j. .1 sc: V.iv. t ! PrfttK Bupcrt Daflp Betas TViday, September 5 1547 - - Classified Advertising - - ClusMeds: 2c per word per Insertion, -minimum charge. 60c. Birth Notlcti 60c; Cards tA Thanks. .Death Notices, Funeral Notices. Marriage and Engagement Announcements: 12. FOR RfcNT FOR RENT Single housekeeping room, bachelor ;only. 960 First H i "" Avenue West. (213) FOR RENT One-room furnished cabin near Seal Cove Cold Storage. Phone Blue 825. (200) OABIN FOR RENT Nice clean and warm. Furnished. 1142 Park Avenue. Phone Green 224. (209) FOR RENT Two roomed seml--Junnished suite. Call after 4. 1235 Park Avenue. (211) FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping suite, suitable for couple. Phone Blue 638. (208) 11ELP WANTED IIELP WANTED Stenographer for Booth Memorial High School. Apply School Board Office, City Hall. (209) WANTED IMMEDIATELY perienced sawyer for interior mill. Good wages or contract. Fhone.Blue 240. Write Box 192. City. (212). WOMAN Wanted for housework three afternoons a week. '7 Phone 'Green 395. (209) WANTED Woman to cook for ,private establishment. Time -off Jn afternoons. Evenings :free. Live In or out. State salary. Phone Black 500. (tf) WANTED Names .are being received, at 'the Dally News of-flee of boys or girls desiring delivery routes. (tf) HELP WANTED Ward .Maids for Prince Rupert General Hospital. .Apply Matron, (tf) WANTED IMMEDIATELY Native 'Girl as Hospital Maid, :$65.00 - $85.00 per .month de pending on experience, less j $25.00 for full maintenance. ', Matron, Wrinch .Memorial Hospital, Hazelton, B. C. (210) WANTED Sun carrier for Section 2. Apply Bus Depot, downstairs or Phone 640. (210) WORK WANTED WORK WANTED Woman will look after children In the evening. Phone Black 298. (210) ROOM AND HOARD lHOOM AND BOARIX $40 each double; $45 single. Home away from home. Table meals. Mrs. Lawley,'622 Fraser Street, (tf) TENDERS TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to 5 p.m. September 15, 1947, for the purchase of Lot 44, Block 34, Section 1, City of Prince Rupert. 'The highest os any tender will not necessarily foe accepted. 31. D. Thain, city clerk. (tf) LOST JIM) KOUXD LOST Ladies wrist watch with i leather strap. Phone Red 216. (209) FOUND On First Ave. a bunch of keys in brown leather case. The owner can have same by paying for this add at the Daly News. (tf) METAL WORK DONT Wait for Winter. Now Is the time to have that eaves-trough fixed and furnace installed. Thorn Sheet Metal Ltd., Black 884 (tf) PLUMBING Installations and .repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Tu r a c e s, t anks, eaves-troughing and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West, Phone 543. (tf) IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF CHARLES WILLIAM BILEFIELD, OTHERWI8E KNOWN AS BIELEFELD DECEASED INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ills Honour Judge W. O. Fulton, made the 8th day of August, A.D. 1947, I was appointed administrator of the estate of Charles William Bllefleld, otherwise known as Bielefeld, deceased. ,A11 parties .having Claims against the said estate are hereby required toJurnlsh. same, .properly verified, to wnM fh. int V. .riatf rf Si... September, A.D. 1947, after which tV ... . claims filed may be paid without ref- ii 1 1 r ere nee to any claims 01 wuicu i tucu hid no knowledge. And all parties Indebted to the tate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness .to me "with. . . . , DATED -this 8th day of August, AX). 1047 GORDON FRASER FORBES, Offlolfll Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. m C220) FOR SALE FOR SALE Used banjo, Suite 1, 221 Fifth Ave. East. (208( FOR SALE-,1937 Custom Delux3 Dodge, perfect shape. Suite 1. -21 Fifth Ave. East. (208) FOR SALE 6 room house on 8th Ave. near McBride, $3,500 terms with $1,900 down. For information call Collart & McCaf-fery. (tf) FOR SALE Household f urnl ture, bedroom suite, dinetto suite, baby's play pen, crib, dishes, lamps, drapes, pots and pans, otherarticles. 1516 Sixth Avenue East. (20S FOR SALE 2x4, 2x6, shiplap, flooring and dimensions. Phone Green 698. (tf) FOR SALE 30.30 Savage Rifle and 2 boxes snells. Phone Red 912. (211) NEW and Used Household and Office Furniture and Hardware. New unpainted -4-draw-er chests, Bookcases and Medicine Chests $2.75; Scat ter Rugs $1.25; Mattresses, El-, ectric Double Hot Plates S7; Desks, Small size Stoves for wood and coal, Compasses from $1. Used Kitchen Tables $4; Bicycles; Mirrors 50c; Single Beds complete $20; Office Chairs. Other useful articles at reduced prices. B.C. Furniture Co. Black 324. FOR SALE Springfield rifle 30-40 Krag, as new. Phone Green 106. (208); FOR SALE Barb wire (roll)' $4.00; 5" fir edge grain flooring 65.00 M; 16x48, 16x32 Don-naconna lath $40.00 M; 1 good cook stove $20.00; Window screens 75c each; 4" and 6" sewer pipe not taken out per foot 20c; 6x6 and 8x8 2x6-4' long $25.00 M; 15 electric reflectors and guards 18" with Mogul sockets. Spies and Meckling, Wantage Road Group 4, Phone 866. (208) FOR SALE 42 foot pleasure boaWn good condition. Could be converted into halibut tooat. Owner leaving town. Ap ply Prince Rupert "Yacht Club. (211) FOR SALE Mdhair chesterfield $40; 5 dining room chairs $10; leather upholstered armchair.'; $15 pair. 1235 Eighth Avenue East. Call after 6 pan. (21P FOR SALE High School books, good as new. Phone Black 998. (203) FOR SALE 1936 Ford Sedan. Apply '1501 Eighth Ave. East or Phone Black 608. (203) FOR SALE Bedroom suite, complete. Coal or wood Heater. Phone Blue 913. (208) FOR SALE 3 ton G.M.C. Truck, 1942 model, like new. 4 now tires, 3 spares, wheel chains, 2 25-foot chains and binders, new span rear axle, heater, defroster, 2 cheese blocks, equipment with box and hitcb for trailer. All lor $1600 cash. J. Smaka, Copper River, B.C. (208- FOR SALE Paint machine. $175. Inboard motor $75. One Dodge Sedan $1350. Apply J. H. Malr or Johnson, 171 Third Avenue East. Phone Black 156. (tf) run aALtr-Attractive 6 year old white cedar siding bun galow, .5 rooms and one in basement. Through hall, 'oak floors, fireplace, cabinet kitchen, Pembroke bath and .shower, furnace, laundry tubs in basement. Garden and lawn. Phone Black 252. (2127 FOR SALE Three rocmed house. Apply 233 9th Ave. East. (212) FOR SALE All enamel oil burning range, 4 .piece walnut bedroom suite, 3 piece ohes teriield Ret, rugs, miscellan eous articles. -625 West 0th. 7:30 .to lOip.m. , (208) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufac tured by National Machinery Company Limited. Vancouver, B. C. (tt) SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES COMMERCIAL Classes at St, Joseph's Academy open Sept 2. Day class. $15 per month; typing night class $7.50. Phone Black 500. (209) i HARVESTING UNDERWAY Catching Up "Now Tollowbij Recent Itains WINNIPEG The harvesting picture on the prairies is variable. Good weather has prevailed in southern Manitoba and harvesting is well under way, according to the weekly crop report of the department of agriculture of the Canadian National Railways. Elsewhere on the prairies cutting :and combining are just getting under way again after having .been delayed by the rains of last week. Yields in southern .Manitoba are slightly less than anticipated and the .grade is lower. In other OS. Nootka, both appointments effective September 6. Captain Pullen was bom in Toronto and entered the Royal Naval College in 1920. His war service Included command of the destroyers St. Francis and St. Laurent. He served as second ln-ccmmand of HAI.C.S. Uganda sections of the .prairies, yields ClirnEMCIfikl are variable but slightly better I J U J T CPI J I U u than anticipated. The grade, however, will be low. The recent rains have Improved the feed situation in the dry areas of Saskatchewan and" Alberta. Harvest labor is in short supply In southern Manitoba but in other areas the number of men seems to be sufficient to meet the demand. All fruits iare moving freely in the Okanagan this week as a result of another hot, dry week, WHY FAY RENT Check these recent listings for a home of your own: 1. 