cial Doings . i ji ,i:ai:; j Churns M;i " ..'f Jit! : ' 11 - Super' G! ,t hv to- C. -.:! M7 . tprtinn win Dc weicuiiicuj 10 - - n,ribulions lm ri rt nil . . . .11 UAkl I II I IIIIMD I. Mb - . ii rried a: : n .: .me.vs GUI '11- Rev m A' udant ;: U 'C- : ;iiime of Scpnnd atuied uKi which l. : Toa.v ov Mr. landed Cooper Is President takln Avenue bar- vrars Prince : : ... clct-t. c- drat of 4. r t o ; ' T acihcrs ::d en-'.ai. the .( s vcar'5 . n nrpnifni s Oc' Xt. Ctw: Centre, 1. (i ime of Thursday. Oc- Mcntlnir Civic 11 J Coldwcll, el! N'nv r n Mrs.Becker Heads : :'on-, ! the - part, v, us dr- inn RICE PRODUCER iilhf rirn-nro . , . . . i j j; 30. Aid Bazaar, :t t: Mi..:, annual . .,,4.' 11 uilNirn, Mary i.o.D.E Bazaar. enan Fail Bazaar. Nov. 1 Star (ai) tuncc. Ma- -vk nov 21 -Kuiiuui uuau. "uijr Hume league viwv mnue ov. e December 5. (t-Ml bazaar Dec. 11. Central P.-T. Drama Festival in Spring Planned Mrs. J. II. Itlack Kcports on Convention Representatives from the four local Parent-Teacher associa tions, composing the Prince Ru pert Parent-Teacher Council met In the Civic Centre Mon day evening under the chair manshlp of C. II. Insulander to elect the following officers for the coming year: , Past President J. C. Gllker President Mrs. E. W. Becker Vice-President Mrs. J. H Dlack. Secretary-Treasurer Mrs, J. Anderson. A. M. Hurst and J. S. Wilson reported on the meeting held recently to organize a local film council. C. II. Insulander was appointed to act on the local film board as the council's representative. R. D. Cleland briefly summarized Information obtained this summer regarding a Music and Drama Festival which the council may sponsor In the schools this coming spring. Rep resentatives were asked to bring back reports of the reactions of the individual associations. Mrs. J. II. Black spoke on some of the problems which provided topics for discussion at the national convention held In Sackville, New Brunswick, dur Ing August and which she at tended as northern representa tive. Present at the meeting were T. Q. Bateman. A. M. Hurst J S. Wilson, R. D. Cleland, C. II Insulander, Miss Eleanor Mox ley, Mrs. S. J. Anderson, Mrs. a R. S. Blackaby. Mrs. A. J Bus sanlch, Mrs. George Hill, Mrs, A. Gomez. Mrs. T. McKeown Mrs. J. H. Black. Mrs. M. O. Kul lander and Mrs. E. W. Becker. Farnon Conducts Music For Movie LONDON 0 Bob Farnon who won fame as conductor of the Canadian Army concert orchestra, is scoring and conducting the music for a new British movie production of "Just William," based on R I c h m a 1 Crompton's novels. Until recently he was deputy conductor and arranger to Ger-aldo, the London orchestra leader. His compositions Include the Ottawa Symphony, a musi cal imnresslon of life, in the Canadian capital. Hotel. . . arrivals Prince Rupert M. Campbell, Vancouver; R. E. Brophy, Vancouver; Owen Richard, Vancouver; W. R. York, Sunnyslde; A. Wainwright. Mas-sett; Mr. and Mrs. A. Robins, Pacific; E. H. Seaton, Terrace; H. Jarvlnen. New York; Mrs. H. Beam, Port Esslngton; K. V. Carson, Smithers; J. Dunlop, Smithers; Miss G. Pflcfcr, New York. Try a Dally News Classified Ad Mm day is no trouble m all with wis modern electric washer! Mod cm Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. How should salespeople In department stores address their customers? A, Customers should be ad dressed by name when. It Is known. Otherwise; as "madam" or "sir." Saleswomen should never address women customers as "dearie" or "honey," this is exceedingly crude. Nor is it good form to refer to a woman ac companying a man as "the wife'- nor "the missus." W- wnat reply should one make when being Introduced to someone and he says he remem bers a previous meeting. A. Be tactful enough to say, How nice of you to remember me," and try to recall the meet ing. Q. Is It correct to number the pages of a social letter? A.