jpnnrc Rupert Daili) r-Jcuis ILtD. Saturday, December 13, 1947 in Independent dally newspaper cerotej to the upoulUftng ol Prince Rupert ind all communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. (Authorised as Second Class Mall. Post Office Department. Ottawa) Q. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS .. AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATION? SUBSCRIPTION , RATEV , City Carrier, per week. 15c; Per Month, 65c; Per Tear, (7.00; uJiH' Bj Man, per Montn, 40c; Per Year, M.uu. The Veterans' Appeal APPEAL is being launched by the Canadian AN Legion throughout Canada for increase in the pensions and allowances to veterans of the conflicts in which the Dominion has played so outstanding -a part. That these veterans contributed in the main to winning the war, both wars in fact, and that without the service of those who gave their all to the survival of the British Commonwealth of Nations, 6f which Canada is a component part, is undisputed. Every consideration, therefore, should be given by the federal government and by the ministers of the Crown, to( the iljjjmreht needs for which the Canadian Legion appeals at this time. No one can (juestion the fact that the cost bf living has risen highly since the elitl of hostilities and so qbntinues to incieUse. Increase of wages in jtlany industries has been taken care of to a large extent, sbhie being the outcome of strikes which forced employers to submit to the pleas of the workers.' The veterrths, however, both those who receive pensions for wounds and those who, on account of their inability to become rehabilitated on account of age, sickness and other causes, are still at the stationary stie at which they found themselves in 1045. It would seem reasonable, therefore, that all members of parliament, irrespective of their party affiliations, should make this appeal their greatest concern, and consider thoughtfully as to whether this Request is one deserving of their support. AT cdst-of-living bonus to these men and women, who fought for the cause of democracy, would, it seems, meet the demand at this time, and the House of Commons should, at least give ear to the Legions' appeal. One think ceHaiii, is, however, that no body of Canadians deserves greater consideration than those who spent several years in the armed forces, many giving the best years of their lives to a cause which savefl Canada, and the world for that matter, from dictatorship. MANDATORY RADAR WERE INTERESTED to learn how the WE skipper of 'the ill-fated Clarksdale Victory, which crashed and sank on Hippa Island recently, knew where he was when he sent out his SOS call-but did not know where he was 10 seconds before his vessel went onto the rocks. The second mate, Henry H. Wolfe, explained at Ketchikan. Wolfe was the navigator on the ship. He took-his bearings before the crash and got his latitude (distance north of the equator) correct. He was a bit uncertain about his longitude least or west of Greenwich meridan) but, not seeing any coastal lights, presumed he was safely offshore. There are no radio compass stations in the vicinity and the course of the ship was set to take her straight down the codst. Where the pilot erred was in not taking full note of the low-hanging clouds that were encountered as the coast drew near, together with the rain squalls. These are accepted by older pilots as such signs ot land. Also, several waves hit the ship from its port side, which means only one thing, that the boat was so near the shore that the backwash of the high seas was breaking into the vessel. When the ship hit a rock, the skipper knew he was on shore. So he took his chart, followed his latitude circle into shore and knew where his ship had struck. The fact that he gave his position as Graham Island instead of Hippa Island was natural because Graham is a large island and Hippa a small one. Cohverstdy, if he had had radar instruments aboard, .heould, likewise have reckoned his proper position by lsarning how close he was to land. The continuing loss of life in the air and on the sea mean to lis only one conclusion that radar must be. made mandatory. What