r 4 2 prince Uupcrt Daflp i3cus Ltn. Saturday, November 29, 1947 An independent dally newspaper cercea to the up'ouiTuing or Prince Rupert and all communities comprising northern and central Brltls.1 Columoi. (Authorised as Second Class Mall, Post Office Department, Ottawa) " O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY, Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIBCUUiTION? SUBSCRIPTION RATES. City Carrier, per wee, ljc: Per Month. 65c; Per Year, 17.00; in(iSSrrs. By Mall, Per Month, 40c; Per Year, 14.00. S)sgiggSr "IV 1 A Commendable Move MOVES REPORTED to be on foot in government quarters in Victoria to clean up on salacious types of magazines are to be commended and should meet with general approval among more thoughtful people having in mind the moral welfare of the community, particularly the juvenile section thereof. The most of older people may not be particularly interested in such types of literature and probably are not avare of the sqrdid if not the indecent nature of much of it. Ppssibly, if they even examined it, they would be shocked. The fact is that youth, the reading of many of . whom, unfortunately enough, is little supervised, are attracted by such literature and can be demoralized by it. Jf it is unavailable, it will not hurt them and their leisure reading woulfl gravitate along Jess harmful lines. Import regulations will exclude some of such objectionable literature which comes from the United States. Rut it is not to be overlooked that there are certain publications in Eastern Canada which ape the more finished American product and are equally harmful. V BRITISH BY-ELECTIONS PUREE BY-ELECTIONS within two .lavs in Great Rritain do not seats or the standing of parties. Labor retained two of the seats and the Conservatives retained the third. The trend in the size of the pluralities, however, w,as quite clearly away from the "government and toward the opposition. Gravesend re-elected a Laborite but the majority of only 1,G75 compared with the 7,056 in the general election of 1945. In the Edinburgh East seat the government candidate's majority was similarly reduced whfle a large increase was to be noted in the-tremendous majority of the Conservative candidate in Howdenshire, Yprkshire' There is even more significance in the trend when the Opposition decreases its adverse majority 01' increasps its own majorities against a government that is still in power. It is generally conceded that the tendency is for the government candidate to be in the favored position. - -Quite obviously the m average-Britisher is definitely unhappy, and wants to say so. He doesn't like the austerity program, and he is not too' certain whether the policies of the present gqvernment T?' a,n-V Promise of leading him ouj; of his present difficulties. Whether he believes that a Cpnssrva-tive government would do any better, is'stilf a moot ppint. That the Attlee government, whatever their private thoughts, consider there is any challenge tp tneir existing mandate, is highly improbable. than ever will they be interested in referring their fate to the public until the term of their mandate expires. The people who see these' electiqns Us an. inexorable handwriting on the wall, are probably wrong; but it does seem to be a' reasonable assumptipn that the leftward swing pf the pemiu-lum is over and the return swing has begun n" CEYLON INDEPENDENCE THERE IS NO LACK of significance seen in the 1 recent intrpductipn of what will bp known fis tjje Ceylon Independence Bill which, once passed, changes the island into a fully responsible, self-governing member of the British Commonwealth Jf Woiis Ceyjpn , situated just off thp southern Shores of India, wil join Canada, Australia, New Zealand,, South Africa, India and Pakistan on an equal footing. Jl;j? 2. ,t; ljIUPire mas Tree LUES BUBBLE UTES. OUTDOQR LITES TREE SERIES LITES UErLECTQRS AND ACCESSORIES AT RUPERT RADIO PHONE C 17 I A GIFT OF FISH ... Your friends will appreciate as a-Christmas Gift y a ten-pound carton of our Famous B.B. Brand of ASSORTED SMOKED FISH Shipped Express Prepaid In B.C., ALBERTA, MANITOBA, 5 SASKATCHEWAN bit ONTARIO tot . 