I v' f -t 4 a I 4 ' f ,i 4 1 c .4 ( H A I U :t LM0:0() c Prince Rupert Oaflp tttton Friday August 15, 1947 rMORE SHAVES! Get extra good-looking, comfortable shaves wilh MINORA BLADES Canada's favourite in quality and low price; 4 for 10f 12 for 25fU ECpTkMM2 BLADES 25t Ladies' Fastball August 19 Moose vs. Hi School. August 21 Port Day, no game. August 26 Gordon and Anderson vs. Moosot August 28 PJay-olfs start. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Thone 37 P,U. Box 544 " ERASER STREET Prince Rupert 3'- August 21 17 4 13 32 18 20 24 15 2 29 16 12 3 27 9 116 36 30 4 21' 13 17 26 19 19 11 ARTIFICIAL ICE AT KIMBERLEY KIMBEKLEY-Sfeady progress continues to be made1 with in 1 DOMINATO AND PALLISTER ARE UNBEATEN FASTBALL HURLERS Latest compilation of pitching records in the City Fastball League gives first place to Sev Dominate of General Motors with six games won and none lost. He has pitched fifty innings and has yielded sixty-two hits and issued seventeen walks, fanning twenty-seven batters. Pallister of Co-ops is the only other so far undefeated hurler In the league, pitching records for which have been figured to date as follows: Player Team S. Dominate O.M Pallister Co-op ... Dunbar CNRA ... Mpxley o. St A. Won ....6 ...3 .... 8, .... 5 Olson Hi-Sch 2 Antone g.m. 2 B. Simundson G. St A. i 1 Bebackfi. Navy 1 Kellett Co-op l Wesch ....... Hi-Sch. ...... 2 Parlett Navy l Slater ;..'..L: Co-op 1 T. Arney g.M 0 Innings Hits Walks Strike Lost Pitched Off Issued Outs 0 0 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 6 3 4 1 50 25 100 56 36 62 25 93 72 32 14 23 16 43 23 17 64 41 '45 ' 2V3 47 27 22 83 65 55' 26 stalling equipment for artificial! ife at Kimberley curling rink and skating arena. Concrete for the extension of the latter has been poured. Fastball Schedule Aug.15 Gen. Motors vs Gordon St Anderson ' Aug. 16 Co-op ysjltah Svhopl Aug. 18 CNRA "vs Gen: Motors Aug. 20 Gordon 'ii Anderson vs Navy SHORT SPORTi Today in Sports An invitation to send a fastball team to Telkwvon i occasion of Labor Day and Telkwa famous barbecue feature has been received by. Alex Bill. He has passed .on the request to j the fastball association and It ) Is likely that a meeting of the ' coaches concerned -will be held to consider the matter. Manager Archie Anderson ot Arbroath football club in the Scottish league; stole a march or a sail on other club mana gers when he went out to sign Fisherman John Patience as 3 professional. Manager, stood : on the dock at Peterhead, Scot- land, awaiting the rrturn of j the drifter Acquire with Patience aboard. The boat tied up and Patience jumped ashore, with Manager Anderson behind him and clutching the contract, signed. He had boarded the Acquire at sea to get the Fred Daly of Belfast, who won the British Open golf championship at Hoylake with a 72-hoie score of 292, may be high in comparison with scores in United States and Canadian tournaments, but it stands pretty well besides previous winning totals for the open on the same course. In 1936, the last open at Hoylake, only four players broke 290. Alf Padgham of Bri-tain won with 287. In 1924 American Walter Hagen, then in his prime, negotiated the course in 301. Canada, ts among J4 countries invited to compete in London ! r! the Britannia Shield during