IV 4 r I V il -s 3 Vi Ik ill jpnnrc Rnpcrt Dnfln rectus tD. Thursday, December 4, tt4v in independent daily newspaper-cev&iea to-the upouuarog or Prince Rupert nd all communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. (Authorised as Second Class Mall. 'Post 'Office Department. Ottawa) Q. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATION? i - RTrPQrPTW.nS o ifr City Carrier, per week. IU; Per Month, 65c; Tct Tear, 17.00; (BtmTft DISPLAY OF PUBLICATIONS WITH the problems of international relations pressing closer upon Canadians, the Canadian Institute of International 'Affairs has sent'tolthe Prince Rupert 'Public Library, a 'display 'offbooks and pamphlets of-interest in the present crisisThe display will be setmp tomorrow. Never before have Canadians found it to 'keep themselves informed on international issues presently disturbing the building of the peace, and the library display presentsan excellent opportunity to the: citizens of 'Prince'Pi'upert to become acquainted nvith-the literature and services of the Institute which is an independent-jionrpoliti-cal, rfln-profitmaking organization interested in facts and .worthwhile viewpoints. Included in this current display of C.I.I.A. publications are pamphlets in the "Behind the Headlines" series dealing in a simple and concise manner with questions of current interest such as "Atomic Energy .and World Governments" -and "Russian Foreign -Policy." Also included are "Contemporary 'Affairs" pamphlets, providing a more detailed 'discussion of the subjects treated: "Canada at Geneva" and ','How We Govern Ourselves" are two of he titlesj-books published by the CJJ,A. and the,y?w quarterly, International Journal, as well asjw books issued by such affiliated organisations as the Royal Institute of International Affairs, 'London, England? the Institute of Pacific Relations, New York, of which the C.I J. A. is the Canadian council, -ana -other Institutes of International Affairs in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and India.. LATA WAY NOW ! FOR CHRISTMAS Come In and See Our Selection of Oifts KINGS - LOCKETS a CHINA - SILVERWARE r1 sn Too many good rvK! J watches have been rfW. I ruined by unquali-ft.fei? fled watchmakers. 1 , Save vonrs. tsg, Look for Canadian Jewellers Certificate. ta srrf Ave. YUKlQft.JEWELLERS niue cis J. G. Alexander) WE PUT NEW LIFE IN OLD FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE 'REPAIRS New Upholstery Materials Truck and Auto Cushions Repaired and Recovered 330 Second Avenue (Next to CFPR) IiLUE:SIH ASK ABOUT CREDIT TERMS 'LOWS Prompt Attention to'Outside'Orders ORDER NOW! Personal Christmas Greeting Cards - ALSO BOXED ASSORTMENTS In New and Original Designs. Prices from 500 up GIFT STATlOffEItY FOUNTAIN 1'RNS i DIBB PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE SAVE MONEY! Send Your Orders to Prince 'Rupert Roofinjr Mrill HrIn- n TiTesT" Felts, Roll Roofing Tapers, Shingles, Wallboards, ucAuoaru, Luslerlile ASBESTO&PRODUCTS OP ALL-KINDS: Mats. Sheets, Pipe Covering, 'Brick, Packing, Brake Lining 1,1 SPFfl A I I INSUL ,miC Slr)ING AND DONNACONA New Shipments of TNSUL BRIC SIDING AND DONNACONA PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO 208 Eur.h Street Phone Blue 389 A H Lilt BROADWAY CAFE I YOUR BEST EATING PLACE FULL-COURSE MEALS II A.M. TO 8 P.M. (FORMERLY BOSTON) Chinese Dishes a Specialty Bnnquet Hall for Luncheons, Dinners, Parties C08 THIRD AVENUE WEST Telephone -200 LETTERBOX BUS "FRANCHISE Editor, Daily News: "Council plans abouUface on Bus Deal." I wonder if this is because one of the members has the managing of the bus line? If so don't you think it is about time this city got away from favoritism. Please do-not let us have these over-crowded buses like we have had in", the past. It has been shameful the way they -have crowded -these buses. to the very laststep' and then Ernest R. .Carswell, branch manager, Standard Oil Co. of' British Columbia: Orville Mos- crlp, assistant branch manager, and George Tait, auditor, are visitors In the city on company' business. They arrived at the first of the week and will be leaving by air tomorrow on their return to Vancouver, INDUSTRIAL STEEL CONVEYORS, PRESSURE TANKS, SMOKE-STACKS E'lc. WESTERN BRIDGE ' Sfffl FABRICATORS LID. VANCOUVER, B.C j PRESBYTERIAN C.G.l.T. PLAYS i Entertainment in 'Church last Evening Enjoyed The Presbyterian Church was comfortably filled last evening by an audience that enjoyed three one-act plays presented by the Canadian Girls in Training. The production was greatly to the credit of everybody concerned.