S M a m a a n a H H a n B n D B B B B H B B fl B B ft 13rjncc Rupert Dnily JSrluif Saturday, November 29, 1947 Waterfront Whiffs No Further Wreck Bodies Found Canned Salmon Cleared Out of Skcena Halibut Fisherman Arc Worried CALLING ALL AGE BOYS I SUITS COATS SWEATERS JACKETS PARKAS PAJAMAS SHIRTS any more ! I Pick it out NOW! Lay Away Plan If You Prefer a PEOPLES S STORE V . . Mi A Small Deposit Will Hold It Rupert j Peoples Store Coastguard vessel rough coast line. continued Friday without RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE "I I B I IHllllllllllIIIIIIIBEaillllllBIBIIlllS a 5 H ' nn I mm ... niie Men s and Boys Store Major Gifts for Minors H B I "! ife mk- 1 'l f&Py m- - t S , 1 lEBHBBHBBBBBKBBBBHBBBI Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO 4 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST .weather, the sea Is rough. The 1 42-day race to the. Area Two ISooke Post expected to stand by, at least until today. It patrolled I an area about 15 miles north of the scene of the wreck, In ! the belief that any bodies which sue- few arc Interested. However. survivors and the bodies of four , cess. Weather on Thursday was there are a few boats out remi crew men were removed from ' fairly favorable for inshore jariy fishing shrimp around the wreck by the Coastguard and work by the 60-foot boat al- nearby islands, and there Is taken to Ketchikan Thursday, though how long that condition SOme crab fishing going on, too. while the Sooke Post, Capt. would continue Capt. Stewart , catches are being sold on the Charles Stewart, and another would not predict. Even in calm i iocai market. IRIDBIIBIBIIIIIIBII a Mm s fern s mm y a 1 ? i 't . , -i i m ! 1 . 1 C.PJt. steamer Princess Norah, serving Alaska, docked here at 2 i nours )urs , in tn her ner , southbound soutnbound pas sage by fog in Wrangell Narrows. Capt. Graham O. Huges, veteran north coast skipper, halted his vessel at the narrows rather than risk In the winding, treacherous channel. The Norah stopped here ' two hours, then speeded toward Vancouver, hoping to make up at least part of the time she had lost. The canneries on the Skeena River are now completely cleared of their 1917 packs of salmon, all of which has been sent to Vancouver, Vessels of the Frank Waterhouse line have made several trips to ! the canneries to load the packs for shipment south. There has been no indication whatever of herring in the Prince Rupert area so far this fall. Some herring has been caught around Butedale but the quantity has been small. Sets by seiers have yielded only 10 to 12-ton catches and the herring are believed to be parts of a local population and not the mieratorv schools which make that type of so profitable on occa- of an even shortpr halibut season in 1948 than the m3k ) i CIIRIST.MASj SPECIAL One Photo and Twelve Christmas Cards for Price and Appointment call at Chandler & Cowgill 4th Street, Prince Rupert q- S a rhree Sailings Per Week ior VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays, l:3t pjn Coqultlam. Fridays, 12 midnight. Catala. Sunday, 2 p.m. Camosun. KETCHIKAN, WRANGELL and PETERSBURG Fridays, 2 p.m. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 12 midnight. QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS October 17 and 31 November 14 and 28 Midnight. FOR SOUTH ISLANDS October 19 November 2, ,16 and 30 Midnight. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. . Phone 568 banks this year has Inspired the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union1 to take action to figure out a workable .curtailment scheme for presentation to the Internation- iwere in the sea would drift In al Fisheries Commission. Tills la northerly direction with the prevailing current on the west 1 coast of the Queen Charlottes, j A land party, organized by Constable Fred Walker of the provincial police Queen Charlotte I City detachment, failed to tra-' verse the rough, heavily timber-icd country to Hippa Island. The i area lacks trails. Distance from The Canadian Fisheries department patrol l)oat ,isiand aiong the coast is about Sooke Post, which has been standing by the scene of the wreck of the American Army transport Clarkes-dale Victory since Wednesday afternoon, reported late Friday that a continued search of the coast around Hippa Island on the west side of the Queen Charlottes has failed to reveal survivors or bodies than were spotted early Wednesday by the United States Coastguard. Three scoured the 54 miles. Despite the fact that salmon trolling was re-opened In District Two a couple of weeks ago, there are, apparently, no fishermen taking advantage of It. The weather, of course, is so rough The search nnrt the season Is so late that year, the halibut fishermen caught more fish In less time m Area Two than ever before in history. Prospect for next year Is that, without some sort of control, the quota will be brought In before any fishermen can make a worthwhile number of trips. To the regular halibut fishermen, who In past years have made their living at that type r! I. ,4 1 1-- 11. i. fair opportunity to make a living Is fast disappearing if some sort of curtailment scheme is not brought into effect soon. This year, despite the fact that about 200 American boats lay strikebound at Seattle, Tacoma and Portland during the entire Area Two season, the quota period was shorter than ever before. If those 200 vessels join the Canadian fleet In 1948, they fear the season will not last a month. Also, an Increasing number of small boats, mostly trollers, have been fishing from camps, where they can spend a day oh the portion of the 1947 quota was caught this way. Depletion of the pilchard fishery, which has kept many of the larger boats busy in the spring, may also turn them to halibut fishing next year. A 42-foot troller-halibutter if being built at the Cow Bay Boat Works for Harold Childs, who foi the last few years has been beam trawling with Capt. Charles Haar. on the ZenardI, The vessel, which is new being planked, is to have fir planking below the water line and cedar above. She will be powered by a 100 h.p. Buda en gine. Union steamer traiala. Capt. Ernest Sheppard, arriving later than had been at first reported. reached port at 5:45 this1 morning from Vancouver, Ocean Falls and numerous coatal waypoints The vessel sailed later In the morning on her return south, C.P.R. steamer Princess Louise coming north In place of. the Princess Adelaide, will arrive from Vancouver Monday after noon to be the first vessel oi I her line to resume berthing at' the government wharf follow-' ing the wartime interruption during which C.P.R. ships dock- j ed at the C.N.R. wharf. The Princess Louise has been placed , ;on the Vancouver-Ocean Falls- Prince Rupert route while the I regular boat. Princess Adelaide. goes on the Vancouver-Victoria Seattle run of the Princess Kathleen which- had a strandimr a j few days ago in the fog at the entrance of Vancouver Harbor Dr. Neal Cartcr, formerly di rector of the Pacific Experimental Station at Prince Rupert and for the past seven years located in Vancouver, after spending six months In Japan where he made a survey of the Japanese fishing Industry, found that, as a result of the war. the Japanese lost their former, northern salmon and crab fishing grounds around Karafuto and the Kurile Islands as well as the use of shore can neries on the Kamchatka Peninsula. The fisheries that remain are today largely confined to Hokkaido, the northern main island of Japan proper. I of Vancouver Island was recently bought by Edmunds & Walker I Ltd. This U said to have been , the largest salmon caught in B. C. waters in recent times by a iron nsherman. An automatic fish hook baiting machine Invented bv the hm. jthers John and David Andrist, is I reported to be working smoothly. ine ciaim is made that the de vice can take care of a hundred hook? a minute. Mcst fishermen Bait their hocks the plght before or even a day ahead, hut contrivance puts the bait in- the water fresh, !t Is asserted Reported to be the largest TIMBER SALE X42793 &ea'1 Tender, will. bo received by iu th Minister of Forest, at Victoria. ?dfh 'rte than 11 R m- on the 29th day of December, ioit .h. S1 .1 Llce.nce X493. to cut- T,i- BPr"ce. cedar, and m' ,nuan area "tuated on Mosquito Lake. Cumohewa Inlet. .Queen Charlotte Islands Land District. Two (2) years will be allowed for removal of timber, Further particulars of the Chief rortwr, victoria. B.C. or District rrinca Jtupert B.C 1 i WINDSORS MAY VISIT ALBERTA RANCH The Duke and Duchess of Windsor, shown aboard the liner Queen Mary, told reporters on their arrival In New York after a six months trip to Britain and France that they may visit the Duke's E. P. Ranch south of Calgary, Alta. The Duke termed his ranch a" "great link with Canada" and it is a piece of property which "is an assurance I shall return there some day." The Windsors, who were omitted from the Invitation list for the wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Lieut. Philip Mountbattcn on November 20, declined to discuss the royal wedding, terming It "purely a personal and family matter." trawler ever built in the United land depth of 10 feet. Oeneral Kingdom, the Neptunus has been equipment includes central heat- aoFrMav mnmina h.W-ph i ground then make quick de-:"Ui" "B:in ,anQlc Kingaom. n is zuu ieci speaicers lor music ana news j nas-l'very llverv 01 of their incir catehes caicnes, a A eood gooa sion. " j HALIBUT FISHERMEN BECOMING ALARMED H PrnsnAct lung uiciau, ui3 ou uui uvam fteivicc aim air cunaiuumng, NOTICE TO VETERANS INTERESTED IN TRAINING If you arc platmuis on taking vocational training under llic Yt-tcrum Rehabilitation Act, yon iIioii!(1 llly immediately, as tlic right to apply, with very few exception, cmlj December 31, IV 17. Applications may be made to tbq ncarct district of the Department of Veterans Affairs in person or by mail, or to tbo Veteran' Ofiirrr at tbc nearest office of the ISational Employment Service. TK Rrpttnt rfrrd lo ebvt vr v.t-ron dikrgd vbqvnt to January I, lf47, pantianrt and vvtarant what antry Into training vat dalayvd by tha ncrty far madical treatment wndar owtharity at tha Department al Veteran, Affaire. Publined vndir fn authority of Tn High! Hanovraba Ion A. Moxleniia, MiKittr ol Vattrom Affoin. THE DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS A certain man in this town "needs WATCHING It may be your bubaml, jour brother, your son, your father or your boy friend. Whoever it is we will be sure to have a watch that will be the right thing for him. We have fifteen jewelled watches for as low-as $15.00 and they will keep Rood time loo. . But of course we have better watches and more stylish watches which run into more money and bring joy to the heart by their elegant appearance. However, we will guarantee any watch we sell to give you the satisfaction you expect for the money spent. WE HAVE WALTHAM, ELOIN, BULOVA, ORUEN OMEGA, MIDO AND MANY OTHERS .0 I I A seventy five pound salmon, SlSllQtS caugnt by troll of f the west coast I w mm . . .. . if i-ur tmts for your Leading Lady Reautiful furs arc the Ageless Gift of Distinction Yearned for by every woman from 1G to CO. BILL SCUBY- Furs built In Aberdeen f"1" for ur Uie Ice-ling, hot "'a"a and cold wowe showers. loudJ JT flit ITIItlll .(. a mr m s JT mmfr.M' ' It LUMBER JUST RECEIVED a large shipment of Fir Dimcssion, Shiplap, Flooring, Vcc joint, Kiln-Dried Fir Finish, Shingles, and a large assortment of Moulding. Sole Agent for B.C. CEMENT CO. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING SUPPLIES PHONE 116 COAL PHONE 117 SUNDAY MIDNITE AND MONDaI yBBBBBBBBeA. . H'H Mm'vttmMum mm mm mmu v GREER & I Monogram your 'Give That Personal The following items may lv name or initials, in gnln. -red or l it 1 PrnFostn c,n ram CIlOSIlY-IJAItRY riTZCllJ In "WELCOMt STKAXCEB" BRIDDEI BUILDERS AND CONTRACTOR Repairs Construction Alteratioi Phone RED 5G1 P.O.Box TSTTT PI no (1 Boxed Sets of Colorful Papi-r Matches Fancy Napkins and ( oastrr Sets Leather Binders and Photo Albums Fancy Stationers Guilt-edged IMayins 'arch 7."v minimum charge for iiuprmiin avf DON'T FOB GET CHRISTMAS CAKI U Imprlntinsr 7.". first dozen and "((. ad additional H I Imprinting Free of Charge on f Waterman. Parker and Eversharp 5 Pens and Pm il ti . . iiiiiinline & Wc give 21-hour tervnc v K'ei,te!cieic"c'i,c!t,,lt!4"" Thinking of . . . CAM r n A For ChfisH Wc have just rm-ived a "JJJJ'Jji "1 Kodaks and Brownies. CR1.50 IPO Af 1 Mrf MTfHFnN PHARMACY II"' (E. C. Wallace. Mana' pfl0.j TWrd Avenue at SIxUj Street