4 i 1 '4 lzt litre Ruum Dnfiy iSruis Thursday Pet'eiober 1947 i Business and ARMSTRONG AGENCIES REAL ESTATE BROKERS INSURANCE ADVISERS Fhone 342 P.O. Box 927 P. N. Kilborn W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Green 977 Prince Rupert MARIE RICHARDSON GRADUATE NURSE Dealer for Spencer Style and SURGICAL SUPPORTS INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED FOR COMFORT, and FIGURE PROBLEMS. For appointments please Phone, Res. Red 246. . HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches. 206 4th Street Phone 655 PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR and MESSENGER PHONE GREEN 955 Agent for Pacific Bottle B.C. Ltd. JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazine.v SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN bixth street Red 808 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc, Income Tax Returns Compiled. Besner Block Phone 387 PAINTING AND, PAPERHANGING Phone Black 823 H. J, LUND SMJTH ELKINS-'LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 McKINLEY & ST. CLAIR PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING PHONE RED 240 GEORGE McWHINNEY " PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING 147 4th East Phone Black 489 SUPERIOR PECORATOIJS ;PAINTINg, :: PAPERII ANQING Phone: Blue 552 or Black 245 Len Hitchens Bill Thornton " (D18) DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY IN SUITE 5. SMITH BLOCK. TELEPHONE 765 FOR TIIE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE . . . See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet Buick Chev. Trucks Pontiac Oldsmobile G.RI.C. Trucks MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY Terrace Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE, II. C. Ml HAUQLAND & KERR LTD, Lumber Manufacturers Roueh and Dressed Lumber T ERR Professional BOAT CONSTRUCTION DESIGNING REPAIRS Fine WorKmanshlprrEitimates COW BAY BOAT WORKS A. P. Crawley Green 391 'ASTORIA'S LIGHT DELIVERY & MESSENGER Baggage Freight Express Phone Blue 269 322 -Sixth St Night Calls .Ojreen 882 THOM SHEET METAL, LTD. ERIC SPEERS, Mgr. Specializing in Marine and General Sheet Metal Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tanks Stacks Furnaces . Gutter Work. 253 East First Avenue Phone Black 884 Grandview Hotel ROBERTSON BOTTLE BUYER & TRANSFER DAY AND NIGHT Call Black 412 ' I HANDYMAN .HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds. Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners; PHONES: Green 486 Red 894 FOR LIFE INSURANCE see our rates first. ROSS RICHARDSON i 628 Taylor Street ' I Residence; Phone Red 246 Confederation Life Association PRINCE RUPERT FLORISTS A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Large selection of Gifts MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mail orders, Box 516 Phone 777 300 3rd Ave. If It's Rock Work CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SipEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and .yourself fully Insured while I do the work. JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 Serring the Fisheries Industry Wells' (P.R.) Ltd. Cartare, Labellinj, Wriihlns BLUE 902 Mil Mtr iu W G0UJMMA OPTICAL Cam i Logs, Poles A C E and Piling Agents For International Harvester Co. Hreone