Tl I, I l?nncc Rupert Dnfb? Betes ttu. Friday, August 15, 1947 MINERAL SURVEY PLANNED BY 'EIRE DUBLIN. The de Valera government plan3 a sevenyear, 500,000 rnlneral exploration program, thB"most extensive survey ever carried out in this country. Legislation to provide Mianral Teo, the state-owned mineral company, with powers to carry out the plan will be introduced In the Dail later this year. Government mineral experts said a. particular search will be made for uranium. One prominent industrialist said that extensive lead and copper deposits could be wofl&ti' economically at present world prices. Advertise in the Dally News low Available! LOOK FOK THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL ) NEW Cups and $1.00 to growth, metamorphosis of cater- j pillar to butterfly and wonder-; ful astronomical scenes. Rev. F. Antrobus presided over ! the meeting. In charge of thej presentation was Rev. D. Fraserj McRae, Moody film representa-j tive, while Cecil Carter operated ; the projector. Brigadier J. T. Gillingham, .Salvation Army, led, in prayer. J. E. Davey presidd, at me organ w accompany uie hymns. ENGLISH 5 CHINA Suucevs $15.00 i FOR THE LATEST IN JEWELRY MANSON'S "-YO.UK FRIENDLY JEWELER" Box 1303 Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Phone' 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ENGINEERS Authorized dealers, for GENERAL MOTORS AUTOMATIC DELCO HEAT -OIL '-' BURNERS for your furnace or boiler A General Motors Product QUAKER OIL. RANGES AND HEATERS now jn stock Large Stock of Plumbinr Supplies BLONDIE PICTURE IS IMPRESSIVE "God of Creation" Found toiBe Remarkable Production Large Audience Deeply impressed was. an audience which filled First Baptist Church last night to see the really remarkable sound picture, "The God of Creation," which visually presents by skillful photography many unique natural and biological scenes of a wide variety and, by an unusually fineound narration, applies a spiritual theme. Oreat enthusiasm was displayed by all present and many resolved to see the repeat presentations which will take place with slight variations tonight at First United Church and tomorrow evening aUthe Salvation Army Citadel, Some of the sequences in the picture include the showing of heart action In surgery, germination and progress of plant He Won't Bite the "Mosquito! 11 .BELIEVE ME. ! -'tm I BOUGHT A . .1M I i (THOSE MOSOU1TOES .1 ( BOTTLE. OR EVEBY . I ffl'l'tl V., AREN'T GOING REPELLENT r ' " ( TOBOTHEPME 'KNOWN TO , -1 JTONGHT, X JfflfLy 1 f ..'w'k"' fL Vlu '' Cr.L' 1' t,'l. v !i' I C 'E- PUT I I'LL SET I'lVES, OAGWOOq, V- 7" VOUUP THE ALAPM ViTS 4MPERTIVE MY wr-rSON 1 FORTHE FOR SEVEN YTH AT I GET IN' HtS VACATION if 1'' iry V! ' H Ccw t'Jii That?s No Excuse! In Daddy's Footsteps. WJii!iiMMJ(H'lllt!IIHIt. . - If Tjfiipojuu,) m.llP -.GOLL-y NHAT i I I TOLD,GERALOINS ) - SI OAM t flOlNGTO rb call for her (fnl TELL HER ? "I AM NOT A COMMUNIST' The board of directors of the Dale Community Centre in Hamilton, Ont., have asked for the resignation of Mary -Jennlson, executive director, shown above after ready a story. Miss Jennison declared: "I am not a Communist, and so far as I know neither is any member of my staff. She also stated that work of the Dale Gentre Is "not understood; EXPLAINS .CITY ROAD PROBLEMS An englneer'sview of the problems of building roads in Prince Rupert was given to the Prince Rupert Junior Chamber of Commerce last night by City Engineer Charles D. Howe who emphasized proper drainage and substantial base construction as requirements for lasting streets. "The creation of a successful asphaltic highway is contingent on many factors," he said, "but first among