NSH MAN b AWAI med. rhilliP ma Villas? I'ears In Naas rort sale 1 n . ... I IQ 1 , . 4 ..j- itr hix rooms wiui Sixth Avn E $2350 cash. unr- Prince Rupert C tf) . r, itni inoi t Mt Furniture oil cejr-'m and chester- tabic tri lite, beds, r, V 1 of drawers. Ap- :3 724 Fraser St. (279) 3UC 3 room cottage. ;r..r.?dlate possession. 34? (279) cradle two book case, writ- ra leaves, all in n. Apply 806 Bor-' (2801 3ALE -One 2-room fur- C 12 ft skiff with b'.' it vpnr One 3 Atwater outboard I941' model. All for Ph if Rl.lfk 2S! hpf.a'ppn 20 plc:s set new dishes. . VUU4 (AitV4 UUUV- UiillbUtt lit v :tV Van. TTA,1 TTW,) style Squares from $2.25, uttB, COOd Bill ItV. 1 US. fur Coat size 14, Coney, f$15. New and Used Heat- New Mattresses to clear Come and look them over. 3ale 4 room house on 'lot. only 5 years old; ex- "k uuy lor cash, seven - louse with full basement b room house on one v,aiwu in iront porun. r-...uuig uim wiring. r.A - '".w in oection z. pr Collart & McCaffery Ltd. TENDERS win oe receivea Dy l. 1 i-rnnr t urn .t closing date Nov. 15, . 10ns. l'lli" YJ.1S.. j ' iiy Moaei, uscn lnnnli, .... . , conaition as new. nn.J . ... wiin a snppfi rear 1 P . V. 'wuiorcea frame. . niat- 7' WvIT mrtrr.vt yurennsprt nnih tmrs wParately, i.n n,. . . . ion, stake-Doay, "Odel. pnmnUlaln nlinr. wet ur : .u, . fiiiiii 1 1.11111. r"ca, Knulnnpfl m Mi rfi- " two rear . uame, speed K nlntf , ... ... .,. - rwiuilll I,' li-'Vlli- W1LI1 x oniv. mit 4 . wnaers to the Mas- o-operative Association, "'nee Runert. Plshprmpn'S wative Assn . p rr nox 1 ,uuc ii. n.u. "i anv tpnner noi :7ttly accented. Addl- 'nformn F him of the above , tarlo, In 1833. He had been In (280) hospital at Prince Rupert for sHlcal treatment, and follow ing the operation, left there about twov weeks ago to return (tf) WAN'-'ISD rrfnvtlle Court ; WAMTprt-t-rioirini .n.i,. i WANTED TO RENT Small furnished apartment or house. Plione Blue 240. (284) WOHX WAfiTED WOIK WANTED - By young man, will consider anything. PJione Ijed 72 after 5 pin.. Uf) BABY Sixers, any evening. Apply 13 2pd Overlook or call Bd Sfffl. (282) itt- :abw. 800 Frer yQ7lK WANTED Woman w (2pP) Phone Green 9p. (281) 111 look after children evenings. Phone Red 495. (281) MIDDLE-aged woman-will look after children eyenlngs. Phonp Green 588. (tf) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARJ $40 each double; $45 single. Home awa from home. Tabl- meals. Mrs Lawley, 622 Frasr Street. ttf PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Offers a permanent release from drinking. It is a confidetlal the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. St. John 3:16. Independent Progressive Box 288 Daily News. (It) PERSONAL Skin Sufferers! Thousands from coast to coast have benefitted from Kleercx's quick healing of Excema. Psoriasis, Itch, Pimples, etc. Why not you? "Kleerex" 50c, $t.op all druggists or write Kleerex MfR. Co., Winnipeg. Open for engagements for house-parties-and etc. George Ellott and his accordian. Evenings Royal Hotel, Room 40. (282) SANDED FLOOR makes a new room! Dark and stained floors can be made as good as new by sanding, a quick, efficient Job with modern equipment. Greer and Brld-den have the latest In floor sanders and guarantee the best service. Phone Red 501. (tf) METAL WORK PLUMBINO Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Furnaces, tanks, eavestroughlng and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) TELL Your Troubles to Thorn Sheet Metal, Furnaces, Smokestacks, Air Conditioning Units. Black 884. 