"I THIS IS A SPE-CIAL OCCA. filON for Sue ...her first lug dano and;fhe . looks, like 'the: stagline's dream-come-true! The - secret of her BLONDIE prince IMwctt Daily JScms Saturday, November 29, 1947 CATHOLIC LADIES' BRIDGE, WHIST Nineteen tables of bridge, whist and cribbage were in play it a card party sponsored by the Catholic Women's'League in the J. Schaeffer, Mrs. J. Murray, Mrs. Yalloway and Mrs. E. R. Brett.' Winners were: Bridge Ladies, Mrs. E. L. Shannon, Mrs. E. P. Noel; men. A. Ostashower', Ronald Houston. WhistLadies, Mrs. M. Rlch- glowing smile? Cheerful 7-Up! Sue raids ibe ice-box before Special Occasions ... pours herself a bubbling glassful of 7-Up. Just try this: "Fresh Up"... sip it slowly It,t its lively, happy bubbles run over" and under your tongue! Taste Its delicious lemon-lime flavour! Feel 'like smiling? Of course you do. Good at any time 7-Up is a "must" for Special Occasions! Buy yours at any store displaying the cheerful 7-Up signs! FRIENDS FAREWELL LARRY WALLACE Knights of Columbus Hall on'bich point he has been trans Thursday evening. The party was under convenershlp, of Mrs. members of the Signal Corps Walter Lahtl, C.W.L. president, ' and friends gathered at his home who also was in charge of re- at 549 Ninth Avenue West, to freshments, assisted by Mrs. R. bid him farewell. Mrs. Wallac and the family plan to remain fin the city until the end of the year. ards, Mrs. L. Lahtl; men, A. Campagnola, Lloyd Lahtl. Cribbage Ladies, Mrs. G Eyolfson. Christine Turbitt; men. O. K. Nelson, Leo Deblvis. BUYS md WHYS by " t?Acf I wttkly advtrthlng end Information strvict for today's woman HB MONTREAL, Nov. 27 th Let me be the one to whisper the magic name that guarantees "The Lift that never lets you down " . . . " PERM A LIFT" Brassieres! You'll never find another bra that can touch it in giving gentle and gracious support and naturally molded flattery! Reason is that "PERMA LIFT " Brassieres have a soft, Sret firm, cushion inset at the base of each bra cup ... so that comfprtable, adequate and naturally silhouetting support is given the breast from below, wash over and over.,. a "PERMA LIFT" Bra never loses its famous "Lift"! Choose from sizes 32 to 38 in A, B and C cup -sizes for individual fit! FOOD FOR NOVEMBER'S CHILLY DAYS should be particularly good and gay. That's why it's such a good idea to lighten and brighten this month's meals with gqrgeous JELL-O desserts .. . and here's a dessert that tastes as "special" as it looks' JELL-O STRAWBERRY MOLD Dissolve 1 package Strawberry JELL-O In 2 cuds hot Wh,en J11ffi,y thickened lold in 2 medium !E3?!rn'iSh Ce- n tur"mt mold. Chill, unmold remarkable cooking utensil yet Invented the PRESTO Cooker cooks most foods in a quarter of the usual time and, because of the amazing PRESTO cooking speed; Joods retain their colour and flavour their vitamins and minerals. Here indeed is a cooking utensil jio woman should be without! Take my tip get your own .PRESTO to-morrowl...9 out of 10 pressure cookers in . Canadian kitchens are PRESTO. ft 4 ask lor JELL-O at your favourite grocer's and look for the fetalis cviiJCA vu every pacicageJ WHAT'S YOURT .SJ HOBBY? Sew- r ...you can, naia f more time for it Tliir.SS when yu cook XJjfiWpi the time-saving fitisjSTO way! Truly -the most EXPERT IV FEMININE BE-WITCHERY . . HELENA RUBINSTEIN knovs what you want brings it to you straight from the South of France... COMMAND PERFORMANCE ... her first great, romantic French Perfume. Command Performance Perfume (15.00, 8.00, 2.50); Eau de Parfum (3.75, 2.25); Both. Powder (250) ...you'll want them all at these light-hearted prices! And they're yours for feminine bewitchery! at HELENA RUBINSTEIN Cosmetic Counters everywhere! SALADS ARE AN ALL-YEAR-'ROUND DELIGHT come mealtime! Deliriously dressed tossed salad on a side plate with your main hot course balances winter meals to perfection. Just try this MAZOLA French y. messing jot aownrignt good taste... FRENCH DRESSING Plan 1 rm 1 , . - eugar. 