71-' g Send your orders to the Bacon Fishers e PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Por Prince Rupert Seafood Products it . . change the possession of continues. & viv.PT.mr. 1UX li&l i n '8 A FULL DRESS UNIFORMS FOR Household cavalry escort for the iuii .qress unnorms. Previous n escort to appear in khaki, instead of (heir famous plumed headdresses, but dress uniforms were ordered by command of the ipng. Royal Horse Guards are shown wearing cuirasses, jackboots and plumes on a recent parade. CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) SATURDAY P.M. 3:30 NBC Symphony Orch. 4:30 Here's to Romance 5:00 Music of the Americas 5:30 Platter Chatter 5:45 Sporis college 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Recorded 6:i5r-Musette Time 6:30 Inside Story 6:45 According to Record 7:00-Song Festival 7:30 Organ Music 7:45 This week, Wpg. 8:00 Sat. Night Serenade " '8:30 Old Time Rhythm .9:00 Saturday Night Darling Party 9:30 Chamber Music Trio lOlOOp-CBCNews 10:10 B.C. .News 10:15 Dance Orch. J 0:30 Harry James 11:00 Weather Forecast and Sign Off SUNDAY A.M. 8:30 Concert Album 9:00 BBC News and Commentary 9:15 Songs and Singers 9:30 Harmony Harbour, Hal. 9:59 Time is.gn'al 10:00 B.C. Gardener . 10:15 Just Mary 10:30 The Way of the Spirit 11:00 CDC; News ll:03-Capltol Reports Ott. 11:30 Religious Period-Tor. P.M. 12:00 CBJ Symphony Orch. l:30--Church of the Alt 2:00 Musical Program 2:30 CBC News 2:33 John Fisher Reports 2:45 Weed-end Review 3:00 lusic for Sunday 3:30 Weather Forecast 3:35 T.B.A. 4:30 English Favorites 5:00 Recora Album 5:30 Music In Three Quarter Time 6:00 CBC News 6:10 The Old Songs 6:30 Familiar Music 7:00 Stage 48 8:00 Readers Take Qyer 8:30 Music by Eric Wild 9:00 Cassics for Today 9:30-rVesper ::our 10;00 CBCews 10: JO B.C..News 10:15 Canadian Athletes 10130 Prelude to kicrnlght 1 1 :00 Wea(her and sign off anp. MONDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical clock 8:00 CBC News 8.15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Mpderhs 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News !K 15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Slsnal 10:00 Mornlne visit 10:15 Morning Melodies iu;ju Kounaun Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodlrs 11:00 Elevpnses 11:15 Reminiscen 11:30 Weainer Foreensk 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Ethel and Albert P.M. 12:00 Recorded Program 12:15 CBC N,ews 12:25-Program --toBram Resume resume o riJiwiaii rijAVKi vuuk ORDERS EARLY ii anxaaasiftaaafcaaaaftAiaaafcftftaxajij, B.C. Tarm Broadcast ROYAL ESCORT The Royal royaUding UnS an? had miiH tnr h mi PRINCE RUPRRT C j' YEARS AGO j (Xovcinber 28. 1!,22) The Daily News Jooked forward , ... with ItU enthusiasm 41 to (h't disillusionment of Mayor C. F. Mc- Hardy of Nelson, who had supported a move to haye the 1923 annual convention of the Unjon of B. c. Municipalities held at Prince Rupert because' "a trip Icebergs would be worth taking." The homes at Terrace occupied by A. L. Yargeau" and Robert Donald were destroyed, by fire. A bird .hquse, occupied by W. F. Lindsay, owed Its gacape to the efforts of volunteer firemen. I . . A shipment of 150 ornamental reqs for transplanting on certain boulevards ".tndglii McCiyhiont Park arrived in the city. The shipment came from the city of Victoria Parks nursery. (November 28. 1912) The Scotsmen of the city had a grand time .at the annual St. Andrew's 'ball in the .Mcintyre Hall. Six of the 24 dances during the evening were mfrpiv Scottish. T. D. Pattullo, candidate for i?aypr, announced his platform. 