i 51S Third Ave. West LOUDEST ERUPTION b.e loudest noise the world pver heard is believed to Ue Deep the eruption of the ijtino Krakatoa, In 1883, heard i miles away. For trie . . . Finest Selection You're headed in the right direction when you follow old St. Nick's sign post and Shop Early! Right now our stock is complete with wonderful, exciting gifts. II want to hear the' boys and elrls (Christmas morning? Then pelect your gifts from our big sciecuui' ui vj"- y There are wind-up cars for Hill find Bb scores tu new ji.mi:. hi nhr.il! Jfan and Dorothy. Little Jimmy will like the bright coloring books, and U bin brother, Tom, win enjoy dooks irom our Young kpeoples Library. There are crockery, aluminum and dishes disnes for ior i"aj"'s playing nuu. house . . . (James, Htic Lo, for all the kids. Hione Red 400 GROWTH OF EDUCATION Public school children now are required to read about 15 times as much material as children of a generation ago. HOW CA I ? ? ? By ANNE SKLEY Q. How can I make a filler for floor cracks? A. Make a paste of two cups of flour, one tablespoon of alum, and three quarts of water. Soak pieces of newspaper in this solution and boil well, stirring con. atantly. Use a putty knife to fill iii the cracks. After the paste has hardened, apply a stain, and the filled cracks will hardly be noticeable. ' Q. How can I easily clean windows and minors? A. Use a cloth dipped In two tablespoons of household ammonia to two quarts of water This will also give the glass a polish. Q. How can I test potatoes before buying a large quantity? A. Cut a potato into halves and then press together. If Juicy enough to st-ck together the potato is good. Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS ! 1. What Is wrong with this sentence? "In what portion of the state does he live?" ( 2. What is the correct pronun-j ciation of "connoisseur"? 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Paregoric, gymnas tic, antartic. 4. What does the word "sycophant" mean? 5. What is a word beginning with ar that means "disposition; CANADIAN PREMIER RECEIVES AWARD- -John ,H. How, left, chairman or the club's award committee, presented the Canadian Club Award Medal to Prime Minister W. L. MacKen-zie King of Canada in a ceremony at the Canadian Club in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotei, ;.-ew York, recently. The award is made periodically in recognition of outstanding contributions to the harmony of relationship and mutual welfare of Canada, the United States and the British Commonwealth. adjustment"? ANSWERS 1. Say, "In what part of the state does he live?" 2. Pronounce kon-i-sur, o as in on, i as in it, u as in fur, principal accent on last syllable. 4. Antarc tic. 4. A servile flatterer; parasite. (Pronounce first syllable sick). "Gentleness, which belongs to virtue, Is to be carefully distinguished from the fawning assent of sycophants." Blair. 5. Arrangement. .......... I j I THINK OK-BOO-HOO-- fetl Kft IBbtHPa I IT'S DUM9722. C AND I LOOKED AT Jyifib 0?! fl llBl 7r J- LETS I LOOKING fW 'bS- A HUNDPED fSf- miliMliiL oh, dogwood) 4f O't b(VLRil 111 1 fill 171 r" come see the Tt'iy S on j IfO "-V fIBOU GHV1T rff&?S H R WOMEN SEEM ) 7" , I I I ,A FIRST, WE'LL i-SNK WE'LL GET MAMA D W TOLOSETHEICS flfl i'f$,fc' Ural RETURN THIS 2rnjn C THE MOST BEAUTIFUL jfT'f AcF that5 ? : " ft-r ' jgrW P w (171 , SI ( ' fe$3, rr-TL mm) .jaggs I KJI '& 3L. llM THE I Ti JUSTA L,TTLE X t HERE'S NOTMER t DONT -XtiflfTf UTS Y"l fik. UIC6AT-3r 'IB Tf4 V LATEST i-r- -J PATIENCE NOW.-gT CARESS SHO? PADDJ Nfe (fKNOPe-.-T-k S 1 HUSBANDS I b ( AH, NOW.UrKL I WOULDN'T J q &Z?t 7 I WE FOUNOlf-OMff DRESS N; f ; ; YOU TOOKKc l j CtORLD '-'l- pgls?FOyp ' I fs2 yt " BOB SCIIAREFi SCORES HIT i Continued from P$$e Onei the Borden Street School choir under the leadership of J. S. Wilson. Accompanied by Olive Strand at the piano, the choir sang three selections, "This Canada of Ours," "Begone Dull Care" and "Klllarney." Following the chOlr the' first age group, consisting of children 7, 8 and 9 years old, presented their talents and Gail Berg and Mar-dell Soiland captured the honors. While the judges were making their selections from the first group of contestants, the An nunclation School choir, accompanied by Miss G. Merrill on the piano, sang "Ave Maria" and "Whistle, Mary, Whistle." Three contestants were chosen by the judges to represent the 10 and 11 year old group in the finale. Edwin Veil for his performance on the plaho-accordian, Eleanor Bagshaw for her solo "Danny Boy" and Annette Windle who sang "Always." i The Prince Rupert Civic Band 'then took the stage and, under direction of Peter Lien played j three selections for the a'ppre- clative audience. Leading off with the march, " The Con-temptibles,' they then swung into the overtuic, "Electric Park." Their last number '.'Punjab," was a lively march. Margaret Gibson singing Beautiful Isle of Somewhere" and Bernlce and Eleanor Hood, who