el line;;;. wad "4 Mr; Ace-J 4 3 S r.t:. bVayFood Market (ROSS INGRAM) f0r God Eating at Modest Cost rixtFiAS Sieve 4 llTEU CIIESB- Pc: c LlEYE SAIION- l,Pcr. Ivirisii riw pacic. r IJtr mcoTS- nfti City ;;; TOMATO SOUP Stokeley's. Regular tins lo ONTAKIO CHEESE RcaJ "nippy." .As cut, per lb. r2? I'INK SALMON Vt's, Per tin ROYAL FAST YEAST Per. packet ,f SUPER SUDS or R1NSO-Large packets . 5HKILLE ROASTING CHICKENS . in: .or. rer id. Yes I7r URWAY FOOD MARKET f A IS OUR PHONE NUMBER USE IT FOR FKKR iumivV,,V . .tjtj, , ,-ilv j MAKE A DATE . . . To see our new selection of BLOUSES JLKSEY AND COKDL'HOY Housecoats REGENT SIltEN KNITTING WOOL Rose Marx Brassieres - Lingeries IRISH LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS AND LUNCHEON SETS IDEAL GIFTS FOR THIS CHRISTMAS Mil-Lee LadieS IFea l Crn 517 P. II. LINZEY Unce Rupert Realty Co. Protect Your Home NOW Against Fire Losses Tomorrow May Be Too Late! Win a -of' CAMERAS For Christmas Ne have just received a shipment of Kodaks and llruwnies. Priced from $3.40 to 561.50 TCHEON PHARMACY LTD. kJowcI V:iMw tYnm 12.50 111) J2 and 3-SlraiuI Pearls from .'5.75 up ''vnvi clllll 1 uhuui .1.00 ui) rringg and Pins from 1-00 up r (279) 311 ilh Street 'Avenue at Sixth Street rnONE 7U ( i Local News Ite'm': . Basketball tion Meeting, civic Centre tonight at 7:30 p.m. (it) Jack Clee returns f .u.. tms morning on the Princess Norah from a trip to Vancouver and Chemainus. Concert and Film showing Civic Centre Auditorium, Friday, Dec. 5, 1947. at 8 nm A..in. 35c. Proceeds to go to Prince Ru- pen mm Council. (284) K. Hammond of Skagway, comptroller of the White Pass & Yukon Railway, was a pas-senger on the Princess Norah this morning returning north. 11 Is bound home after a business trip to Vancouver. S.O.N, ttlpptlntr TU..-.J... 61 uiauay, r t - Dec. 4. Important all members attend. Social. iooi Report on the tribution of a number of resolutions on various cnhiaot. ea at the annual meeting of the Muciaiea Boards of Trade of Central British rvinmw, in August has been received by the local Chamber from D. K. Kerr of Terrace, secretary of the Associated Boards. EASE neurtic (veuvilqiGVBMf ASPIRIN OINUINI AtUtlN It MARKED 1HI W1 STEAMSHIP BOOKINGS TO GREAT BRITAIN NOKWAY - SWEDEN CONTINENT ALL LINES REPRESENTS Also Truns-Cuiiaila Airlines rassports and Visas Secured For Information See i; V, TIIl'.MUKl.l., City Ticket Asent 628 3rd. Ave Prince Rupert or any agent Canadian national Send Personalized CHRISTMAS GREETINGS made from your own KODAK. SNAPSHOTS Come in and see samples WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing i SB Canadian Legion W. A. meeting, Thursday, 8 p.m. (283) Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Keller of Skagway were passengers on the Princess Norah today returning home after a visit to Seattle. Orange Sale. Oddfellows' Hall, Dec. ' 5, 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 P-m- (283) E. A. Nickerson, who has spent the last three months In Vancouver and on Vancouver Island, returned to the city on the Princess Norah this morning. Indian Agent F. E. Anfield and Dr. J. A. Macdonald returned this morning on the agency boat Naskeena from a week's trip to Indian villages, in the district. W. s. Stonehcuse, former sanitarian here with the public health unit and now chief sanitarian for the Provincial Board of Health with headquarters in Victoria, left on last evening's train for Prince George after having spent several days here on official business. January meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce being the annual meeting, a committee consisting of Presi dent G. A Wnn f or Do e-f T3At correspondence from, flip dent w. P stnno ui -a - v4, uuu V 1V,CX I C Trans-Canada mrh U'O IT Ctref am .tlHpnf Til- E "! T . Bosun Inn, 909 First Avenue West. Black 959. Fine food, ta- males. chili, barbeque fried chicken. Caterers large or small parties. Open all night. Orders to take out. (2) t Another Rotary ticket will do three things give you a chapec to win a car, give you ticket to Grand Rotary Dance, help the hospital children's ward. Get one today. (289) Plays, Presbyterian Church. Dec. 3. United Church Bazaar, 4. Orange Sale, December 5. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Dec. 11. Catholic Card Party, School Hall. December 11, 8 p.m. Moose Christmas Tree Saturday December 13. LAND REGISTRY ACT Ke: Cerllflculr nf Tide No. 173B0-I Id Lot Fourteen (II), llloi k Twenty-right (2S), heitlnn Ms (6), City of Prince Kuprrt, Map 93. loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued In the name of Benlamln B. Rir hna Wn ftlH In 1Ya nffirp nntlpn Is hftrhv ftivian that- T ehnll at the expiration of one month from me uaie 01 me urst puoucauon hprpnf IsctiA a Prnvleirtnal rortlfl. cate of Title in lieu of said lost Cer- objection be made to me In writing. uAicu at ine iana Kezistrv ui- flce. Prince Runert. B.C . this 24th day of November, 1947. A.D. ANDREW THflMPSfJIV. DeDUtv Registrar of Titles. l.tVIl lir(:lTI(V WT COME IN AND LOOK AROUND . . . COMPARE OUR PRICES AND QUALITY! GIFT WRAPPING FREE SERVICE No Change in Our Prices on Diamond Rings Even Though There Will be a Shortage Owing to the Import Ban. Still Priced from 30.00 and up ,VR ST1J,L, OFFER YOU A THREE TO FIVE-DAY SERVICE ON WATCH REPAIRS OMPtETE OPTICAL SERVICE - JEWELLERY REPAIRS AND ENGRAVING M I ANSON'S " JeWfrS Sincere, Friendly d. Optometrists bervice MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN JEWELLERS ASSOCIATION v. fTiil f y (301? Re: Certificate of Title Nd. 25304-1 to the North Halt of the South-East Quarter and the South Half or. ine norin-tast quarter or ua One Thousand Seven Hundred ' Charlotte District, said to contain one Hundred and sixty (leu) acres, more or less. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss ot the above Certificate of Title issued in the name or Cesar verhey-den has been filed In this office, notice Is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof, Issue a Provisional Cert Ideate of Title In lieu of said lost Certificate, unless In the nftantlme valid objection bo made to me In writing. DATED at the Land Resistrv Office. Prince Rupert, B.C.. this 25th day of November, 1947, A.D. Anrlrpw Thnmnenn Deputy Registrar of Titles. f M. O. Kullander Forestry office returned to the1 city , this morning on the Princess Norah after spending the last couple of weeks In Vancou ver. National affairs committee of the Prince Runert Chamber nf Commerce, of which J. C. Gilker is chairman, Is working on plans for extension of Chamber membership and will be having a full report on extension at the next monthly meeting of the cham.- Der. Mrs. W. M. Brown, formerly i of this city, and her daughter, us. iuaieiot, sailed today on the Princess Elizabeth from Southampton on their return to Canada after spending several months visiting In Scotland, They now make their home at Essex, near Windsor, Ontario. Correspondence in regard to the publicizing of Prince Rupert from Canadian Pacific Air Lines and the Alberta Travel Bureau was read at the monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. The former is desirous of publicizing special events such as Port Day in Prince Rupert next year. The latter sought and received information as to the highway between Prince Rupert and Prince George: ' AsSOrfaHnn iiViloV. I. .i 11 'lj .4 i. . ., . . . ' Salmon SDawnincr on ihp Frnser " ' auvucauiigifuu.i.cu at wie mommy meeting, R . 