i-o the form of food contributions to the " 11 . . . I Ml I If ill! Rrimh isles and win oe directed ny a , ri which already has $100 donated last j city council. , ails of ihe fund structure have not yet i : ' ' : : the nmer. manufac- KT,nflfwerln K IQ IS Wat.Prml been completed, the lund will i be open to contributions from the citizens and will be under : direction of a committee which i will be chosen by Mayor Arnold. . Mayor Arnold chose the civic Of nn n.k finance committee as part or the administrative gfroup last night. In deciding to send food par-ith as a result eels to the British people, Prince wi.un.1 from a Rupert Is following an example uimumri; on a set by many other Canadian where ne cities, noiaoiy iorumu, wmeu Kmgt'U : Car.aciau cus-: originated the scheme. City jiu tie cause of Clerk H. D. Thaln was lnstruct-F;u:h oi this ed to write to Toronto and ('to n:d received learn the mechanics of the plan, jjjaV.fniiHjn. The Council last night authorized K iravi here to- the plan to be known as the ifcnr -e Rupert for j Mayor's Fund and Mayor Ar- .( Aiii fly to,nold intimated that a number tii" remains j of citizens would be appointed !r ;!n on tlic Ca-jby hereto sit with civic finance I , i Vuncoover committee members on the fund I committee, i The idea was brought before ! council with the presentation of i a letter from a Vancouver jewcl-lry firm which stated that thei nmnt Vfcr1 Oil QGRnrt mPTlt Of ! silverware which would, make . . ..i - . it. . L..Ua 'nrt wiiimiii suitable gnu lor me ruyai uuue. f ai .. .. . . ..... - k cu' csiau"!'" a Fffiistand anti-ine 33 . raised ny donations irum w.v ll ' .-PTinir ' rmni - i ... . n . tl. start wo! i:htmr of i WM"M " mm fe-AST In'o Incident When Four Men 'CP' Officials v, ,v '" . full in- ;ti.iy into the c? bla-t which lifirpanv's wafnr H uiv' end of W;'ur WrivkcVS tO fescviTe burns. $'' Earl Allan, 'IP Ertwurd Fleck- c:wlt nil of 'a Wu. Hip most ltd. ff !1" others U rc- Hoses 0 MILL i riant, win.. lun, ... f Plant here was lte yesterdav h ? 18. Emu n' U district DrMliUni "uoawork- ,d. ... -"uucea mat Plant -n n ri"cr federal tlm- "a refused . to lurrb. , "1 reached with i.i, tut... nrr trwh a rimi.1 iuu- I Hon of $100. The motion was passed unanimously. Various schemes for the dls- tributlon of the food parcels were discussed, resulting In thej aldermen deciding to write to; the Royal Household for suggestions regarding distribution and possibly getting names of people in Britain who have never received a food parcel from overseas. Alderman Rudderham suggested that C.A.R.E.' parcels, which are distributed in Europe by a co-operative organization, be used and this suggestion met with approval of Aldermen Brooksbank and Black. Mayor Arnold told council that the city of Victoria had recelvtd a distribution list from the Mar chioness of Reading and that parcels were being mailed directly to the recipients from Vic-, torla. Included In each parcel sent from Prince Rupert will be a card explaining its origin and that it is part of Princess Elizabeth's wedding gift. Belgium to Honor Premier of Canada NORTHKRN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWBPAPJEn Money received from the provincial government! as reimuurseineni iui a uuiuuu ui mc v.jty o unemployment relief payments during the ll)30's will be used to write off bonds floated for relief purposes during that period and the balance applied toward the city's sinking fund, council decided last night. Is Named Inspector F. It. Forbes-Johnston to Succeed II. II. Manscll Here VICTORIA Sgt. F. B. Forbes- Johnston of New Westminster, one of five staff sergeants and sergeants or the British Columbia police, whose promotion to BRUSSELS 0) Brussels Unl- for Canada, Newfoundland and verslty announced yesterday that Prime Minister Mackenzie King of Canada will be. awarded an honorary degree November 10 while in Europe to attend the wedding of Princess Elizabeth. He will also visit other western European countries during his tour. Local Tides Thursday, October 30, 1947 High 1:26 Low 13:25 7:19 19:54 20.4 feet 22.2 feet 5.7 feet 2.3 feet Bermuda, arrived in the city on last night's train from the east and will take the leading pari In a citizens' rally in the Salvation Army Citadel tonight and tomorrow night. He Is accompanied by Brigadier T. H. Mun-dy, territorial young peoples' secretary. Mayor Nora Arnold will preside at the meetings. LONDON, (U) Lessons at a T.nmhpt.h school . were held