fa hi , 0 TOMORROW'S W i T M s JOKE WAS SO FUNNY MA--A Pr: I gc-d c ' man $100 Iron sc;. I horseway .1 coi-rcu sunshade s i . . i.it lairiy he shade w, : and the back of a tied Adverting r hybeg for them... L A &. V mm OPPORTUNITIES . . . Save at MORE THAN A MILLION CANADIANS SAVE AT THE B of M Bank of Montreal up Dint ClNtBliNI IN I. I , M W I K OF lift SINCE 1117 :.;cai Joker's un :tt one a::d a close injury The Cwi.uted of under the 3t a car, It :d the driver pulled Into car crashed truck. Pays! MIMM IL BALLARD'S ARIETY : PARES : Convenient SUe i Variety for all lirfdi j CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycle i (Subject to change) FRIDAY PM. 4:00 Ed McCurcry Sings 4:15 Stock Quotations 4:30 Rambling Cowboy 4:45 Sleepy Time Story Teller 5:00 String Styllngs 5:30 T.B.A. 5:45 Community Calendar 6:00 The Third Horseman 8:30 Band Music 6:40 Recorded Int. 0:45 Recorded Int. 6:50 Pish Arrivals and Int. 7:00 CBC News 7:15 India's Independence Day Broadcast 7:30 Heritage or Music 8;00 Prairie Schooner, Wpg. 8:30 Serenade for Strings 0:00 Continental Varieties 9:30 Three Suns Trio, N.B.C. 0:45 The Frafcers 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B. C. News 10:15 Music by Shrednlk, NBC 10:30 Dal Richards Orch. . 11:00 Weather and Sign Off SATURDAY AAL 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Pick of the Hits 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Records at Random 9:30 Melodies for Junior 10:00 Time Signal 10:01 Nature Sketches 10:15 Saturday Matinee 10:30 Musical Program 10:45 CBC News 10:55 Weather Forecast 11:00 Pooular Varieties 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:33 Message Period 11:45 Personal Album KM. 12:00 On the Teen Boat 12:30 Jive Hive. Hal. 1:00 Storehouse of Music 1:30 Musicians 2:00 fcutuiday Concert 3:00 El Rltmo Tropical 3:15 CBC News 3:25-Recorded Interlude 3:30 Serenade. Tor. 3:45 "Not in the News" Tor. WAS REALLY AMBERGRIS Discovery jMade on Islands Found to be Iteal Article From fishing authorities come word that a substance recently found off the shores of the Queen Charlotte Islands proved to be genuine ambergris. Before this, many a find thought to be ambergris was, on examination, found to be something else, but ihts is said to be the real article. The' Vancouver experimental station will continue to test, free of charge, samples submitted. Commercial firms in the United States auote the best grade of ambergris (air dried) from $5 to $13 per ounce SALE Makine a charter cruise off Northern British Columbia and southeastern Alaska, the steam yacht Aqulla, owned by Edward White of Seattle, and with a party cf nine, is putting In a week or so. The Aqulla may possibly eo as far as Skagway and touch at Sitka. Her skipper W Capt. Ola! Hanson. The yacnt has aulte a respectable age for she was built In Boston In 1901, has been around Cape Horn twice, through ithe Panama many a time, and been rebuilt with new bottom and boilers. Shrimip fishing in Alaskan waters is permitted between August 1 and 15 butthls docs not Include Duncan Canal. Normally in the north, shrimp fishing Is barred between July 15 and the end of. September., The halibut craft Cygnet II Is about to leave Alaska to turn la tuna fishing off the coasts of southern B. C, Washington and Oregon Six British eolumbla trollers last week. ,?old tuna In Vancou ver, the whole of It having a valuation, cf $l6,C00t the best figure fo rthat fish seen In years. There was a total of 7l,aoo pounds and It went at $425 a ton to the United nshermens' Co-operative. The Durse seiner Sunde is re- nnrtPd to have recently become iiranaeu at iwuie naium, m ucj- mour Canal. The Alaskan coast guard vessel Wachusett went to her rescue; For the first time in history, so It Is said, cutthroat trout eggs are toeing" Introduced In thp Yukon. A shipment of 50,000 left Euphrata, Wash,, for, White Horse not long ago. What Is known as a "red tide" has been killing fUh by the million of fthe coast of Florida and scientists are trying to discovf the cause. Some think millions of red-hued bacteria aanere ic thP fish tills and cause death in time, while others are of the SHIPS AND WATERFRONT opinion the red colored water come from the explosion of sub marine volcanoes, the substance of which -has a toxic effect on riKi. The halibut Ashing vessel Prosperity A., Capl. a. C. Chrlsten- seh, while enroute to the west ward some time ago, struck a reef sustaining considerable keel damage. The captain was unable to find repair facilities at Petersburg and had the.Jdb done at the nearest available port. " The body of James Green, a fisherman of Wrangell, missing since July 25, was recently found in the small boat harbor in Wrangell. Identification was made possible by his watch, a wallet and certain surgical operation scars. BEAR WOULD BOARD FERRY A black bear trying to board the ferry at Copper River on the Skeena was an Interesting sight not long ago.. The bear swimming down the Skeena, came to within handy reach of the ferry and undertook to crawl aboard. Several times the ferryman had to use his paddle to push Bruins paws away. More than once an attempt was made to get Into the rowboat which was being towed. CENTRAL HOTEI Weekly and Monthly Rate for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMIBBB (Renovated) fHONI II Timely Recipe .VAVAVAVWAVWAV, STUFFED TOMATOES Because we like to pick up our food and retreat to somewhere in the shade to enjoy it during these hot sweltering days, meal-on-a-iplate menus are great favorites. Plan a- luncheon around stuffed garden-r'.pe tomatoes. " Add a bit of tasty homemade potato salad arid a few slices of cold meat and you're set, for a delicious meal. Tomatoes lend themselves to so many varieties, of stuffings. A combination of fresh vegetables and chewy ripe olives makes a Europe today is crowded with people whose hope it is to get passage somewhere many ol them have Canada in mind, others, the United States, Australia, South Africa, For the most part,- they are: frightened, bewildered and, in many cases, mistreated. In all cases they are seeking an opportunity to make something better of their lives. They know that opportunity, exists in America to a greater degree than in any other part of the world. Why? The answer is simple. Here, on thu continent the opportunities are limited only by our own, courage, ibility to plan, and determination to work. The fruits of our labours are ours to enjoy when we have won them, md in winning them, we Canadians ire building a finer nation in which, to work and live happily. Regardless of what anyone says, we cnioy a. happier state of life, and 1 higher living standard on this continent than in any other part of the world. We. can keep it that way by keeping the Opportunity System. TJiii Land of Ouri is tponsorei m this newspaper hiine British Columbia Federation f Trji anj Industry. rail Prince mftxi Dailrj Betas Friday, August 15, 1947 good tasting filling. Try diced cucumber, thin strips of green DeDner. sliced Celery. and bite- size pieces of cauliflower with chopped ripe olives. The ripe olives add a delightful mellow note. Toss the chilled ingredi 3r PHONES 116 and 117 Courtesy and Serrlce HURRY ENDS Coats For Winter Wear Coats For Rainy Weather ... -ulfii Use Our Convenient Budget Plan No Interest - No Carrying Charges YES YOU'LL HAVE TO IF YOU ARE GOING TO SEE THE SALE VALUES ON DISPLAY ? AT SATURDAY AUGUST 16 This is your last chance. any sale stock; remaining after Saturday-will be shipped to ., Vancouver. ' . Dresses In Crepe, Cotton Print Slack Suits and Accessories ents gently with, the very best French dressing, adding extra salt and pepper If necessary. Fill hollowed-out tomatoes wlth-the olive-vegetable mixture. Serve the salad with or without exta dressing. " . THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS, Manager Specializing in Marine and General Sheet Aletal Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks Stacks Furnaces Gutter Work J 253 East First (Cow Bay) Phone Black 884 P.O. Box 1219 PRINCE RUPERT ' It's, good business to keep your coal bin full! You get speediest possible delivery of your favorite brands of coal from us. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" CHESTERFIELD SUITES, BEDROOM SUITES, BEDS, BEDSPRINGS, SPRING -FILLED AND FELT MATTRESSES B.C. Products made by Simmons and Restmore, the eadlng Bedding and Furniture manufacturers of Canada SEE OUR WINDOWS PHONE 775 308 Third Ave. West REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mein CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY Open 6 am. to 2 am. $t PHONE 173 Tli I.