Battle of Britain Week, September 15-21, in a- five-sport tournament which may throw considerable light on next year's Olympic I prospects. The shield, won last year by Czechoslovakia, commemorates friendship among countries whose young men took part in the 1940 alr defence of Britain. Competitors have been asked to send teams to represent them in boxing, running, fencing, shooting and swimming. Countries expected to take part are Great Britain, represented by R.A.F. teams Australia, Bel-glum, Canada, Czechoslovakia. Denmark France. Greece. Hcl- , land, India, New Zealand, Nor way, South Africa and the United States. Junior Chamber of Commerce PORT DAY Enter the PORT DAY events and win valuable prizes! Fill out the attached entry blank for any of the events listed below: a.m. GRAND PARADE OF BOATS To be decorated as owner wishes. 210:30 a.m.-ROWI10AT RACE--16 years m , and under. fin 10:45 a.m. GEAR BAITING CONTEST v upen 1 skate standard gear 120 hooks to skate. 4li:05 am SALMON COLL E C T ORS' Bfi BOAT RACE-45 ft. nd under, 5f 11:25 a.m.-ROWBOAT RACE-Open. 6.111:15 a.m.-CRUISER RACE-Open. . 7 12:00 a.m. GILLNETTER itACP:-Open. 8. 1 :30 p.m. INBOARD SPEED BOAT RACE-Open. - 9. 1:45 p.m.-WHALER RACE-Open. 10. 11. 12. 13. U. 15. 10. ' x girls' the I SLATER OF CO-Olfi SETS PAGE FOR BATSMEN IN CITY' FASTBALL LEAGUE Slater of Co-ops continues pacemaker for.the batsmen in the City Fastball league in the latest complication of averages for those players who have participated in five or more games and have an average of .200 or better. Slater, having made fourteen hits in thirty trips to the plate, has an average of .44G. Dumas of Navy Is second with average of .440 and Morgan of General Motors third with .434. Here are the batting averages: Team Games Slater Corop 8 Dumas . Navy 8 Morgan .. Q.M s 5 Lindsay q.m 8 Lambie qm, ; 10 Turner Navy 5 Bellis 2o-op 9 Dell Q & A 12 Dunbar CNRA - .'12 B. Simundson O & A ..: 11 Lavigne Hi-Sch 6 Wytenbroek Navy 6 Moxley G'& A ...:.. . 9 w. smith .... co-op n James ......... G & A 12 Pavllkis G;M 10 Ralph Smith O&A !!.!..... ir Hartwig Hi-Sch. ...:.i,: 12' Blain Navy Antone ! G.M. :.L. Oroff Navy .... Pallister ; Co -op L , Schroeder CNRA i,.., T. Arney G;M,- .!.... Tschabold CNRA Carl Smith a & a ....... Dominato q.m. Ward co-op Forman Hi-Sch. Postulo Co-bp Olsen Hi-Sch. .. Gurvich Navy ' Wesch Hiewart ... Warren ... Hunter ... 21 Hi-Sch a; st a Co-op .... CNRA 4 A GRAND FESTIVAL OF MARINE COMPETITION AND DISPLAY! Fishermen! Boat Owners! 2:15 p.m. TROLLER RACE Open. 2:35 p.m.-OUTBOARD MOTOR BOAT RACE-Open. 2:55 p.m.-IIALlBUT GEAR SETTING AD HAULING. 3:30 p.m.-SAILBOAT RACE-Open. 3:50 p.m.-FISHING VESSEL RACE-45 ft. to GO ft. 4:15 p.m.-LADIES' ROWBOAT RACE-Open. 4:30 p.m.-FISIIING VESSEL RACK-1 Over 60 ft. 17. 4:45 p.m.-S U R F B O A R D RIDING Open.. 18. 5:00 p.m. CANOE RArRn Pleace fill put tbe attached form and mail to Alf Rivett, Box 593, Prince Rupert: 1 ...- : - hereby tender my entry for event number and name of event , r hereby agree to abide by all the rules and' to 'accept the judged decision, in the event or events in which I" participate.' Name of boat or contestant t Signed 1 . 7 8 7. tf ,7 . 9 Postuk Navy .5 Parlett Navy 9 Shier Hi-Sch .. .i 5 Schwab CNRA 12 Kerr O&A 8 Berner CNRA ll H. Duncan G & A ;...;... 