I' It I" 4 lrfnrc Huncrt aflp J3du0 Wednesday. October 22. 1317 Classified Advertising - - - - Classifieds: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charge. 50c. Birth Noticed, soc; Cards of Thanks. Death Notices. Funeral Notices, ' Marriage ' and Engagement Announcements: 12. HELP WAJfTED WANTED Reliable party to op erate cafe. Phone Red 441 AGENTS WANTED , AGENTS Wanted everywhere to ssll neckties direct to consum ers. Big profits. Ties always a i i biz business, especially me Christmas rush. Very small refundable deposit required. Write for details to Rogers 4326 Coolbrooke Ave., Mont- . real, Que. (247) WORK WANTED ' MIDDLE-aged woman will look after children evenings. Phone Green 538. (tf) " WANTED- Work, by two ,vets. rnone uiue 952. (247) ... WANTED Truck driver job, reliable. Phone Blue 756. (248) WANTED WANTED Will pay cash for . small-sized house. Phone Black 970. (247) FOR RENT FOR RENT Two-room furnlsh-- ed apartment, and one sleeping room. 801 Borden Street. (252) FOR RENT Cabin, apply 315 Ninth Avenue West. (247) ;FOR RENT Three-room furnished apartment, no children. Phone Blue .814. (247) FOR RENT Cabin, furnished; ...nice, dean, warm. 1142 Park . Avenue. Phone Green 224. (247) " FOR RENT Sleeping room with - kitchen priveleges. Apply 221 Fifth Ave. East. (248) FOR RENT Two -room furnished suite. Apply 336 9th Ave. ,VW. ,248) FOR RENT Three-room house, partly furnished. 1008 Sixth Ave. East. $20.00. Prince Ru-i pert Realty Company. (tf) . - ROOM AND BOARD ' ' ROOM AND BOARD S40 each doiible: $45 single. Home away " "from home. Tablr meals. Mrs. Iwley. 672 Fraser Street (tf) PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Offers a positive and perman-M(ent release from drinking. It is a personal and confidential , , service rendered without cJst or inconvenience by other alcoholics who have found freedom from alcohol. Prince Ru-' ' ' pert. Box 276, Dally News, (tf) METAL WORK WHY put up with a smoky furnace or leaking eavestrough. . Z?0!1 Black 88- New installa- 'lions. Satisfaction guaranteed. 'Thorn Sheet Metal Ltd. (tf) ' PLUMBING Installations and ...repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Furnaces, t anks, . .vuves-troughlng and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West, Phone 543. (tf) 'MACHINERY FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more eeonomically.-use the modern I and un-to-datP tm. j,f. i Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery . . Xompany Limited, Vancouver.-Bc- (tf) ii Advertise in the Daily News! . FOR SALE .Large supply of dry scrap wood, random lengths, $6 per cord, 3 cord lots .$1G. ULUE 810 iBert's Transfer 303 Third Ave. WAR ASSETS FOR SALE FOR SALE Th ree hundred gallon oil drum. Ideal for furnace. Phone Red 800. FOR SALE Chesterfield Suite, green and fawn 2 single bed3 and other household goods. 1153 Ambrose, Phone Blue 716. (247) FOR SALE Brown coat, trimmed muskrat tuxedo, size 14-16, like new. Phone Green 549 after 6 pjn. (247 FOR SALE Ho: air furnace in good condition at 410 West Sixth Avenue. Call, after 5 p.m. (247) FOR SALE General Electric six-tube radio, with attached record player. Phone Blue 983. (251i FOR SALE 1939 Hudson Coun- i try Club, Model 93; good con - rliUnr, 1 AKA YT-... I u.wf, vv. new yute urcrjuraer u) lower the septic tank ' "J S2500. Call at 409 6th Ave. I the garden adjoining his home East, or Dan's Service Station. (251) tVD OiTP 1 rtw i-v i good tires. Phone Red 601 af- . X ter 5:30 PKn or Green 598 days. (247) FOR SALE BUNGALOW Four rooms and bath, basement; large corner lot. Four blocks from Post Office. Owner leaving. Sacrifice at ,$2100. See ARMSTRONG AGENCIES. 