-Director was Mrs. w. E. Chappie and there wereipreliminary remarks by -Rev. A.M. McColl. six or more people had to getIn the intermissions,? there were out to let any one else out and many .times a hunch, were left. Then you still want .to give us this same old bus service. Our council members all have cars of their own and do not know what it is iike ta be pushed and stepped on. Wehad fine real good careful drivers in the past and they got fed up with this bus line so have planned a bus line of their own under the name of The Northern'Bus Lines. These'boyjj have a great 'deal of credit due them, also consideration. Their plan is to give the public -a fifteen-minute service to all parts of the city. 'So why not give these boys a chance to modernize our bus service, also to give the citizens a better bus service? I may add, some of these .boys, .are veterans. Do we want to eo back to this ntn ! and shove? Think this over. citizens. There is not .'a thing we can do if the Arrow Bus Line gets their franchise. We will just have to suffer in silence. Thanking you Mr. Editor for your space. A"READER AND ALSO A BUS RIDER solos by Miss Joanne Langridge, with Mrs. Smith accompanist. These numbers were sweetly sung and heartily encored. The three plays were entitled "Is My Face Red?" "Everybody Likes Pretty Things" and "She Takes the Cake." Appearing in the casts were Joan Calderwood, Margaret McArthur, .Dorreen Paul, Donna MacArthur, Gall McRae, Barbara Teng,1. Roberta Paul, Judith Nelson, Muriel Shier and Lorna Howe. The plays reflected no small degree of careful study.-presen-tation and rehearsal. The lines and there were many were j clearly spoken. The humorous! situations and the general action and balance of each plav throughout were admirably sustained. The general stage settings were most attractive. Advertise in the Daily News: imimiuinjiuu M K distinctive ! pW STYLING jS ill UNRIVALLED UNRIVALLEDM. M m ELEGANCE Leaders , in Accuracy M and Beautij- Sold by Leading m W Jewellers Jewellers' Everywhere Everywhere I NEW ROYAL illill II U I L L A Home Away From' Home 50 Rooms,. Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196; Announce withdrawal until further notice of service on Route 3 SS CAMOSUN Vancouver-Prince Rupert-Alaska Last sailing northbound leaving Prince Rupert Friday, December 5. Last sailing southbound leaving Prince Rupert Sunday, December 7. YOU TOO CAN .BE INDEPENDENT Have a Business of Your1 Own Become a successful operator in the profitable profusion of hairdrejeing and beauty culture. Our new enlarged tchooii offer a thorough training unider qualified teachers. Write or call for free literature to MOLERSCHOOL'OF HAIRDRESSING 30J W. Hastings St. (Dept. I) Lt4 Vancouver B.C.. Margaret McLeod Optometrist - AT MANSONS Jewellers 522 Third Ave Phone Green 324 for RUPERT MARINE REALTY (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKER! IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISIIINO EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Lipsett's, Waterfront) Box 54 X . e Greei U75 i at Civic Centre FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5 p.m. Sports 3:30 Rup-Rec Junior Girls Class. OO-JJuvenlle'Boys Basketball League Games. 6:00 Stone's Junior Boys Basketball Practice. 7:00 Sweet 16 Girls Basket ball, practice :00 Rup- Fit' Class. 8t00-iBo-Me-Hl 'Boys "Basket- ball? Practice. 9:00 Brownwood's MenVBas- ketball practice. Special Events p.m. 7:30iCamera Club "Meeting. 8:00 Film Council Meeting. ARE MARRIED , . IN CATHEDRAL 'Mks Elizabeth Dorreen Firikson and Harry" Owen Younp United I Miss Elizabeth Dorreen Eirlk-I son and Harry Owen 'Young I both of this city, wercthe-prin icipalsln a marriage ceremony I performed at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon In -St. 