Vm I I 11,11 I I if '-U TEASE 1 I TM . I -SM ' ' I I I , ANIMAL X T TT 1 x corny m PORT Mint5 rer Week for BITER- VICTORIA SEATTLE aitlam Ua. ' nudlugut.. P o.n, Bosun 8'KA.Y WUANGELL I PETMtsiitntr; C2p.m W and A I tri? n ' 1 midnight. . . CIIAULOTTES lWtTT AND PORT CLEMENTS :toler if and 31 ;mber and 28 Midnight SOUTH ISLANDS October 19 lmer 2 IB and 3n Midnight, 1N'K J. SK1NNEK Rupert Agent t3KsnA una a civile JUU K FOR tuv IWRPn Awn White EALLABEL HICKS HOUSE a Quiet. n,.i-. ERASER KTnrcT Nns Black 823 mm Lily blended for imooth, rich flavour, Fort Garry Coffee it alwayi coiree ai ut Dei. It' flavour-ealed in Pi'o7m. Bouncements Bazaa. 30. Ladie: Aid Bazaai fale Nov 6 'e teg on Auxiliary wwvj. --- lev Vt ana 13. Moose Dinni" ncd Church, 101 Kar 1.0.DE Bazaar, Lai t Fa. Bazaar, Nov. Sta ance, Maple Nov 25 pw atneurai Bazaar, Bor. Armv Home League Htaai Ctvu Centre Not. Bfea Horn: Cooking, HotK Lutheran Recrea- 30- 3l NOV 29. Jiurcb Bazaar. Decem-Bali Is, December 5. t's Fai Bazaar Dec. 11. ti ftaveraung Pays! IS AIMING TO WIN CUP AGAIN Yvinne Neilson Shelloul Cup Winner Last Year Yvonne Neilson ii out for 1941 shellout honors. She is a nicely spoken iblir-trei b'.omle with money In the o: . an ' aUruih sht is y.i?', ei.to :i.. tier ieecs Yvonne N::ii'i already h-.s a mark of success about her. There 13 nothing indefinite about her plans for the future. She is going to be a stenographer. This inclination towards a business carer, combined with a generous portion of personality and hard work, Is part of the reason Yvonne has money in the bank. Last year while in Mr. Cheeseman's grade five class at Borden Street school. Yvonne won $15 and a silver cup as first prize in the Kinsmen Shell-out selling contest conducted among the public school students of Prince Rupert. Yvonne is in Mr. Moore's class at Klne Edward school this year and is working as hard for her new school as she did for Borden Street school last year. During the 1916 contest she was llvins downtown arid was able to spend all hnr spare time selling tickets tn the business section, the nn.irtmenr houses and the boats Now living near Seal Sove. she finds it more difficult to contact : buyer: but is hopeful that she will be able to win the silver cup j again this year. AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver A. Crompton, C. Dobbie, Lieut. Stapleton, Rev. Mr. Hlrsch, S. Smith. From Vancouver (Tuesday) George Slater. From Sandspit Mrs. G. Ness. TOO LATE TOO CLASSIFY AGENTS WANTED "Are you a Specialty Salesman?" If so, make nine dollars cash in nine minutes demonstrating Sales-Maker. Apply Box 273, Dally News. (255' F.xpFn tf.nced assistant trap per. Good deal and good trap line. Phone Red 154 or call 253 ' rib 8th Ave. East. Local News Items Mrs. George Eales returned "on the Prince Rupert this morning from a trip to Vancouver. Miss Edith Oanay returned this mornlne on the Prince Ru- pert from a trip to Vancouver. G. W. Nickerson returned on the Prince Rupert this morning from a business trip to eastern Canada and the United States. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Eastman returned on the Prince Rupert this mornlne from a triD to Vancouver. H. S. (Mike) Nickerson returned to the city on last night's train fro ma two weeks' vacation trip to Smithers. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McChes-ney left on Monday night's train for New York state where they will pay an extended visit with relatives. Hallowe'en Event! The Gyro Club Hoedown at the Civic Centre, Oct. 31. Everybody wel come. Grown-up and 'teen age 1 tickets. (255) Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Rorie, after srjendins the oast two or three weeks in Smithers, returned to the citv from the interior on last night's train. T. M. Christie, who has been selling surplus war assets stock here, returned on the Prince Rupert from a business trip to Vancouver. George Slater, manager of Superior Stores here, returned Tuesday afternoon by air from a brief business trip to Vancou ver. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Stevenson returned to the city on last night's train from Edmonton where Mr. Stevenson has been attending a hospital convention Mrs. Stevenson, who had been visiting in Vancouver, joined! him in the Alberta capital. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Blom- berg returned on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver where they spent their honeymoon following their marriage here two weeks ago. They will take up residenc oen Claude Street. BIRTH NOTICE Born to Mr. and Mrs. William Beck, in the Prince Rupert General Hospital, a daughter, Karen Diane, 7 lbs. 5 oz. nE SURE TO HAVE YOUR S Big See the Spies and MecklinS acUhls week. (256) William Cruickshank, C.N.R. district passenger agent, re turned to the city on the Prin cess Adelaide Monday night from a brief business trip to Vancouver. C. L. Youngman returned on the Prince Rupert this morning from a business trip to Vancouver and Victoria. . 