307 Third Ave. West. (251) FOR SALE New and Used Furniture for Household, Offices. Hardware and Musical Instruments, etc. Slightly used Radios, battery and electric sets, from $20; used kitchen Chairs, $1; Hassocks, $1.50: Chesterfield Bed, $32; new double electric Hot Plate with cord, $7: unpainted Medicine Chests, $2.75; unpainted Book Cases and Chests of Drawers. Everything reduced. Come and look them over. B.C. FURNI-NITURE CO., Black 324. GARAGE Business in Interior town for sale or lease. Turn over about $7500.00 T month. ... 'An .... opportunity that seldom ap- pears. Fully equipped with modern machinery. Stock nhniir. tnOfinn T accaa maul ...wwv.ww. jtvji.y, uiai i have option to buy DroDertv I Particulars from P. H. Linzey, Prince Rupert Realty Co. (tf) mt cai t? ir t t fort Furnaces in stock for immediate installation. Inquire about our air conditioning units. Expert workmanship. Phone Black 884. 253 East First. Thorn 8heet Metal. (248) STOVE FOR ,SALE Month-old coal and wood heater, going cheap. Phone Blue 378. (247) FOR SALE 5 h.p. "Stover" Gas Donkey; Easthope Winches, complete with brand new main line, straps, chokers, float and two snatch blocks. Price $400. 6 h.p. Easthope, used two seasons. Price $175. Fordson Tractor, with steel wheels and power take-off. Price $300. Annlv Ward p.i ectric and Marine Supply Co.!157 Mrs. F. Fisher of Hyder, (251 'ww anv t a . . K 3 llght brown CUdl' "ew "-enwooo make; price reduced. P.O. Box 11376 (249) FOR 8ALE1936 Buick sedan; a good tires, overhauled this summer; running well. $350 cash. E. S. Laird, Terrace, B.C. (252) TIMBr.U SAI.K XS1S0K Sealed tender u-m Ha the Minister of Forests at Victoria B.C., not Jater than U am. on the 10th day of November, 1947, for the purchase of Licence X 31708. to cut i.ivt.vw i.D.m. of spruce, cedar, and hemlock on an area nrllnininw T4mv&. . . J .111 ui Licences 1951P Pulp Licence 76 and -ruip ucence 84, vicinity of Skldegate Lake, Cumshewa Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands Land District. Two (2) years will be allowed for removal nf tlmhA. Further particulars of the Chief roresier, victoria, B.C., or District rorcster. Prince Rupert, B.C. WIRE ROPE AND ARMY SIGNAL CORPS FIELD TELEPHONES Representative of owners of considerable quantity of above items Is in Prince Rupert for one week. Would like to contact users who are interested. Wire rope In sizes for logging camps or guying wharfs or floats. Field telephones useful for distances up to 50 miles. No power required for voice transmission. Phone or Write J. SNKLGROVU, ROOM 27, PRINCE. RUPERT iIIOTRL LONDON PAPER SOON DELIVERED George Dawes is in receipt of a copy of the Evening News of London. It was mailed from London at 9:45 ajn., October 17 and delivered In Prince Rupert on October 20. which is consid ered pretty swift going, even if It is airmail. The Evening News Is a four-page, eight-column dally. Years ago, it ran sixteen pages. STEWART NEWS Latest from Portland CanalMining Cimtri 15 KILLED BY CEMENT SLAB STEWART The collapse of the concrete wall of a seotic tank was the cause of the death of Cyril Roy Dickson,' aged 65. on Friday last in the earden of his home on Vancouver Street here. The deceases, . a camn - v w. m v w i ij-i: Iter by trade, excavating . was ir " , . .. when one of the walls collaosed. crushing him. Deceased's brother. Walter "wcowea tne body when h ttlnf writ mil tn to .... 1 11.. out see how the work was progressing. He summoned help from some of the neighbors and it took five men to move the slab o that Ihe bedy could be extricated. Poiiee Constats George Nelson was summoned and he, together with Coroner W. Shields Orr, visited the scene of the accident. Dr. w. Roy Walker of Premier conducted a post-mortem 1 exam - ination of the body wSch re - ' vcaled several fractured r I one of which had Jh It Hugo Kraupner of Prince R- pert drove in to Terrace on Sat- u:day. accompanied by Fred Brown of Vancouver for -a short visit with tor. ana :.:rs. C. J Norrlngfon to discuss the affairs of the Automobile Association. Mrs. Will Robinson Is spending a few days with her daughter. Winter Closes Stewart Mines Big