'Andrew's Angli can Cathedral by Rev. Baslll S. , Prockter, the 'rector. The bride Ms the daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. Hllge "Erlkson. The groom is the son of 'Mr. -and Mrs Harry Young, 623 Seventh Avenue West. He is a seaman on CGS Albernl. Witnesses of the ceremony were 'William Young,) brother of the groom, and 'thematron of honor was Mrs. William Beynon. A grateful go ntlhye hug from iiuliliy, swerl ki.tHes frorn llie chllJren, off to icIkh)1 after a hearty hreakfajt. 'She-smiles at ihe empty plates, happy in the know-leilge that she has pleaseil anJ careJ for lier loved ones; smiles at, the memory of the joy whi Iif;rel(.l the 6teaming pancake and the CnnviuHruiul O.ru Syrup bn this morningVhreakfast tahle. You, too, can serve Crown Hraiitl Vith ciirajileto confidence because Crown liriind Oini Syrup has 'been recommeniJed and used fur years, in'lhe hotlle feeding of infants and is a favourite with all -ages liecause of its tldicious and letnpling' flavour. We iiprecitite yrmr loyally to Qttiiity? CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP 7THE'dANADA STARCH' COMPANY LTD. M0NTSEU . TORONTO Agents for Slater Shoes Aio Monufacfureri if Canada Corn Stored CBS Give'HIM'the'Gift he wants . . comfy, j .good-looking SLIPtP,E,RS FOR 4 CHRISTMAS GEORGE HILL & SONS LIMITED P.O. Box 737 C24 Third Avenue Do toil Have FIRE PROTECTION We handle Fire Extinguishers for any need . . OAS-iOIL-ELECTRICAL or GENERAL FIRES All types all sizes -KIDDB LUX C02 EXTINGUISHERS PYRENE FOAMITE Ideal for Home, Office, Boat, etc. Call us for Information regarding your fire protection requirements. COMPLETE FACILITIES FOR (RECHARGING ON HANI) PHILPOTVEVITT & CO. LTD. Coal Iluildinir Supplies 'Paint Hardware PHONES 651 - T52 There were three bridesmaids flfTA' . ,Mnt. I . .' ,ny. ii.virnj-arri s Hn" thrr urroomsm"en After the Cathedral rite, tri bridal party proceeded to the Commodore Cafe for a wedding UICUIUU51. city at the first of the week. 4721 i i ; Hotel. C'l: - i. , rinRupJ Dr. W. S. Kergin, after spend- Mr ..and Mr Tl? lng the past three months in race Mr ami . j - o h "v-bi auwaic u 4 work in surgery, returned to the Afiver 'Do you -liLo rnnnnl IKiM Iks tol(-Iucioim. fl5w-r Hinoolh, firm, nnd ft$U$lSfi fn iicroiis In tdzc'Tlirn KiljffiwiWw 'MIojnl City" U jIMlr 'f linind. Your Rrocer IICf)! run Miply you, yV,j- CANNED FOODS your boy and our . . . WATCHES If you own a boy who is old enough h: ccch' ij own a watch. He iso't so very particular tb.1 sort of watch, you know lust so it ... t i hi:: what time It is every time he wanr c kr.. which is pretty often. wi:i.L, wiriiAVK am: watch Wo-have some as low as $2.93 ana we harJ some wrist watches as low as SL93. There asc tl Kttaranteed too. We have a very good strap watcV, m stainle; steel case 15 jewelled and fully resulted ft! $15.00. We have a waterproof 15 iewcilei v.ath will luminsiiAdial in the most modern tic:.:: fc , Also, a 17 Jewelled sell-wlndlrc jtihlJ .luminous dial for S3L50. Lin"US SHOW vol NOTICE 'ON AND AFTER I)F.CF..M1IEK 1. ALL VESSELS OF ' CO.MPANV WILL DOCK AT THE PROVINCIAL GOV MEVT WlfAltF. FOOT OF McISItllU; STKEIT FOR I I1RTIIEU INFORMATION REOAKDIXO SAILINGS AND RATES APPLY AT OFFICE, THIIII) AVENUE, OR PHONE .'SI A. MacKenzie Furnitur LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY' Chris tin as Sugges 1 1 oim LANK CEDAR CHESTS Tennessee cellar throulioui exterior of burl walnut Tlie Ideal Gift. Oot to bq seen to be appreciated. Phone 775 327 Olilnl Avenue Prince Ru as..ai..j,s.laj.)j.siiS.viss..8.s.sii.s.'s'8's-ii:"I,J''"'5"j I PRACTICAL GIFTS . . . are always accopm FOR HIM Power anil Carpenter Tools, Fislilns Tackle, Sporting Goods. FOR HER-l-amP5' Di 1'ressure xook" -- i . T..ic(crs. "'1 irons, Pyrex Ware. Skis anil rtj FOR THE YOUNGSTERS-Ice Skates, ment, Sleighs, Roller Skates, WaB"S lllf5' 'Kiddle Cars. "SHOP EARLY" M. llrl.lf St. .Mioiie 'C'CIiC'''lt'fl'C'MP,',"',tl1l!'!t,''''t',C