up when workmen discovered part of a bomb, believed to have been dropped in 1940, during repair work. The aldermen waterworks settled ' upon that course from the narrow alternatives offered by the provincial finance minister for spending the $32,525 which was Prince Rupert's share of $2,600,-000. that the province is distributing to B.C. municipalities a partial reimbursement for depression period relief costs. The suggestion was made by Finance Chairman T. N. Youngs, who suggested that it might be possible to arrange with the I provincial finance minister to the ranK oi sua-mi . nff thP sir nnn in bands out recently announced, has been . .... . ht appointed to succeed Inspector j Man.!l city's slnkTng.fund. Kam.oop. m "r rtii I Council approved the plan al-post w wffl at Pr ince Rupert , He Qf M e.r?SrSn t nan Robert McKay suggested fr' n ,. .vnpptrt. that It might be a good idea to ' 7n Forber - Johnston apply the money to rehabili-loincd sp the British Columbia Pol- tatjng the city's utilities telephone and Icq at CranbrooK in iwu,auu, among other points, has been station at Salmo in the Koot-enay district and at Bridge River. For some time he has been sergeant In charge of the New Westminster district. He is a married man. salvatiotTarmy chief is here jCommlssioner Charles Baugh nf Toronto, territorial com mander of the Salvation Army "Those are the only revenue-paying utilities the city possess and the sinking fund has been kept in shape at their expense," he said. Actually, the city had little choice In its "spending" of the money since the government re quired that It be used for the benefit of the sinking fud if it showed an actual or theoretical CONSERVATIVES GETTING READY Are Losing; No Time About Getting: in Running- Again OTTAWA, 0! Conservative members, some of them confident the next gen representation from 245 to 255 members, reduced the representation of some provinces and changed the boundaries of some existing constituencies. For instance, John Bracken, Progressive Conservative leader, saw his present Neepawa riding in Manitoba merged with the constituency of Portage La Prairie. Mr. Bracken plans to stand for nomination at the convention in Brandon November 18. He is expected to carry the con vention easily and undertake to deficit. Prince Rupert's sinking fundi is in the strange position of!-Tnilkl TAI I being actually overpaid by $180,- 1 JL uw, yeii utuig uituicwtauj .wi derpaid by $150,000 due to the fact that between the time oi the refunding in 1942, the annual payments into the fund were never quite met. Prince Edward Island Election December 11 CHARLOTTETOWN (CP) Minister . of Highways Barbour announced in a radio address that a general election will be held in Prince Edward Island December 11 the Dominion Progressive Conservative Association, also saw his seat disappear in the reshuffling of boundaries of constituencies In Ontario, but last week he was nominated to represent a new riding. C. C. Miller, Progressive Con servative member for Portage La Prairie, will go before a convention at Carberry tomorrow to seek nomination as the party representative for the combined seat of Portage-Neepawa In the next election. Another nomination conven tion will be held November 1 at Penticton, B.C., to choose a successor for Hon. Grote Stirling, who resigned recently as Pro gressive Conservative member for Yale because of ill-health. The candidate chosen will stand as party representative if a by-election is held before the general election. MAY BE 36 GOSWICK, Northumberland, England 0 Known fatalities resulting from the derailment of the Edinburgh-London express near here Sunday rose to twenty-four yesterday with the: death of another of the seventy-1 one injured. Railway officials said that twelve more persons were reported missing and believed dead in the wreckage. See the Spies and Mecklina ad this week. (250) either coast. j HIGHWAYS CAPITA HIGH VANCOUVER (CP) British eral election will come not later Columbia has the highest per than the fall of next year, plan' capita expenditure on highways to lose no time in letting It be , of any province in the Dominion known that they will be in the Hon. E. C. Carson, minister of running again whenever the public worn, saia wionuay ms. balloting day Is fixed. Jin a radio address. This is particularly true inl Mr. Carson also issued an ap-constltuencies affected by the ; peal to all motorists to exercise redistribution bill passed at