Four and Sliver rrip Mrris SImmlt Carries on STEWART-Operations on the Big Four have ceased for the winter. A watchmen will remain on the property until Ur resumption of work in the spring of 1948. . Twenty iwcniy tons ions 01 of ore were Ped recently to the smelter and is reported to have been of a very good grade. One of the late discoveries on the property gave assays of 1793 ounces cf silver and another of , over 3O0 ounces. Altogether the prrspecti far thte property would seem very favorable. It is the intention to resume work shortly on the Stewart Canal Mines which adjoins the Big Four on the northwest, according to John Haahti who has a large interest In the property With the advent of winter. work has discontinued dlscontlnucd on the the f on Wne ln the UPP" m aa' ThC "eW larrlved , ln durtn the past 7"? enthusiastic about the future of the property. Dis covenes during the summer would seem to warrant an opti mistic view of the operatlpn wors noiii on un tne me Morris Morns summi Summit , ruing apace ana accord - dWn to Ith6 humb . ' T Q.., i. ls.IondyIce ?r J Tu NlDrht S T E W A R T The Stewart Branch of the Canadian Legion entertained their friendsat a Klondyke Night in their new; club rooms on Saturday, Octo-; ber 18, making merry until mid- i nignt wnen Last Post was sounded. ' Alaska Members and guests retired to the dining room where an ex- cellent pot -luck supper was' served. 1 DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING We have Argus 35 M M Cameras, Kodak Medalist 11. 35 MM iProjectors, Amateur Enlargers and a complete line of photographic supplies. WRATH ALL'S Photo Finishing Box 478 Prince Rupert.. B.C. heart, and that death must hav K" rge .Wi"kler man" been instant-, h. Jns dlrector of the company. working alone at. th. h. fiIS "' the accident. ir ri-i,. . ... '-n..ii M.amvivea a pt4na. Ill . . . ay i:ici, JV11SS Aiarv 1) Plftnn e brother. Walter, who reinri rj-ttu with him i here, another .. hrniw'i. Warr.n nr ntt, i Z " " 7 ,nK to plan. A spirit of optimism Mrs. J p t ma t wiiii , i-?:..- the company yesterday frcm t Roman cT tholic Church of whSX del . C f n t P H rvno mm 1. - t t . I on auncrcut. unaer- taker H. A. Stewart. hnH and interment was inlhe st- 'art Cemptrv . (STEWART MOOSE WOMEN'S PARTY STEVVAh i The Mooseheart Committee. Women of the Moose held their Chapter Night program last Thursday night ln the Moose Home. Chairman Mrs. J. Bouzek was honored with a class of two candidates welcomed into the Heart of the Chapter by Senior Regent Mrs. H. A. Stewart. Following initiation, members Loyal Order of Moose and guests were entertained with whist. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawrence won the first prizes with Mrs. D. Geddes and A. Bugnelle the consolation. The SDeclal eift wa. A ASK FOR UUI'EItT 150x1331 BLONDIE THINK I'VP1 Mi GOT IT Bivcr.-. I I L XVI TIJC; 1 1 A I o o V4 vvi I i I.M, i.m( AL&XANDER AL&XANDER Timely Topics BLUE RIBBON CHAMPION POSITIVE STARTING POSITIVE COOLING . POSITIVELY GUARANTEED A DEMONSTRATION AT RADIO & ELECTRIC : PHONE (ill On the Rumstcad Circuit. from Terrace I Mrs. Doris Brentzen, in Prince George. Charles Adam returnee: M-i-day from a three week' holiday visit in. the souH). As the plane vas grounded at PentlcUm thrcuyh bad weather he made the trip from there to Prhve George by -car, from which point he accompanied Robert Parker as far asTerrace by car. Mr. and Mrs. S. Ek Parker returned to Prince Rupert by car on Monday taking with them Mrs. William Anderson who will spend a short holiday there. we Alex. Willson- f uie National Film Board was in Terrace lait C. week and as a reault of his talk with Mr. S. L. CampueU. a community film committee is being organized. So far on thia committee, the Mr. Campbell will represent the Co-operative Association; Len Casey, the Credit Union: Mrs. Phillips, the Wonr?n Institute, and representatives have still to