good is it to discover such an instrument of safety and then not use it to save lives and goods? : -' ! Ketchikan Chronicle. ADVERTISING HIGHWAY A UNITED STATES HOTEL directs attention A to the ,Skeena Highway to Prince Rupert througb placing an advertisement in the Alaska Sportsman. The hotel is in Montana and describes1 itself as being on the direct route to the Alcali road or Skeena Highway to Prince Rupert, B.C., from east, south and mid-westerrt points years now, cars have been running in here, yet ) despite this, toUrists have been told by those who ', should have known better that "there ain'!; no road." A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BRING RESULTS DIRECTORY Smlm In all t-liurrhM at II a.m. ami 7:3(1 p.m.i Niniiliiy School nt IJ:l.i except ai shown. CATIII.DRAt, 4th Ave. W. at Dunsmulr St. Holy Communion 8:30 a.m. .Sunday School 2:00 p.m. Rector: Basil 8. ProcXter. B.A.. BD (Blue 733) MUST HUTIST 5th Ave. E. at Young St. Minister: Rev. Fred Antrobus (Green 812) I IKST rKKSHVTIKlAV 4th Avenue East . (Qreen 882) I IKST VNlTMl 636 6th Ave. Wrat Minister: R. A. Wilson. MA. (Qreen 613) n i l. isosr-u, TAHf RNM'i.i: 221 6th Ave. West Pastor: Paul A. Barber (Green 620) SVI.VATKlV A KM V Fraser Street CO.: Capt. Earl Jarrett Directory class 2:30 p.m. Sunday School 3:00 p.m. (Black 209) ST. PAIL'S IITIIKKW 5th Ave. at McBrlde. St Pastor: S. Solland (Block 910) ST. I'l.TIK'S AMlLicAN Seal Cove Archdeacon E. Hodson Sunday School 110 a.m. Evening Prayer 7:30 p.m.. (Blue ) COM MI'XIT V SC.MMV SCHOOL East End hall, 2:30 p.m. PRINCE RUPERT YEARS AGO (December 13, 1922) Prince Rupert was in the grip of a record cold snap. Tempera ture in the city dropped to a record low of 13 degres above zero, while at Terrace it was, 10 below and at Hazelton 22 below. Alderman Collart confirmed the rumors that he would run forMayor In the 1W3 elections. Principal plank In his platform was civic financial retrenchment with a view towards lowering the tax rate as far as possible. Membership at the public library continued to Increase steadily, alcording to tthe Li-rariart. Miss Minnie Grant. There were about 2,000 books to chose from and more were ex pected in the near future. Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What is wrong with is misspelled? languer. i. What does the word "rectitude' mean? 5. What is a word beginning with DI that meaiis "to understand; to detect"? Answers 2. Pronounce mo-hong-a-he-la. first O as in NO, second 0 as in ON, both A's as in ASK unstressed, E as in HE, secbhdary accent on second syllable, principal accent on fourth syllable. 3. Languor. 4. Undeviatlng ad herence "He had the path of rectitude." 5. cern. SATURDAY SERMON CHRIST, THE WORD By Rev. A. M. McColl. First Presbyterian Church Christ is here called "the word." No. other name given to our Saviour in the Hible is more puzzling but lull of most blessed significance. A word is the visible or outward expression of. the soul's Inner thought or emotion. The poet Wordsworth says "language Is the incarnation ol thought.' and the word was made been nroven bevont! the shadow tlesh and dwelt among us" John 0r a doubt. But convincing as 1:14. Jesus Christ on earth an this Is, It does no; compare was the outward expression to my mind, with the great fact whlcti men could behold of the j that, Christ ha been born In my thought, the heart, and the love Riacj heart. This experience is of God. Hence it was said f the mightiest evidence that can Him that He was God manifest ever be adduced. in the flesh. A word differs from a story U told of Lepaux, .1 a souna Decause it is me cx-, presslon of Intelligence or ai-fectlon. A sound Is soulless but! a word is the voice of the inner , being, . This is a marvellouslly tender oi ennst "anq . aweu among us." In olden phrase "He pitched His tent among us," meaning, "to dwell, to make Himself known to us." So Jesus Christ, leaving all the glory He had with the 'Father before the world was, was born among us common folk when He might have been but he chase to be bom In Bethlehem, in the home of a humble toller. As we read in the book of Hebrews, "He took out on Him the nature