1,S iff - iv 1"1 . r,!Hcr..a rusrby f!f;:- 5uceB;-v.Nova r-,d -r -n.: hin'4 br-c; ' V tx rather -t ..i E3-H 11 maw lC d -and nrrt!-. Mar :un by w:n; ;y CC: V V X rui:nrrus 35 MM lor Hit on" craraije the tar ,v rr- .i uiid a Jew c-: ' c iw Mc- .. h r . retirement i "j ;t-: :i-::2 it .f , 4. -J nieoanst II, nojectors, Amateur iittna a comnlete jiuc supplies. ATHA II 'S now finishing "luce Rupert. B.C. - "uiiu.i; i .avc ports MONAGHAN IS WINNER Beats Dado Marino but Britain Still Sees .Peterson 'As Flyweight Champ LONDON (CP The Irish crooner TUnty 'Monaghan last ;n it tooKlMbnaghar last night was awarded a 15-round decision over Hawaii's Dado Marino and rcii't func- on acclaim virtually every where but In Britain as the vrfirld'j flyweight champion. Jaekle Peterson of Glasgow is :c r rr.sumably I still recognized officially In Brit ' Bi:' n a column I, j (i-.j. 5va:.i'y resist (it : weok to re- . . Di nr bv hlstorV v; f-;..' W.. :d W:t and 7c:?e Bretcj. Ut!e that At - 1- . F L.. i..r- r i in iniii D:arn only .Ti! t me. they j !".i.'tcrn Can-is yc.vs ruv ::i the MacTler : (nr Eastern :-'.:tnary. on lis :tll) there. The arte: ;c' d It for then ro team e"3 'ai had the au- -v i - uKn it away iV,.-, T:!. .-n-rlt was f C. 3 B: y h"h school hives'' ic:t an lnter-!- championship . largely com-r;:k-i.UKd miners, i r.c'.i a patch of U'r f r Charlie ,t..'J mnt ln-(r. :.jyer.i sllp- T: mmrrs held Mff in the -"- c ;d a half-- - play rutrby. f.fi.ry Maritim- Caledonia and tc:r t . w.-rc fed - r 3Ub.r r'v;. XT, : K: Makci Your Daily New.s' !, HUNTING AM) IMAUGLNG ain. MILWAUKEE MAN HAS BIG TROUT Dr. William Thomas Caught Two-Pound Four-Oounee Speckled Beauty JASPER Dr. William B. Thomas, . Milwaukee, won the I 1947 gold button award of the Maligne River Anglers' Club when he hooked a two-pound four-ounce speckled trout on September 2, It was announced yesterday by John Stark, manager of Jasper Park Lodge and secretary of the Club. The Com mittee awarded the silver -button for runner-up to James F. Russell, Ottawa, who caught A Uo-pounder at the mouth of the river on August 18. Dr. Thomas took his 16inch speckler with a parmacherie belle and tuttle bug using-fa three-and-half ounce rod. ' : The competition was particir pated in by anglers from "till parts of the continent and close to 00 trout were entered. In addition to the above membership buttons were awarded to Frances E. Stern. Hartford, Connecticut, and Harold A, Black, Los Angeles. California. Fgetting up! AT NIGHT? How miserable you feel when your kleep is disturbed. Tired, achey, all liv lrne. Why not Ilk Gin Pills-an old reliable remedy for relieving kidney trouble.' ixjm-pounded (o help soothe and tone up the kidneys Gin Pills an seU on a satisfjction-or-moHty'-back basis. fruits) R.flular slit, 40 Mils Economy SO Pi(l J 4, (in ih. U.S.A. tk lor Glno PilU) I Electric Heaters Our AIIVIX FORCED .DRAFT HEATER MAJESTIC CIRCULATING STAND CANADIAN BEAUTY RADIANT TYI'E POPULAR HEATERS AT POPULAR PRICES AT RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC GEORGE HILL & SONS LIMITED Hlete Stock of Men's Shoes and Rubbers AGENTS FOR SIjATER SHOES m:i Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe P.O. Box 737 Jour Eating Pleasure . . . Broadway Cafe (Formerly Boston Cafe) E' best food COOKING T0P SKRVInn "oe wishes BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND AFTERNOON TEAS Kp n ii t ii ... J riinur IVInSn lhlltl SllPV J 1!30 AM. PHONE 200 Invention 'Saves Lives of 'Salmon VANCOUVER, iff, - World-famous Campbell River Tyee salmon, threatened for a time by developments of a large pow PIONEER SKIPPER LOSES EFFECTS IN HOTEL BLAZE er dam project, have been given , , , docu- A . I Some rare and valuable a. new lease on life. jments were among the posses - When the river was shut off to sions lost by Capt. Jack Wells, pernat-Btorage-at Elk? Falls,: fish pioneer Prince Rupert halibut for a mile below the falls' faced -skipper, whose home-for the1 las the- danger of being- stranfled. v20 years went up In flames when A.'J Whitmore, chief fisheries department supervisor, said, however: "The critical stage has passed-and-noV one salmon was lost -in the river." .The feat was 'accomplished mainly through Installation of three big special gate valves in the lower power dam, through which water could escape. 