DBAKGE PEKOE fc Turscon ,or- ii F The Quality Tea ALADa Boy, Studying Priest, Visitor , ui(. Pnc-b House boy now aoiauun sthood of tilt Koman Church, ;- . viwr eoa'Jli- ol weeks. E,,F,r? Mai:L.-d. ou the River nortl. 01 rniwx here hi- Deen ohi,,: durin!' ttit' sura- 4,; sroccco Itt't -tar r :om here : resume :cminary. put In at ARE .CHARGED WIT1H SUPPLYING Chris Anderson, a former Vancouver man, appeared In city police. court this morning and pleaded not guilty to two charges of supplying liquor to Indians. The case was adjourned until Saturday morning by Magistrate W. D. Vance. New Westminster ,after whlch.he will , proceed to .senior seminary at Edmonton. He Ls the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Turgeon, long standing residents of Prince Rupert. Kenfral Interior Inithers CAM FEUS its delivered twice to Ute Kathlyn. DODACRES' .OTHERS, D.C (202) ALIIERNIGETSJIOTEL , It Is understood in Albernl that tenders are about to be called for the building of air-other .hotel there, the estimated cost of -which is to be $200,000. The plans of Victoria architects call, for a reinforced concrete building .with special attention from fire. .The name will be Pacific Hotel. Terrace race Theatre dr.;' on Tuc:days and Wedne:days nl Saturdays at 8 p.m. bmatotat 2:30 p.m. V AND SATUHDAY (list 15 and 16 ppened Tomorrow" P 'it. L.itda Darnell', ik.; ics Edar Kennedy. mm. Af(iusT 19 MR, HEX" f 0: :" Huntz Hall NESD.VY AUGUST 20 AM) THE HANI) IT" P '.j.::A Uamsay a; .; F;iijc Yaconelll t CABINS Skeena Bridge Tourist Camp ! (One Mile East of Town) Box 13 Terrace, B.C. TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS 'SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.C.Box 167 Terrace Phil's Cafe kclsc At en nc Terrace, D.C. EAKFAST - LUNCH DINNER Serve: AND BANQUETS ' Fod Fine P.ntrlM tl4W". Proprietor, Phil Tetrault to the lake? SEE OUR TWO (FLOORS LADIES' WEAR YARD GOODS MEN'S WEAR GROCERIES THE SKEENA MERCANTILE I PROMPT SMtvi TEltKACE Kfln Vnu- GENERAL MOTORS DEALER :HIJ.L- 11 m l. uiasmoblle G.M.C. Trucks Machine Work A Specialty pace Machine Shp & Garage - TERRACE B.C. HLEr HAUGLAMD & KERR LTD. Ich .nfl '""uer manufacturers Se"Lumber TERR An Pi "lf! "-w," " aiiu ruiug AgenU For International II.rmLr Co. Firestone Tlre&,Uubber Co. Ltd. rhllco Radios WilUrd Batteries I Loca l News it i Remember! Port Day, Prince Rupert's marine holiday, August (tf) Mrs. B. E. Eyolfson and returneG on the Catala from a trip to Vancouver. jaectncal Workers meeting. Tuesday, Aug. 19, at Civic Centre. (t&m) Miss Jean Gorry arrived In the city Wednesday to spend a short vlsjt with her aunt, Mrs. Eva Mennell. tm 'Moose Basefoall Club Benefit Dance, Moose Temple, Sat. Aug. IB, vpm. to 12. Tickets 50c. Refreshments. (192) NOTIC E Stewart Public Utilities Ltd. The Annual General Meeting of the above will beiheld in the Registered Office of the Company, Sth Street, Stewart, at 3 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 3rd. A. Russwurm, secretary. Terry Parson, identified for the pait year with the staff of the Dally News, left on Wednesday evening's train for Van couver where he will take a vet erans' course In accountancy. '- FOOTBALL - Practice, game Roosevelt Park, noon, Sunday, Aug. 17. Names of players to be in hands of Legion Secretary by Saturday. All uniforms ori loan to be returned to Legion forthwith for cleaning. Canadian Legion B.E.S.L., P. M. Ray, secV-mgr. (it) Mrs. A. Dufour will leave by train tonight for Winnipeg to spend a month's holiday. It I? 52 years since Mrs. Dufour left the prairie city and she ls looking forward, to visiting a number of former school friends still residing there. Olof Hanson arrived in the city by car yesterday from Sml-thers for a brief business visit and is returning to the Interior today. Mrs. Hanson and her daughter. Mrs. Don Sutherland, and the latter's so'n recently ar rived at Lake Kathlyn from Plan to be In town for Carnival Week, August 16-23. Civic Centre Carnival, Prince Rupert's Event of the Year (tf) 6. J. Hunter returned to the city on the Catala today .from a business trip to .Vancouver. , Miss Loverna Linney sailed on the Prince Rupert last night o.n a holiday trip to Vancouver. J. H. Comer sailed last night on the Prlnce Rupert on a business trjp to Vancouver. Copies of the recent special Industrial Development issue of the Prince Rupert Dally News are still available at the affe but the supply ls Limited ana those who desire to send them out are ad-vised to obtain same at once. (tf) MRS. HARRIET PULLEN DIES Death IRecordtd jof Colorful Pioneer yFifure of Skagway Word from up north tells of the death of Mrs. Harriet