o; angels but He took bh Him the seed of the sins of the people. For In that He himself hath suffered i being tempted." That is the most ( marvellous thing in all the world that He who had Infinite rlche3. for our sake became poor; had all power in heaven and on earth, yet he came down and was born as the child of a carpenter, became part and parcel of our humanity, just as the child in your home today. For this '33 years He dwelt among us sentence? "I am going to put J talked with us, opened His heart, in a. few days visiting myito us, shared all our trials. He friends,' (was God over all, yet He be- 2. What Is the correct wayt of ( came tenderest brother to rich pronouncing 'Monongahela,,? and poor, ruler and peasant. 3. Which one of these words high and low, good and bad. Elllr, hauteUr This Is the Christ of the Gos pels. He had all riches yet He shared our poverty. Do you have weariness? How much It means when the Saviour stands before ybii lri your weariness, knowing Himself what it means to b tired out, and nervous, and 1. Say, "I am going to spend kepl. and says with tender-f... f.ii.j.iness. ness. ''Come "come unto unto me. me, all all vc ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." The supreme evidence of the divinity of Christ rests not merely on the historical fact that Jesus Christ was born In Bethlehem, and did live the life to moral standards, recorded In the Oospels, with Its never wandered from, miracles of mercy and love, and bis- was raised from the dead In mighty power. There is nothing In history that has been sub stantiated so perfectly as that' u. j. Nicnoiis, iranic man- One of the most distinguished ager of War Assets Corporation Jurists of the world said that, if witn neadquarters in Vancouver, human evidence has proved, or returned south on the Catala ever can prove anything, ther today after spending a few days the life and miracles and resur in the city on official business, rectlon of Jesus Christ have Mrs. Watspri Guy of Meoto, Saskatchewan, sailed today on the Cassiar for Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands, where she will make her future home having relatives there. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENG1N2ERS Iron and Brass Oaiunti Electric and Act3len Welding SPECIALISTS Oti SAWMttl. and MINING MACHINERY CHKISTMAS DAY WILL be bun HOLIDAY BUT PLAN NOW Td dine wnii us lk)XlNG DAY AND NEW YEAR'S DAY Phone in Reservations CALL 231 CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM member of the French Director, that wilh much thought and study he had Invented a pew j-'e-ligion to be called "Theophllah- thropy" but he was disappointed that it had made no headway way of putting the incarnation and complained to Tallyrand, the great statesman and wit of the difficulty he found In Intro ducing his new religion. "I am i not surprised," said Tallyrand, I "at the difficulty you meet with in introducing this new cult, but v V y I s v. tanas REGULAR BAPTIST Service I.O.I) E. Mali 15th Ave. ana McBrlde 8U "Turn ye, for why WILL ye die?" -Eek 13:11. SUNDAY, fci EC EMBER, 14, 1947 12:15 p.m. Sunday School. 7:30 p.m.-aoapel Service. Spcafier: . It. S. IiLACKAHY. Subject: "NOTHING!" (ITou've heard lots of addresses containing just Ihls! Come and hear another one! i. WEDNESDAY 8:00 p.m.-Prayer Meeting. FRIDAY 7:15 pjn.-CIIKiSTMAS Tlti'-K Parents and friends cordially Invited V. I'ltKACll THE OLD-TIME religion mere is one ining i wouia au- nnrt Rnlnr vise you to do. and then perhaps thf,r u and frfndJ lhe you might succeed." "What Is .' , A , ,. that?" asked the other with I born in a palace. He might have eagerness. "It is this." said jcome in the full glory ot man- Tallyrand, "go and be crucified, hood leading legions ot angels and then be burled, and then rise again on the third day. and then go on, working miracles, raising the dead, and healing all manners of diseases and caslln; out devils, and then it Is possible you might accomplish your Abraham wherefore In all things, end." And the philosopher. crest-It behoved Him to be made like fallen and confounded, went unto His brethren that He might away silent. be a merciful and faithful High 1 Priest In all things pertaining tb . , , ; ood to make reconciliation for I-irst Presbyterian Lhurrh Fourth Avenue East Rev. Allan M, McColl. Supply Minister. SUNDAY. DECEMBER l4, 1547 i 11 a.m. Morning Worship. j Sermon: "Is Religion Worth What It Cost?" Anthems by Junior Choir: (1) "Gleam Star of Bethlehem." (2) "Once There Was A Christ Child." 