1 '."c Yellowhead iciiowneaa Pass Pass route rnut.P u-lth with of Or the thp Chamber rhamhpr nn on UlrinA,, Mondav nlht tv,i. grounds b'"""uj ing nominations and tabulating same for the annual meeting. Announcements All adviTtlMmeuts m this column will be charged for a lull month at 25 cents a word. say, is the unwise settine-bv the fisheries authorities of a minimum 6 inch mesh for salmon in the Fraser. FRANCOIS LAKE SEES PICTURES FRANCOIS LAKE) Geoff Woodall brought his colored films to the Hall on Friday evening anl for two hours show ed them to a large audience. The pictures were all taken not far from Burns Lake, some of Burns Lake and some at Francois Lakt. There were pictures of animals in the woods and of birds and of fish. William Mummery narrated the pictures as they were shown. On behalf of the Womens Institute on whose behalf the pictures were shown. Chairman Rev. Atkinson thanked Geoff Woodall. A short program followed Hugh and Peter Neave. dnpt w E. Funnell, song. Gordon Funnell, tumorous story. Mrs. Partington JUNEAU MUSEUM IS AGAIN OPEN JUNEAU The territorial museum, newly nalnted, rnnvatpH and decorated, has reopened. The curator, E. L. Kethahn, announces the receipt of a number of new museum items as Nootka baskets. Attn Fishing authorities in British JSi ?lAle.Utlanl.gra? matting i vir . . ..." . . 1 from a Russian church. Columbia assert that 50,000 pink : the ! ver. are beine dePriv' Pacific Coast branches to Prince i of this week to function as a 0 mates and thus ot chiu Rupert and Vancouver, was read at the monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. A general meeting of the Association was held in Saska toon recently but the local cham ber was unable to be reDre- sented. nominatimr committPP rprpfv . Uie"-. inc rea50n Ior s, tney V bids I To relieve miser-lles, rub throat, chest and back with comforting I I . for flippy Afety GET DELNOR xS fruits mQmmM vegetables' iVll l - Thursday, December 4. 1947 reading. The floor was then cleared and supper was served. A dance followed and closed about 2:30, Men's white shirts ARROW ye can't suggest a finer gift than one of these famous shirts. g Faultlessly cut to give plenty ot comfort with well-tailored appearance. White Broadcloth, sizes 14 2 to 17 . with local music. This social evening gave all an opportunity of meeting the newcomers to the district. Aroset Attached Collar BOXED IF DESIRED 5 3.25 1 K K fi X P, K i r. V " "I 1 Everyone loves Slippers 1 1 I w Delight your FAVORITE with the most adorable slippers this side We of of 'the 'the North North Pole. AH styles to please piease all an aires. ages. Select &ei- slipper gifts here now. B iNlKKf ? : 5 WlvWK . . . I kJ S .--.nil If! a I 2 I s " Ma (r . .. 15, c-a i x f. i -.v. ii it A i . If VJmtMuftcdif If 5 1 cervkTbv' i IIII1MH IIIUIIHIIlr.llll ANNOUNCING Opening of a MEAT DEPARTMENT at Poulsen's Grocery tomorrow under management of Cornelius Hoekstra, experienced butcher, recently of Kalamazoo, Michigan. COMPLETE LINE OF HIGH QUALITY MEATS AT REASONABLE PRICES WATCH FOR SPECIALS BEING ADVERTISED FRIDAY Free Delivery Phone Red 441 Poulsen's Grocery & MEAT STORE If you want your kitchen remodelled, we build your CUPBOARDS in our shop, ready for installation. Or if you want your FLOOR SANDED Call BLUE 610 We also have a good selection of furniture made in our shop, such' as Cabinets, Book-Cases, Tables, Magazine Racks, Drying Racks, Rocking Horses and Doll Cradles in three sizes. If interested, give us a call CHRISTMAS GIFT Suggestions Elizabeth Arden Adrienne Yardley Cutex Bachelor Evening In Paris Max Factor Peggy Sage Tangee WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION OF OUR LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GIFT SETS. Wc will hold any article till Christmas. No deposit required Ormes Drugs 'THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS' A GIFT OF FISH... Your friends will appreciate as a Christmas Gift a ten-pound carton of our Famous B.B. Brand of ASSORTED SMOKED FISH Shipped Express Prepaid in B.C., ALBERTA, MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN OR ONTARIO or $3.75 Send your orders to the Bacon Fisheries PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. g For Prince Rupert Seafood Products I