0 Elio's Furniture Store will be closed Nov. 10 to Jan. 3, 1948. (270) EVERYBODY WAS HAPPY Episide of Thrift Gives Local Merchant Change A local merchant, this week found himself short of loose change which Is a source of some inconvenience In retail trade. While he was contemplating the cash register, a lady with three children entered, said she wished to make a purchase and asked if he would mind accept ing a few dollars In silver. This was precisely what he had been heping for. Would he? He cer tainly would. "You see," said the buyer," the children have been saving until their little banks became full. Each saved $5, and they are so proud cf It. In fact, we all are." Teh merchant sold what was desired, took the silver currency, congratulated his customers and gave some of the cash back tc the youngsters by way of en couraging them to further cultivate the saving habit while still in their youth. And each was surprised and tickled. Shell-Out FOR Hallowe'en TMMfl - M.ii' lip knows what the missus is up against all Jay long with the family washing, cleaning and baths! - - - . MM SEEK EQUITABLE FUNERAL COSTS The city Is seeking to obtain information from Kamloops and Nanaimo on the cost of burying indigent persons whose funer als are the city's responsibility. The question arose in council last night following 'a request from B.C. Undertakers for an Increase of from $45 to $80 for such funerals. if The aldermen aereed that $60 plus a free plot at the cemetery would be a fair price, a figure which was considered too low by the undertaking company. Alderman Casey charged that, in the past, indigent persons have been buried without a roueh box and took strong ex ception to the procedure. Coun cil will trn t.n solve the nrooiem by getting advice from the two! southern cities. 1 1 -j TICKETS READY FOR OCT. 31st Bon- fires Ticket Collections Start at Dusk Bonfires Start at 7:30 p.m. Tickets Must Be Turned In at Your Bonfire at 8:30 p.m. Help Help ' Kinsmen Kiddies Valuable Prizes For Shell-Out Winners Entertainment - Candied Apples - Novelties K Christmas Suggestions CHESTERFIELD SUITES (various designs) CEDAR CHESTS BEDROOM SUITES DINETTE SUITES TABLE LAMPS Hotel... - arrivals A. Heer, Smithers; J. E. Nix, Edmonton; Mr: and Mrs. L. G. Matall, St. Thomas, Ontario; D. Burt, Victoria; F. A. White, Victoria; Mrs.. A. F. Kent, Alice Arm; Mrs. E. McLellan, Terrace; Mrs. F. W. Towers, Smithers; Commissioner Baugh, Toronto; Mrs. G. Beirnes, Kispiox; Mr. and Mrs. J. Snatlnskl, Saskatoon; Brigadier M. Munday, Toronto; Mrs. D. F. Beamer, Mc-Brlde: Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Fish er, Ketchikan; Miss J. Fisher, Ketchikan. J. C. Gllker arrived back in the dtv this mornlne from a busl npss trin tn Vancouver and Seattle. rA. MacKeniic Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" LAY-AWAY FLOOR LAMPS END TABLES MAGAZINE TABLES (walnut). COFFEE, TABLES (walnut). LIVING ROOM DESKS (solid mahogany). LIVING ROOM TABLES (Duncan Phyfe). COFFEE TABLES (Duncan Phyfe). MIRRORS Numerous designs, reflection of beauty and taste. ORIENTAL CARPETS WILTON CARPETS AXMINSTER CARPETS. MAIL ORDERS HAVE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION Phone 775 327 Third Avenue Prince Rupert FUR Goes Places to tie about your throat in an interesting: ascot . . . to form two huge pockets on this full, flared, soft all-wool coat. Come in today and see our unusual collection of fur-trimmed coats to beautify the season. DRESSES SUITS ACCESSORIES ;From our large selection you will be able to match your taste for smart apparel. Our personalized BUDGET PLAN is designed to suit every Budget - NO INTEREST - NO CARRYING CHARGES llREDDYKILOWArT Your Electric Servant j . ., , r ' ' v ' "By golly, if I do the dishes, about some hot water? "Hey, mister, how about installing an automatic electric hot water heater then there'll be lots of hot water for everybody !" ? AND ENJOY THE i "O.K. Rcddy, get going . . . why didn't think of it years ago? No wonder the wife never seems to get out of the kitchen 1" V V V V II Prince Hupctt Daite Bto$ Wednesday, October 29, 1947 Topcoats Fall is here and we're ready with a fine stock by Fashion-Craft and Society. There are smart Tweeds, coverts and gabardines, velours and fleeces to choose from. You can take our word they're made right and styled right. Priced from $37.50 From This Date WAR ASSETS COAL ! will be: LUMP Sacked 312.00 per ton MINE RUN Loose . $11.00 per ton No rebate for quantity HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 nr.i4.jjRi lid) jiij.i mi JfTtL"ni1'll1h'""1 !5e!C!e'!e'stei5!e'e!cis!S!cie!ei'!steic'e!ici!C'cie'r5 ORDER NOW! Personal Christmas Greeting Cards ALSO BOXED ASSORTMENTS ? In New and Original Designs. Prices from 50 Up g GIFT STATIONERY FOUNTAIN PENS DIBB PRINTING COMPANY THIRD AVENUE LUMBER JUST RECEIVED a large shipment of Fir Dimcssion, Shiplap, Flooring, Vee Joint, Kiln-Dried Fir Finish, Shingles, and a large assortment of Moulding. Sole Agent for B.C. CEMENT CO. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING SUPPLIES PHONE 117 COAL PHONE 116 Hollywood Cafe TRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 AM. TO 6 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST at NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box IN for Hallowe'en MrJi .al' If i ii i mwtu i ii nort: Masks Lanterns Hats Fireworks Streamers Noisemakers You will find your Hallowe'en requirements at COLUMBIA 3 NEWSPAPER BRITISH HERN AND CENTRAL 1 C3