12:15 Sunday School. 7:30 p.m. Evening Service. Christmas Cantata by the Choir: "O Little Town Bethlehem." First nnptM Church (Young Street) Minister: Rev. F. Antrqbus Phone: flea, cireen 812 SUNDAY. DECEMBER 14 Offerings will be received for the Bible Society. A gift of $2.00 makes you a member, and entitles you to the monthly paper. CHRISTMAS PROGRAMS 1. For children of the Junior annual tin uuu I iiiuin ta be held Friday. Dec 19, at 7 and p.m 2. For children of the Prlmar and Cradle Roll and Nursery de partment end their parents and friends, the annual Tree and Program Is to be held Monday. Dec. 22. at 2:30 p.m, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21 11 a.m. White Gift Service. Gifts to be wrapped and presented are to go to our mis-julonarie In India and the need l nriEclnfr "I n v mow K fhncjin jfrom the following list: dehyd-jltf , rated frulta. canned meau. Jun- !? ket tablets or powders. Jellas. bjl suar. lelne sugar, cake mix, cocoa, anniting cnocomic. etc Thl? Is a FAMILY SERVICE. In which the children of the Sunday School will come with their parents and friends No Sunday School that day at 12 15 p.m Plan for thLs service The Salvation Army Captain and Mrs. E. Jarrett Corps Officers. TONIOHT. 8 p.m- "THE DIARY OF THE BIBLE ' I TOMORROW "BIBLE SUNDAY." j Come, and carry your Bible to j the following meetings: 11 a.m. "Study to Show Thyself Approved." j 2:30 p.m. Directory Class. i 3:00 p.m. Sunday School. ! 0f 7:30 p.m. "Thy Word Is A Lamp. .Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. "Sharpi- ! YOUNG PEOPLE'S Classified Advertising Pays! i CHRISTMAS PROGRAM Suggestions . . . I on YOUR CIFT STATION Kit Y IHlf EF CASKS WAKI-KTS PAItKKK 51 i'KNtf - WATERMAN'S TAI'KltlTK PEN and PENCIL SETS CAlKSHOItOtlCII and CON(JUESS" I'KAYlN'il CARDS IN DOIJIH.E SETS All Leather mcrchdndisc piirchased In our store will ic (JoliI Stamped wilH Name FREE of charge. AMAS CARDS In Hoxed Assortments and for member of the family. (1IFT WRAl'PlNCS - SEALS RIHHON PHONE 2.11 Is DIBB PRINTING COMPANY I HESNER HI.OCK, 3RD STREET any Cliamber Names Park Committed Earl Gordon, W. ,J. Scott and J. C. Gllkcr have been appointed a special committee of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Com merce to look into theposl unity oi estfimisnmeiu or a na tlonal or provincial pari? In this area. Tlie Chamber had Interested itself In national park possibilities for the LakeWe dUtrict but received Information that would make that seem unfeasible in view of the complications entailed in Industrial and pri vate property rights. Now it has been suggested that there might be the possibility of a provincial park somewhere not too far distant from Prince Rupert. You saw It in thf tlfillv Nauiii 8 I Oh Yes, Sh n"V VflUv nt nut Ml. . V Kit iv . eD Uti " lllli,,. HI MM; MD .... - "MM: a U niii - ft - m ,,1: 01 H I IIIMIA Mll'T V III l II Mm, 1111(111 AM ( lllllHI Ml llll s" Ki ll . i ii: Kill XI 1 I I J 5 tmw "NWU msh FURS 'Ixfig -Ajk WW Is 3 1 fJ 9 r I M 1 JpK ' A .MOST WELCOME 0 M Yv Yl CllltlSTMAS (.117 I0R KVEKY ME.MHKIt Of THE TO JCMOIt Hr.E 2 AM. KI.N'IfS AT Till: PRIft S? YOU WANT ) PAY l mi x at SHOP EARLY WWX II 3 : J PRINCE Rk'PW i y x i f m tit i u w an t -v r ' lj law m r i 7 L' MoU your Chrlstmoi gifts oi lovely oi you con . .. .Wl ... for even a little gift may have beauty ; In truth. BE beaulv If if l an Elizabeth Arden u" - B. C. Sood. Bath Mit and Dusti9 Powder, Bath Salt ... enchanting combinations In wonderful scents. Mond-O-Tonik ond Jun. Cranium Soop 2.25 Ar'dena Dusting Powd.r ond Velva Both Mil... 2.50 . Du.linB Powd.r, Bath Sal.., Cranium Soap ... 5.25 !. Ton, V.lva, Sk.n Up P.ntil . . . 5.75 V.lva Bath Mit, Bath Oil, " Cranium Soap . . . 3.50 i ff T- C ORMES UKUuj ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS.