a B B B U B B n' B a H U B B n B D B a B n B B B B c B B a B B B B B B- B B B B. a. Ptince Uuflcri Daflp J3clu0 Friday, September 5, 1947 NEWLEADON BIG 4 FOUND iA prospecting party lor the Big Four silver mines In the Portland Canal district recently discovered a lead 20 feet in width. Samples have been sent to Victoria. The company drop supplies to the parties, one of which is on the Silverado side of the peak. It gets to them by chute- from an airplane. Alaska is Resigning Itself-to Strikes A canvas of public opinion, concerning prospects of another long shore strike in Juneau was made last week in the Alaska city. It was fully representative. Said one citizen, described as a government secretary: "If there's a strike, there's- a strike. Nothing I qan do about it." Kwinitsa Diversion Work Speeded Up Progress of construction of Prince Rupert Htjhway diversion at Kwinitsa is now being speeded up with the arrival of more equipment and crew. The total length of the diversion will not be less than a mile and, with the Job completed, the suspension of road traffic due to heavy snowslides during the winter should beccme a thing of the past. Present expectation is that the work will be finished within two or three months. FLOOD-PROOF FENCE CANBERRA, P A flood-proof fence which' bows to rushing waters and can be put back in place afterwards has betn developed here. It is recommended to farmers of New South Wales where flcod damage to fences is often lot 9chodl v TEMPORARY OFFICE, ROOM 10 STONE BLOCK ror the vm tZZ MANSON'S Friendly Jeweler" RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE An Announcement of Interest Miss Margaret McLeod. optometrist of Vancouver, an nounces the opening of her permanent office at Manson's ) Miss McLeod graduated from the Ontario College of Optometry In 1943 and after an association with aproml-nent Toronto optometrlcal group she returned to her home province. Miss McLeod has since been associated with Dr. Harry Perrin, optometrist in Vancouver. She is well trained In the practise of Optometry and has had considerable experience. She Is of a family prominent in optometry in B.C. manv vears. Her father, Mr. Murdock McLeod, has an extensive practise throughout B.C. and her brother, Clyde, is a prominent optometrist in Pentlcton, B.C. Miss McLeod has Installed the most modern equipment for the examination of eyes and a conscientious service will be given! SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs In all types of printing work. Everything in high-class stationery. Cards for every occasion Fountain Pens DLBB PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE On Your Home or on Your Furniture . REMEMBER m "Oh, men? They're all alike!" Boys' Clothes that Wear and Wear It isn't an accident that we have the things you want for your boy for school. Years of experience have taught us what you want and we know quality and value from our own experience. Sec for yourself. Boys Underwear .. From $1.10 Boys Suits From $10.95 Boys Socks From 35c Boys Long Pants .... From $2.25 Boys Suspenders .... From 30c Boys Shirts From $1.45 Boys Windbreakers From $1.75 Boys Gym Shorts $1.75 Rupert Men s & Boys Store CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PIIOXE 51 Prowler Bothers Sitka, Alaska Some months ago, Prince Rupert had a "prowler" which kept householders worried and mystified until the annoyance was stopped. The same situation has developed in Sitka where husbands, returning home In the evenings can hardly enter their own homes because of locked doors and locked windows. This particular prowler is evidently causing much mischief and Is undoubtedly a nuisance. Freezing Methods Change Fishing I Dr. G. A. Reay, director of it-I search, speaking at Grimsby, England, recently, gave a forecast to the general effect that the whole structure of the fish Industry from catching to consumption may require modifica-' tion to take advantage of the ( virtually perfect method of quick i freezing. It will, he predicted, bring steady prosperity to the fishing industry. But the fish must, at all times be really fresh when frozen. Farm Ponulation Of U. S. Shrinks WASHINGTON The nation's i farm population has shrunk ' .three million frcm its pre-war size. Most of the decline Is ex plained b ythe fact that there was a large net movement away frcm farms during the war and that not all discharged service men and industrial