8 room house, 6 blocks from . post offlre $3500. 2. 6 room house on three im proved lots; harbour view; near srhools. Reasonable terms. 3. 7 room house on 9th West; suitable for duplex or family home, sacrifice at $2500. 4. 3 room cottage on Tenth near Conrad School only $1000 5. 5 room furnished house on Sherbrooke; 2 improved lots, owner must sell. 6. BEST BET YET: 4 room modern house on 9th East: basement; good grouds; private; included is good rental cottage at rear of property. Moderatey priced. For inspection contact Armstrong Agencies, Phone '342. (212) Captain Pullen Destroyer Chief OTTAWA The appointment of Captain H. F. Pullen OS1SL. H.C.N., as Captain D (Canadian Destroyer Flotilla) has been announced here. 'He is also named in command of .the Canadian- Previous estimate of fruits and to the United States by Cana- vegetables will be reached. d-ian vessels. Reminiscences By W.J. Reflections To anticipate with delight the reopening of schoohafter the annual vacation can no longer bs considered a somewhat unusual emotion. It has, however, been discovered .and .right here In Prince Rupert. "The rarity is a boy in the early 'teens and he kept counting :the hours until holiday monotony drew to its dreary conclusion .and the merry days of study and examinations, FOR SALE chalk, blackboards and pointers came on apace. Did the people of Canada have a housing problem a centurv ago? Was everybody more or less hot and bothered? Of course, folks today are thinking of here and now, and not the dim past, yet the query Is no: without some interest. For that matter there always has been the question cl shelter. Thousands of early settlers put up their own little log cabins and houses, packed in the water from J nearest well or stream, made their own illumination by the candle route and, later on, discovered oil lamps. That mado a sensation. Heigh Ho! Life was more simple then perhaps. But at any rate, no one was haunted by atomic bombs. Col. Peck Leaves For Interior, East Col. C. W. Peck and Col. -S. D. Johnston left yesterday to motor through to Prince George. Col. Peck, who will be renewing many old friendships along the Skeena, plans on travelling to Eastern Canada, going as far as the Maritime Provinces. He will take the train at Prince George. Cel. Johnston will be returning from there to Prince Rupert by car. 7An Ounce of Prevention is worth a Pound of Cure1 LIKE A SKILLED PHYSICIAN, OUR SERVICE SPECIALISTS CAN EXAMINE YOUR CAR FOR SYMPTOMS OF ILLNESS . . . .AND RECOMMEND TREATMENT TO PREVENT MECHANICAL BREAKDOWNS. Our service manager, GUS STROMDAHL, has had many years of experience, and will be pleased to advise you about the condition of your car. Bob Parker Limited "THE HOME OF TRIENDLY SERVICE" Ford-Monarch Dealers Prince Rupert, B.C. RUPERT MOTORS LTD. Chrysler Parts and Service Depot We specialize In rebuilding Chrysler Marine iand Industrial .Engines. 'Complete Automotive Repair Service for all makes of cars and trucks. Call on us for your CHRYSLER ENGINEERED PARTS and ACCESSORIES. Out-of-town orders given special attention. Corner Second and Park Avenues PHONE 566 Prince Rupert, B.C. RUPERT MARINE REALTY (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Lipsett's, Waterfront) Box 548 Phone Green 075 HOOP STAR J5 SHOT VICTIM Thor Ledlng, 18-year old Ketchikan .youth, well known is Prince Rupert athletic circles as a basketball player, Graving been built Tiibal yiass destroyer HAI. I for two years captain of the JONES ACT IS HELPFUL Considerable activity continues at the Riverside mine near Hyder, Alaska, in the production of gold, lead, silver and tungsten. Operations have been substantially increased through the recent Set of Congress at Washington allowing, by suspension of tho Jones Act, ore shipments frcm American territories Kayhl team which has often visited this city, is dead in the Alaska .city, .victim of van accidental .gunshot wound .at a fish Iraip on Watburton Island near New Metlakatla. Bernard Johnson. ex-GI, is charged with careless use cf firearms in connection with the tragedy and Is at liberty on $1000 bond. The two youths were in their bunks in 'the trap house when Thor suddenly leaped from the upper -bunk he occupied and exclaimed he thought he was shot. Johnson wys in the lower bunk. Ledlng removed !his shirt and had a wound in his right chest frcm a .22 bullet. The bullet had penetrated his 'body, emerginE from his back. Johnson apparently gave first aid.