hi r i i i i. it ; il u il ti il II 2 I A to prince Rupert pnflp Oeuis to. Friday, September 5, 1947 Prtnee Rupert Dally News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. British Columbia. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor, H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAFER ASSOCIATION An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert tnd all communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. (Authorized as Second Class Mall. Post Office Department, Ottawa) SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier, per week, 15c; Per Month. 65c; Per Year, 17.00; Bj Mall, Per Month, 0c; Per Year,. 14.00. Neighbors in North THERE ARE A COUPLE of islands up north bo near to one another that the distance is trifling. It is less than six miles, one hears. The flag of Russia floats over one and the other is under the Stars and Stripes. It is here that American and Soviet .authority face each other, almost literally. v Alaska and Siberia each do a bit of contemplating close enough to be neighborly. One can almost imagine either, .every .now and then, sailing across to borrow something or spend a social hour. Or one can imagine something else. if SEA CADETS SCORE AGAIN THE PRINCE RUPERT Sea Cadet Corps scores I attain ! One of the bovs. Leadintr Seaman Albert i the local rouP cann.ot Dut on a Moving, Packlnr, Crating, Shipping; and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable. and .Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor.; 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1010 Phones 60 and 61 " ' 1 .Unlit fl,,,A1 ,. nnrt Eyolfsoil, IS JUSt back after Winning a trip to However. wlien these admirers Britain. Another, Midshipman John Kennedy, has been, announced the winner of a scholarship for a two years course at Royal Roads Officers training school. Congratulations are due all around to the young men concerned, to the officer commanding, Lt. Cdr. Alex "Mitchell, and the Corps training personnel and to the Prince Rupert branch of the .Navy League. y: ' .The Corps has proven particularly worthwhile to "'these lads who have been able to take so fully of what the Navy League has to offer. It is also well worthwhile and of value to every boy who has the privilege of belonging to the Sea Cadet Corps and receiving the benefit of its .training. THE SHOW MOVES ON THE BRIGHT LIGHTS and ballyhoo near First I Avenue and Sixth Street ceased and disappeared not.long after .midnight Monday. When a tent show moves, it does so with speed .and smoothness. It has to be that way. Everyone knows what he or she-must do .and does it. And that goes for shows, little and big. It is said that when Buffalo Bill took his wild west entertainment to Europe back in the 'eighties, German army men were .not above .study- ing some of the methods in handling material. They found they could do with the same celerity and expert touch seen in the putting up or taking d6wn of "the "big top." DAYLIGHT SAVING T of us think it is desirable. Some of us do not. ' Our individual feelings on the matter are actuated to large extent by .our individual circumstances and inclinations. It is fair enough to suppose that l!Jt is a matter upon which the minority might adjust !5&theinf elves to the wishes of the majority whatever it. T IS NOT NECESSARY at this time to go into a discussion of the merits of daylight saving. Some they might be. Regardless of our personal .opinion in resuect of 4--themerits or demerits of the principle of daylight saving, it is to be hoped that' at least a uniform national plan will be ready for next year if the policy-is to be continued. It might be a little .too much to expect that an international agreement can be reached, say one between the Dominion and the United States. TREATISE ON NEWSPAPERS NEWSPAPERS DO NOT of ten talk about themselves. They listen to .attacks .and criticism. Seldom do editors .attempt to write in defence. They realize possibly .more than any one else that the many good things ;a person may , do .are hardly recognized. But let there be a mistake, an error of judgment and loud are the protests and generous th gratuitous .advice from those who would .appear to know more about the .newspaper business than the people who run the papers. r The Royal Bank of Canada has devoted its current monthly news letter to an understanding treatise on newspapers and the various phases, of their operation and duties. It is.a fine casein sup-portof newspapers, leading tup to a climactic per-oration-on the subjectof the free press. Few