old Orange Juice, LlQl'II) WAX i')X- Gibbon hakim; powdkr- W)f 8-oz. tins . West Everybody Likes SOUP! LIBBY'S Vegetable Soup, per tin 9c AYLMER Pea Soup, per tin 9c CAMPBELL'S Vegetarian Vegetable Beef, Beef Noodle, Asparagus Soup 2 tins 25c HEINZ Pea Soup and Vegetable Soup 2 tins 25c (J KEEN BEANS per tin I."(" DICED BEETS 1.V 86c SPICES Mixed, STUFFED OLIVES this 6-oz. jars .T-o rimnoi.ATE SYRUP 6-oz. Jars S.", 16-oz. jars l.'f SPAOIIETTi NABOR COFFEE jars Van Camp's, 20-oz. tins - 3 CX't,-i'CH'1,iT1XW:'C, i 1.V , A I B21 f siiorriNd DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS BULOVAS (HtUENS ELCilNS . and Many Others to Choose From DRESSER SETS FLATWEAR lb ) The Early Shopper U Never Disappointed On Engraving ALL WORK DONE ON THE PREMISES TIIK LATEST iti JEWELKY . . . MANSON'S JEWELLERS "YH It FRIENDLY JEWELER" H H ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft WAX BEANS CLAMS whole gr minced Exchange Grapefruit Juice, 25c per tin Fort Garry, Malkin's Best, lb 90c a per A Malkin's Black Label, Salada Brown ana ieuuw wuci, pci iu, HEINZ "57" SAUCE, per bottle COWAN'S COCOA, per tin SALE CONTINUES THROUGH TO WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 3 r 17c :io? 11c mimscences J. and Reflections i iamethlng in pleasantries. One answer .is. n Is call-'read "white That certainly uc enough is wouldn't do. Another was "Nova u h tiresome. 'Scotlan." Verily, neither would c your racial, that. ::unds simple j u:r all, call for j, prince Rupert has what is : if you wisn ratcci one 0f the finest harbors ue fine points. o( tne World but. believe it or spiles suggest not( n0 0ne appeared to have are indulging heard of such a haven until Grand Trunk Pacific came along. It was known there was another inlet here but noth skippers who did not object to admitting meir astonishment. ft ft ft ft ! ft ft1 ft I ! ft ft ft ft ft ft -i'ct!tiictctei',,e',',,,S!C',st'!ete A young bull, failing to leave; the tracks in time, was killed attend, ' some years ago in the Bulkley dresses 'MM'- Locai MEAT SPECIALS - DAYS ONLY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIAL BOILING FOWL, per lb. 32c 3 1-pound average Fresh-Killed Frying Chickens FRESH PORK FRESH VEAL leg Roasts, lb. :Wf Fillet Roasts, lb. I."e Shoulder Roasts, lb. Sirloin Roasts, lb. IC Rupert Butchers PHONE HI NEW SYMPHONY Ira Dilworlh, former chief executive for CBC in British Columbia and now general supervisor of CBC International Service at Montreal, is seen here with the young Cana-adian composer. Alexander Brott, right, as they examine the score of the latter's new symphonic suite, "From Sea To Sea." Mr. Brott's suite attempts to convey in symphonic form the life and culture of Canada's five main regions. The final movement describes British Columbia, ranging from the peaks of the Rockies to the primitive rhythms of the Indian tribes at the coast, and reaches its climax with a chorale which expresses firm belief in the unity of all the peoples of Canada. Valley country. The farmer promptly in writing brought suit and, in the hearing Secretary- Women's was called as a witness. "Did you sic ihe bull?" inquired counsel. "I did sir." "Tell the court where you saw him "The bull was coming out of the g-g-rass." r -1 n,t A 1UUliUK UU. ut lilt giaaaf win 2iou sec him again, and if so, under wnat circumstances i "The g-rass was coming out of the b-b-ull." CANTERBURY, Kent, England KF Structural renovation work required for Canterbury Cathedral will cost approximately $500,000. Moving, Packing