basic requirements is. adequate drainage. It is doomed to failure in direct proportion to-the effectiveness of the road itself to-get rid of moisture." Basic, support was the second main factor. In the past, the I importance of this support has . . li i it ioeen underestimated in mucn 1 1 road construction- and later transportation changes, bringing heavier traffic, )iave caused much damage. "It Is a wise policy to build frcm the bottom; up, instead-of fro mthe top down. When a road Is surfaced,-.and failure. appears, only rebuilding .can be resorted to." Gravel ind sand were described by Mr.. Howe as the best support'for a road, topped with LOOK , AT THE JL OW MV TIME -THE ALARM, IIGOODNESS POP YOU'RE ReALsnnn HUIIilll AT Tlltk.ll,K,',,ri i-s-i N'l1 ) WHEN YOU X33ME HOME 1 LATE". WILL VOU ' 1 HELP HELP ME ME ? ? A . J7' I.I crushed gravel, watered and, rolled. The "alligator' -'effect in roads is due to failure of the base and continual flexing of the mat by passing vehicles until the fatigue point Is reached. "When are we going to hardtop Prince Rupert's streets?" Not until next year," said Mr. Howe. "We plan to allow, them ta settle during the winter, then go to work on them when thay are really packed solid." MANY BRITONS HARVEST CROPS LONDON, Britain is breaking all records this year to "lend a hand on the land." Last year's figure cf 100,000 volunteer farm workers has already been reached and nearly all of the 12 harvest camips will be full until September. Nearly 45.000 school children have volunteered to work during their holidays and the first of the 3O0 school camps was opened early in August, Said an official of the ministry of agriculture: "Up to June 28, 90,000 applications were received compared with 54,000-last year. I think we shall reach our target of 150,000." Between 20,000 and 30,000 more volunteers are needed beitweenmld-Septembei and late Novfontoer- to help wit), the potato harvest By Chic Young W HE LOOKS SO x ( COM FOSTAB LB, BZZ7l DONT BEUEVE HURRV, OR 3 I1 WEV, rji WE'LL GET ) ( I'M THE r ' HE 'MEAN AH.JUHSJ FILMS VALUABLE FOR PROVINCE ;Junior jChamber-ofVCommerce Hears from (Government N Photographer As an official publicity agency I for British Columbia, the photo-I graphic branch cf the Department of Trade and Industry Is playing an increasing part in making this province known throughout the world, Clarence Ferris, government iphotogra-, pher told the monthly meeting (Of the Junior Chamber el-Com-imerce last night. I Our projec:, wnich began In 1 1941 he said, "Is eventually to photograph the entire province of B.C in 16 millimeter color film. We have ri&nemuch of the southern part of the province and now I am working on the area from Prince "Rupert to Prince George." The central coast and interior film will complete a "triangle tour" picture which will be of Interest to prospective tourists, he declared. The department Is Increasing ' the number of outlets; for showing the films to the public and, i wh ,e they are not numerous at present, the number Is growing. The National Film Board, the National Film Society, Bell Telephone Co., git copies of all Travel Bureau films while the office cf the-Canadian Trade-Commissioner at Los Angeles shows many of thecn. In addition.. to the moving, picture coverage, the photographic branch Is building an extensive library of "still" photographs which are made available to writers, and for which theie is a big demand. "Since the war, we. have had requests for 520 pictures a month. The bulk of them go to writers on this continent but about .20 per cent go to writers in England and Australia., so thi? Drovlnce is really becoming well known." Mr. Ferris admitted