Bold .i.,hli and M ailt J - . . .1.. nt JAW ... cnnadaiu J"" . -nn- ( ioca- .ttfdav astcea w ,11 tt-v -- p i;i fivw." . n'nrw i. ji rv i. r wj - - P V n Mmirm PcllCC 1 eixm- 1, in th mf ( the family not to be rc'arncd to mi to o i il . (. ha anrl hive been awi:' He refused trsr.:;porta .r.. Japanese -ccjchucu ill W cmnl nv- -.1 I . pcrlrn t: Jobs . hi vifciii- . 4- ur uaii" iBrtia Columbia. :rs meet m T K i w- w - w r - 4m imt hfMC rapr th? problem W 1 i Cair. j Burden, He mar:' as ten j ct t "y apart- bulidir.":; thev are the interiors of and turning thrm acsrtmenLi (n snare I f. 1 tn n u n 11 fill Au mobile- were main cirects and ' " oarr 'ndPrt rinnr . sandbar Ftm TiPf! rftlln, iU. A. the city., history llni nnA AU - wiu vuu LJiruunn- v VI YE. A Ptsvlnr'v... morning, ' .sie over most --" icu ovrrnignt LHl DM i ...iv, uviuiprn in- . uiar. snow- a. 111 nip m. afterno"-i nm oo r i t.... over thfi a waters with little annexed Cooler HI be cpiiprnl 4rHr, Fnrfrntt "Win Cnai- r-ij.. . " ----- o 1 ""uraay overcast "IUU5, """e URht fnrinv TO'Dprali.r. t . '"SS oatlirHav tlf .h i . - Massett 64-G2. ,thdeacon of Lon- " Ul Ol. Civic WOMEN OF INDIA OFF TO VOTE Women are shown going to the polling booth at Peshawar city by truck as Inhabitants of the Peshawar district of India's northwest frontier province voted in an 11-day referendum to decide whether to Join Pakistan or Hindustan In the partition of India which became effective this week, HIT "EXCESS" SECURITY AT AIR BASE HERE Security measures at Seal Cove Mr. Manson related alleged in cidents in which friends of passengers going to the plane were halted at the gate and of where Inccmlns passengers had to car ry luggage to the gate to meet friends who waited them there. "There Is no need for so much security," h etold the gathering. It's a filly situation that ws should havecorrected." This Metropolis Mighty Imposing MONTREAL. Montreal, as Canada's largeft city, can list some mighty imposing statistics to help prove its Mze. Here are a few: There are 600 miles of streets and 000 miles of sidewalks; 1,000 tons of gailbage and ashes are disposed of every working 3ay; it .takes 600 men to remove garbage; 95 truck-plows and 95 trac-tor-plov5 to keep streets open for traffic in winter; it takes 46 sprinkler trucks and 345 sweepers to kTep the streets clean in summer; the city lias 78,482 buildings, worth $1,281,313,440. A. P. Con. Calmont .. C. & E Foothills . Home Athona Aumaque .... Beattle Bevcourt Rnhld t- r" Toronto .15 .40 2.55 2.50 3.90 NORTIOSWArfli'ciSrrrBLAL' BftrTLSp caLTnIAfc-NKWtiPAPER TTTTf Tf 1 M 235 TAXI .A. SChe 1 If EI STAR! 1 Kttnd; PROVINCIAL une LIBRARY 31-48 'WlMi Cabs j Third Are. ;it Canada's. Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXkVf, No. 191. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, AUOUST 15, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS AAAAAAAtaAAA1AAAAAAAAAAAA: viet May b ever R With Greece nese 1 1 air base which allegedly prohibit any pcreons but air passengers and taxi drivTrr'W'-paSs- the gate were attacked as "silly" at last night's Junior Chamber oi Commerce meeting. The group plans to take steps to have th regulations relaxed. Al Manson, Junior Chamber vlce-t)rcldcnt, charged that the Rwnrftv regulations which the - -a rf guards muiit enforce, create em- hnrrn.wmipnt and difficulty tO Dcrsons accomipanylng air pas sengers to the plane and often make things difficult for pas seraers who bo to the base in private cars. Everyone except air passen gers and taxi drivers must stop at the gate, a considerable dui-ancp from the Ioadliw ramp. In the case of those who are in prl-1 vale autonomies, the passengers must carry their luggage "almost a quarter of u nifile." .The meeting voted to iend n letter oi protest to the security organization Involved and copies to the citv council, Prince Ru pert Chamber cf Commerce and Public Relations Council. TODAY'S (Courtesy 8 1 1 1 iii i STOCKS O. Johnston Oo. I.ML) '.V.V.'