253 East First Avenue. Hf CHENILLE SPREADS, $4.89 Manufacturers' clearance nqt quality for double and single beds in beautiful two-toned colors, wprth dpuble the price. Money refunded If not satisfied. Sent C.O.D, plus postage In Canada. Handicraft Distributors, 254 Sherbrookc St. W., Montreal 18, Que. f IACHINEKV FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber morp economically use the rnoderp and uprto-date type National Portable Sawmills manufac tured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. uu SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES nvrrr. SERVICE EXAMINA tions. Prepare NOW for Winter examinations. Write M.C.C Civil Service School, 301 End-erton Bids., Winnipeg Man, THE MARKETS Vegetables Cranberries, lb. .53 Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs .29 !to Aiyansh. Surviving members 1 Hubbard Squash, lb .07 of the family sue the wldrvw I Danish Squasri, lb.' employed a.t Miller Bajr hos-,.. . . (tr'ansh tor 25 pital, pne spn in Vpuyer, and citron ' fb- . Phil- a rinnorVlfor n XI r, "'' -.- 5--v .iimawii" - v.-uo1Vv.. 4o. y. 11. cxjiiayn, Caullflowpr p.n there, Hying in Kamlopps, who will fly Leeks 2"bunrh Grad A: B.C Undertakers. ' tor. eftflfc Apply Box 289 1 doz.' f 'w uauy ijews. (279) - Sahpon.lb Cod'lb. Black Cod, smoked, lb Smqktd Kipper's, lb. Butter First GradeTBr"'. , .09 23 Oil .OS .30 to .45 uie home of north for the funeral service 1 Parkin iX,nXA Tn," -1 Ki".r - n Aiyansh. which It is exDgct vfili take i Snrnla. on- ; place m Aiyansh. i .4 a a . 2c pet l'r lnser'lon- minimum charge. 60c. Birth Notice, MO ' FOR SENT - FOR RENT 2 rooms and kit- Bp u -vy chen. 33C 9th avp wV .970. (rovw'""r 2s' Charley L ' stv n his eighty- ifOR 1ENT 4 room furnished jj t v-ncouver, and. Plione 422. . (281 Pr..:"'! Rupert, Funeral December 2 Turnips,, lb. Mushrgpms, lb jtt, 8 lb .': LUuce ((lead), each .15 .19 .ua .63 .25 .2jl Cejery, 2 lbs. 20 Garlic, lb .49 Cabbage (new), lb .08 White Beans, 2 lbs .33 Sugar White, lb u Golden Pfillow, lb. Fresh Milk Quart .............r...'. Pint Cream, '2-Plnt .11 .19 .10 .15 Medium, 59 fish Halibut, b J53 J5 125 .38 .22 70 Milk Evaporated Milk7 16-oz. tins,' 2 for 27 Klour Paitry Flour, 7 lbs 57 Flour, 49's, No.l hard wheat.. 2.99 Second Patent L.L..V.. 2 35 Flour (24's) 1.59 Tea and Coffee D;Luxe Qualify, 1.07 Cpffee, lb 5? Juices Tpmatoes, 20-oz 17 40 oz 33 J gallon .59i Apples, 20 oz tint 2, for .v.r.. 23 40 oz . 1:, . .34 Orans, 20 oz ... : ID Blehded Ccanse apJ grape fruit ) 20 bz. 12 48 oz 43 Canned Fruits Apricots, 20 oz .33 service rendered without cost, i cherries . (fancy) 20 0z 37 1... l 1 1 1 l r I ' . - - uyoiiiei!JwiioimveJounairee-iJppnberrieS( 20 oz 42 dom from alcohol. Box 276ipelches 32 Daily News. J Of) i pcars ZZI1IZI'' M PERSONAL For God so lovetll Canned Vegetables Dill Pickles, gal 1.75 Cut Green Beans, fey. each 20 No. 3 Peas, fey 2i Mixed Vegetables 19 Diced Beets, tin 14 Wax Beans, choice .201 Mixed Peas and Carrots .19 1 Pumpkin , 16 Fruit Tomatoes (hothouse), 1 lb. .45 Apples, cooking, 3 lb 25 fancy Apples. 3 lbs 32 GrapeJruit, Teas (white), 4 for .35 (pink), 3 for .29 Lemons, doz 49 Oranges (Navel) 40 -.63 Emperor Grapes, lb 50 Dates, pitted1, lb 29 Anjou Pears, 3 lbs V. .31 Pomegranate, each 15 Lard Pure, lb 29 Shortening 33 Soap, face, 2 for Laundry, cake .08 -.25 Seedless Raisins, 2 lb 45 Seeded Raisins, lb .24 LAND REGISTRY ACT He: Certiricate'or Title No. 1500-1 to Lot 'Kmircen (II). "Ik Twentv-flght '' (?8). SeHlon Mv (B). Cllj' f l'rlme Kiipevt, Map whfheas satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued in the name 01 uenjamui n. Rice has been riled In this office, notice Is hereby given that I shall, at the exulratlon of one month frora, the date of the first publication hereof. Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me In wrung. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert, B.C.. this 24th dav y bl November, 1947, AD. ANDREW THOMPSON, Deputy Registrar of Titles. (301) ill-- itl w if m, i i mum v m mm WEN'S FIVE-PIN aLs Glace Fruit "t A LEAGUE . PRINCESS ELIZABETH'S GOING AWAY CLOTHES Shown at left is an artist's sketch of Princess Elizabeth in her going-away ensemble, which she wore when she left on her honeymoon.' It is a travelling coat oflove-in-the-mist blue velour cloth with soft revers, rounded shoulders. Inset bands across the coat front are held with three buttons as far as the waist, where the gently flared skirt gives the required fullness and the elegant modern length. Her going-away dress is shown at right. It is a simple dress of iove-in-the-mlst blue crepe with cross-oyer bodice draped to the left hip with three inset panels in the skirt. Here is an artist's study of the royal wedding shoes. On the left is the royal bride's going-away shoes made in elasticlzed mush-rpom-biege suede. They are a step-in shoe-with short counter, sweeping round with' a high:front appearance, leaving the put-side open. The front part of trje shoe is finely perforated. At op is the bridesmaid's shoes, which are ivory satin ankle-strap sandals with narrow interlaced satin stripping piped with silver kid and fitted with buckles studded tfith small pearls. On right Is the royal bride's wedding shoes, which are Ivory duchess satin self-lined sandals, and are in one piece, embracing the waist of the foot, with reverse folds on the high instep strap and across the front. These draped sandals wrap the foot and the open toe, back and side effect is finished off with a silver buckle studded with small pearls. Cherries, V2 b. pkt 39 Men-S A" League five pin bowl AiwmnH Poctn Hi .8 lnr schedule .r ::ie iecona third of Coconut, lb 63 Fruit Cake Mix, lb. , 49 the season la announced as lollows: December 15 Homo' Oil vs. North Star. Burns vs. Continentals, Erown- minds vs. McMeeklns; Moruans vs. Mansons. Kilowatts vs. Revellers, Mallns vs. Ambassadors. December 22 Morgans v. Revellers.'- McMeeklns ts. Ambassadors, Malkln vs. North Star; Kilowatts vs. Brownwoods, Home CM vs. Continentals, Burns vs; Mansons. December 29 McMeeklns vs. Continentals, Malklns vs. Kilowatts. rwemhof 1 Mnnsnns vs. Revel-. Burns vr. Morgans: iteveners vs. T.iif,iirira v, Knith Star. iTi.imtt nil Mnnsnns vs. Browil- DateS (fancy), 1-lb. pkt. 35 Brownwoods vs. Home OH; Burns vs. I woods, North Stir "s. Ambassadors. Malklns. Continentals vs. Ambassa-j Brown-dors. Tnuro & Ma,kUl8 V3. Morgans vs. Kilowatts. I wood3 Manson3 vS, Home oil, Revel- nuumtiAr n TllirnQ AmbnRSA . nn.,n)i.. Mn,nnnB V4 Shelled Almonds, Va ID 4J dors. Revellers vs. Brownwoods. KUo- Ambft3sndors. Burns vs. North Star, Shelled Brazils. Vilb 45 watts vs. Marions; florin aiar vs. Kuowatts vs. McMeeklns. V Continentals, Malklns vs. Morgans. . , 4n iK Shelled Walnuts, '2 I? 49Home oil vs. McMeekhis. Advertise tn the Dally News' NOTICE 9 ON AND AFTER DECEMBER 1, ALL VESSELS OF THIS COMPANY WILL DOCK AT THE PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT WHARF, FOOT OF JHcBIUDE STREET, FOR FURTHER INFQRMATION REGARDING SAILlNf.S AND RATES APPLY At OFFICE, THIRD AVENUE, OR PHONE 31. Sun Life ol Canada TOM McKKOWN licsMencc: Phone iflire SIC No. C Sniilh Block C. J. STEVENS PASSES AWAY Death, Claims Another WeR Knpwn Resident Another well known .citizen of j many jeans' standing in Prince Rupert, Charles James Steyens. di?d' abouffqir .'ciqck trigay I afternoon 'in the Prince .Rupert ; General Hospital. He passed away in hirsleip In his e'ighty- , second year, jie'jiad Ryed in this city since 1920. Ills wife died tpn years ago. I ihe tate Mr. Stevens