gtintt tlpert Saflp 'Bitot Friday, August 15, 1947 BASEBALL GAME IS WASHED OUT The baseball game scheduled lor last night at Roosevelt Park between Watts and Nickerson and Savoy was washed out by rain. The two teams pjobably Till meet Sunday, weather permitting. Only two more games temaln to be played in the current schedule the Watts and JUckerson-Savoy game and one between Savoy and Moose. Plans lor the play-offs are toeing made. FOR RENT Three.roon. cottage partly furnished for couple with one child. Green 626. FOR RENT Three ran furnished house. Apply 1634 11th Ave.E. (191) FOR RENT Two room apartment. $15.00 month. Apply 221 5th Ave. East. . (194) HELP WANTED REQUIRED at the Prince Rupert General Hospital: Cook and ' an assistant coox. Apply to Matron. (tf) WANTED Names are being received at the Daily News office of boys or girls desiring delivery routes. (tf) HELP WANTED Ward Maids 'for Prince Rupert General Hospital. Apply Matron, (tf) MAN WANTED for Rawleigh District of 1500 families. Good profits for hustlers. .Write today. Rawlelgh's Dept. WG-166-H-B, Winnipeg, Canada. HELP WANTED Housekeeper for elderly couple. $60.00 a month with room and board. Phone 264. Htf) WANTED WANTED Light delivery truck. Write G. Londquist, Smithers, B.C. (204) WANTED Young couple desire 2 or 3 rdom unf urnlshed suite. . Box 264 Dally News. (192) WANTED Young couple, desire 2 or 3 room furnished suite. .Reply to Box 264, Daily News. (191) WANTED Three or four room ' cottage, or three room suite, both may be furnished or unfurnished. Phone Green 155. (194) fiHIP Us Youf,'' Scrap Metals, Top Prices Paid Active Trading Company Ltd.. 935 East Cordova. St., Vancouver, B.C. (tf) WANTED By September 1, furnished housekeeping rooms, also rooms with board for incoming teachers. Write School Board Secretary or Phone Red 442. (192) MONEY WANTED MONEY WANTED, Two young business men already well es-. tablished would like to borrow lor expansion. Interested in small or large loans. Box 71, City. (196) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD $40 each double; $45 single. Home away from home. Table meals. Mrs Lawley, 622 Fraser Street, (tf) METAL WORK DONT Walt for Winter. Now Is the time to have that eaves trough fixed and furnace hr stalled. Thorn Sheet Metal Ltd., Black 884-' (tf) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modem and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufac tured by National Machinery Company limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tl) TENDERS ATTENTION TIMBERMENI Tenders wanted for 404 acres of crown grant' timber in Remo district for cash sale. Tenders must be in to Mrs. M. Boyn- ton, Prince Rupert Hotel, be-- fore August 18. Highest or any tenders not necessarily accepted. ' W Fastball Battle Assured Tonight The Senior Fastball League schedule calls for a game between General Motors and Gordon and Anderson this evening. General Motors are league leaders at present with eight wins and two losses as their record. Gordon and Anderson are In third place with seven wins and live losses. The game is sure to be a real battle. . Advertise m the Daily News Classified Advertising - - - - Clutlfledt: ac prr word per Insertion, minimum charge. SOc. Birth Notice 60o; Cards ot Thanks. Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: $2. ?DZMORIAM In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Alexander McLeod, who' passed away August 15, 1946. Ever remembered by his wife and family. FOR RfcNT FOR SALE FOR SALE 5 usee cars, 1-8 cyl inder Hudson, 1 Dodge, 3 Fords, from $500 up. Contact Johnson or Malr. Phone Black 156 'or call 171 3rd Ave. East, (tf) FOR SALE 27-foot boat. East- hope engine in first class shape. Moored at Yacht Club. Price $300. (216) FOR SALE 1940 Plymouth Sed-"an. Apply Arrow Cabs. (tf) FOR SALE Brand new three-room house with modern bathroom, modern design, water view and good ground, immediate occupancy. Priced for quick sale, $3,200. Collart & McCaffery. (tf) FOR SALE New & Used Furniture and Hardware. Slightly used wool blanketes $4.50, Bicycles, Mirrors 50c, Cushions for boats and Chesterfields $2 office chairs, single beds complete $20, new desks, small size wood and coal stoves, scatter rugs $$1.25, used vacuum cleaner $$12, new hot plates $3.50, new unpainted chest of drawers, new compasses from $1. Other useful articles at reduced prices. B. C. Furniture, Black 324. FOR SALE Beam trawler "Col-net," completely rigged. $14,-000. Phone Blue 932. (192) FOR SALE Brand new carpet, 6 ft. 6"x9 ft. Wirie with blue. 511 7th Ave. East. (193) FOR SALEU-3'rbom cabin partly furnished. $700. 