.'.V.W.'V'.V Vancouver Iiralorne 12.00 n.'R. Con. OiVj B. R. X. , 10 "Dehtorila 1TZ.. ,. 18 . Orull Wihksne r... 06 Hedley Mascot Mlnto 03 Tend Oreille 2.00 rioncer --l.... 3.80 Tremler Border' 05 V2 Trlvateer 36Vi Reno - 10 Salmon Oold 17 Sheep Creek 103 Taylor Hrlclge 45 Taku River 63 Vananda 20 Congress .-- -05 Hedley Amalg .03li Central Zeballoa 02t'2 Silbak Premier 67 Oils .12 .26 .74 .65 .15'! Buffalo Canadian -18 Consol. Smelters 85.50 Conwcst . ,85 Donalda - ,75 Eldona ' A 68 Elder -. Giant Yellowknife, 6.00 God's Lake jj? Hardrock Harrlcana -08 Heva I1 Hosco L Jacknlfe u Jollet Quebec 38 , T n 1r a Prvtt'nn iJa'2 Ipaika f Little Long Lac I-w Lynx - Madsen Red Lake McKenzle'Red Lake S3 McLeod Cockshutt J-6j Negus 2'g Noranda LWlcourt f Pickle Crow San Antonio Senator Rouyn Bherrlt Gordon 3. Steep Rock l-VJ nlvtr .10 LABOR COUNCIL WOULD AMEND LEGISLATION Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council will support the Trades and Labor Council of Vancouver in a course of action to have Bill 39, the recently passed labor legislation of the provincial government, amended to Include clauses more acceptable to labor. A meeting of tho council in the Carpenters' Hall agreed to work In co-operation with otner bodies in this matter after ocing approached by the Vancouver council by letter. Failure of the provincial gov ernment to institute a hearth insurance act was deplored by the delegates, and steps will be taken to bring the matter before the various unions in the city. All union delegates reported 1 increased interest In organiza tion and requests have been re- Cflvcd from unorganized workers to assist In their unionization. Arrangements already have been made In this regard, the organization committee reported. Chairman of the neetlng was August Walliir, Trades and Laoor Council president. MEATLESS DAYS ARE OVER NOW Kcstrktltwtrrifrvinf in Restaurants Is Lifted as From floday OTTAWA Meatless days on Tuesday and Friday in Canada are over. Restrictions on the serving of meat on these days in public eating places are lifted as from today, the Prices Board announces. (In Vancouver res-tauranteura say the lifting of meatless days will make little difference as meat Is still hard to get and high in price). , 1HEPPE JUSTIFIED j LONDON The heroic but costly raid made ion the French coast at Dieppe I by Canadian troops five lyears ago was "well worthwhile because of the lessons it taught fchc Allied high command, a special report issued odayby the Admiralty uaid. The (Dieppe aid Showed the high command that powerful forces would be needed to crack .the German defences in Europe. I FISHING VESSEL BURNS jpiIELBURNE, N. S. The sword fishing vessel 5aten, out of Lunenburg, burned to trie waters rdrr and then ex ploded '40. miles (off ithc Kouth shore Thursday. Her crew f nine managed io (get safely away, later being picked up by another -vessel. RAIN CHECKS FIRES SAULT kSTE. .MARIE Cooler 'weather land ft promise oi rain Civic Centre tarnival FEATURE EVENTS SATURDAY 7:00 p.m. OFFICIAL OPENING Mayor Nora E. Arnold-Civic Band in attendance. 7:15 p.m-STAGE SHOW. 1030 pm. Attendance Prize Drawing. 