13 Sharpe Hl-Sch 12 Yelland Co-op ; 10 Chyzyk CNRA 10 Boulton CNRA in .:. -9 ...11. -., 10 ... ll, ... 5 ...'6 ...Tg 10' '8f 25 At Bat 30 25 23 40 43 24 41 63 52 62 21 24 'SI-46' '52 ' 47 56 '52 ' 27 . 29 29 39 26 39 43. 50 17 33 . 24 49 28 32 61 47 4f 27 36 44 48 41 .46 . 17 . 22 . . 27 46 .. , 23 42 39 Hits 14 11 10 17 . 18 10 17 26 21 24 . 8 0" 19 17 20 18 . 9 9 9 12 8 12 13, 15 5 8 7 14 8 9 17 13 11 T 9 11 12 10 .11 4 5 6 JO . 5 9 8. Pet. .466 .440 .434 .425, .419 .416 .414 .412 .404 .387 .380 .375 .365 .361 .357. ".346 .333 .310' .3'l0. .308 .308 .308 .302 .300 .294 .242 .291 .286 .286 .281 .279 .277 .268 .259 .250 .250 .250 .244 -.240 .235 .227 :222 -.217, :217 '.214 ;205 Years Ago Fridays, 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 8 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOB MASSETT ANU PORT CLEMENTS August 8 and 22 September 6 and 19 Midnight. JOE SOUTH ISLANDS August 10 and 24 September 8 and 21 Midnight. FRANK J. SKINNER Prlix Rupert Agent Third Av. phone 568 tii'iusl 15, 1922 J In the Stuart Shield Ha. it;. --r'l'"' . oons or Canada defeat- ine, urotto team by' 2-1. J Maries and E. Warrrn .me bons of Canada and Oeore 1 . 8C inn .1-- .1 "'i ine,urotto. Teams; .Sonh ct Canada-Scotf wnnH ;arid AHnderscin; J. Mitchell W Pavlfc, Oeorge Mitchell; S. Marie Berl Long-, J. Marb, E. Warren .and Jloward Prlzzell. Protto - Mercer; WiULscroft 'arid Smith: Median & r.. andJ. Curriei o; Hill, J. bamn- ujirne, lruy and Dave Gay juris referee dnd. A. Three Sailings per Week for VANCOUVER - VICTORIA SEATTLE (ALL TIMES SHOWN DAYLIGHT SAVING) Tuesdays, 1:30 pjn- Coquitlam. Fridays, 5 p.m Catala. Saturdays, 10: 19 p.m. Camosun. KETCHIKAN MAKES F R I END S akid pifM mAjtA't BOX SCORES WEDNESDAY'S FASTBALL GOItDON St ANDERSON AB n H. Duncan . 4 0 Simundson 4 1 Dell .' 4 0 Moxley 4 0 R. Smith 4 0 Stewart 3 0 James 3 1 Kneal ....!...,...;... 3. ,1 R. Ward 3 1 32 4 CO-OP Warren 3 0 Ward 3 2 Pallister 4 0 Smith 4 0 Postula 3 0 Yelland 2 1 Edgar 3 0 Kellett 3 0 R. Duncan ... 2 0 By Innings: Gordon-Anderson 1) Co-op , 100 II PO A E 1 9 1111 1 1 0 0 9 17 9 2 II POA,F. 0 6 '1" 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 030 04 011 0-3 Clapperton and W.'Martln Results of the rifle shoot at the McNIcholl creek range were R. Wilson 85; W. Davis 79, R. W. Cameron 69, c. Lemon C8, W. J. Oreer 62, M. M. Lamb 01, E. Hudson 59, W. Mason 50, S. Smith 49. We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL REP BRAND REEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meat Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Dally RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West V . UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS Truck and Auto Cushions Repaired and Recovered Drapes a Specialty New Upholstery Materials Available NOW1 Out-of-Town Orders Given Special Attention LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP 330 SECOND AVENUE (Next to CFPR) PHONE BLUE 818 0 0 E A S '6 Timm Ttilmw OLD VIRGINIA 1 0l I 0 j PIPE TOBACCO FAMOUS RUPERT BRA FISH PRODUCTS Produced and Processed by 1 - -k .- CANADIAN FISH & COLD Iffl PRINCE 1 i RUPERT Company Limited oxJ if I ' I ' 1 WAVWVi'.VW.V.VAVAV.VAVAV'j For the Ladies . . . COSMETICS riJRLERS COMBS BOBBY P) HAIR AND MANY OTHER BEAUTY AIDS AT