885 Summit Avenue. Phone Blue. 830 after 6 p.m. (193) WILL SELL OR TRADE for good pair of binoculars, a new .25 cal. Mauser Automatic pistol, 10-shot. Box 265 Daily News. (195) FOR SALE One brown square wood or coal heater, also record player with quantity of records. Both almost new. Phone Black 337. (192) FOR SALE Fawcett "Rival" Furnace, catalogue No. 1224, together with piping sufficient to heat 16 rooms. Has air conditioning unit and thermostat. Cheap for cash. Apply P.O. Box 119. Terrace. (190) FOR SALE Floor Sanders, Eaters and Polishing Machines for sale. Immediate delivery at present. Canadian Floor Service; 570 Queen St. East, Toronto, Ontario. "(192) FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the unedrslgned up to noon of Wednesday, August 27. 1947, for the pur chase of Lot 10, Block 24. Sec tion 1, Map 923, City of Prince Rupert, together -with two storey frame building sltuats! thereon and the furniture contents- of the apartment formerly occupied by Harry Lewis, deceased, in the above referred to building and numbered 819 Second Avenue West. Further particulars may be obtained from the Official Administrator, Court House, Prince Rupert. Terms: Strictly cash, Highest or any tender not nec-esarily accepted. Gordon F. Forbes, Official Administrator, Administrator of the Estate of Harry Lewis, deceased. (197) LOST AHD FOUND FOUND Safety deposit key, uwner may have same by paying ror this ad at the Daily News. (tI) EARLY NEWS IS WELCOME Local news items, to ensure publication, should be In the office by 10 a.m. Contributors are asked .to bear this in mind. Items of social and personal Interest are always welcome 1 FOOTBALLERS ARE ACTIVE Practice Came Called for Team to Meet SIMS. Kenya In preparation for the game with H.M.S. Kenya a practice has been called for footballers at Roosevelt Park Sunday forenoon. The committee will select the 'team to represent the city from the players available. In the meantime players are beln? registered and turning in their strips for laundering. It is many years slnre there has been a British warship visiting the port. In former days it was an annual event and one of the highlights was always the soccer game. These lads from the Old Country, the home of loot-ball, always put up a first-class display but the city team' was always able to give them a good game. One of the greatest ambitions of the Prince Rupert players was to be chosen to represent the city against a visiting British warship. This visit of KM. S. Kenya should do much toward reviving the old football snirlt and no doubt the present generation of footballers will be just as anxious to try out against the visitlnir faro as were the former players. Fog Washes Out Ladies' Fastball Owing to persistent fog last evening's scheduled game in" the Citv Ladies' Fastball League be tween High School and Gordon and Anderson was postponed. The next game is between Moose and High School and will take place on Tuesday evening. UMBRELLAS OUT UNDER 1882 LAW CAPETOWN, 0; During a recent rainy week here pedestrians were surprised when stopped by traffic policemen who asked them to shut their um brellas. But the policemen were only doing so along covered sidewalks and were not prompted by superstition. They were en forcing a law of 1882 which forbids anyone to obstruct free passage along a sidewalk. Orig inally the law applied also to RAIN COMES WRONG TIME Precipitation "Sow of Little Benefit to 'Crops WINNIPEG Cooler weather with varying amounts of rain have been received over most of the prairies during the past week. The rain will be of little benefit except to the late sown crops and in southern Manitoba it will' delay harvesting and possibly reduce the grade of an otherwise good crop, according to the weekly crop report of the Department of Agriculture -Cf the Canadian National Railways. Harvesting in the southern parts f nil the fVi rcrt rrnvlnpp hav . Vf . M.A 1.441- V..V fw....w..w - cumbersome dresses. Women I been delayed but, with dry with bustles had to be carelul. weather, will be well under way GADGET CREATED BY CANADIAN PROFESSOR? A reporter "handicaps" at New York's felony court the "Ponymeter," alleged to calculate to l-20th of a second the speed of horses based on past performances, the theory being that the fastest horse should win. The gadget, said to be the creation of a Canadian economics professor, consists of a dial with two needles, which rates jockeys, notes weights toted as well as track and race conditions. Its alleged promoter, William F. Wreiden, has been arrested on an eight-count larceny indictment. by the beginning of the week. Prospects remain good in Manitoba, In Eastern Saskatchewan and In the area north and west of Edmonton, bui else where have shown no improve ment during the past week. Scattered local hall damage is reported but the areas concerned are small and of little consequence to the overall picture. The Okanagan Valley reports a hot week with one light show er and as a result all fruits and vegetables are maturing fast Peaches and Bartlett pears are now moving. FIRST CHANNEL HOP J. P. Blanchard, a Frenchman, guided his balloon across the English Channel on January 1785, in t he first cross-channel flight. Wartime Diversion Now Good Business LONDON, 0; During the Second World War when her son was