'This, plus normal leakage, provided enough water to fill fish pools. Hockey "Standings Detroit ... W D '2 1 Rangers 1 Mdntreal 1 Boston 1 Toronto 0 Chicago 0 F APts. 4 5 Next games, Wednesday Montreal at Boston; New York at Toronto. Try afDally? News' Classified Ad. the Central Hotel burned last week. The 78-year-bld retired, skipper lost his chances to save his effects when he pitched in to -help the firemen fight the blaze. Among his effects were his extra master mariner's'and captain's papers, the former being among the few on the ? B.C. Coast. Possessions accumulated In more than 40 years on the -coast, including mementoes of the early halibut fishing -days' and family pictures and records were - lost, In addition to his clothes and other possessions. -He-stood In the wind and rain wearing nothing more than .a pair of trousers until a kindly lady lent him an "umbrella. Later, his son, Jack, jr., provided him with a complete outfit of clothing, but this, did little to compensate him for the loss of his cherished possessions. Capt. -Wells was one of the first halibut skippers to operate out of Prince Rupert In the bid dory fishing days. He came here In 1908 from England under contract with the Canadian "Fish and Cold Storage Co. when It was founded. ' It Is said of him that'he often brought In more fish than the company could handle. He Is known among some fishermen as the "discoverer" of Yakutat Bank and those who' doubt it at' least agree that he was among the'first to fish hail-but there. 'He learned sailoring- the -hard way, shipping before the mast, under sail, when he was 11 years bid. He: later became one of the most famous fishermen in the North Sea, which led to his being brought td British Columbia by the newly organized Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co. He retired from the sea 20 years ago but kept a few boats which he later sold. In the early days, he Is said to have been paid $1,000 a month as chief skipper for the cold storage company. He lived in-the Central Hotel for20 years before It was destroyed. Now, he Is living with his son in a-eabin at Cow Bay. ''AIR' PASSENGERS From " Vancouver (Monday) F. Smith, S. H. Silley, E. L. Hod-son. From Sandspit N. Wainwright, A. S. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. W. Beynort,' David Beynon. To Vancouver A. Ness, A.' S; Lilley, M. Gloachester. To Sandsplt--W. Cameron. GRIT WOMEN 'First Postwar Convention of Liberal Federation Being Held OTTAWA OUiOver 150 women, representing every electoral district In Canada.-'gathered here Monday -for-opening of' the' first postwar convention- of the' National Federation- of Liberal women. Senator Calrlne -Wilson said women's place - may be In the home but, If she Is a true Canadian, She must learn also' to busy herself with the country's HOW CAN T ? ? : By. ANNEASHLEY Q. How can I keep the leather In shoes soft after It has become Wet? A. When the toes of shoes are wet, stuff them with tissue paper, and they wlll"keep' their shape: They should not be- drled too quiekly, because it-will -mak'e the-leather stiff and weak. Q. How -cab f-make a paste? A. Take one-half cupful of lump starch and mix thoroughly into one quart of water, i and