1 teasp. uuTi teuf dtTiSlA aSk SikewelIeHWohr'lest?.rs,hlre Sauee t!ghtlySPcoVJered JaAnd Eiiajce well. Caul and , ehake thake before before serving, tervin. THERE'S BABYjrrfcute little tyke! . ..fairly bouncing with happy good health! As, indeed, he should, with so much loving care and HEINZ Strained Bobu FoodshEach and every one of the Strained Foods are carefully vacuum-sealed ... and so easy for baby to geSrA,fJr hl1 first birthday, youll begin to feed him HEINZ Junior Food... 12 oh-so-good varieties. Including a complete Vegetable Beef Dinner! More good news for baby... for your free copy of "Your Baby SiJJiet"., simply write to me, Barbara Brent, Bill Crescent St, Montreal, P.Q. MfF in this Prince Rupert by BIDDEE JINKS Pte. Larry Wallace of the local Teaching is a profession that . each side of the latter. No, detachment tachment of the Army Signal j, k itseir and lts heiDers near- "Boys" or "Girls" siens ever Corps sailed this morning on the Catala for Boundary Bay to ferred. Last night a number of ly always into or near a firing line. In the most ordinary line of duty there is no'one more eligible for criticism. Try something new and different and the squads open up with both battels 'ma' and 'pa'. In spite of this irritant handicap, some daring souls have persevered until up-to-date schools laud a on Interested toes, whatever type of carrot they dangle from c string. It seems to be a simple matter of using any small natural endowment, and then whatever else comes handy. One local I clean sod "Now . . . how many !do you see? One? Right!" (That was Grandmother). Turning to another pupil the teacher smiled encouragement. "Sadie, one of those ten mice reiusea io run, out how many were needed for the elder always looked out for the younger. Anyway, instinct was strong, It was cold In winter and hot In summer which no one notic-. ed. Its one drawback had been ordained. It was built to be under the surveillance of a perm-: anent member of the 'Board' i Several of her offspring strut- y"-orn!n-ghe gin dresses, the boys in denim over alls) to tell somebody sometime during the day that "my mother is on the Board so ya'd better watch out." Only one teacher didn't She ' teacher tells of using mice nice 'was a young thing, just turned j fat, sleek, live mice to teach nineteen, and at that age even a 1 his pupils arithmetic. He omit- la"y board member who never ted fractions that year he says, 60t within hailing distance of which means that somewhere . Grade 8 fails to be impressive. up in the Peace River district a I In her bright optimism she gentle and wise old grand-1 'failed' Doris, a girl remarkably I mother mouse may be teaching llke her mother and little more j ! her progeny to add and subtract j than a moron. She carelessly in the same simple language i gave out the reports at noon, she heard in the low log shed, forgetting no doubt that only "How many mice came out of one family lived near home, that hole to your right, Nath- In tne country every drop of j anlel? Ten? Correct!" teaching time is extracted from f Afta r.tnmi Li. r . i in fpnnVtor Cr (ha lie Hair i ing sure to hit one of the boards school keeps until 3:30 p. m , that aimed to cover the good ' and no earlier. That day was no exception so that the whole pop- eyed class-room saw the flurried entrance of an irate, influential mother, and got an Indelible demonstration of woman's in-; humanity to another woman. And heard their teacher, their did? No, not eight. Remember j lovtfty teacher, called a "dirty" 9 and 1 always makes ten." Not all country districts, even in Peace River, are blessed with such aids to learning or so resourceful a teacher. Most of them have school boards however, men and women chosen, alack, on the basis of acreage or a fresh paint job on the farm buildings. One such set-up comes easily to mind the little white school-house sitting a few feet off a dusty, rutted road. It was alonf little chit." cry. And saw her, finally, Every new term saw a new teacher in that district. One feature of the management remained, the Demon Death fearing also to take a hand. The forming of the Parent-Teacher Association has brought about, by degrees, a feeling of united effort between school and home. After all, they are both working with the same except for a small red barn and tools. When it Is done in full two yet smaller rectangular co-operation and friendliness, buildings strategically placed on I children are released from any OH, BOX THAT GAME LASTED A LOT LONG THAN I THOUGHT PLANNING TO PLAY SANTA CLAUS to some special "somebody "? Then let me tip you off to the finest buyword I know for gift-giving... an ELGIN WATCH with "dp" on the dial! It contains a DuraPower mainspring, developed exclusively for ELGIN watches... and is the most important watchmaking advance in over 200 years. This DuraPower Mainspring is truly a - miracle "... made from a new alloy that refuses to rust! This elimination of rust bids goodbye to the greatest enemy of even the finest steel mainsprings ... so you can be sure that your gift of an Elgin "Watch, including Lord and Lady ELGIN and ELGIN De Luxe works steadily and accurately through the years. Intercepted! "Boy, did we take a beating!" By Chic Young ffj jjl Sr -Another Indian