-placed Ledlng In the lower bunk and rowed the 16-foot tro skiff through "smoking" wai?r to Metlakatla for help. A 25-j nvie wina -was Diowing at the time and Johnson was risking his own life in his row. Wendell Cortile, ANS agent at Metlakatla, was notified and the Annette Jrianch (Canning Com- ' pany tender Annette took a nurse. Mrs. Florence Miller, to the trap. ;She got there at 10 p.m. ,and .found young Leding's bedy on the floor, one hand grarptng a first aid kit. Ledins's body was later taken to Ketchikan. Baseball Double-Header Sunday Unfavorable weather last evening caused the pasfrwne-ment of the continuation of the city baseball championship series between Savoy and Moose which will be renewed .with a double-header after-ncon and evening games o:i Sunday. With the second game on Tuesday declared no contest, the Savoys are now one up on the best three of five series. Baseball Scores National fl-eague Cincinnati 7. .Pittsburgh 5 Brooklyn 2, New York 0. Philadeliphla .5, Boston 6. American League St. Louis 2, Detroit'l. New York .4, Washington 5. Chicago 4, Cleveland 2. SOUTHAMPTON, Eng. 0 The smallest rabbit in the Corporation's Produce Show bit Judge Eldrldge's hand and then took a second bite at G. W Horner a steward, who was sent t ' hcrpital fir treatment NOW FREE HOME DELIVERY OF BOTTLED BEER COD. (Cash on Delivery) Phone: 654 25c per dozen ipaid for empties Please have them ready for driver when he makes delivery. - i : 1 THE SUPERIOR AUTO & BODY SERVICE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THEIR APPOINTMENT AS DEALERS FOR STUDEBAKER COMMERCIAL AND HUDSON CARS. WITHIN A WEEK WE WILL HAVE A HUDSON COMMODORE SEDAN AND A STUDEIJAKER 2 TON TRUCK ON THE FLOOR FOR FUPLIC INSPECTION We are fully equipped for complete automotive repair service, ibody work .and painting:. You are invited to inspect our all-new' .equipment. Skilled mechanics In attendance at all times offer you fast, reasonable and dependable serivce. TIRES AND TUBES REPAIRED AND GREASE. SERVICING Junction.2ndand3rd Aves. Green 217 JNCOME TAX Returns .Prepared See R. E. -MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPH) HICKS FRASERHOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 714 PHASER STREET Phone Black 823 t This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board, or by the Government of British Columbia TJHOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS, Manager Specializing In Marine and General Sheet Metal Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks Stacks Furnaces Gutter Work 253 East First (Cow Bay) Phone Black 881 P.O. Box 1219 PRINCE RUPERT MINORA Bill G. aulcl.r, clean., ,QV , .JHH Canada' favour l doubl..d. M!N0RA fcj wwwwwwwww "aiming case RE .MINT, TOX DtAli White tltrtric SHAVE Foronefekon,J.!.ii!t, r n r ri i i P I-1 A our 0,d r, IBIWu J l v I H L. safety raior, rfsirdli,l vaiue toward the purchwrfj popular guaranteed mode. .RUPERT RADIO AND ELI PHONE C44 Reopening for Season - REX BOWLIK ALLEYS Third Avenue and Sixth Street is such heathtul fun; such clean sport! Play ComjJJ i I'hultl 1M FIVE PIS' TEN riN5- REPAIR AND REC0NDJ YOUR HOME THIS SIP CALL GREER & BRP BUILDERS AND CONTRACT Repairs Construction - Phone RED 561 J "Offerlne 37 vears of practlci Experience in Prince Rupert JOHNGURVO has returned to the - ' CONTRACTING I f lAl No Job Too Large- EXCAVATING, HAULING, LM PHONjE.32 For Your Eating Pleasw"' (Formerly Boton THE BEST FOOD flNEST COOKING TOP SERVICE 'id lie i Chinese Dishes Choir OKDERS , "TAKE-OUT" :Hours: 7 AJU. to 1:30 AM.