'c iea inat ne would wprk for the common good and that he would $tand for t,he working ' man. John Andereon, a well knqwn Christ and the loss of the bless-resjdent of Sfpwar, passed l-!,SS of heaven, through the citv on hl wow V mt fJi?me after spendlnir somp timp lU V I MJss Agnes Clifton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. N .Clifton, arrived in the city on the PrlnoP Beatrice from Vancouvpr nnrf ' ' Winnipeg. nnin.,.! scheWpro south coast report, ivith TuZTS .7 ,. e.r" P.00,000 pleasure beach has been.; submitted to the town council. !?;55 Recprdeo Int. 1:00 The Coi.pert Hpur 1:30 Afirnppn Recital 1:45 Commentary and Club Clinic 2;po-B.C. Schopl Broadcast 2:30 Songs to Remember 2:45-rpon Messer's Islanders 3;00 Varieties in Music 3;15-Mirrpr for Women 3:30-rDlvertmento Advertise in the Dally .News 1 BUSES For Sale 30 Sted odied, inter-city buses. Capacity 24 to 37 passengers. Ideal for schools, factory employees, local transportation. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Enquire Bo 290, Daily News SATURDAY SERMON THE WAITING CHRIST We are just about to enter the advent season of the Church Year. tGpd's word greets us with the fact of the waiting Christ. During .the many years from the time of Adam's sin, Christ waited until'the fulness of .timp v)ien .He appeared as a little "child, :jmtfn OS n Til o n I Ta tirntforl .i?tf M oroper time wl;enHe wpujfi' in jet ne devil in mortal combat. A some juiure ump ue win come aaln visibly tp this earth to darkness because they feel se-ludse Judge the the llvlna Jiving and and thp the dead. dpnd i it' .;. ' V .... I In the meantime y.e are told .hat .He is waiting at the dggr of human hearts, eager tp enter In, 'V iLTi frn" ' ? PT S) tSZS 1 ' . . :rr-f 1 And in" hearing, ypii might top Denefltcp. Human herts are prpyidgd with the ability of keeping the Lord Jesus Christ out. . They sejem tp have' locks which only j the owners can open. When' Jesus Christ knocks, no pne Is! ibie to open he hsart door ex-?,ccpt the pwner. pme pwners readily heed UVe knockinz at their door and open. Others T are Jndifferent or else, because pf other reasons, will not open Yet Christ patiently waiU fo." the opDortunity to enter (n so that He might abide there It jemetimes happens that ChrM persist? ail through the lifetmu of a person but Is not permitted '0 enter until death seems to be near. Anion? the reasons .why men keep Christ waiting are lack pf appreciation ol Christ's purpose, . indifference that results f rom i careleesness and then the basis ' sin which besets us all. If all men knew that Christ wants to bestow upon them ' a spiritual biessin? which in itself is price- Jess, many, would readily open i up their hearts to Him. Fellow- 1 shin with Christ brings with it a blessing for this world a. well as for the wprld that lies beyond. it 14 the basis for a eodlv life here on earth which will continue in heaven. Not many people look forward with delight to- the prospect of faclnz eter nity, without Chlrst and the life that Is in Him but many are so careless about their relationship v;lth Him now that thev ke..n Him .waiting, outside of their i hearts. They have no fellowship with Him although thv are not 1 antagonistic towards Him. Care- lle3Sne.S3 Will In tlmo lonH In ! .permanent separation from. their Jiphpu "vvuuac nini 1IVC4 APPEALING TO YOUNG PEOPLE Special effort is being made by Rev. A.M. McColl, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, ' ' to In- tAKA. 11-' ". nc.cai me young peon e n th fL "-ices during ..B.. ujiu ujumeny with special addresses by the pastor and music particularly adapted to occasion. Former Army padre, Mr. McColl ha? had long experience with work among the young people at home and abroad. Sepd Personallzfil CHRISTMAS GREETINGS made from your own KODAK SNAPSHOTS Come in and see samples WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Agents H Ster Slices GEORGE HILL & P 0' Box 737 nun uq ' lit IHHI Ul fill 111 ' ' " '' ; -' are evil. There arp tjiase who hoi wani ine jioiy ynrist 10 ronnv (h.i,. aa cure in it rather than in the light. Even at their hearts door Christ is knocking, becau$e He wants to bring to them the for-jrlvppess of sin. The waiting, Christ has cprne to sjr k 'jj'nd to save those who are lost. His pleasure $ to brip? njen to the place where Ujey may fnd full First Presbyterian Church Fourth Avenue East Rev. Allan M. McColl. Supply Minister. 