11 ;O0 p.m DANCE Four. Dukes Orchestra. MONDAY TUESDAY FRIDAY- SATURDAY CARNIVAL : today led firefighters to hope that within 21 hours or bo they would have cheeked all the forest fires which threatened 1 million dollars "worth of timber in the (vast yMgoma territory north f there. C.C.F. FEEDING JAPS 'MOOSE JAW As the Department of Labor officials went ahead Wednesday with , plans ,to stop supplying food ,to 59 Inmates of the Japanese relocation camps here. The Saskatchewan government oromised to aid Canadian-born Japanese and Japanese a-Ugyep lintiaU ienTlherr: in 1912 from Tl,f rmai hii nm around $13,000. west roast points. The Japs have refused to leave the camp to take jobs elsewhere. ADDITION FOR ARMY HOSPITAL VANCOUVER Five firms have tendered bids for alteration work at Shaughnessy Hospftal which is estimated will cost $200,000. 7:15 p.m.-STAGE SHOW. 10:30 pjn. Attendance Prize Drawing. 11:00 p.m. DANCING. 7:15 p.m-STAGE SHOW. 10:30 pm. Attendance Prize Drawing. 11;00 p.m. DANCING. WEDNESDAY 7:30 p.m. Canadian Legion Boxing Club vs. H.M.S. Kenya. Four boxing bouts, Civic Centre Grounds. 10:30 p.m. Attendance Prize Drawing. 11:00 p.m,-DANCING. THURSDAY PORT DAY 8; 00 p.m. PORT DAY AWARDS. 10:30 p.m. Attendance Prize Drawing. 11:00 p.m. PORT DAY BALL. 8:00 p.m. CARNIVAL QUEEN CORONATION. 10:30 p.m. Attendance Prize Drawing. 12:00 p.m. CORONATION BALL. 10:30 p.m. Attendance Prize Drawing. 11:00 p.m. DANCING. 11;55 p.m. GRAND PRIZES DRAWING. GATES OPEN 7 J.M. EACH EVENING Nightly Attendance Pric for Winner on Grounds at Time of Drawing. CHILDREN'S EVENTS EVERY AFTERNOON, 2:00 VM. - 5 ML Free Admission to Grounds Children's Rides ,5c MERHY'GO-ROUND - FERRIS WHEEL - CHAIR-O-FLANE Country Store - Candy Floss Pop Corn - Hot Dogs - Ice Cream - Soft Drinks CLIP THIS PROGRAM FOR FUTURE REFERENCE BIG MARINE SUIT LIKELY Owners fit (Sunken Diamond Knot Considering Admiralty Action of 55,000,000 VICTORIA. CP Owners of the United States (Alaska Steamship Co.) mbtorshlp Diamond Knot, which sank with Its rich car go of canned salmon and fish oil following collision in fog bound Strait of Juan de Fuca early Wednesday morning, are contemplating the instituting of a $5,000,000 suit against the owners of the freighter Fenn Victory, the ramming vessel. The sum of $1,000,000 is claimed for the vessel and $4,000,000 for the cargo. Excessive fpeed at sea under the weather conditions which prevailed is being claimed. An attorney in Seattle for the 'Alaska Steamship Co. intimated yesterday that the Admiralty suit would be filed. Yesterday Alaska Steamship Co. officials conferred wtth salvage representatives In Seattle over the possibility of saving the cargo but there appeared to be little chance of this being successfully carried out. The haggard sailors of th5 Diamond Knot, on arriving In Seattle, had the unanimous re frain: "We're lucky to be alive." Seaman Pau.l Costello. on watch when the collision oc curred., said: "If that Victory Ship had hit us Just a few feet farther aft. it's doubtful if any of us would have been here now." The Fenn Victory, which al most sliced the Diamond Knot In two, was 'brought to Seattle . , ELEVEN KILLED IN REPRISALS JERUSALEM V Eleven Arabs were killed today in a bomb and gun attack on their- shanty six miles from Tel Aviv, Hagana, the Jewish underground defence organization announced. Sven of them were "executed" In reprisal for "brigandism." The Hagana communique said that the dynamited" house "was headquarters for "brigandism which has been responsible for recent attacks on Jewish settlements." REJECT U.S. COAL OFFER DUSSELDORF W) Britain has turned down a United States offer to supply 600,000 tons of steel to help In facilitating full production in the Ruhr coal mines, It was learned here today on the best authority. FAMILY LIFE IN ARMY CAMPS OTTAWA Apartment space In army camps Is being alloted on a size of family basis.. Fami lies taking up more room than Is actually needed will be moved to smaller quarters. In no case will ayone be allowed to sublet or rent. Baseball Scores American Boston 0, Brooklyn 1. St. Louis 3, Pittsburgh 5. New York 5, Philadelphia 6. National Philadelphia 5. New York 8. Detroit 