fire & Rubber Co. Ltd. Philco Radios Wjllard naileries. -OOP piXC Individual scoring in Tuesday night's league basketball games was as follows- Junior League 65 CABS Bill 4,Webster 5, Martinson 2, Ratchford 2, Olsen, Holt 4, Vanpykstra2, Antone 1 Sedgewick 2 GYROS Marshall 4, Sathers5, Toderas, MsFaflan, McAra, Hart-wig 6. Young 3, Slater 2, Hill." Ladies' Game PEOPLES Thornton, Bill, B. Hamilton 4, D. McLeod 8. Balr agno 2, Sedgewick. SWEET SIXTEEN Jordan, Currie 3, Husoy J. 2, Dumas, Mcintosh. Husoy, Klldal 2, Si-mundson, L. Yourigman, Skoro. Intermediate League FASHION FOOTWEAR Slatta 2. Menzies 2, Arnsten 5, Inter-rcella 5, Ten;., C, James, Petersen, Shepherd, Skog 2. MERCHANTS Hebb 2, Hau-gan 6, Gurrie 10, cherjc 1, Moore 10, Youngman, Snberg, Mercer. Senior League BROWNWOOd's .Guryich 7, V. Cicfione 2, Thomysan 5, g. Ciccone 7, Hartyig 6, Forman 11, Pettenuzp, Lafigne 7. cq-OP-H McPhee 15, Lindsay 19 Ilaugan 7. Pierce 1, Fitch 1, Bepnon 5, Menzie 1, Qjli. League standings to date: Senior .League W L Pet Co-op 5 1 .833 Savoy, 3 3. .500 'Brownwoods 1 ','6 W Intermediate. League BotMe-Hl .'..A C 1000 'Merchants ....4 l, .800 Morgans 1 3 .250 Fashion 0 5 .GOT Ladies League Peoples -3 0 10G0 Bo-Me-Hi .l 1 ..500 weet Sixteen 0 3 X00 Junior League 65 Taxi ..5 " o Stones 3 l High School 1 3 Gyro .0 5 BURNS LEAD 'A' SCORING Burns, Continentals, Brown-1 woods and Morgan's each got off to a flyfng start in the sec-' ona part of the men's fA" five pin, schedulethis week l.y wlnr nlng three games, Burnr added up the highest team toisl with 3,145 points for three games and also bowled the highest single game score, 1,128. Individual scoring honors for hio'Vl fifncrlo aroma . n 1 Manson, of Manson's, who bowled 321, while the three game' high score was bowled by A Taylor of Malkins with VI. Burns 3, Malkins 0. Con'in.ntals 3, Ambassadors 0. Brownwoods 3, Home Oil 0. Morgan's 3, Kilowatts 0. Manson's 2, Revellers 1. North Star 2, McMeekins 1. m -r Stainless Steel MIXED B' BOWLS LEAGUE SCORING Individual scoring in the last scheduled fixtures of the Mixed "B" Bowling League were as follows: .POVQ&BS M. Pcharft -171 134 W C. Scliarff 223 149 195. J. Pavlllus 162 8- 142 J. Duiby 317 176 176 A. 'DWW -77 138 t6. R. Tut . 13f 225 230 077 .804 10241 B.C. PACKEItS-r- D. Balllle 187 195 197 Y. Turcqtte , 171 142 199 1 t. uoojiaainu 227 178 203 W. OUii' 144. 80 136 V. Ciccoue 133 123 231 JC. Paul 172' 154 74 Handicap '7 7 7 1041 879 1047 MISS OK HITS-r Xl. YQungmwi ...... ,02 57 72 B. McChcsney 141 112 145 B. Windle 126 104 87 p. Hartwlg 211 132 248 B. Matsou 1&8 194 168 B. ScharH 128 1(3 191 866 777 923 IDEAL DETERQENTS ipelaultcd) TRIPLE X A. Malhcson 218-4282 170 B. Uslck" 171 181 228 Eric Trumbell 167 232 186 ' E Triunnell 90 60 110 S. Davison 155 210 182 J. Thornton 211 157 196 1C02 1152 1072 FOOT MISERY WJien feet burn, sting. Itch and shoes ieel as II they were cutting right Into the -flesh', get a bottle of Mooue's Emerald. Oil and rub well on feet and ankles rorhin$ and night for a few days. A real. discovery for thousands who have found blessed relief. Moon.es Emerald Qll is easy and pleasant to use it does not stain. Economical- .money back if not satisfied. Qrmes Drugs and good druggists everywhere. v 72 : mkli0f -Hi KITCHENWARE , imowmvooDs- Orarp Brown 69 128 2C0 jC or,!.' Brown 13g 17 1B8 Jd. Woods 195 107 203 R. Woods 210 234 174 ( K- He'l 145 188 200, J. "11 113 147 179 Handicap .12 12 13 804 1061. 