11:00 a.m. Morninfr Worship. Anthem by Choir. Solo Barbara Teng. Sermpn "vYe Call Me Lord and Master, What Then?" 12:15 p.m. Sab'cUh School. 7:30 p.m. Evening Service. Sermon- "An Old Athjetlc Festival.'' "Sing-Song" every Sunday evening- will your child have a chance ! for a career? t j Many a fatherless youngster is going to college today because a thoughtful father provided for his education with Mutual Life of Canada Insurance. Wo Invite you to tea our representative, of 'phono him, ond let him how you how you can ensure that your children will hove the education they deserve, no matter whot happens fo you. row cost life inturance tince 869. Richard Sephtun, Prince Rupert, Coastal and Interior District Agent. R. E. Mortimer, Representative, Prince Rupert, D.C. E. T, Kenney Ltd.f Representative, Terrace, B.C. Hoops & Madigan, Representatives, Telkwa, BC. E. R. Condon, Representative, Ocean Falls, B.C. ' Give HIM the Gift he wants . . comfy, good-looking C I I tk i n j l. i r r l. k a FOR CHRISTMAS SONS LIMITED 624 Tiiird Avenue j 1 1 r 1 forgiveness for all their sin as God's free gift to mankind. Christmas will toon be here We will again rejoice In the gift that Ood gave to mankind in His Son. Our Christmas will be one of great rejoicing if that Christ has gained an entrance into our heart, Opd has presented His Slft. chrUt stands at our heart knocking and wp'must respond. Why not make your Christmas season one of true re-Joicjne by letting ChrUt Into your heart? lular Baptist Services I.O.i'i inTaiT sth Ave. ana McBriJi- $t 1 prpp'")- Christ CRUCIFIED ROWNED QM1NO "The WICKED is reserved to the day of" DESTRUCTION." '--Job 21:30. SUNDAY. NOV. 30, 1947 12:15 p.m. Sunday School. 7 30 p.m. Gospel Service. Speaker: G. R. S. RI-ACKAItY Topic: "A si:u'.iNvm:n gucst." (Who do you suppose it was?) WEDNESDAY 8 00 p.m -Prayer Mg&lng FRIDAY 3 30 p.m -Mission Band 7 00 p.m. Junior Ypung Peoples. Phope 309) THE WHOLE MHI.K FOR THE WHOLE WORLD ""If Cos "i '-DlnJ (B:l IQft 1VU AVSnUe IOrtJ IIH-.t Mlnlsttf g A. vi'i)? 1 eA Wat '1'- A. Bttl IdrtJ MI.VAT10X ABXv 8Uc ' " ' I inn T, l-ITIUS .(,.J (OMMtMTV KIMiir 1 5. U 1F- The Salvation ArJ Captain and Mr Ej. Corps Otfiai TONIGHT 8 on "YGUTH TAKE? THlj Wesley Hu . speakc; SUNDAY !) a r.) -LESSONS OS VICTORIOUS LIFl 2:30 p.m. -Dirtc'Cj 3:00 p.m. u;:i;r sd 7:30 p.m -Gix Jfa Tuc-. 7 20 p.n 'Best : 'MeeUr.j tit Wont I Wed.. 8 pjn -5"j:-j 'keep YorasavEs: LOVE OF GOD -JJ first Ituitrii (illntn 035 S,Ixth Avenue West AOntet- R A. W. 1 " SUN.DAY, NOVEMBER 30. 1917 11 a.m. MPK.MNG WORSHIP A Family Service Parents are invited to bring then children J rl sery class for the very young is provided a 1 kindergarten room. 12:15 SUNDAY SCHOOL. 7:30 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP. Sermon Subject: "Giants and Dvrarfr.. Attention Trappers, Ranchers and Pealel FOR TOP MARKET .PRICES ship all ypur RAW Fl JACK I. LOUIS 207 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C PROMPT RETURNS Wp ?educt No Conimi!fson Our SUGGESTIONS FOR A- 1 riies Arc Net ! 'I Mi sl.nw vour appreciate of the "lit'" n,ic r hristmas by tIT1 n fine fur ntl pifrr. Hea"11' i matched. P 'imp P quirrel. marten, fisher, sil I' rr.l to, rric .$..",(1 for An PlS?f whole family. P (rem . . .... .M .MT.. irol -.varicucsi. ,SII!i."l minriET No Interest .. i IPC Fowlie & Euttle "XP.UR FIENDLY FUR blW" 328 Third Ayenjie .... ..it ijcw Lir UllIOLSTEHlNfi FUHN1TUHK UBV Vntv Ilnholstcry Tr.,t, nn.l A.,l Plldl Repalrril ana ltn c..,i !... rvpul in ClTK) ask Aitoirr fREDIT .TERMS LOVIN'S to ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS W03