Crating, Shipping and G-cneral Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones GO and 68 STEAMSHIP BOOKINGS to GREAT BRITAIN NOinVAY - SWEDEN-CONTINENT ALL LINES REPRESENTED Also Traiis-Oaiiul:i Airlines Passports and Visas Secured For Information See ('. TKl MHKI.1.. City Tlekft AB'i't 628 3rd. Ave . Prince nupert or any agent Canadian nations P.O. 10. Box C23. List News Items H. G. Perry is arriving in the city on tonight's train from Prince George to spend a few days here on business. O BASKETBALL TONIGHT. Civic Centre. Senior game 9:00 p.m.. Savoy vs. Co-op. (it) O Moose Whist Drive and Dance every Saturday night, 8:30. (279) Mr. and Mrs. Peter Krook, who have been in the city for the last couple of weeks after being called here by the death of Mr. Krook's father, plan to sail on the Camosun Sunday afternoon to return to their home at Seattle. V ! Customer Patronize those who advertise. Let Dally News! prince . Art i l . .,! engineers 1 ness closes Dec. (279) Miss Lillian Swanson, well known business woman of Pet ersburg, Alaska, who has been ' on a buying trip to Seattle and ' San Francisco during the past month, was a passenger aboard l the Camosun yesterday return ing to the Alaska town. Tasthma J ) AND HAY FEVER t I1KK.VTIIKASV OI' CANADA, I J UiLViUiCQUMT, UC. J Announcements All advertisements sn this column will be charged for n full " month at 25 cents a word. Another Rotary ticket will do three things give you a chance to win a car, give you ticket to, Grand Rotary Dance, help the hospital children's ward. Get one today. (289) CCF Bazaar, ovlc Centre Nov. 28th. Sonja Tea, Home , Cooking, Fancy Work. Lutheran Recreation Rooms, 2:30-5:30. Nov. 29. Plays, .Presbyterian Church. Dec. 3. United Church Bazaar, December 4. ' Orange Sale, December 5. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Dec. 11. Moose Christmas Tree Saturday December 13. Immediate delivery of new treadle and electric sewing machines in Prince Rupert and district. SINGER 'Sewing1 Machine Co. Phone 864 Prince Rupert Cash for old eold. Bulger's. Clarence Thomson sailed on the Catala this morning on a business trip to Vancouver. 1 O Concert and Film showing, Civic Centre Audit6rium, Friday, Dec. 5, 1947, at 8 p.m. Admission 35c. Proceeds to go to Prince Ru pert Film Council. (284) ing thnt. rnuiri snfpiv shpitpr a fur dealer of this citv who sold BASKETBALL season tickets fleet let alone enter without all out a few months ago and left now on sale- Enquire Civic Cen Sorts Of risks. Perhaps there 1hp rltv. i. nnw n natlfnt in n tre- were fly specks on a chart or Montreal hospital where his con- never existed. When the facts were finally blazoned, there were i William Goldbloom, pioneer jthe city dition U reported to be serious. O CANADliN LEGION CHRISTMAS TREE Saturday, Dec. 20. Children of War Veterans (12 yrs and under) eligible to Names, ages and ad-( (tf) .They plan to spend a few days In north island settlement. (It) Mr., and Mrs. Adam Pyper of Port Clements arrived in -the (city Friday afternoon on the Caasiar on" u brief visit. They will return to Port Clements on the same vessel on Sunday. Mr. ' Pyper Is hotel proprietor at the should be forwarded I G. F. Keith, assistant Canadian cither to : National Railways tax commis-Auxiliarv. 