that he is getting a bit impatient with the dull weather that'has been prevalent since he has been In Prince Rupert but plans to stav until he gets the pictures he wants. Next summer's- project Is to photograph the natural color of the Peace River country. . fGEORGE McWHINNEY r PAINTING AND''' PAPERHANGING 147 ,4th East Phone Black 489 UNRKSERVF.I) on SATURDAY, AUG..1G at,2U0 pjn4 at Auction Rooms, Old' Empire Building, Third Avenue Instructions by owner, I will sell by Auction, the following article: 100 Kitchen Chairs 2 Walnut Dinette Suites. l'Oil Burner Range, complete. 1-Selee and .Chair. Stromberg'Carlson Radio. pi Electric Steam Iron (new). 2 New Electric Fans. Ll Kitchen Suite. 1 llrass iBed, complete. 2-Pairs AlKWool Blankets. ' ,1 Chest iQf Silverware (Rogers). I il)resser; :2 Mirrors, l llecod iltack (mantel). LC. Melody Saxophone (conn.). 3 C)iest of Drawers. 1. Electric Gramaphone. and other-articles. Must Be Sold. Terms Cash .GEORGE J. DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone JJed .127 .Green 870 Budworm Plague Feared In BtC. Bud norm Now Feared Following Hemlock Loo per j VICTORIA W After causing heavy loss, the" hemlock looper i is definitely on. the wane In British Columbia, but Dominion government scientists expect a new plague the blackheaded bud-worm to wreak havoc within the next five years. II. A. Richmond, West Coast' forest. Insect inspector, made this announcement following a survey. He said the budworm may be as bad as or worse than the looper, and that another looper Invasion could be" looked for in 10 years. "Loss caused by loopers has been, beyond comprehension," ho said. "Damage on Vancouver Island alone runs Into hundreds of millions of feet." A major problem now Is how much damaged timber can be salvaged. Field crews are trylns to determine meaures to help the industry meet -this problem. Some companies will have to revamp their entire logging programs for the next 70 years. It will be necessary to go into some of the most Inaccessible areas first if the vast tracts of dead timber is to be salvaged. NOW IS LABORATORY DAR - ES - SALAAM O) Dr Livingstone's house, "Son Bag," or .the Goljlen Garden, from which he fitted out his last expeditions, Js being converted Into living quarters and. laboratories for the Clove Research Home. ARR IVED! mmwr THIS 'AND TH i s ii ii i i i A . in,- x ii i h i i i Ml I r I 1 1 II II II 1 I I 1 1 1 M Ml Tki,UrMinUiJilmMilw "Mommy 1 1 . . . What do I do rovt Steamship Sailings (Daylight Saving Times) For .VantwiTei Monday as Princess Adelaide 10 run. Tuesday ss Coqultlam, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss :Trlnce 'Rupert, 12:15 (pjn. Friday ss Catala. 5:50, pjn. Saturday ss Camosun, 10:13 pm. From r Vancouver-Sunday S3 Coqultlam, 4 pm No Veow hue' thanks to Bluel Ml . . . the BENDIX Automatic Home Laundry "TheiHouseuiife's Dream" ALTHOUGH FIRST SHIPMENT IS SOLD, FURTHER MACHINES ARE EXPECTED WITHIN THREE WEEKS PLACE YOUR NAME ON OUR WAITING LIST Snowy-white sheets looking like new! thanks to Blue. Sheets and all white clothes no longer suffer from 'ydlow tingc'-nol with Blue to make thorn white! So quick, so easy. . . jusf a swish or two of Blue in the final rinsing water does the trick! P.S. Seven colours combine to make white, Announcement . . . ROYAL CAFE - . ...... mm rnM.Hi.i-f n j . i i niiir new '- vuuiiicciy iiieniivairn ami SF. A .FOODS SALADS ITALIAN AND MEXICAN AT Monday ?: prw p.m. Wednesday , p. ir.uu ajn Friday- ; CaUu,j l'or Alaska- Friday ; catosa Wednesday am. From Alaska- l Thursday- -t: prfe. pm. Saturdav rw REOPENS WE SPECIALIZE IN . t nisi Take-out Ordeis (liven Spl1' Attention JOHN COMER, Proprietor