newspapermen could have treated the subject more cap-.ably. We deem it worthy of republication. It was of intense interest to us and we hope it will be likewise 'to our readers. As It is lengthy we shall print Ht'in.brief instalments, commencing today. FILMS Superpan Press Films Pe,velpplngr Printing, .Enlarging Portraits, Passports, And Photo Supplies 'Prompt Mall Order Service ' Chandler and Cowgill 216 4th St. ox .645 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. LETTERBOX BACK UP RAND Editor, Dally News: Today, as in preceding years, the Prince Rupert Civic Band has teen struggling along on a shoe-string basis. It Is no small wonder then that the people of this community will admire an outside band. Why isn't it possible Jor the Prince Rupert band to become as great and admired us any imported bands? There are numerous placers in town lhat have enough talent to be of use to the local band. Wry do they hesitate to join? Is it. 'because they Are ashamed to take part in a street, parade or play at .some special event? When some special event ccines around as Port Day an outside band is asked to come in and take part In the day's events. The committees go out of their way to see that they are well taken care of. Many persons gather around and proclaim what an outstanding band it Is wondered why if Is that are approached they have all the alibis with- the answer that they are too busy .seven days a week. The city band has been struggling along with old relic instru ments and in many cases the members have brought their own instruments so , as to keep the local band together. Why isn't it possible for most of the city organizations to take an Interest in the Civic ifand? ' The band needs new uniforms and instruments. The cost of uniforms is around $50 .apiece. With the different local grants the band is receiving it would take approximately 15 years to outfit the band lor 30 persons. The people of the Naas River got together and voted their band .over $10,000 for, instru ments but it seems that this kind of i spirit is usually lacking here when dollars are concerned. A good example of community spirit was tested in May wh-in the band put on a concert. Previous to this tickets were sent out to the different organiza tions for their help in distributing seme of the -tickets. The band previous to this had play ed at different events and were premised by certain clubs their help in the ticket sale. The attendance at the concert was disheartening but It was blamed on the late time it was put on. The ticket sales were Just as bad. 'The club whioh promised to sell a part of the gate tickets NO HARD FEELINGS, GENERAL The enlisted man who shot at the general, Irwin Yuen, meets his target, General Mark . Clark, at the Los Angeles Press Club where Yuen serves as a waiter. In the days of the Anzio beachhead, Yuen manned a 5" gun. A motorboat In which Clark and his staff were 'approaching each guarded by Yuen's destroyer failed to give the proper recognition signals lt was fired on, three men aboard the boat were killed and several others wounded the general himself had a very narrow escape from death. Canadian Newspapers From the Monthly Letter of Koyal Bank of Canada INSTALMENT NO. 1 Newspapers excite curiosity. Everyone lays hold on the paper with eagerness while the ink is still wet; no one puts it aside without a feeling of disappointment. Everything that one wants is never in it. There seems to be a great deal about something someoncelse may be interested in,. and not enough-about one's own pet interests. ' i The newspaper is up to the minute. Editors think in terms of today, with a fleeting glance at tomorrow, but never of yesterday except as a sketchy background. It Is a wonder that out of all the scurrying around news men must do, we obtain as mucn ; Up an important part of com benefit as we do from the news paper press. To give us this ser vice requires, as Lord Hewart put it: "amazing ability, diligence, care and learning, wit, humour, skill, versatility, dutlfulness, courage and sheer hard work." be persuaded by a member to buy one., But have som$ outside band come in and put on some kind of display and there are not enough tickets available! The band is now putting on a drive for more members so get behind the local city organization and back them up lull-he artedly. P. N, A. Veterans' Loans Inquiries welcomed. Any of our .Manager .will be glad to discuss these Joans with veterans thinking. of going into business. dailies when newspapers are mentioned, but there are nearly IV2 million persons in