liites the Dust. m ri l V EVERVTH1NG WILL l I IB I iZ w two, T wfi runo I I?HIS AND THAT j NEWFOUNDLAND'S GIFT TO ELIZABETH The second wedding gift of mink to Princess Elizabeth, which came from the people of Newfoundland, was made by the London firm of Links, whose head, Caiman Links, took the patterns to Buckingham Palace for the Princess to choose the style in which the coat was fashioned. The skins, which had already been sliced up to ribbons by a knife the correct way to start making up a mink coat-were machined into a stylish coat. The first mink gift was from Canada, this being made up in Montreal. Here two workers admire a number of skins which were used to make up the gift. . "MJRSSB lopsided attitude. While the different P.T.A. groups In our own city are bet ter attended this year than pre-iously. there are still too many disinterested parents. Yet anything that concerns a '.child ought to concern his parent- - poslbly to the extent of knowing his teacher. It is an easy thing to plk up the 'phone and give an Invitation to tea or dinner. Very few refuse, for they are human too which makes them no different, (well, not much different) than anyone else. COMMON AND DANGEROUS Whooping cough, one of the most dangerous respiratory dis eases, Is contracted by more children than get diptherla, scarlet fever and measles Si? 9 YOUR BEST EATING PLACE FULL-COURSE MEALS 11 A.M. TO 8 P.M. Phone Green 917 B CAMERA CLUB ACCOMODATION The Camera Club activities of which are becoming Increasingly popular, has been provided with additional accomodation at the Civic Centre, the solarium room on the ground floor having been made available for combined use p a mming place and dark room. The solarium equipment has been movd to another part of the building. The change adeuatflv meets the requirement of the camera club. Lockers for the tafe-keeplng of equipment are provided. BIG JAPANESE WRESTLERS Japanese are net all small wrestlers sometimes weigh as much as 300 to 350 pounds. MAKE A DATE . To see our new selection of BLOUSES ji:ksi:y and cokduiioy Housecoats IIEGENT SIUKN KNITTING WOOL Rose Marx rassieres Lingeries IRISH LINEN 1 1 AND K EKCI 1 1 El'S AND LUNCHEON SETS IDEAL GIFTS FOR THIS CHRISTMAS RoSit-Lee Ladie9 Wear (279) BROADWAY CAFE (FORMERLY BOSTON) 9 Chinese Dishes a Specialty Banquet Hall for Luncheons, Dinners, Parties C08 THIRD AVENUE WEST Telephone 200 P. II. LINZEY 211 4th Street Prince Rupert Realty Protect Your Home NOW Against Fire Losses Tomorrow May Be Too Late! .o. Modem Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. When a young girl has visited a friend for several days Is it necessary that she write a "bread and butter" letter to her friend's mother? A. Yes; a brean and butter letter should be sent to the mo. ther as well as to the friend, Q. What does the prefix 'a la" mean preceding many French phrases? A. "A la" means 'according to' or 'In' the style of.' Q. When a college man Invites a girl to a college weekend, who should pay for her hotel accommodations and her meals while she is there? A, The man should pay for these expenses. Q. What reply should a girl make when a man thanks her for a dance? A, She may reply, "I enjoyed it too," or "You are very Mrs. A. J. Sheardown of Armstrong, who has been visiting In Vancouver and elsewhere down the coast for the past two months, arrived in the cltj Friday to be the guest here over the forthcoming Christmas and New Year holiday season of her sons, Allan, William and Harry Sheardown. Try a Dally News Classified Ad. PENDENT .... comPletelywt, . - " ill 9hnu.. . nri.,i On hi. i. 9 Fvpn fA. j. ,. B -- 'is in H'ivc YOU ran'H.. ""JUIIIIK DBM., 11 nurinti mm ""I vkiiui l. n i in.. DRY DOCK A kin n in... . w jniriA SHIPBUIIDERS AND ENOINIERS Iron and Brass Ousnp Hctric and Acttfo neioinj RPrrT k T Trvm .... and MININQ MACHKERT GIVE A MAN Gifts He Would Choose for Himself . . . HE'LL LIKE THESE SocL'S SPARKLING WITH THE RICHNESS OF FINE WOOL . . . MADE FOR AN OFFICE OR ACTIVE SPORTS WEAR. OUR WIDE RANGE OfToc ARE A DELIGHT. 1 ICi I PRACTICAL GIFTS y II lit' 1 MORGANS MENS WEAR 'TAILORED IN THE CUSTOM MAN" ... are always acceptable L I'OK HIM Power and y Carpenter Tools, Fishing Tackle, Sporline Goods, y y y 1 USE Bulkley Valley VOH IIKIt-I-amps, Dili Pressure Cookers, Elect Irons, Toaslers, Mixs, Pyrex Ware. I OK THE YOUNGSTERS Ice Skates, Skis and equip' ment, Sleighs, Roller Skates, Wajons, Iticyclcs W Kiddie Cars. y y y y y y y y y y y y y y I.' "SHOP EARLY' Miltrlde St.j I'll'"" s11 .uw COAL AND SAVE Get 25 More Heat From A Ton of Coal Your dealer can supply you BULKLEY VALLEY COLlft t i cure wu, u.v. .