fsiNKS 1 TOILETS TtHllttT WASH : 1 I sparkle gloam you've over seen ' I 1 j Javex is the housewife's best friend, aPwf jaWWMpMMWPBB dirt irij (ternu worst enemy. -A" few I fiM'-if! I ' F AT'ifiX-V2 drojH nd things come sparkling Ll'N' V i llean c'uicl'1y'nJ fiily. Use it for Sl ' Jl ! 1 countless everyday purposes. Save """p'SBX" I ffl fffc (fillip ml yourself drudgery. Order Javex today. C j : ,tj. Classified Advertising -- 2t per word per Insertion, minimum charge, 60c. Birth Nntlera If a. i r inanxs. ueain Notices. Funeral Notices, 'Man-lace pj and Engagement Announcements: 2. FOR SALE IIS -Lady's bicycle, good Phone Oreen 240. f 283 1 KiL E House with four bath. Apply 218 Evenings. '28Gi '100 feet 2x10. 18 E, 1 19 2x4, 2x0. 8x8, short $23.00 Oarage doors. ; : doors, five-panel 1x3 base board. Phone 092 (286) fc.U Two adjoining n-.i lots on Second Av- P'vt:: First and Sec- Bargain for cash. House, four rooms Path. 5th Ave. near hos- P H LinzeV, Prince Ru- RMlty Co. (tf) PE Electric Washer. "field Set, Bedroom alnut and French Ivory: VI sizes, hardwood and, Casii Registers. Pot and OH Burners, Vacuum ms, Davennorts. Oeca- M Chairs Ton VVnirnn -. v., . . . . - -1 ? Dressers, Benches, Odd and Drawers, Kitchen Cribf Hassocks, Kitchen "' Bedroom Tables, Etc. ''man R t p n m Presses. 133-Large tricycle for 3- Phnno nrppn 196. (283) pD TO RENT Three or tOOm fnrnUlirH nn.irt- H-JV reliahln nurlv Phnne " " "Oews. . tf) ; lu- Used three-nuartcr dresser, In good Phone 552. (285) Nfled Advertising Pays! I OR SENT Ce Six rooms with TOR RENT One three room fexth Ave E. P. II. Lin-K.-.ci Rupert Realty Co (tf HE -Lady's brand new Lj"i Harris Tweed !i K! cost price $42.50, 37 51) Black 905. C283) apartment unfurnished.'Phone Red 441'. FOR RENT Warm, comfortable . room; reasonable. SOGFraser Street. (290) FOR RENT Two rooms furnished. 330 '3th Ave. West. (287) FOR RENT Suite, furnished. Cabin furnished. 1142 Park Ave. dreen 224. (284) FOR RENT 2 semi-furnished rooms. Call after 4 p.m. 1235 Park Ave. (288) FOR RENT Sleeping room for gentleman. Call between 0:00 and 8:00 p.m. 742 7th Ave. West. (288) FOR RENT Two furnished rooms with bath. Call Black 825, evenings. (288) WORK WANTED McCafferyl Ltd. WORK WANTED By young (286) ISA I E One 2-room fur- to rn, m on Prudhomme !2 ft .skiff with lil.s year. One 3 A'water outboard model. All for Black 285 between (tfi uE New and Used Fur- m Hardware etc New Cups li'jcor- it Suitcases, New Un- Wi Furniutre, 6 ft Steel u Squares $2.25, Levels New Oumey Ranges New Fancy Blankets Slightly Used Topcoats, ut Logger Boots, Log-Sau-s Everything at a able price. Come in and hem over. B.C. FURNI-CO. Black 324. man, will consider anything. Phone Red 728 after 5 p.m.. (tf) MTDDLE-aged -woman will look after children evenings. Phone Oreen 588. ROOM 'AND 'HOARD (tf) ROOM AND BOARD-2t40 each double: $45 single. Home away from home. Tablr meals. Mrs 1 MA'n..... n . 1 stft . awiey, n-r oucrv. .... 25C, Soup Plates' Set $4.45. New ROOM AND BOARD $43 each rlE Converto launge in hliape Phone Qreen 990. (285) PALE Boat "Cheetah." 'equipped for salmon ! Phone Red 240. (287) double: $48 single. Sleeping! rooms for rent. Table- meals. Mrs. Lawley, 322 Fraser Street, (tf) PERSONAL PERSONAL Who speaks? Those who have alass houses should; best service. Phone Red 561. (tf) FOUND Urge Steam Washing FOUND-Fountain pe". corner Rancos. Counter, 5th Avenue and McBride. Fri- " . . . . i . Mnip hqU0 ' and shafting, 12 h.p. Scriips Eng., 6 ft. shaft Propellor. 32-20 Rifle, 12 Shotgun, Scales Bridge, Set of IVi-ton Chain ksi Butcher Block, Coun-88' AH merchandise ranted nre-war. All wood I3 ire naturally dried lum- at 515 6th Ave. West rtte Box No. 1112 for prices. ne 283 or Black 914 after w. foasi FOUND On 12:30 bus, child's double-barrelled gun. Owner call at the Dilly News and pay for the advertisement. tf day nigni. uwucia wj same by calling at the Dally News, identifying, and paying b Jor this advertisement. (tf) MACIHNERV FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more r,mir.!iilv use the modern and up-to-date type National twtnhiP. Sawmills manuiui.