be chosen from the Board of Trade and the Parent Mr. Teachers' Association. ton Try a Daily News Classified Ad. Jack f Sure male Starch and it the ho!e The qualijy is the rwiin housewives Wlien your Starch he Com Starch, ensures AUo ilanuacturrrs fV.VAV.VAV.V.VAV.V.VWAV.V.V.VAV.V.V.V Last Week! ;I of the Sensational Autumn FUIi SALE : by FOWLIE & RUTTLE J Do not fail totake advantage of these low prices. Our coats I; are an investment in elegance, comfort and satisfaction. I; THESE REPRESENT REAL VALUES jl Mouton Jackets I .Mouton Coats I Viscacha Coats Coney Coats ; Kros (Itail Coats" . .TT. . . :' Electric Seal Coats : Chinchilla Coats :j Opossum Coats '.; Chinese Kid Coats ; Muskrat Coats (flanks) I Persian Paw Coats . . . j; Squirrel Coats . . . : I Muskrat Coats (backs) I Persian .Lamb Coats . . . FUNERAL OF RONALD COLE TERRACE The funeral service of the late Ronald Cole, vic tim of a sawmill accident 1 Friday, was held on Sunday afternoon at St. Matthew's Anglican Ohureh with Rev. Roland Hills, assisted by the Rev. V. G. Graham, officiating. The chur:-. was filled at an early hour ar.r. the many beautiful wreathes and flowers showed the -grea; esteem in which the deceased was held by his many Terrace friends. Company officials and fellow workers of the Little. HHugtend and Kerr lumber mill gathered at the church and cemetery to pay their last respects. The hymns "What a Friend have in Jeus" and "Abide With Me" were sung with Mrs. J. Norrinaton as organist. The easktt was borne from the church to the hearse between a guard oi honor of members of Orange Lodge who also con ducted the service at the Kahwn Cemetery where interment took place. Chief mourners were: Mrs. Ronato Cole widow), Mr. Edgar Cole. Miss Dorothy Cole, and and Mrs. Cecil Lever. Pallbearers were Andy Miles, George Hull. Brock Norberg. An Cote, Garnet Jackson and King it's Jelin'o Jelmnun. vlirii rnn it will. CanxA.l (nrn will lie a favourite with family. of Cana.lt Corn Starch for its popularity iwith from Coat to Gast. recipe call for Grn sure to use Canada its dependable quality excellent results. of Crown Brand Com Syrup CCI $ 19.50 $ 89.50 S 89.50 $ 89.50 $ 89.50 $109.50 Si $119.50 $ 99.50 $' 99.50 $199.50 $209.50 $239.50 $299.50 $299.50 By Chic Young '. We have many other outstanding values to offer, so come early while the selection is still good. ;j COMPARE BEFORE YOU 15UY-WE INVITE COMPARISON ;j Take advantage of our budget plan ;j No Interest No Carrying Charges Remember ... for QUALITY, STYLE and LOW PRICE, It's Fovlie & Ruttle '.; 328 THIRD AVENUE PHONE VJ2 A . I liill Vim;; Imp :. iim ' : i I 1 V . r M F I . 'hV ' U I , - I m mm s IZ". v ..... v . ' T in . S V ( TOfr.vy3) mama. SlL , Terrace FOR-PROMPT SERMCE 6e Yo.i GENERAL MOTORS Chevrolet Ut DE, Bulck P0ntl" OldsmMi. Ci:' ork A specialty Terrace Machine Shoo & TERRACE B.C Phil's Gafi Lakelsc Amuc BREAKFAST UWichIw ainu 15A1NQUETS Serve : Tasty Food Fine Pastries Quia ir4 Ow,. Proprietor. Phil Tetrault LITTLE, HAUGLAND & KER! Lumber Manufacturers Roaith and Dressed Lumber TERRACE Agents For International Harvester Co Firestone Tire 4 Robber Co. I rnnco Kadios Ulllard Batteries TERRACE Transfer&Taxi A Storage 4 I WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE A TO ANY POINT I IN THE DI8TRICT (IL Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE BUPEj Chop Sucy Ctof Wii CHINESE DISHES OOR SrlCUl Open S am. to 2 sin. P II ONE 173 Orme Ptu The Pioneer Druggists PRESCRIPTION CHEMIS1 PHONE HI REMEMBER . . . Announcing the opening of our new CARPENTER Si with the vow latest in WOODWORKING MACHINERY cuH We will build your kitchen right in .the shop ready ioi Also Floor Sanding with theverfl latest niacmne- For appoin Gunner Phone Blue fiW If it's made of wood," TRY OUR CLASSIFIED ADS- Tern SINI Immediate dtlii treadle and tll machines In M and did SINGH Scwin? Marl p: Dally Delinl tnicnt call Selv P.0.1 niEy0rr