I?rfnrc Kmicrt Daily Bcm Saturday, December 13, 1947 KNOW YOUR Be H tiffls tieei ... r4o. 5 in a se.ies of informative advertisements. Paste them in y-ur icrap-bcok for future reference. PULP k PAPER INDUSTRY 1 R BRITISH COLUMBIA w,f r- . 1 rsLiaiSf mm :1ft CHRISTMAS special One Photo and Twelve Christmas Cards for Pjrice and Appointment call at Chriiuller & Cowgill 4th Street. Prince Rupert HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, corn irta Die Ul FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 civ r 1 IC TA fA TREE:' Also known si Giant Cedar. HH i A coniferous bee found in moist flats, benches, senile slopes, river bottoms, in and about swamps and wet, sprin$y places, BB and in cool moist sulches and ravines. Moisture more WHall important than quality or quantity of soil. Commonly srows HLa to height of from 1 50 to 1 75 feet with diameter 3 J to 8 feet Well known for panelling, siding, shingles, lumber, veneer, fpffp pulp and poles. Roots and bark used by Indians for baskets ifjfli .-I pays over six million . I dollars annually tor I transportation. ! j ) 3IA UAIi IU UU IN NEWS CONTEST With six I Daily New; j new subscribers. Leonard Leigh I is still maintaining his lead in j the race for first place. If he .holds that position until Decem-! ber 20 Leonard will become the owner of a new bicycle. He now j has a point score of 245. His nearest rival is Roy Webber with j 1 1 0 points. There has been an upset in third place with John Ketche-son edging Neil Forman out of that spot. John's score of 88 tops Neil's by 1J points. Fiftli place in the contest is shared by the Daily News' only mil carrier. Marion Greenwood, .aid Rov Mostad, each with a i-.-orf oi Sb points. THIS AND THAT FrirnrrlJr Tli Cor,t M.llMrAj.im S it... In. "Frankly, Qulnlan, I think you'll have pneumonia long before clothing prices drop." LIFE in this Prince Rupert by MDDEE JINKS Fi'Jiuraf.veiy speaking t h e would be waiting to go aboard. Queen Charlottes are draped in j Expert medical care lay just be-b'uck , since the Union Steamship j J'C-nd now and a sigh of thank-, Co. announced their newly pro.! people as the boat rounded the; posed schedule. Certainly they curve and hove blessedly Into are In mourning over there, with ! slght. j a srief as deep as David's of old ,,., ,,.. ....... ' when "he lifted up his voice and wept." For the thought of a final departure oi the Cassiar. never callJd anything but "the good old Prlr3 John" on the Islands sufraces a sentiment built up by a 45-year service without precedent. This sentiment belongs to than that, for one critically ill COMES THKOUGH fectlonately called "the good old ."V T' ' , X. Prince John." They had travelled many successive years aboard her In days long gone. Those j trips were undoubtedly the most , joyous ever spent, and now they j could find no trace of her. Many times I heard her ask the same question. "What has. become of the old Prince John?" And I, nor j anyone else, knew to tell her that : the name had been changed to s the far-fetched Cassiar. ! Once, living far inland, I glimpsed briefly through "The Wreck of ths Hesperus," that j somewhere people depend upon : upon boats and are compassed by j water as treacherous as it is days to go in the 1 wonderful; that boats are called carrier contest for "?hee' and become In truth a liv ing thing. Since coming to Prince Rucert. I too have entered into that spirit so that a boat moving throuah the water brings an uncomprehensible thrill. -Yet, as compared to the families Isolated except for the coming and going or a boat, my feelings are nil. It would be very difficult to picture exactly what the "old Prince John" means to the people it has nurtured for so long. Arriving at Queen Charlotte City, be It 2 p.m. or 2 a.m., every available soul, women and children alike, hurried to meet it. It was a glad meeting of old friends. Sometimes it was more Somtlmes rough weather would interrupt the service by two or was in was named "John" in honor of his birthplace, and received a life pass from the company. The crew seemed to belong . to everyone. This kinship was almost a matter of blood relation for it was linked so closely .and often, with a matter of living. When the boat went motionless in mid-Pacific on one trip. Engineer Alex Munro disappointed rone. A disabled steerage was serious. For two days spent aimlessly on the water the passengers prayed that the weather stay good. Thty kept a cheerful countenance and made a picnic out of the Incident with the exception of one elderly lady who plainly admitted a case of nerves. And during this time. Alex Munro worked, calling up tvery drou of Scotch resource fulness, finally coming forth V S3 I if with a construction that steered them safely to port. BeDrt Robinson, now senior purser on the rrln:e nupert, was purser. Being single and of warm disposition, he obliged all the ladles. When the boat left Queen Charlotte, he usually carried a lengthy list of shopping to be done in Vancouver-articles not always to the Hking of an unattached male. That was the splYit of the whole crew and the Island people relied upon them. If someone In port were sick, the larder of the boat was open to them "for a bit of fresh meat, a little fruit or even ice to cool a small fevered ton?ue. On board was the atmosphere of 'one big famlly'.On one occasion Premier Fattullo was serenaded by a group at his door during the we- small hours of the morning. When he sleepily made an appearance he was presented with a celery bouquet in flourishie style. No loneer ; drowsy, he ordered supper and i a party of fun and frolic finished the night. Occasionally the people found opportunity to show their gratitude. When coal was unloaded i onto a barge out in the harbor . the boat was docked several hours. Quickly, word spread and messengers scurried from house io nouse. it was, "You bring a cake and we will have a party". It was a happy affair of cake and deer-meat sandwiches topped by dancing until last possible minute. The Prince John has perhaps done more of the unusual than any other coastal boat with no thought other than service. iniee aays. no one worried, sne Once a very stout woman was had always come, she would put ashore by a sling at Naden come again and she always did. i Harbor. At no Urns was It un-Once she limped In, a ghostly usual to suddenly anchor some- 1stAntnr4 U.nn ...