boll slowly for. a few minutes. Q. How -can 1 remove paint from window glass? A: Rub with- hot, strong vinegar. Repeat, If-necessary. Mots 'ffiif yfel j on light tough aluminum EEN in a toy shop lately? Or a hardware store? Or a sporting goods department? Then you have noticed the amazing number of things, now being made with Aluminum skatcs'and scooters knitting needles and clothes pins, cookers and, cocktail shakers and curtain rods. Aluminum-is today one of the four most-widely used metals in the world ... for a lot of reasons. It has brought new beauty into architecture and into the kitchen. Its lightness has made work easier and enabled planes to fly higher and faster. It-has' the strength to build bridges and, to take the beating a two-year-old gives his toys .rt j It isithc- metal of the Twentieth Century, tst Today Its low cost creates thou sands of everyday uses. One hundred years ago Aluminum was more valuable than gold. At Arvida, Canada, the largest Aluminum smelter In the world can. produce: two million pounds of ingots a day. One result Is that Aluminum costs loss In Canada than anywhere else in the -world. Another Is that nine out of every ten pounds of this huge capacity are. avail-cble for export. Today Canadian Aluminum Is sold in every country In the world Is a major factor In providing-Canada with needed purchasing power-abroad. AIIIMINHM RnMPANY nF RflNflnA ikuiiiiiiwiiiyvwiiii - wi ill Producers and processors of Aluminum for Canadian industry and wcild markets. MONTREAL QUEBEC TORONTO VANCOUVER WINDSOR Tuesday, October 21. 1947 East to West OGDEN'S Rolls Best srM5 1 SA' OGDEN'S m J J'vl J .jQHi (IS WAY UP IN SMOKING ) tAST TO OU-DltlCftmi to smoki 'PIPE SMOKERS! ASK FOR OGDEN'S CUT PLUG." MOTORISTS Here is a service that you have been waiting for . . . TIRE VULCANIZING We have just installed Prince Rupert's first tire vulcanizing machine and offer you a prompt and efficient. tire vulcanizing service. ALF STEINERT, who- Is in charge of our tire department, will be pleased to explain this new service, and advise you about any of your tire problems. ' Prompt attention given- to out-of-town orders. Bob Parker Limited "THE HOME OF FRIENDLY iSERVICE" P.O. Box 38 Prince Kupert; B.C. Before having that next REFAIR'JOB done, drive in and have one of our experts give you a detailed ' ESTIMATE. We are Fully Equipped for Automobile Repairs ' Dealers in Studebaker Commercial and Hudson Cars Tires and Tubes Repaired Grease Servicing SUPERIOR AUTO & BODY SERVICE Junction Second and Third Avenues Green 217 Phone Green 917 e (Read Down) 2 p.m. Friday 9:30 pjn, Friday 11:45 pjn. Friday 10 ajn. Saturday 11 a.m. Saturday 2:30 p.m. Saturday Keep Warmer! with a 1! 1 P. II. LINZEY Lv. Pr. Rupert Arr. Arr. Ketchikan Lv. Lv. Ketchikan Arr. Arr. Petersburg Lv. Petersburg Arr. Wrangel McBride St. 214 4th Street Prince Rupert Realty Co. Protect Your Home NOW Against Fire Losses Tomorrow May Be Too Late! l.V.V.WtWAWV.W.,.V.V.V.,.V.V.VAW.Vl Union Steamships Ltd. wish to announce their NEW FAST DIRECT SERVICE Between Prince Rupert and Vancouver Effective October 22 (Southbound) Lv. Prince Rupert Sundays 2 p.m. Arr. Vancouver Tuesdays 7 a.m. (Northbound) Lv. Vancouver Wednesdays 9 p.m. Arr. Prince Rupert Fridays 9 a.m. Also extended service to Alaska. as' follows: (Read Up) 8:30 a.m. Sundays 11:45 pjn. Saturdays 10:30 p.m. Saturdays Lv. 3':30 p.m. Saturday COLEMAN OIL HEATER See them now, with their beautiful styling and the famous Coleman furnace-type heating unit. There Is a right size lor your home, no matter how large or how small. Come in and let us give you complete Information about these famous heaters. Phone 311 if I f S 5 NORTHERN AND CENTRAu BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER W1 -4' V!