Canada who subscribe to 750 .weeklies. These weekly newspapers, which move at a slower and more se date pace than the dallies, make munlty life. They print Items about residents and about local events; like their subscribers, they say "hello" to everybody. Whether it is a weekly or a daily, the newspaper is made by men who are much .alike. Editors Most persons in cities think of have been described as cub re- porters who have grown up and settled down. They have not sell a ticket and had to come their urge to participate 4n every event, to ride on the fire reels and mix with the 'police in tracking criminals. Their new duty Is to see the whole show, and to do that they must .stay in their seats. The great editors are not speech-maklng crusaders, but people who know how to get the news, get lt right, get it first, get it Into print, and comment on lt Intelligently. REBUILDING OF OTTAWA Will be Made One of World's Most .Beautiful Cities OTTAWA There Is something that catches the Imagination in the master plan lor an appropriately imposing and lncreas-lnelv beautiful settlnc for Gan- I ada's National Capital as detail's I of the plan begin to unfold, The latest of these is to leave the blueprint stage .and .take concrete form will be the construction of parkways and swimming beaches along the river approaches to the city. Ottawa Is at the confluence of three rivers. The whole scheme is designed for future years and future I JIM WEST 1 I SAYSfJ About What There Is To Lose Friend and I were trying tc recall, the other evening, one single case of the people of any country freely voting themselves a Com aunist Government. We couldn't. v vote Plenty of instances, though, where Russian pressure has persuaded countries to accept unpopular government! 'friendly' to Russia, since the war. Seems like 30 years of Communist government in Russia haven't been enough to nuke .tht homeland of Communism very M tractive to peopW who have been living on the fruits of freedom. My friend put it this way; "The Commies used to cry: 'Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but -your chains.' But I guess, to the people on this side ol the world, it sounds more hie Workers of America, unite! You have nothing to lose but youi freedom of.speech, press and assembly, your motor cars, radio, inside plumbing and vacuum cleaners, your lodges, unions and right to strike, your unrationcd food and your highest standard of living in the world'.? "Jim Vtst Saw .hrUuh Cviumbu Industry. . " u ipoitjorcj by iht Fed ttien of TroJ and .M T TNDER 3. recent .amendment to The Veterans Busi--J Ji'ess .and Professional Loans Act, .a veteran may now include as part or all of his cash requirements under the Act, moneys expvnded in connection with a business between 1st January, 1M6, and 15th January, 197. Loans may also ,be jnade to veterans who are .already established in a. partnership business for expenditure by the partnership. I The following are the purposes for which Veterans' Loans 411ay.be .made: The purchase pf .a .business , or ,of ' jtn interest, in a business, including the purchase of a business t4 , property. The purchase or repair tJ .instruments, tools, machinery or other equipment to be.used.in a profession, trade , or business, including doctors' and'tletttists' equipment. The purchase, construction, repair or alteration of a f building .used or to be used in carrying on a profession, trade , or .business. Thepurchase of , a .car, lrncl.or,aher. motorized ,odt to be used fur business fwrfwses. THE CANADIAN BANK Of COMMERCE PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH R. G. HOPKINS, Manager. A. MacK SSS rnu "A GOOD PLACE Tnv C1IESTEHFIELI) SUITES, BEDRoom UEDSVHINGS, SPKING.n, t!CtIU FELT MATTKr J:.ED 4 B.C. Products made by Simmon, B I leading UeddlnK and Furniture m, , . see oua mZt rtW.VWWAViW.V.,.,.V,V,V Ormes Brill "The Pioneer Druggiii PRESCRIPTION CHEEJ PHONE Hi V.V.V.WAV.V.VAV.V.V.V.VAVAV.Wfl ForWaP: Ceiling Decoration Use Modern colours In their men a tractive form. Applied with a mini mum of labour and lnconvenicr. The cost Is surprisingly low. ana ' will not rub off on clothing Mrltrlde St, - SOLD BY Phone 311 ,.VA..w.VAAW...v...v...",,, LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleanlnf and presalnf and iteam presslnf ' while 700 wait. PHONE 049 -120 Sixth Streei OUT FOR ITS PATKU Rotary Club Thursdays 1 p.m. J0H BUli OPTOtf Third' MAT HAS THE Wl-- pprr Oar Foods AreL by a New m i( Who Spec L Canadian to " 0pen 7 a.m. jp Sundays, - 0lflcla'J COMPiCTE. FOUNTAIN SEIlVlg SODAS - ICE CREAM - SU"-