(4 U I- 1 I tl'll OTa t nw o r VS SMI rf mSm .KUa Zsummer CrT". !shattered the weight of the a passenger rowed In from some v rTn aIh 1 storm st had weathered. ! Holated spot, came finally along table Z ffZ h 3 ,Ur I was by such a fluke of fate j d". climbed up the rope ladder SSTSdl.r tW ' them-land aboard to welcomed as 11 attendance. One child watching person on board. Was Hit by Disaster Too Disaster struck hard at her by times. Once it was a fire which began in the mall-room Lifeboats were unslung and passengers prepared for emergency. Meanwhile, the boat went full steam ahead, knowing it Impos sible to go ashore In so fierce a wind. Finally, they came Into Sandspit, a volcano of smoke. It was met by a curious crowd who had long been watching, at Jrst trying to analyse that mov ing diod of smoke on the hori zon. Strangely the only item not destroyed was a fur coat which had come by mail order. It was not even singed. A lady, telling me of the incident said. "I can see It yet, that coat hanging uo in the captain's office, the only thing that wasn't Another time there was GLAMOR . AT HOME! Smart and Cozy All-Wool Plaid House Coats StfE OUR EXCITING Blouses Rose Marx BRASSIERES LINGERIE REGENT SIREN KNITTING WOOL CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Irish Linen Handkerchiefs Luncheon Sets Rosa-Lec Ladle' Wear (279) IF You Are Particular THEN CALL US FOR ALL YOUR I'lUMltlNC ANH HEATING REQU1 RE.M ENTS Phone 108 Prince Rupert Plumbing and Heating Second Ave and Seventh Street PHONE 10S collision at Lawn Hill between the freighter Prince Albert and the Prince John. It was snowing heavily and the freighter was holed iqulue baj'y. the Trince John however, made port. Out now, this boat and this type of service is to become another relic of the past. It is very well to speak of the plane service as a substitute but those who live on the Islands and those who know them well realize that the plane does not greatly benefit Queen Charlotte or Skldegate, the most populated points. Fifteen miles of water i stparate these points from Sand-1 spit and, in winter particular-; ly. It is almost Inaccessible. 1 In talking to those whose lives ! have been associated with the coming and going of the Prince John, now the Cassiar, I got a glimpse of the Isolation they felt except for that schedule. Also, the Indescribable feeling of loss when they said: "What will' we do without it?" Advertise in tne Dally News: BWri ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER iiiti;vrm:vs or r.tytit.t Mil. Vniiroiurr, lie. STORMY WEATHER l lirrt! lie utnforulilr hit in iiiii k HMinw:u GEORGE HILL 1 MIN 1.1 1 IMI. 133 ; Snl Ate. Send l'ersonalirfd CHRISTMAS GREETINGS made from your own KODAK SNAPSHOTS Come in and see sample WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing W More Important Than Ever This EATON Shopping Safeguard! In these days of unsettled prices it i3 more fc . than ever to know that every singlo EATON'S is backed by a permanent or," w-u,uo jjenny ji every i you spend ... a Guarantee of: "GOODS SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFimnrr, INCLUDING SHIPPING CHARGES" Thii aimpi contract btwn a cjral orgam.-m n hai mm bn mor ilqnUicanl than 11 li lodjy 1 only lo performance) and qualily, but to prlct and 0lua. conitanl taUquard afalnit unwarrantable prlca rUai. It ha alwaye- bn our policy lo paw on th rnu, : Immediately the coat oi any Hem U lowartd l f or the lowering oi a duly; ilroUarly, when new ti, .., !lc posed the inaeate Is not reflected in our prices ur.w. -have had to pay the inct eoeed ccit Tho meaning oi tne f ATON Guarantee Is iimt : eiceptlons. li, for any reoeofi, you are not ccmpi , tz: downright doUars-and-oents value of anything ; EATON'S you can send it back and your money will be re :r :: : Loen tho basis of our way of business since 18C9 . . . oui ... - c important reason for saying: "YOU CAN SHOP WITH CONFIDENCE AT EATON'S" T. EATON C Are you Perplexed About your 'Xmas Gift? SUGGESTS o rUKITIB EATON'S Midwinter Sale Catalojue Is Now Out Look For III Shop From Itl Save By It) PUBLIC MEETING .1. .1. SIKMKNS, Manitoba Farm C'o-opcrativt Leader, will speak on CO-OPEKATIYK PROfiRESS in SCANDINAVIA ham. Monday, Dec. 15 n Sponsored by D C Co-oporauve Union FOR PRINCE RITERT PEOPLE a t a . I li it is mat are. DIFFER ET. AKTCKAIT NOVfXTltS SOrVrAIKS WAX KI.OWKKS OPENING Monday, Dec. 15 HANDCRAFTS AND SOUVENIRS Vera A. Parsons) 111 SIXTH STRUT A Gift Subscription AS A GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING DAILY UNTIL NEXT CHRISTMAS BBRaaaaBHi use this COUPON DAILY NEWS, PRINCE RUPERT: Please send a Christmas Gift Subscription'of the Daily News to M ; ' ............ (Address) t , (Post Office) It is understood you will send a receipt to me and a gift otlfl' cation to the recipient. " t, - J Enclosed please find the sum of.$ ."... ($7 for a year's subscription by carrier In the city, $4 by mall anywhere 11 SI ij : m t