was born in Petrolla, Ontario,' March 29, 1866. Early in life, he saw a gopd deal of the United States,' I q-avelnrig in he south, as well as elseivherp, and could recall . imany incidents, and experiences j of interest. H,e had a natural aptitude for mechanics, arid de-, pe$ some time tp .this, eventually taking up business pursuits, j being" in the solt drlk Une liere. j it was in 1900 he camp west, arriving in r'sce Rupert In J920' and establishing a soft drink enterprise here. He had remained. in the city since then. 1 . The .surviving members .of the ' i famiy aje two sons. JacK, imng in Vancouver, and Bruce, Prince Rupert. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Sunday ss Camosun, 2 p.m. .Monday Princess Adelaiue lOpinii. Tuesday ss Coqultlam, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss Prince Rupert 11:15 p.m. ,Friday ss .Catala. midnight. From .yancou.yer " Sunday ss' Cpquitlm, 4 p.m Monday ss Princess Adelaide, pjn. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert lQ:6p, a.m. Friday -S,s Camos,un, 9 a.m. Friday ss Cabala, a.m. For Alaska-Friday ss Campsun, 2 p.m. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, 1 12 midnight, from Alaska I Sunday ss Campsun, 9 a.m j Train Schedule For the East Monday, Wednesday,. Friday 8 p.m. From the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 "p.m. ' Santas w J Suggestion SLIPPERS for tlie ENTIRE FAMILY FOR JUNIOR FOR MOTHER F OR DAD Fashion Footwear STONE BLDG. 1 Margaret 13tfnrc Hupcrt pajlj I3ctos , Saturday, November 29, 1947 NOTICE The Dally News wishes to-draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising la payable in ad-Xjnce at e pf(ice at Mpie gf 'presenting qop for advertising. Those desiring to advertise in this manner in the Dally News are askyd to assist the office and respert this rule b,y refraining trpm teJephonint' rlasslflnd Rough and Dressed Lumber Novelty Scarves Handkerchiefs Optometrist - AT MANSONS Jewellers 522 Third Ave. Phone Oreen 324 for Terrace : Pri-, TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN TIIE DISTRICT " U. Sniilh)! , P.O. Box 167 Terrace LITTLE, HAUGLAMD & KERR LTD, Lumber Ianufacturer,s TEUIiACK Agents For International Harvester Co".' Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Pliiico Radios Willard Batteries LOVELY LADY Logs, Poles and Piljns Ltd. S TOMORROW'S STYLES Ilatest Spring Sty.le TODAY amine dine Suits sizes 12 tp 24 V2 Wide assortment of Satin Slips and Rantie! BRIDAL SETS in Sain .Crepe White, Blue Embroidered P( - I Tea Rose Lace Trim r BED JACKETS Quilted Satin, Sheer Lace EXCELLENT CHRISTMAS GIFTS ETTE MANSELL UPSTAIRS IN STONE BLDG. "WALK UP AND SAVE" PERFECT BEAUTY IS EVERY . WOMAN'S DESIRE . . . AND j WHEN WE SET YOUR HALT THAT DESIRE IS REALIZED,, CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT. PUONE C5 5 Helen's Beauty Salon. : zuo r ourui oireci, PE LUXE WALL TINT This improved Kalsomine is an ideal finish for plaster walls, and 'excellent for decorating Gyprock, Beaver Board, Masonfte, and all heavy wall board. Beautiful artistic effects can be obtained by dappling with one or rhore tints. Made in ten attractive colors. j FIVE-POUND PACKAGE THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. PHONE 101 255 Third Ave. To Avoid Inconvenience ... We strongly recommend .that our customers fill their coal bins as soon as possible, or at least order well in advance as there iwill be, unquestionably, a shortage of supply this winter. "CALL US OVER THE COALS it is going: to be a burning question." . FOOTHILLS LUMP - EGG NUT TELKWA LUMP V- PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED Call 651 or 652 Coal Lumber Paints Building Supplies i 3