battling In the skies against the Luftwaffe, Mrs. A. Rltcher, as a diversion, started to make herself a hat Iran an old felt hood and a few pieces of ribbon. A friend amdired it and asked Mrs. Rltcher to make one just like it. Soon she was making and selling hats professionally and now her business is expanding and she is making hats for many notables. She employs two assistants as copyists, but she herself designs every bat and personally makes every model that leaves her salon. And in spite of what is an assured success Mrs. Rltcher. now nearing 60, will still sit up into the small hours designing hats. ' SHORT SPORT Five experts asked by the Dallv Herald "what's wrong with British sport?" blamed wartime interruption of training and sports organization for recen. losses In International competi tion. Boxer Len Harvey, cricketer A. B. Sellers, G, P. Hughes. former Davis Cup tennis star; Capt. Cecil Boyd - Rochfort, trainer of the King's horses, and Arsenal Football Club's trainer Tom Whlttaker, agreed that many promising youngsters were either In the forces or likely to be and urged more talent-scout ing and provision of better training facilities. Classified Advertising Paysl NOTICE The Dally News wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising is payable In advance at the office at tune of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise in this manner in the Dally News are askd to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified advertising. - F7 . is the password 1 &rZ-&:'M,mh.,, vu s . il Canadian Pacific Train Dispatcher controls all train movements in his territory. He's the unseen traffic cop who directs freight trains on to sidings so that your express can. speed through. He knows exactly where you arc, at any time on your journey.. . and he has intimate knowledge of every mile of track you're passing over. It's men like this conscientious, well trained, sincere... who have given you Canadian Pacific's safety, punctuality and efficiency. There are hundreds like him, all contributing to maintainfCanadian Pacific's high standards. of travel service. mj is J THS Conodion Pacific train travtl It lofe, comfortable, rllobl.Thli ii No. 5 In a erli depicting tome of th men who mak II io. THI WORLD ROTARY HEAD IS HERE SATURDAY Frank I. Dohcrty of Victoria, governor of District 101 of Rotary International, will arrive in Prince Rupert on Saturday night from Alaska on the Camo-sun in the course of the annual governor's tour of Rotary Clubs ol the district. He will remain until Monday night when he will proceed by train to Prince George. On Sunday afternoon, Mr. Do-herty wiTTmeet the executive of the Rotary Club of Prince Rupert at the home of club president Lee Gordon, and on Monday afternoon he will be guest of honor at a club luncheon meeting at the Commodore. Club members decided Thursday afternoon to advance next week's meeting from Thursday to Monday because of the governor's visit and because next Thursday is Port Day. Mr. Doherty has been in Fairbanks, Juneau, and is now in Ketchikan on his tour of the Alaska clubs in District 101. He will visit the Prince George club after leaving Prince Rupert. Find Ann'i r, WTMNlPRn n 1 a sewer in !.iJ. Fred KrSuTHJl engineer .ei llevestobette;;1 historic ,,.". rUj tWlllIIHI f - "I and nnrt ... ""'Hi is Still n: At anoth-i- four feet inn, .... ."tl seum. MEN'S FASnmLs. Gen, Mc:-r; CN R A 8 Gordon' Anderson 1 Co-op 5 High Schno 4 Navy 2 Adverv:? ,n d- I SINGER I E,Cf tr'c Sfwlnj MJ t Reasonable Rats I T Phone 864 Prinrd I Snm Sewing MacWtl SAILS HATCII COVERS SKATE COVEl EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL II . Phone BLUE 1UO 160 East Third Ave. (NexHo&rctJ REPAIR AND RECONDITION YOUR HOME THIS SUMMER! CALL GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alteration! rhone RED 5C1 P.O. Boi 1 Phone Jill RUPERT MOTORS! Chrysler Parts and Servict I We specialize in rebulldfcj Marine and Industrial Engine Complete Automotive Repair for ail makes of cars and tndi Call on us for your CHRYSLER ENGINEERED PARTS and ACCESSORIES. Out-of-town orders given special attention. Corner Second and Park Avenues PHONE 566 Prince Rupert, B.C "Offering 37 years of practical Experience in Prince Rupert JOHN GURVICH . has returned to the - CONTRACTING KNOX HOTEI A QUIET, PLEASANT TLACE TO LITE COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS REDEC0EA1 SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES LICENSED 1 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietors: TOM TESUT STEVE YRKLtfS USED GOODS WE BUY AND SELL FNTFRPimF M ARKEI HI Third Affnue I Nb Job Too Large No Job Too Si EXCAVATING, HAULING, LAND CLP PHONE 32 6IXTH lust Arrived r WW w w w w w w w w w SLATER KANGAROO OXFORDS $1450 GEORGE HILL & SONS W StES J AGENTS FOR SLATER oz xnira Avenue, Next uommouvi v- For That Party . . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE GIIOF at rort.Edward, B.C. yjjll 0B0W Si IUEY 7:00 ajn. to .11:00