Pullen, for many years proprietor of, the Pullen House and Museum In Skagway, and one of the outstanding figures all. along the coast and beyond. Her age was 87 and sHe passed away from the effects of a fall which caus ed hip injuries. Known as "Ma" Punen, her friends were legion for she had lived In Skagway since the days of '97. She was employe? first as a. cook and specialized for a while as a maker of pies which went like the proverbial hot cakes. Later, she drove a four horse team between Skagway and the summit of White Pass carrying supplies, and finally established her hotel. It was here that the late president Harding spoke to the people of Skagway and here a memorial may be seen. Mrs. Pullen had friends and acquaintances all over the world for her guests were widely tra I veiled. SUPERIOR FOOD STORES Ltd. FRIDAY and SATURDAY, August 15 and 1G FREE DELIVERY PHONE 18 FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES GRAPES Seedless 2 lbs. for 49c ORANGES 288' 2 doz. for 55c GRAPEFRUIT Sunkist, 100's .... 3 for 20c TOMATOES Okanogan Field ... 1 lb. for 19c CELERY 1 lb. for 15c CARROTS Fresh Bunches ... .2 lbs. for 47c POTATOES New, local 10 lbs. for 49c CAIS1SAGE New, local 3 lbs. for 29c We have for your selections .a icomplcte supply of fresh seasonal Fruits and Vegetables IIKOOKFIELD BUTTER per lb. 12( CATIIXI SPAGHETTI pound pkg.. 2 for ll PRUNES Large Size 2 lbs. for 45c1 TOMATO JUICE Aylmer, Clark's, Sunjoy and Brlght's, 20-fcz. tins 2 (for 2r GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 20-oz. tins ii for l:ir LIIUIY'S SOUPS Your choice of Vegetable or Tomato 8 'lor Uttf BABY FOOD Heinz, Aylmer or Libby's 28 varieties to choose from O for ,lc .LIFEBUOY SOAP tor AUSTRALIAN SULTANAS 2 -lb. cello bags. 15 PARI) DOG FOOD New Stock 2 for 20c1 Nabob Coffee lb. 49c II TEATIME PASTRY FLOUR 7-lb. bag 35c SOUND-COLOR FILMS W FLOUR God of Creation and "SERMONS FROM SCIENCE" at Friday United (Church. .Saturday Salvation Army illall. TIME: 7:15 P.M. fTELLS OF PAY IN LIU OT INDIAN.AGENT Wisdom, patience, Justice -hu mor and a great deal of energy are the dally working "tools" In the life of an Indian Agent, charged with guiding the lives Of & concentration of Canada's native population, It ,was indicated by P. ;E. Anfield.at the Prinee Rupert iRotary i Club luncheon Thursday afternoon when he told of "A Day in the Life of an Indian 'Agent," Basing his talk on his diajy of one recent day, Mr. Anfleld, whose agency is responsible for 3,600 natives, Canada's largest single concentration of 'Indians, figuratively aroused his fellow Rotarians by a telephone call at 1:30 ajn. and kept them with him for almost 12 hours. The telphone call told of the drowning of two. Indians at Met lakatla and 'was followed im mediately by. a trip to Metlakat-i la.where dragging operations and other duties were organized Later, but still before the or- dinary worker gets to his Job; he was inf6med. by telephone of native child heing burned at a nearby cannery. At .9 ajn;, a conference with Naas River band .concerning establishment At .an electric lighting plant in their village really started the day. From then on It was a sue cession of personal meetings with natives,' some with strange and complicated . angles. A, man wanted to divorce his .wife .after 28 years of marriage. A young couple wanted to get married. Two missionaries were strand ed at Hartley Bay without food and the agency boat must be dispatche dimmediately. At 10:30, the "almost daily" visit to police court to look after the interests of the natives was made and here, Mr. Anfie'ld paid'high tributcto the local law enforcement officers and magistrate. "The work of the local .police and magistrate in; dealing with the natives is as fair and Just as any court in the country," he said. "No one could get finer co-operation than I -have had from the police and magistrate of this city." Later, an Indian from Terrace district called to make arrangements for the sale of 25,000,000 board feet of timber on. Indian lands, which would net $75,000 for the tribal funds. In the afternoon, a young couple were married by the Agent. An anthropologist wanted to obtain a release on several totem poles on the Naas River. The thing kept up until the normal working day closed and then in the evening, the, telephone continued Imperious summonses to make decisions. Mr. Anfield was thanked warmly by club president, Lee Gordon for his address. Guests at the meeting were .Clarence Ferris, Victoria, Sam Joy, Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Glrr ardet and. children, IBlanche and Paul, returned on the Catala today from a month's