the! caution on highways lq halt the last session of Parliament. The j appalling incf east5 ' in highway bill, while Increasing over-all , accidents, The minister said that phases of road improvement during the last three yars had cost an amount equal to the total estimated revenue from all sources in the 1946-47 fiscal year. Th government was expending on the road system for all purposes more than it had collected from all sources of motorist and highway traffic revenues. Seamen's Leaders Going to Ottawa VANCOUVER Leaders of the stand as party candidate in the Canadian Seamen's Union are Brandon constituency in the , 0n their way to Ottawa to take next federal election. The seat up wjth the Department of La-now is represented by J. E. Mat- bor the matter of the wage dis- thews, a Liberal. pute in which seamen took a J. M. Macdonnell, president of strike vote yesterday in con- nection with the demand for 15c per hour more pay and a shorter working week. Meanwhile it Is reported that the Federal Department of Labor is ready to set up conciliation ma- chinery. Vancouver Bralorne 11.10 B. R. Con - .05 B. R. X 092 Cariboo Quartz 2.60 Dentonia 21 Grull Wihksne .06 Hedley Mascot 1.04 Minto : - .0214 Pend Orlelle - 2.15 Pioneer 3.65 Premier Border 04Vs Privateer .35 Reeves McDonald 1.05 Reno 13 Vi Salmon Gold 242 Sheep Creek 1.03 Taylor Bridge .44 Vananda '..... 23 Congress 04 'A Pacific Eastern .08 Hedley Amalg. .03 Y2 Spud Valley 11 Central Zeballos ........ .0134 Silbak Premier .67 Oils Calmont .37 C. & E". .. Foothills Home ... Athona ... Aumaque Toronto 2.40 2.50 4.00 .12 .30 WISMER IN FIELD VICTORIA Hon. Gordon Wismer, attorney-general and minister of labor, stated last night that he would be a candidate for the leadership of the Liberal party. He had no comment to make when asked if he was also out for the Premiership. ALL CLUES FAIL KETCHIKAN All clues so far in the search for the I'an-Ameriean Airways four - en-Sincd clipper,, -plane,; missing on h. flight from Seattle to Juneau and believed to have come down In the vicinity of Annette Island, have proven fruitless. The search is continuing although hampered by poor visibility and generally unfavorable weather conditions. BROADCASTER DIES VANCOUVER Leo Nicholson, 52, clean of Western Canada's sport broadcasters,, died in Vancouver Tuesday following a lengthy illness. THE WEATHER Forecast Prince Rupert, Queen Char lottts and North Coast Overcast with frequent showers today and Thursday. Southerly winds (15 m.p.h.). Little change in temperature. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow Port Hardy 45 and 52, Massett 40 and 50, Prince Rupert 40 and 55. : : TODAY'S STOCKS : : Courtesy S. D. Johnr.ton Co. Ltd. Bevcourt 65 Bobjo 15 Buffalo Canadian 17V4 Consol. Smelters 91.00 Con west : 1.40 Donalda LIT Eldona 1.20 Elder 82 Giant Vellowknlfe 6.25 God's. Lake LOT Hardrock .35 Harrlcana .11 Heva Gold .30 Hosco .34V2 Jacknife 0T Joliet Quebec 48 Lake Rowan 15 Lapaska 25 Little Long Lac 1.66 Lynx , .11 Madsen Red Lake 3.50 McKenzie Red Lake 63 McLeod Cockshutt 1.T0 Moneta 45 Negus 2.05 Noranda 45.25 Louvlcourt 1.60 Pickle Crow 2.55 Regcourt ,. - .16 San Antonio 4.20 Senator Rouyn .. .65 Sherrit Gordon 3.15 Steep Rock 2.35 L. fTTTTTTTTfTTTTTTT Blue IT j ( taXI I 235 i,honc LlOHT SERVICE Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVI, No. 253. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS PROVINCIAL LIBRAS 'V mencan Irade Agreement Keached Give Food Parcels for Elizabeth Wedding Gift W'ver T lied Trasically lloat At 1.1 : k fee " ' i. crisis had Uni-' r- :;lt in French 1 ( mmun- Premier. 1 i Cnitcd 1 i Mayor Arnold suggested tnai, ! Prince Ruoert follow Victoria's' wilrt ! example of sending food pan uisioe cejs for tne people of Britain. rmniy , to the Princess herself HUMANITARIAN (i I FT' FAVORED Alderman Youngs, chairman of the finance committee, declared that it would be a good idea to send some humanitarian gift "rather than something which the Princess prooaDiy i has too much of already." Alderman Youngs moved that STATELY COACH FOR ELIZABETH'S WEDDING These two royal grays. "Tedder" (left' and "Cunningham" (right', are to be used to draw the glass state coach when Princess Elizabeth leaves Westminster Abbey after her wending to Lieut. Phillip Mountbatten on November 20. R. Land, of Essex, who has been In the service at the royal mews for 46 yea is, is pictured with the horses. SSsi CITY RELIEF' BISBU RSEMENT SHARE APPLIED