- fnrPrt bv National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver METAL WORK rT TUfTUNn Installations and 1 .:::r;a sheet metal Furnaces, tanks, eavestroughlng and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 r.i..t, it;c) Phone ou. i"' DIAUl TEuTVour Troubles to Thorn Metal, ruruui.--. Sheet "e. V.4.-1.. Air condition- smoKesmtiwi s ,ng Units. Black 884. 253 First Avenue. l" Train Schedule For the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p.m. Try a Classified Ad in The nW3 TENDERS TENDERS will be received by the Massett Co-operative Association for purchase of the following trucks at Massett, B.C.; closing date Nov. 15, 1947. B'ARGO, 3 tons, 196" W3., stake-body, 1947 Model, used two months, condition as new. Equipped with 2 speed rear axle, reinforced frame, platform 7' 10"xl7 6". Platform may be purchased with truck or separately. FARGO, 2V2 ton, stake-body, 1942 Model, completely overhauled, 1st class condition, good tires." Equipped with reinforced frame, two.speefl rear axle, platform 0' 6"xl6' with truck only. Submit tenders to the Mas-set Co-operative Association, co Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Assn., P.O. Box 264, Prince Rupert, B.C. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Additional Information may be had from either of the above named. (tf) "Build B. C. Payrolls" FARM (FRESH PACIFIC Pacific Hi bK not throw stones. Independent ; There's abundant health and Progressive, Box 288 Dally nourishment In every vacuum News. H packed can of Pacific Milk. Ir ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Offers a permanent release from dom from alcohol. Dally News. Box 276 UD A SANDED FLOOK makes a 'new room! Dark and stained floors can be made as good as new by sanding, a quick, efficient job with modern equipment. Greer and Brid-den have the latest in floor and euarantee the radiated to give that aaciea measure of goodness that only this process can Impart. Ask for drinking. It is a confldetlal,, Paclflc wnen ncxt you need service rendered wltnout cost i rnilk. by others who have found free-1 PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed tmnKWwmtwmwt 5 FURS for XMAS g J j What could be more lovely than a new fashion l i lt 'OAT for Her . from the finest quality furs .fashioned In the Ni:V LOOK. BILL SCUBY a FURS 3!:i 3rd Ae. lllack 4 IB SONJA LADIES TEA, BAZAAR Tea and home cooking sale of the Sonja Ladles Auxiliary i of the Sons of Norway at the week-end was a centre of In terest for a large group of ladies. Held in "the "recreation hall of rSt. "Paul's Lutheran "Church, the affair tirew .a continued stream of vlsitors-who were welcomed by Mrs. Alfred'Henrlksen. The tables were decorated with fall flowers, Ssrvlteurs were 'Mrs. 'John Pedersen, "Mrs. HansnKnutsen and Mrs Alf Jensen. Mrs. Pete Andsrson was in charge of the kitchen, assisted by Mrs. Jack Strand, "Mrs. Mar-tinBerg and Mrs. Gunnar Sel-vig. "The :home cooking table was in charge of "Mrs. 'James Taylor, Mrs. 'Barney Roald and "Mrs. Bjorn Selvlg. At'the fancy work table were Mrs. 'Knute Slatta' and Mrs. Leon Sandvar. Mrs. Erling'Wick was cashier. "'AIR'PASSENCERS To Sandspit L. W. Mortin- -sen, -Mrs. u, Charleston ana anfant, J. Ware, L. Delbins and T. S. Ramsay. CHRISTMAS) SPECIAL One Photo and Twelve Christmas .Cards ', for Price and Appointment. call at Chandler & 'CowRill ' 4th Street, Prince Rupert Service Your Cfir Kepularly TO KEEP YOUR CAR IN TIPTOP SHAPE . . . DRIVE IN i OFTEN FOR CHECK - UP! Dan's Service Station McISririe Street Green CO.'n KNOX HOTEL A QUIET, PLEASANT TLACE TO LIVE completely renovated - ROOMS redecorated SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT - joprlptr.VfEOT--SIEVE -VRKIAKN cm TiadiolJial 1240 Kilocycle (Subject to change) THUnSDAY-iHJU. 4:30 Ecpecially For You 4:45 Timothy and the -Rabbits 5:00 Alan and Me, Tor. 5:30 Hawaiian Melodies 5 45 Platter Parade 6'.00-:people Ask 0:15 Freddy 'Martin's Orch. C:30 Musical 6:45 According Variety to the Record 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News' Round-up 7:30 Eventide 8:00 The Nation's Business 8:15 Sports Review 8'J0 Winnipeg Concert OrCh, "9:00 The Royal Wedding 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B.C.New3 I0:15Sportsman's Guide 10:30 Music in the'Night 11.31 Message 'Period 11533 Recorded Interlude. li:45-:Ethel and 'Albert 1:00 The Concert 'lloui 12:00 Mid-day Melodies P.M. -12:15 CBC News 12:25- Program Resume 0 'Novelty Scarves Handkerchiefs OPEN 8 A.M. TO 2 A.M. 10:55 Musical Interlude- . - U:00-r2Weather andUlgn 'Off, l:30-iAfternoon Recital 1 :45-iWomen's'NewsrComnien. 1:48 Needle Pointers 2:00 National School Bdcst. 'iSO-ecmgic'to Remember 2 :45 DorfMesseriirid 'Islanders 3:00 Varieties InMusic 3:15-Spotlight Star 3:20 Sketches in Melody 3r3U 'Divertimento 3M5-BBC"NWS "FRIDAY Al!M. 7?3u Musicav'CltJclc 4 'AIT! COME IN AND LET OUR EXPERTS STYLE YOUR HAIR IN .EXCITING NEW WAVES. PHONE C55 Helen s iBeaiily 'Salon 200 Fourth Street " Maxwell Maxwell House House Is bought and enjoyed by more people than any other brand of coffee in the world at any price. . . , . CI,.,..,-, I mo'Aft. tfi1 V 0 u fwjsl ea HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 714 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 it - sAi2 W1 Maxwell House contains choice Latin-American Coffees. It has Extra' Flavor. The Maxwell House blend Is imosually smooth and mellow. RadiantHoasting captures' all the goodness in this remarkable blend, It's Good to the last Drop. TOMORROWS ; A product of Ci i EXCELLENT CHRISTMAS GIFTS STYLES TODAY Latest Spring -Style Gabardine Suits sizes '12 to 24 2 Wide assortment of Satin Slips and Panties BRIDAL SETS in Satin Crepe ,fc White, Blue .Embroidered Tca,Rose Lace Trim BED JACKETS Quilted Satin, Sheer Lace ANNETTE 'MANSELL UPSTAIRS IN STONE ?BLDG. "WALK VV AND SAVE" TRY Rex Cafe FOR TASTY MEALS Chop Suey Chow Mein CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY RUPERT 1 'HOTEL , SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE Prfhff Utiperr EMIp Betas Thursday,December 4, 1947 8!00-:CBC 'News . 8 Sl5 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert '9:00 BBC NEWS V V if V V V V V V V V V V V V V if V V V V V V E y y v y y w V V :V v y y y y y y y y y 9 : 15 Morntngf Devoltons ' 9:30 Morning Concert ' '"& 9:59 Time Signal "f 10:00-Morntng Visit 10:15-Mornlng Melodies 1 'It's the did 'soft shoe act . . . and it works every time! We've Slippers for everyone. -i -m - H What Say Santa? Let's igive 'em the 'Slipper! Fashion Footwear i STONE BUILDING Suggested ALBUMS for Christmas "Cinderella" "The Pied Piper" "The Littlest Angel" "Tarzan of 'the Apes' "Rip Van Winkle" '"Aliceln'Wonderlaiul "Songs of Safety" "Superman's Xmas Adventure" For Teen-agers We Suggest "William Tell Overture" NBC Symphony '.'Danny Kaye" DannyKaye "H.M.S.-Pinafore" Light Opera "Nut Cracker Suite" GIVE YOUR CHI10REN RECORDS Freddy 'Martin "Brahms Hungarian Dances," Erice Morlnl Polkas Rhumbas Congas Square Dances Visit our 'Record Department and Hear Your Choice J r SINGER Immediate delivery of new J treadle and 'electric sewing.;? machines in Prince Rupert I and district. 4 SINGER Sewing: Machine Co. QUALITY FIRST In These Style-Right COMMANDO CORD TOP COATS Latest, Smart Gabardine Shades SWEATERS By Regent Knit. Fainer Tony Day are big favorites. BAR-II RANGE IIICKOK BELTS, TIE BARS KEY CHAINS Make Ideal Christmas Gifts TOOKE AND CURRIE DISTINCTIVE TIES From This Date $ WAR ASSETS COAL willbe: i LUMP t Sacked -'512.00 perton MINE RUN Loose $11.00 -per ton No rebate for1 quantity . HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 680 ACME CLOTHING STORE C33 Third Avenue West PHONE aw GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations PhoncTtEDSGl P.O. Box .721 ; :1 I ; h 4 ; a- ! i. 'I 1