7, St. Louis 0. Charge Russian Aids Being ".Molested" by Greek Gov't. YUGOSLAVIA LIKELY TO FOLLOW RUSSIAN LEAD ATHENS (CP) Some diplomatic and political observers said today that it appeared likely that both the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia wished to break off diplomatic relations with Greece. The Soviet Union awaited a reply from the Greek government to a sharp protest that Russian aides were being molested by Greek SOUTHEASTERN TO GET FOOD FOR JUNEAU JUNEAU tt Announcement that the Briggs Steamship Co. freighter will make a special trip to Seattle for a food cargo broijght some hope of relief to strikebound Juneau today. The Southeastern is due to i ' ' ' Local Tides Saturday, August 18, 1947 I Ugh 0:47 22' J feet J3:40 20.6 feet Low 7:20 0.3 feet 19:30 4.8 feet reach Seattle on August 22 af ter completing a scheduled run from Prince itupert. POLIO IS SPREADING Forty-eiht IIore Cases of Dread Malady In p.1 Hours VANCOUVER, 0 Forty-eight persons were stricken with 'polio the tne epidemic eipneimc continues continues There are four new cases in Vanronvpr. hrlnfnc flip total CLEANING UP ON ANCHORAGE ANCHORAGiv - The acting police chief, Patrick Quigley, has ordered an all out drive on vice conditions In Anchorage. He took charge of the force after Chief E. Johansen had been dismissed. Quigley makes the claim that within the past year, dis CONGRESS PARTY TO VISIT CITY The United States Congressional suto-committee on Terri torial and Insular Possessions, which is on a tour 0! Alaska, will stoD briefly in Prince Ru pert southbound, on September 11, according to word recetvea from Juneau at the City Hall. The party of five, which include 3 three congressmen, Delegate E. L Bartlett, of Alaska, and Jos eph T. Flakne. director of the ., Alaskan branch df the Division of Territories, will arrive on the Prince Rupert from Ketchikan, sailing south on the same ' Congressmen In the party, will beFred Crawford. (R-Mlchigan). chairman of the rub-committee: Edward Jenlson (R-Illlnols) and William Dawson, (R-Utahl. Governor Ernest Omening of Alaska, " who is travelling' " 'i.tfV as 101. . L. . ,. m j Z hor.dleave 11 at Ketchikan. ! mini withm mt 24 ELIZABETH GETS in that city to 96. niere is a newiQJjrT' QF ESTATE nnttant In f!hHHtira!r Tlilc ! brings the total in all British Columbia to 131. The hardest nit province In Canada is Manitoba where steps have been taken to fight the disease by establishing a special government committee to advise on precautions against it. The total In Manitoba Is 158 with 97 in the greater Winnipeg LONDON. B Buckingham Palace announced yesterday that the King had given the 300-acrc Sunninghlll Park: estate in Berkshire to Princess Elizabeth. It will be the country home of th? heiress - Dresumtttlve and her consort, Lieut. Philip Mountbat- ten. No decision has yet oeen reached about a home for the royal couple in London. Financier of White Pass Paying Visit ,A visitor of bcme interest to western Canada and the coast is A. II. Martens, chairman of the board of directors, of Close Brothers Ltd., ,a London banking firm, the financiers and builders of the White Pass & Yukon Route. The company also operates Yukon River steamers and n fleet of buses on the Alaska orderly houses increased from i Highway between Dawson creeK 25 to 75. if not one hundred. I and Whltehorse. 1 HRp9IBIHHRHBflHHHy0HK , mini II ill llillllllllll iiiIiimm t0mmBmvm- GRATITUDE OF A TRAITOR Condemned to death as a traitor by the court of Justice In Paris, collaborationist M. Masuy, left, is show as he thanked one of the few witnesses that testified on his behalf a short time after the verdict and sentence was CIVIC CENTRE GROUNDS, AUGUST 16 to 23 MIDWAY - MERRY-GO-ROUND FERRIS WHEEL - DANCING - STAGE SHOW