visit to Vancouver and Victoria. HobeL... arrivals Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. J. Kennedy, Terrace; T. Moen, 'Vancouver '.T. Bergt city; Olof Hanson, Smi-thers; T. Olsen, Wales 'Island; G.'L. Greenwood.fPrince-George; G. 3. Morgan, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Ray, Ulaney; M. Kanarpua, 'Jasper; Mr. and !Mrs. Krlstmanson. Sunnyside; C. HU-lard, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. II. Cahlll, Mayiwood, Illinois; Mt. and Mrs. L. Legg arid family, Chicago; Norma Kenney, Ter race; Mrs. T. Fisner, Terrace; -u. Johnstone, Terrace ;!G. FellTer race: Mr. and Mrs. J. Herman, Emlthers; Anna Edmonds, Sml-thers; A, G. Rose, 'Vancouver; K. Short, Vancouver; H. -Woods, Victoria; R. Freeman, .Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. C. Emmidh and family, Cincinnati, Ohio; T. MacKay, Ottawa; Lt. S. Mayr, Wright Field, Ohio; Ada !Mayer, Wright Field, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Llllle, Warner, Alta. BISHOP JORDAN BACK IN CANADA Most Rev: Anthony Jordan, OUI., Vicar Apostolic of iPrlnee Rupert, is back in Canada after a trip to-Europe, in the' course5 xr which he visited the Holy.Father at Rome, his native home In Scotland, and also in Ireland Now in Ottawa, .Bishop Jordan will return west Yia Vancouver and .Prihee George and is expected back at his ecclesiastical eat here about the end of September. NOTICE 'A reward. of .$75 is offered ifor information given me leading to the identify of person or persons taking lumber from the Miller Bay chicken ranch. The 'reward has been deposited In the Royal Bank of Canada. J.iDEHOU, Miller'Bay -Chicken :Ranch (192) -ML5S ; Edith Gandy-. sailed last night on the Prince Rupert on a trip to aVncouver. .Announcements -All RdvertUeraenui m twa column 30. win be cnargea ior o mu at . 35 word- Lutheran Tea and Sale August L.O.B.A. Orphanage Tea and Sale, Sept. 3. Catholic Bazaar Oct. 1 and 2. Orange Tea, Oct. ,16. Baptist Sale,'Nov.-6. Women of the- Moose annual Bazaar, Nov.. 12 and 13, Moose .Temple. Canadian .Legion Auxullary Sale, Nov. 10. 20 Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. Salvation Army Home League Bale Nov. 25th. CCF 'Bazaar, Civic Centre Nov 28th. Orange Sale, December 5. Stop HAY FEVER Hay . Fever needn't .plague -you '.with Hi sneering. and -wheezing, its blowing .and ganping. its sore, eireonnng, uwuu um-atioii of yes and ears. Just do what thousand have done to get last, safe relief-take Tcmphton' RAZ-MAH. You'll sleep better rle better, feel better. -Wlt at drS'lf everywhere. Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPEItrS NEWEST ANP MOST UP-TOiDATE 'RESTAURANT. F'U:LL-COiURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO 6 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALLY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUE Y CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST NOTICE . - MRS. M.. DRAKE, nurse administering The Koch Treatment "GLYOXYLIDE" for British Columbia, will be at: The Prince George Hotel, Prince George, B.C. August 30th, and until September 4th, 1917. , also at: The Prince Rupert Hotel, Prince Rupert, B.C. September 22nd, 23rd and 24th, 1947. Stops between Piinee George and Prinee Rupert, B.C. will be made upon request. For information please write to the Vancouver office, 3018 BURNS BLOCK, 18 WEST HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B.C. Phone PAcific 3450. W IPtftttt EUpetf'.Daflp Eletns Friday, August 15, 1947 . MCtMfcLllHTIII-i n Comfort Wl ith Slyl e in sport, shirts by Arrow, Deacon, Sun Valley and 'Green River . $1.25 to $8.50 jin slacks flannels, tweeds and gabardines, at. $7.50 to .$21.25 See Our Selection i h b b m m m n m m 3 Jlotary Club ThuTsdaysil.pjn. 1HAS THE WELCOME MAT OUT FOR ITS PATRON-FRIENDS Our Foods Are Prepared by a New White fOhef Who Specializes iin Canadian Dishes Open 7 ajn. to 12 pjn. Weekdays Sundays, 8 ajn, to 12 pjn. COMPLETE I FOUNTAIN SERVICE SODAS ICE CREAM SUNDAES GEO.'DYBHAVN W, T. COOPER Prop. Manager Official Appointment Ormes Drugs .The Pioneer Druggists PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS ; rPUONEHl Am 3hA ISO BATTERY MODEL As Illustrated smart plastic cabinet ... $2i).5 ELECTRIC MODEL As Illustrated two-tone, plastic cabinet $-l.5 mm Daily Delivery Service NOW AVAILABLE , AT PRE-WAR PRICES McBride. Street Phone 311 rAWWV.VAWVAV.V.VAV.W.V.V.V.WAW Dry Lumber Weihave just received a substantial shipment of '? KILN-DRIED Finishing Lumber Get Yours While It Lasts PHItPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED PHONES G51 AND 652 Coal Lumber Hardware 1 Paints i i : I i 4 1 4tl k' ft