A ft VI c u 11 u u n n H u IJ R tl U li tl a u ti if t: a n n B R ti a n a u n n u B a I tl prince Htipcrt Daily i3cU)S Thursday, December 4, 1947 WHAT'S MININO Ireccvpred from the earth, in- The term 'mining" covers all I clua.u .-.ui face workings, under-processes whreby minerals are, g-ouad woi kings and boring. IIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIBNIICBOOIBIIBIIII u J II 11 U II tl U U u u tl u II Pick it out NOW! Lay Away Plan If You Prefer 11 PEOPLES u STORE A Small Deposit Will Hold It Rupert I Peoples Store j The Men's and Boys' Store a D a n , a a a a u a a a a a a 3 ;i 3 a a 9 a a a a 3 a Major Gifts for Minors CALLING ALL AGE . BOYS! SUITS COATS SWEATERS JACKETS PARKAS PAJAMAS SHIRTS . RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE ( B a H B B a B DBBHIMBiaaaaBBIBBBIB Save Time and Money AMATEUR NIGHT GREAT SUCCESS Kinsmen Did Well T.B, 1 butterfat CHILDREN LIKE IT . Seal Campaign Going Over At the regular dinner-business meeting of the Prince Rupert Kinsmen Club, held last night at the Civic Centre with 17 members present, Armlne Boas reported on the Amateur Night ihow, announcing that $245 had J been taken at the door. Although j expenses were up this year as compared to last, when all re-Jj turns from ticket sales are ac- icouniea ior me ciuo win nave a. fair net gain. Another success story, well on the way to a happy ending, Is the Christmas Seal Campaign. According to Pierre Le Ross, chairman of th? T. B. Seal committee, 630 answers have been received following the sending out of 2700 letters. Receipts ior B spals fit nrpxpnt total S910 which is well ahead of the same period " ' H j GOOZ b I . ' mk. M, g . - .11 P l I 1 rii n A Announcing CHOCOLATE k f FLAVORED A ; I DAIRY l DRINK i ;M Containing Containing y 'K not ip less than than Order from your Wagon, Grocer or Dairy at popular prices. VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE G57 iaataHHBHRMBaBI INCOME TAX Returns Prepared 8ee R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) Put thatShpmentona PA pfane SffP...MR EXPRESS a MR FREIGHT CPA serves NORTHERN QUEBEC MANITOBA NORTHERN ONTARIO SASKATCHEWAN ' AlBERTA BRITISH COLUMBIA YUKON NORTHWEST TERRITORIES ALASKA You'll find out that the fast way can be the cheapest way.. .for your shipment gets to its destination quickly, safely, conveniently when most needed. And almost everything can now go by air from livestock to dishes. Discover for yourself the advantages in regular use of CPA Air Express and Air Freight. Pick-up and Delivery Service now available at important centres. Schedules and rates from any Canadian Pacific Air Lines office or Canadian Pacific Railway Agents. X!ferwh,"'!5badb"n( FINAL RITES FOR On the proposal of the execu-, iiriJLJAlir tive, the club voted tocontri-,f HrMMONN LI II I VII J ' 1 1 bute $15 to the Mayor's Fund to be used for the purchase of, FrlendS of the late Fletcher Skeena River salmon wnicn will Hernmons, well known city resi be shipped to England for distribution among needy families and will be Prince Rupert's wedding present to Princess Eliza beth. William Bremner, representative to the Civic Centre Association, reported that plans called for designs to be secured for a proposed swimming pool and bowling alley and that top-line entertainers would continue to appear at the Civic Centre from time to time. A motion that the club become a member of the local Film Council was approved by the meeting.' Charles n-Vi r ntf anrlorl 4Va lief iooflrtrr' V itV UbbCtlUtU UOV 1111.1. Vtl() of the Film Council, outlined some of the bylaws adopted by the Council and pointed out how It will operate in relation to any organization that Is a member You $aw Jt m the Pa'ly News! I.AM1 KI1IIISTKV ACT Re: Certificate of Title No. 23082-1 to the North-West Quarter of Cot One Thousand Seven Hundred and Bttxy-flve (1765), Queen Charlotte District, said to contain One Hundred and Sixty (160) x acres, more or less. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title issued In the name of Cesar Verhey-' den has been filed In tola office, notice Is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month, from the date of the first publication hereof, Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert, B.C., this 25th day of November, 1947. A.D. Andrew Thompson. Deputy Registrar of 1 Free Delivery JELL-0 dent who passed away this week, filled Grenville Court Chapel Wednesday afternoon for the final rites which were conducted in the chapel by Rev. W. F. Rushbrook and at the graveside by Rev. E. Hodson. A large number of veterans of the First World War, in which deceased had served overseas, were present, and at the graveside, the "Last Post" was sounded by Canadian Legion bugler W. J. Ranee. Hymns sung by the congrega-j tlon during the service were "T.p!irf Kindlv Lteht" and "On- Collins, d christian Soldiers." Mrs. B. E. Eyolfson was organist. The pallbearers, friends and associates of Mr. Hemmons during the 27 years in which he lived ,ln Prince Rupert, were W. M. Watts. P. II. Iinzey, Arthur and which has a trained -opera-j Bayne Jack Battf VJc Menzles tor Russell Cameron, a new of the club, was officially in troduced by Herbert Young and welcomed by President R. G. Moore. It was decided to present the silver cup won by Yvonne Neil-son In the Shell-Out campaign and the engraved signet rings i for the May Queens at the Chil dren's Christmas party to be held ii the Civic Centre in and Jack Judge. AH Flavors Your choice, pkt 10c Gertie. Uieusea-gofrig cat and her four kittens have become lUted as' belonging to the shfp company of the British frlghter Consuelo. which arrived recently In Montreal. At first, Gertie had hidden the children in four different piaccs aboard the steamer. When discovered, all was forgiven. Now, the whole family devote their entire time to the mousing job and all responsibilities are faithfully discharged. Besides, they are seeing the world. Advertise in thi Dally News! CONSTIPATED? SLUGGISH? A v$cUb! non.bahlt.formlnt lata-live. tfit1 In action, Jtt rrallr rflarrUr. c;t lfal bandy package at all drut ttorra. Attention Trappers, Ranchers and Dealers FOR TOP MARKET TRICES ship all your RAW ITJRS to JACK I. LOUIS 207 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C. PROMPT RETURNS We Deduct No Commissions Our Prices Are Net to You Hollywood Cafe rillNCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND SIOST IT -TO -DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A-M. TO 1 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST Superior Food Stores Ltd. SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY DECEMBER 5th and 6th Per pkt. 23c TABLE RAISINS ECc'"""'ck:t' 39c soupieu .: ,:....3tis44c CANDY christmas iMix and iVssor1, 65c RICE BEANS Hand Sed , ;. ... 2 33C COCOA nrc:.:.., 27c ' np AC Small Sieve, Op r L A3 No. 2 Choice , , , A. tins 01" EflflC Our own Superior Quality. Qr LUUJ New Laid Grade "A" Large. Do, OUV, POTATOES Sfr08- 3.69 APPLES ,.,$3.99 TURNIPS Sb.!?!.;.,... 6c SWEET POTATOES Try them baked . . . " lbs- 29c LEMONS fc"0': .. J..;': .. 49c CARROTS fojff?8 4lb,25c , MOVABLE HOSPITAL i mB thf, f Ambulance originally muant to mem, a movable hospitable and dur- jveyance Vt 1 L Other FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES in Season j tt i ... 1 llrm to the tfIovin love story of the rich-est man in town -who didn t have a dime! IKM BMUE THOMAS MUCKM m m Will bur ua.: tues. MPITOi Mm k:,u;,, ( TtXk Hcautiful, Smart Lookin : V7) ' SKIRTS j Jj i to wairl you liiruu. -I J season and lorn; aft' si.: - your choice nt l ib: j f iV yfV DRESSES - gpy Stylth. t:i llm short or lou i phone 18 it h mm coats i M-st " ) m WJ' Um.Oi.vC-v. ( 9 V IT BUDGET PLAN ) L Ml r No Intent I V J' J NoCrr.M.: (V.arg ) rw V SKAT COVEItS O SI'AICK I'LUOS Ml LOCKING OAS CATS nn iiohTPt ns O KO.l LIOIIT Numerous OW" " Bol$ Parker Ltd. 'The Home of Frleuclly ;rvl,:P'rll.e ,lup1 j sl'liunc 83 I'.O. Box 38 1 o f I' i JUST RECEIVED a large shipment Dimension, Shiplap, Kloorinp, Vcc Ju,nt; , Shingles, and a large a,s Dried Fir Finish, ment of Moulding. Sole Agent for B.C. CEMENT CO. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. COM PI PHONE 116 .ETEI.INEOI-l!Uir.I)IN0Sl'M';; COAL