sang a duet "Somewhere in the Night," were the winners irj the 12 and 13 year old class. The King Edward School Girl Singers, led by Miss Eleanor Moxley and accompanied by ; Mardell .Soiland 'presented three numbers, "The Music Makers," Row, Row Your Boat" and "The Slumber Song." , In the final group of contest ants on the program Bob Scharff and Mollie pficon were picked for the finals and went oh to take first and second prize. Jimmy Reil entertained with selections oh his accordian while the audience waited for the appearance of the finalists. t Judge's were W. D. Smith M.L. i A., L. M.'Felsenthal and G. A. Hunter. j 'Armine Boas was chairman of ; the committee Jntharge off the ; arrangements for the : show, j Harry Sheardown was stage manager a'rid George Dibb had charge of public audition. '1.M KKdlSTKV ACT Res. Certmcnte of Title '6. 25304-1 ' to the North Half of the South-Enst 'Quarter arid the South Half ot'jthe, North-East Quarter of Lot One Thousand Seven Hundred and - Sixty-five (1765). Queen Charlotte pistrlct. said to contain One Hundred and' Sixty (160) acres, more or less. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of ' Title Issued in the name of Cesar Verhey- Uert has been .filed In this office, notice is hereby given that I shall, t the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof, .Issue a Provisional Certificate bf Title In lieu of said Jost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection toe made lo me in writing. '"DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert, B.C., this 25th day of November, 1947, A-D. v Andrew Thompson, Deputy Registrar of Titles. (302) LANlr HF.dlsTUV ACT Re: Certificate of Title No. 23082-1 to the North-West Quarter of Lot One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sltxy-flve (1765), Queen Charlotte District, said to contain One Hundred and Sixty (160) acres, more or less. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued in the name of Cesar Verhey-deri has been filed in this office, notice is herebv elven that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof, Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title in lieu of said lost Certificate. unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B.C., this 25th day of November, 1947, A.D. Andrew Thompson, Deputy Registrar of Titles. (302) A Announcing rtillsCOLATE M FLAVOBED DA1KV DUINK Containing , not less than 1 buUerfat I CIIILDBEN A LIKE IT v T.J Onler from your Avagon, Grocer or Dairy at popular prices. VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 vf Picfnce Rutictt pailp Jefo Saturday, November 29, .1947" HENRY McKAY TO BE PREACHER AT VILLAGE ON NAAS Henry McKay, one of Greenville's well known senior citizens; has agreed to preach in .. the Anglican mission church at his native village on the Naas River for the next few months while. efforts are contlnud to find a resident missionary for that nolnt. BlshoD J. B. Gibson has been endeayo'uring for some time I to obtain such a missionary. FOR REVELHY NOT RIVALRY The Chinese Invented gunpowder, as a. means of enjoyment to celebrate holidays and not as a weapon. KNOW YOUR TREES; ; ' t ?UCC "fs!! j " (Pjeti Enstlminn) 1. tpgsap j A coniferous bee occurlnj In. the interior of the province, preferring land moist from sprjnjs, seepije or overflow. Of merchantable siie at middle and lower elevations; stunted or depressed at timber line. Occupies plateau sites In southern interior, gradually approaching valley floors as you progress north. In dense stands, readies height of from 80 to 1 35 feet and diameter from 1 8 to 36 inches. At hijh altitudes is often only 2 to 4 feet high. Similar to White Spruce, the two may be cut together without distinguishing them. Suitable for pulp wood, cooperage, sounding boards in pianos, violins and normal lumber products. YOUR FORESTS ARE YOUR DAILY BREAD. ..NOW AND IN THE FUTURE -iff No. 4 in a series of informative advertisements. Paste them in your scrap-book for future reference. PULP & PAPER INDUSTRY IN BRITISH C 0 L U M B 1 A QpALITY FIRST In These Style-Kight CO.ALMANnO COKD TOP COATS Latest, Smart jGahardine Shades SWEATERS By Regent Knit. .Falnef Tony bay are big ' favorites. BAIl-H RANGE IIICKOK BELTS, TIE BAKS KEY CHAINS Make Ideal Christmas Gifts TOOKE AND CURIUE DISTINCTIVE TIES ACME CLOTHING STORE 633 Third Avenue West TsSsT Felts, K l'HONE .'."! SAVE MONEY! Send Your Orders to Prince Rupert Roofing Mail Order House oil Hoofing Tapers, Shingles, AVallboanls, Mascnite, Flexboard, Lusterlite ASBESTOS PRODUCTS OF ALL KINDS: Mats, Sheets, Pipe Covering, Brick, Packing, Brake Lining SPECIAL! INSUL BBIC SIDING AND DONNACON New shipments of INSUL BRIC SIDING AND DONNACONA PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. 208 Fourth Street INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) rhone Blue 389 HICKS FRASER HOUSE Moderji, Qufet,- Comfortable 714 FKASER STREET Phone Black 823 1 2te! Yi