workers who had lived on farms have returned ,as yet. OGUE CIGAREJJ r.i LsTT.i.ii jr.a Dry Lumber We have jus,t received a suhstantial shipment of KILN-DRIED Finishing Lumber Get Yours While It Lasts PMLPOTT, EVICT & CO. LIMITED PHONES 651 AND 652 Coal Lumber Hardware When Buyins FIRE INSURANCE on EPIDEMIC! ALASKA SEEN ANCHORAGE Dr. Arthur Bernstein, leader of the American Medical Association's flying survey, says Alaska is ripe for an epidemic because of overcrowding and housing conditions as well as nutritional defects. There could be. and perhaps will be a tuberculosis scourge, unless something is done. "Housing," he said, "is wretched all over Alaska. There Is nothing like it In the states. Tuberculosis is not caused by cl'mate. Some of the best sant-torlums can be found In cold countries. But the disease is highly infectious and active cases should be taken out of Are Paying High To Feed Germans WASHINGTON British and American taxpayers have paid nearly $300,000,000 since January 1 to help feed Germans In their respective zones. Bread, grains and flour are now pouring Into Germany at a record rate from North America. HALIFAX FIRE INSURANCE CO. Former Local Mining Man Revisiting City Roland E. Legs, mining engineer for "the Oonwest Exploration Co. Ltd. arrived here Wednesday by air to meet W. If. Conneil, vice-president of the same company, who was returning to the East after Inspecting his company's interests at Keno Hill and other properties In the Yukon Territory. Mr. Legg was a former resident here for some years when he was in charge of the Surf Point Mine, Por-cher Island, at the time pro perty was being operated by the Timmlns Corporation. This Is Mr. Legg's first visit to Prlnc? Rupert for ten years and he Is busy meeting old friends and noting the many changes that have taken place In the city during his absence. He now makes his homo In Vancouver but has spent practically all summer in the Yukon on mln ing duties. LIVES ON VEGETABLES The flea beetle lives and multiplies on potatoes, tomatoes, cr such related weeds as nlght-thade and horsenettle. Advertise in the bally News "STEP OUT IN FRONT..." . . with confidence and justifiable pride in a pair of Lockic's shoes! They're built for comfort and styled by expert craftsmen to meet the exacting standards of , . . lvUTy shoes Household Helps DUST MOPS STEEL WOOL DRYING RACKS GALVANIZED WARE PHONE 101 FLOOR WAX ENAMEL WARE CLOTHES PINS ALUMINUM WARE SATIN-GLO PRODUCTS THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 255 Third Ave. Why is Bulger's a Good Place to Buy a Watch? Wc have been watch specialists for over forty years. We have repaired and studied and sold watches in Rupert since 1915. We have had a chance to know which arc the good watches out of eleven hundred.watch factories. He sell our watches at the standard nationally advertised prices for all the well known makes. We are able to advise you as to the best watch for any special use you may want a watch for. We will not knowingly sell you an unsatisfactory watch. And we have the WATCHMASTER, an electronic machine which listens to the heart beats of a watch and prints them on a paper record so you can see for yourself the difference In watches. Canada's Oldest Fire Insurance Co. Established Since 1809 1 1 1 I Ill . Ill - - I III Paints II ' m . W III! TODAY AND SATUR ciated. THETIMEThFdii J mhWMuiuncni I Bn m I r-- "unit,.. SATUnriAV RTinmo ''1 " 3:05 5:u 303 C T Wlilllrl in 4 n abs ' iaw inis opportunil announce to my many friends and pj; (hat I have left 123 Taxi andwifibe ins: M' Cabs from the 3 Sisters Caft. lumuiui-u ij.urunugc win ik sinccrclj A For That Party . . . WEI) JENSEN PARAMOUNT CAH at Port Edward, B.C. n ii n p l: it p v a r. .. . ------ ww -. w vuuni PRINCE RUPERT 7:00 am. to 11:00 "FOR PORTRAITS THAT LIYT Announcing . . . The Purchase by A. Van. - OF HKXSOX'S STIMO Now to be known as Van Meer Si "YOUR CHILD IS Nl PROBtDIS Patronage of Former and New Customers is Invited NO ADVANCE IN PW PORTRAITS OF HIGHEST QMtf 305 WEST THIRD AVENUE FAMOUS RUPERT III FISH PRODUCT! Produced and Proccssc dby CANADIAN FISH & COLD i Company Limited REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PWNCE Riff" . - fhoffl uiop&uey - .,11 n II II SP1 uuinebe manna Open 8 ajn. to 2 PHONE SPECIAL CONSII)KRAvTsJ:RS WARTIME HOUSING WW13 ., " 'ill m I y UW' : -.nnii at M I'liONE R. E. (MONTY) MON'M""" - . COLLAR! & McCAFFERV