1228 C. Y. O. W. Bruce . 135 163 233 J. Bruce . . 95 184 Ifii. N. Canal . ' 89 101 149 I. Dumas 153 165 175 A. Pierce 22l 234 300 segte 119 125 219 812 972 1245 ISLANDERS J. Leemlng 161 125 235 J. Poster' 106 50 166 H. Duncan no 160 228 E. .Duncan 190 J 40 140 A. Boas 166 184 219 A nnouncing RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC is pleased to announce that they Ijav.e been appointed exclusive agents 'for" the Connor Washer Launderall Hprne Automatic Washer The Connor name has proven itself over a period of years as being a QUALITY washer, having features second to pone. Drop in and inspect one of these models on display. Your' Cqnnor washer is now available at Rupert Radio & Electric Phone 641 '" ' r ' i I (ft 1T7I on fl GIVE Li VK A A MAN MAN U2 -M Gifts He Would Choose for Himself . . . HE'LL LIKE THESE OUCliS SPARKLING WITH THE NESS OF FINE WOOL . . . MADE FOR OFFICE OR ACTIVE SPORTS WEAR OUR WIDE RANGE OF I IPC ARE A DELIGHT. MORGANS MENS WEAR S Winchester re Blended Right n-sP' v rf ?-r vfe-f vUj? ufricfr 1 DOUBLE BOILERS SAUQP INS COPPER-BOTTOM TEA KETTE THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. - -.. ,E BASKETBALL SCHEDULES (Senior) Dec. 6 Savoy vs. Brownwoods Dec. 9 Co-op vs. Savoy Dec. 16 Broyvnwjoods vs Savoy Pec. 20 Savoy vs Ckrop Dec. 23 Ca-qp vs Brownwoods (Intermediate) Dec. 6 Bo-Me-Hl vs Morgans De,c. 9 Morgans vs FuJiion Dec. 16-BorMe-Hi y. Fashion B- Payne 101 223 197 Handicap 44 44 44 887 941 122.) . . . 313 Third Avenue Wet RICH C U S T 0 M M A N N E It " Sy? WINTERIZE NOW! Recharge Bittery, Tune Motor, Check Cooling System and Instal Antifreeze, K,epa,r or Replace Those Worn Skid Chains, Change to Winter Grade Lubrication. DO IT NOW Aill) AVOID THE RUSH RUPERT MOTORS LTDT (! I BUYS THIS USEFUL Gillette Gift Set For a gift he'll use every day ail r-J the year round, get the Gillette Ttf Gift Set. Money con buy nothing fm a practical. Solve your man-gift probr j with this inexpensive Gillette gift set Other Gillette Gift sets at L32, 2J0, M.6!d" r 1 1 . .1 it . , . i uu re neacieti in me ricnt uiref n you follow old St. Nick's si mi Shop Early! Right now our e'.oc t piete with wonderful, exciting p.' Want to hear the boys and rirl ir vl Christmas morning? Then select your rif selection of toys. There are wind-up car for Hill and Hob . . . scores of new dolls to i thrill Jean and Dorothy. Little Jimmy will like the ;-ri;:ht his big brother. Tom, will enlov bcok People's Library. There are crockery, aluminum anil plas tic dishes for playing lujuse . . Games, (oo, for all the kids. 513 Third Ave. West UNO THE TAILOR We, are taklnp cleaninir and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 - 220 Sixth Street WE DOCTOR SHOES HEEL THEM ATTEND TO THEIR DYIJNO SAVE THEIR SOLES MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. GURVICH & SON CONTRACTORS PHONE 101 ,255 Third Ave. Phone 32 or Red 511 All-mst-I GUlett- Bit. parent to For trie . , , Fined Selecti bocl ;ohn1 BULGi OPTOMETRY John Bulget Third Avon: Call you - ' 1 11 1 pirt Avenue " Iand Clearing and Basemeiu ru IlnrlcAVnrk Our tM'J TP! iric rAPS TO HI