display boards Uclllf. all. JWi;u llllilica ilia liiliwajr taicci wilii iitxii - - . . a centurv of service. Succeedine Mn Owens will be Howard H. eave some excellent pupil worK Sparling, formerly assistant general manager. Two further on art and everyday sub ecis t r, , ,.. I In Miss Hart's room the llb- tendent of the Edmonton division who becomes assistant to I 5 SZdtoe Her rOOUl Showed ine PUmentB. th. .ronprnl mnnaapr nnri T J. Rphnn: fnrmPrlv -nprlntinrifnt I . , , . ' ork oI an mdian pro ect. speii of car service, who becomes assistant general superintendent lessons lessons Wer were ing and and reading readlng oi iransporianon. plaints had had similar attacks been grossly1 exaggerated, earlier in life. Extroverts and ELECTRIC SHOCK FOR unusually active persons were MENTAL DEPRESSION more likely to develop these Women suffer mental depressions three to four times as frequently as men and most of their attacks occur before or after the menopause, Dr. Gildae said. He declared that the importance of the menopause in causing mental depression had hpld. Miss MacBeath's grade IV was viavina lpsxons In laneuage and reading. An interesting travel arniprt was under way. Meth ods rt nl of communication communicatum and actu- for mental depression in men , cr travel were shown and women wsa electric shock . mlniature form. therapy. Why shock works was .ho visited Miss Mox not clear. Some cases of des- ieSsons in social Jp ,g room say pondency due to extreme grief etl,Hip, and art Her boards over loss of a loved person did showed tne WOrk being done in not respond so weu to snocs therapy. Also, certain neurotic conditions which are not helped by shock might be confused with ' mental depressions. FIprtHc 'shnr.lt theranv should be given only after psychiatric' -fc study Indicates that the patient "Build B. C. Payrolls will be helped by this type or treatment, he said. ! COFFEE The' shocks were transmitted through the brain for a few 1 AO cTtTC 1 t-o lOths : oi a second, with ust nrTTrn enoueh elven to produce 'uncon- D1 IX. IV ov.iUU4UVdi sclousness ' c and . . a w mild ...." convul- - liaLd v . . . - ' tnr nrpss and nubile: are reore- einn Tin tn 15 t.n 20 treatments .mtsri hit thp rilsnlfipd Dicture ' n-oro trlvpn and mnst natlents wj r c . - nv.b t) . ' - I ICVi.kvu of Rev. Prebendary Christopher j began to show Improvement af-i nviocVitrp in rhiirphlv robes tpr t.hp third to fourth shock. . sl 11.01111 - v . - backing off the House floor with j See for yourself how much better your morning cup of cofec tastes when Pacific Is added. The creamy-rich texture will improve it so much you'll never want to be without it! Try some today. , scholarshlp to a Jap- !ment, like the Canadian, has np nfmaf!ll.n nut5n deSDlte' nl iri UII 1 Its dally prayers In private with nMt.nns nf nne trustee who K fl T L IM I L l the Commons doors made fast , . . . , narents had re-1 theSUM.Idlated and Vacuum Packed of as soon as the procession ispeaKer, sergeaut-at-aimo tlon onia not be tne responsi- ing the mace, train-bearer and blllty of Winnipeg taxpayers. chaplain has entered. i Prebendary Cheshire, as Speak- Trv a Dailv News Classified Ad, pr's chaplain, nef forms a daily! . duty unchanged in nearly 300 1 years. lie reads the ancient ! prayer before the Speaker, takes the chair and the days tasks begin. Three Ballings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays, l:3t pjn. , Coqultlam. Fridays, 12 midnight. Catala. Sunday, 2 p.m. Camosun. KETCHIKAN, WRANGELL and PETERSBURG Fridays, 2 p.m. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 12 midnight. OUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS October 17 and 31 November 14 and 28 Midnight. FOR SOUTH ISLANDS October 19 November 2, 16 and 30 Midnight. FRANK J. SKINNER f nnce nuperi isi" Third Ave. Phone 568 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 514 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert Thursday, November 6, 1947 social studies of North America. Remembrance Day art was especially Interesting. In the Erade VI rooms of Mr. Moore and Mr. Goscoe parents was neiu m rung nuaiu - - , . cellent Dlctures illustrating so- scnooi. uver idu parents, sucava - studies and science On the and visitors came to see a school in action. From grade I room up , to the grade VI rooms intense ( interest was shown in the stu-! dies being taken and the work j displayed. Discussions were held I between teacher and parent as j ' to child progress In Division 8, Itoa. KuUander's rodm of grade ones went through singing, reading and art work based on reading. Her t room was tastefully arranged to i show Hallowe'en art i Miss SDence In Division 7, a the other social studies was De-ing held. After school even pupils vls- MALE FACES RED HALIFAX 0) When Inspect tor Frank Hook of the Nova Scotia motor vehicle depart ment says "that must be: o, hk,o woman driver." he means It as with display boards showing ex- a compliment. "Generally 1 l.t T1 fiir Rmmnn OTP a bit calmer than men as dn- mural boards were pictures of vers." he told a group of out-art of Hallowe'en, country raged male reporters recently, scenes, Remembrance Day art "Men-partlcularly older men--and samples of pupil's work in don't keep their heads as well.. various subjects. One room was, " doing art for the school item in STILL BACCHUS BREW , u ii the Civic Centre on FridayJ Red wine can be made from Some parents expressed surprise white grapes and white wine can , at the excellent worK aone. in De maae irom rea grayes. did. So visitor's daywas inter esting io aiiicoiicciiicu puitin, ited rooms to see what others pupil and teacher. SAL AD A TEA BAGS PHONE 81 iffmvMM, l llL - 'i'Vzj SERVICE PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS From This Date WAR ASSETS COAL will be: LUMP Sacked 512.00 per ton MINE R UN-Loose . $11.00 per ton No rebate for quantity HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 5S0 'rSSK coiDwm T PERMANENIt j.jlii t homtl Soft, nitunl- V ;lelang Wl- Ask fo J Q7o Ormes Drugs THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS NEW ROYAL: HOTEL A Home Away From Hom- so Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 111 49.50 1 (Regular $66.00) 2 ONE WEEK ONLY (While they last) EASY TANK CLEANER (Complete with attachments) Guaranteed for One Year A. MacKcniic Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Christmas Suggestions CHESTERFIELD SUITES (various designs) CEDAR CHESTS BEDROOM SUITES DINETTE SUITES TABLE LAMPS LAY-AWAY FLOOR LAMPS END TABLES MAGAZINE TABLES (walnut). COFFEE TABLEfs (walnut). LIVING ROO.M DESKS (solid mahogany). LIVING ROOM TABLES (Duncan rnyiej. COFFEE TABLES (Duncan Phyfe). MIRRORS Numerous designs, reflection of beauty and taste. ORIENTAL CARPETS WILTON CARPETS AXMINSTEK CARPETS. I MAIL ORDERS SlAVE IMMEDIATE? ATTENTION mi.. ii & " kvi Thlril" Avenue Prince Prince Ri i nline I - . - - Rupert i, y I