'sioner. WinniDeg, arrived in the of the case Lin Bell, widely Canadian Legion, P.O. Box 473, j city on Thursday night's train known and amiable railroader , or Secretary-Manager, Legion, ion business. Fourth Birthday We.s Celebrated 1 9:00 Booth School Physical Education Class. P.M. 1:00 Booth School Phslcsil Educational Class 2:30 King Edward Physical I Educational Class 4:00 High Schoo Uunior Gins Basketball Class 5:00 High School Juvenile Boys Basketball Practice 0:00 Bo-Me-Hl Girls Basket ball Practice 7:00 People's Store Basketball Practice uiass 8:00 Morgans Intermediate Basketball Practice 9:00 Savoys Senior Basketball Practice (Special Events) P.M. 8:00 Band Practice 8:00 Municipal I.O.D.E. Meeting 8:00 Junior Chamber of Com merce Public Speaking Mrs. E. Skogmo was hostess at g a delightful party on the occa-! jj Eion of the fourth birthday of her little daughter, Louise. Games were played and delicious refreshments served. Those present were Mrs. Arnuff Berg, Mrs. i Arthur Logan, Mrs. Martin Flad- st, Mrs. Long, Mrs. John Long, Tonight's train, due from thelMrs. Lane, Mrs. John Fredheim, East at 10:45, was reported tms Urs Hans olske, Mrs. Arthur morning to be on time. j welsh, Mrs. J. R. Carr, Mrs, .rt.iMnm'. ,,iutu ",.: Henry Jackson, Mrs. JMMoren, sta; M". Withers Donna Long Don 8 varieties. Low priced. Store, 819 3rd West. (279) aid Long, Marine Fredheim, Jimmy Logan, Peter Fladseth, Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Richard-, Kenneth Lane, Sharon Bond son of Tlell were passengers to Jean Lough and Lorna Faught. Rupert Friday on the Busi-1 Casslar, coming from Skidegate. JSoiv Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL 8:00 Ladies Rup-Rec Keep Fit'g ' t - . . n p si mm ii r m m II , o-- m m hi mm LOCAL dealer: ENTERPRISE FRUIT CO. Third Avenue at First R CHRISTMAS 6BFT Suggestions Elizabeth Anion Evening In Paris Adricnne Max Factor Yardley I'cggy Sage Cutex Tangce' Ikichelor WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION OF OUR LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GIFT SETS. We will hold any article till Christmas. No deposit required Otmes Drugs 'THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS' j EWncc jdupcrt Dalle petos Saturday, November 29, 1947 at Special Civic Centre fc m 1 lli ii 1 1 m. l ' v iUES in MONDAY (Sports) V AM. He Will Appreciate a g PRICED FROM HAT for Christmas And it's no problem to suit him. d AH you need to do is give him a g gift certificate (with a miniature j hat for the tree) and he can j? make his choice from our large J and varied stock. .... .. & $7 50 $15.00 Also general merchandise certificates to any value 1 1 TA J, J .jCTf: rniTi J7TTTVT7 A. MacKcnzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Christmas Suggestions LANE CEDAR CHESTS Tennessee cedar throughout with exterior of burl walnut The Idea'l Gift. Got to be seen to be appreciated. Phone 775 327 Third Avenue Prince Rupert 1 1 P-FULLNESS and longer skirts are keynotes in the new dress styles. Cloth coals are treated with full swing backs for graceful lines . . . Furs arc more lavish, more luxurious than ever. Sweet Sixteen has all these styles, so visit us, and you too can be trim, smart and glamorous for the Christmas season. Our BUDGET PLAN No Interest No Carrying Charges, will assist one and all to become a part of the new Fashion World. Announcing latest machine. For appointment call --ex . ilic opening of our new CARPENTER SHOP with the very latest in WOODWORKING MACHINERY We will build your kitchen cupboards right in the shop ready for installation. Also Floor Sanding with the very t Gunnar Selvig Phone Blue 610 P.O. fcox 63 1 it's made of wood, we can do it I I iti Ml 'hi . f"S. in, tiff- . m k x