-q; in long letters Uic pages should be written consc cutlvcly. CAULIFLOWER Smoky rose or luggage tan may be smart In dress material', but when choosing cauliflower stick to snow white variety. This is the season for cauliflower and the tightly packed heads are beautiful to see as well as deli cious to eat. A head of cauliflower cooked whole and served on a platter with a wreath of slicefi carrots and an outer ring of spinach Is recommended. This makes a real bouquet for any table evn though it does disappear quick ly. The whole head also is at tractive If served with a cheese sauce and a garnish of parsley. canned cream of celery or mushroom soup Is a good short rut sauce for cauliflower. Those with" gardens may find snme heads which are dark in color and loosely headed, but still with a mild delicious flavor. Such heads should be used as they will not store successfully. CAULIFLOWER SOUFFLE And when It comes to a luncheon or supper dish try cauliflower souffle. ingredients: one-quarter cup mild-flavored fat; one-third cup flour; three-quarter teaspoon salt; dash of paprika and cay enne pepper; cups milk; one tablespoon finely chepped on ion; one cup grated cheese; four egg yolks: four egg whites; two cups qooked cauliflower broken Into flowerets. Melt fat in top of double boiler and stir in flour, salt, pap rika and cayenne. Gradually "YOU JUST RELAX' I LL DO THE HARD WORK!" Local News Items . . . Special! Chenille Housecoats, $6.75. Star's. (tf) Mrs. E. Kechn Is leaving on tonight's train to visit her mother in Winnipeg. Little. Theatre meeting to night at 8 o'clock, Civic Centre. Casting for plays. (247) G. L. Rorle, who has been in Smithers for the past week or so cn business, returned to the city on last.nlght's train, accompan led by Mrs. Rorle. The Experts Say ' Elio's Furniture Store will be closed Nov. 10 to Jan. 3, 1948. (270) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gordon, having closed their summer home at Lakelse Lake for the season, have returned to the city to resume residence for the winter. ened, stirring constantly. Add the chopped onion and grated cheese, and stir until cheese is melted. Add slightly beaten egg yolks slowly, stirring constantly, Add flowerets and fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Turn Into a greased baklng-dleh, set In a pan of hot water and oven- peach in a moderate oven for 45 minutes or until a silver knife inserted in the centre comes out clean. Serves six. COOKING ONIONS Cook an onion well and you will help It live down Its bad name. Onions should be peeled either under running water or at least under water in a deep .pan, and there wilj be no tears shed. The odor of onions may be removed from' the fingers by rub' Ding them with the epd of i stalk of elery or a piece of celery leaf. Cook In boiling salted water and only until tender. Onion Casseroles-Ingredients four cups thinly sliced onion eight slices buttered toast; two thirds cup grated cheese; two eggs; two cups milk; one-half teaspoon salt; one-eighth tea spoon pepper. ... . , Slice onions in thin rin?s and cook in boiling salted water until tender. Place toast in bottom of greased casserole. Arrange on this a layer of onions and cheese. Repeat using remaining toast, . onion, and cheese. .Beat eggs until light. Add milk, salt and pepper. Pour over mixture in casserole. Bake In moderate oven for 40 minutes. add milk and cook until thick-'Six servings. The Prince Rupert Civic Rand Conductor: PETER LIEN PRESENTS FALL CONCERT CIVIC CENTRE AUDITORIUM Sponsored by Your Civic Centre Wednesday, October 22 at8:15 p.m. ( J Fine Program of OVERTURES, SELECTIONS, WALTZES AND MARCHES Assisting Artists: " Manlrll I.. Soiland. Pianist Mrs. K. L. Wicks, Soprano ADULTS 7.-.- STUDENTS 7; Tickets now on sale at Ormcs Drugs and Civic Centre Office Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Bacon re turned on the Princess Louise this morning from a holiday trip to Vancouver. 5 Civic Centre Dining Room will be closed to public from 2 p.m. to midnight Thursday, reopening Friday morning. (It) Hugo Kraupner returned to he city by air Tuesday afternoon from a business trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands. 0 "The Nations Business Hear Honorable John Bracken Leader of Progressive-Conserva tive Party, CFPR, Wednesday, October 22, 8 nm. (247) Miss R. Esllng, of the research staff of Canadian Pacific Air Lines, Montreal, arrived In the city by air Tuesday afternoon on a brief business trip, leaving again today for Vancouver. All persons interested in skiing are invited to the Ski Club on Sunday. Transportation leaving Post Office at 10 a.m. Bring lunch. (250) To conduct the annual audit of the circulation records of the Daily News, J. Ed Lessard of the Audit Bureau of Circulations, arrived from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this morning. ccompanied by .Mrs. Lessard. They will be here for the next couple of days, BARGAINS! Tea Fortunes, Home-cooking! At Booth School White Elephant Sale, Thursday, Oct. 23 at 2:30 p.m., in the audi torium. Come early. (247 Harry" Jarvlnen, traffic sales representative of Scandinavian Airlines System, New York City, arrived in the city by air Tues-i day afternoon on a business trip In connection with the pro motion of overseas passenger and express service. He left again this morning for - If you ever wish you could skip "blue Monday", then it's high time you scrapped your old time laundering methods and installed an up-to-the minute washing machine that will save wear and tear on. your hands, back, clothes and temper! You'll be amazed to find how simple and pleasant laundering can be --without drudgery. Mrs. Betty Klllas .arrived In' the city on the Prince Rupert this morning on a business trip in connection with her local Interests. Dr. G. F. Klncald, assistant director of the provincial department of public health,i arrived in the city this morning on the Prince Rupert. J. E. Corley of Victoria, na tional president of the Associa tion of Canadian Clubs, arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from the south and will be the speaker with an 11 lustrated lecture on Great Bri tain and France at a dinner meeting of the local Women's Canadian Club tomorrow even lng. Mr. Corley was the speaker at the weekly luncheon of ths Prince Rupert Gyro Club today He will return south tomorrow nlcht. No stranger here, Mr, Corley was a post office inspect or on this coast in the early days and, before retirement, was di rector of postal services at Cal gary. Fur Coats of rare charm for discriminating women see' them at Fowlie & Ruttle 3rd. Avenue. Persian Lamb S495.O0, Hudson Seal $435.00, Swedish Squirrel $395, Canadian Squirrel $375.00. ? Uf) FOR THE BEST WEDDING rilOTOS by Chandler & CowrM 4th Street, Prince Rupert The New Short Coat is not only uppermost in the fashion-world . . . but it's the perfect solution to your budgeting problem. SELECT THIS SUPERB COAT IN SPIT, LUSH MOUTON Warm, wearable and wonderful! IF YOU HAVE A WEAKNESS FOR BEAUTY YOU'LL LOVE OUR Out personated IHJDUET l'LAN Is designed to suit every budget. Suits and Dresses No Interest -No Carrying Charges. Do you dread washday? Steamer Service from PRINCE RUPERT to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 pjn. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight For reservations call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE RUFERT Moving, Packing, Cratlnr, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established ,1910 Phones 60 and 61 Prince Bupctt Dailp i3eto Wednesday, October 22, 1947 IT'S THE SEASON for a comfortable topcoat. We are now showing one of the finest ranges we've-had in ears. Made by Fashion - Craft and Society, in Scotch fleeces, g a b a r d i n e s , coverts, tweeds, Venetians and Crombie lodens. ' Call and sec them today, BRONCHITIS LZ nn nen'.rj i ' 37.50 io. $65.00 i!eiec!ee!exieie,e't'tticieie!C!iicir.ieie!cic''e'ctJ ORDER NOW! Personal Christmas Greeting Cards ALSO BOXED ASSORTMENTS g In New and Original Designs. Trices from Oc up GIFT STATIONERY FOUNTAIN PENS DiBB PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE j BAPCC Floor ENAMEL and DAPL-ART PROCESS Bapco Floor Enamel may be used on, .floors linoleum or woodwork1, and dries with a high gloss. It Is made In nine popular colors, and is ready to walk on when left over night. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. PHONE 101 From This Date WAR ASSETS COAL will be: LUMP Sacked $12.00 per ton MINE RUN Loose . $11.00 per ton No rebate for quantity HYDE TRANSFER rilONE 580 255 Third Ave. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Homi M Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box lit Hollywood Cafe TRINCE RUrERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 AM. TO 6 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS, Manager Specializing in Marine and General Sheet Metal Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks Stackl Furnaces Gutter Work 253 East First (Cow Bay) Phone Black 881 P.O. Box 1219 PRINCE RUPERT FIREWORKS! A large selection to choose from and more coming. Make the VARIETY STORE your shopping centre for FIREWORKS ci-'fi nii i iii i i