AGAINST SINKING FUND SEARCH IS KEEPING UP New Clue Reported in Case of R.OA.F. Bomber in Southern Interior EDMONTON, Northwest Air Command, Royal Canadian Air Force, announced today that three .Dakota aircraft are now enroute from Rockcliffe to Pen-tlcton to take part in the search for a plane missing on a flight from Calgary to Penticton for nearly two weeks. It is said the search for the R.C.A.F. craft had not been reduced. Yesterday a farmer in the Blueberry area near Trail, British Columbia, advised the authorities that on the night of October 18 he heard the sound of what he thought was an aircraft engine cutting out, followed by the tearing of timber and ,a crash. R.C.A.F. search planes will reconnoitre that area. Escaped Convict Soon Recaptured KINGSTON, 0i Police shortly after 11 o'clock this morning recaptured Jean Louis Henry of Sudbury, a little more than an hour after he had escaped from Kingston Penitentiary, TOO MUCH FISH NOW OTTAWA Kit The Atlantic fishing industry is able to make offers totalling only about $815,-000 to dale on over $3,000,000 available for east coast canned salted and pickled fish under Canada's post-UNRRA relief feeding program abroad and the close-off date for purchases has been extended, it was announced Monday night. A fisheries department official said that production of the west coast Hshlng industry was now in full swing with every; prospect of a 4,680,000 canned; herring order being filled. NOj mention has been made that; prices will be paid for fish on Tariff Reductions Are Agreed Upon ; New Deal With Canada Made Too LONDON (CP) Great Britain has agreed to reductions in its own tariffs and in Imperial preferences in a new trade agreement with the United States but "only in return for concessions considered equivalent of trade opened up in America," Harold Wilson, president of the Board of Trade, announced av.w.w.wjwjw.'.W'.v1? today. . BULLETINS GOVERNOR MISSING SALEM Governor Earl Snell of Oregon, the state Secretary of State and president of the Slate Senate, are missing in a plane which failed to land at Lakeview on a flight over mountainous territory from Klamath Falls. Wilson also announced to the House that the United Kingdom had negotiated tariff agreements with fifteen countries, including Canada. Most I of the new agreements are for I a period of three years with j provision for renewal at the end i of that time. CLEAN OUT GUERRILAS Greek Government Troops Are Concentrating In tpirus Area ATHENS, W Greek press dispatches reported today that government troops were massing in the Epirus area of north western Greece In preparation for a new offensive aimed at cleaning out some 2000 to 4000 guerrllas operating In that re- gion. The. dispatch said that sharp fighting had been under way since October 20 on heights around Metsovo and that still heavier, actlonjmlght be .expected at any moment. OUTSIDER IS WINNER Quebec Man Holds Ticket In Sweepstake On First Cambridge Horse NEWMARKET 0) Fairey Fulmar, 28 to 1 long shot, .today galloped home the winner of the Cambridgeshire, one of the Irish Hospital Sweepstakes events. Joan's Star was second, a neck behind, and Admiral's Yarn. IV2 length farther back In third place. The favorite, Maharatta, finished out of the I money, coming sixth. Lord Nel son. Red Flag and Toronto, were leading the pack at the halfway mark but, at the famous "dip," Fairey Fulmar began .to gain ground and swept on to win. Lord Nelson finished far back in the big field. The winner's time was on? minute 54 15 seconds. QUEBEC MAN MAKES KILLING F. A. Maheu, furnaceman of Chateuguay Village, Quebec, reaped a $100,000 fortune as.a result of Fairey Fulmar's vie' tory. He held an Irish Sweep stakes ticket on the horse which won the Cambridgeshire. Maheu whooped with Joy when the Canadian Press informed him that his horse had won. "I'll quit my job," he shouted over the telephone. "There are lots of things I want to do with the money." He said that the call from the Canadian Press was the first word he had that his 28 to 1 horse had triumphed. Alberta Election Date Not Yet Set EDMONTON The Alberta gov ernment yesterday denied a story In the Calgary Albertan that a general election in 1948 had been agreed upon. No date had been set, said a government spokesman, although the government had been authorized to hold an election when It deemed It advisable. Amber-colored diamonds can be changed to green by bombardment with heavy .hydrogen atoms.