:oj. r n 1 1 ivtiuiu iitii " K 1240 Kilocycle - mifcf io cnangej ,rt-njTKDAY P.M. MBi Symphony Orch. ii. to Romance n jp or the' Americas p :uer Chatter -: ;iiri.i college G News k urded vKseue Time ide Story crdlng to Record . Oukeston mi Music - week, Wps. Night Serenade u) lime Rhythm - day Night Dancing i,nwr Music Trio i bc News o News n - an Ballroom Orch. Hu'y James a u'.her Forecast and n Oft XNUATt -All. fM-t AlbUm' MB!' News and imentary and Singers r.any Harbour, Hal. b.&nal Gardener Mary Way of the" Spirit News ;s:io) Reports Ott. fir Ijus Period P.M. York Philharmonic. I h of the Air al Program News Fisher Reports - end Review :r for Sunday '.ner Forecast o Rev. McLaurln u Program ... in Nature Album In Three Quarter lit" ' Bi News r Ud Songs P ar Music S' 48 R ai Take Over Uu by Eric Wild for Today ei Hour News News adlan Athletes ; . to kianlght ather and slsn off annj MONDAY--A.M. M: ical Clock 'BP News ii :iuik Song MuJc for Moderns ; ir.le Concert UBC News Miirnlns Devotions Morning Concert r.ne Slsnal M:rnlng Visit ?.li:rnlng Melodies Rmndup Time '. jndlnavlan Melodies' t senses rc-mlnlscen ather Forecast Mr sage Period Recorded Interlude Eel and Albert - P.M. Recorded Program 'BC News P- ;ram Resume INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See K E. MORTIMER ' 2nd Ave. (Near CFPRI LOVELY GIFTS IWIIV K;TS LRC.E SHIPMENT JUST AllIUVED FOR YOUIl TOH YOUR- SELECTION 'ii.. Sl l; " " HMAKT ""M.MNh IlllOOdl Sl'.TK YUKON JEWELLERS J. Q, Alexander) W Third Ave. Blue 615 l VBm telkwa coal Mine active Bulkley Valley Collierv Producing Twenty.Klght Tons Dally With a ready domestic market between Prince Rupert and Prince George and the Northern British Columbia Power Co., the principal Industrial user for Its steam plant at the Prince Rupert dry dock, the Bulkley I Valley Collieries are today turning out seventy-three tons of coal dally from the mine on Ooat Creek about seven miles south of Telkwa, It was learned from F. M. Dockrtll, veteran operator of the property, who left by last evening's train on his return to the Interior after a visit of a few days In the city on business. Twenty-eight men are 12:30-B.C. Fan.i Broadcast 12:35 Recorded Int. 1:00 The Concert Hour t:30 Afternoon Recital IMS Commentary and Club Clinic 2:00-B.C. School Broadcast R ernmiscences By W.J. Reflections The middle of November was iry enough, In Saskatchewan and further east while across the line In Dakota ana Montana, zero and snow came along as cheery reminders. So far, in Prince Rupert, hundreds of miles north, nothing has been sten or felt that actually reminds one of winter. A touch of light frost, an abundant rain service and gusty days! Meanwhile, frrlends dwelling where the cold is real, continue to write Christmas employed with Arthur Dockrlll as manager. The coal is trucked from the mine to the railway at Telkwa whence it is shipped east and west. Lumbering continues brisk in the Bulkley Valley, Mr. Dock rlll also reports small mills operating in all directions fron Telkwa and shipping from there for a ready market. greetings to those unfortunate ' folk away in Prince Rupert, so close to the Arctic. How do they I manage to stand It? The gate at the "Joe vs Joe" battle approached a quarter of a million dollars. Tn hp nrwlse Iff ftmAi.fnJ a Miff A-1 A 1 ... with the dust scarcely settled, they are talking of a bigger and better bout in June, an open air affair, and with expectations of take not beln? a cent less than a million. Did someone say "the fight game." Coming back to Prince Rupert from sojourning In some larger town Is apt to cause a bit of reflection and to decide that comparisons are not always odious, Has it ever occured to you that as Prince Rupert becomes more populous, the sidewalks, streets and lanes will be reasonably wide and that in planning the town- i site, foresight was not entirely neglected, v , : v I I AND FOR PUNISHMENTjj, j nfTI j 5 cookie 1 t. VOU SIT IN THAT fT?? 1 i IS MAklMr 6E4 As.. WfM WMWb KSsS-JS MWjMM l. I WjM LI wir I s I II iwa II J '-. l A i ZVXS.fKj I LK JDxlriieHuviti Ddfip faetos Saturday, December 13, 1D47 imzr'zxyjmmmmamz tim&M 4&Mjximi7vi3vt,m ire ,-r.r. j FOOD FROM CANADA FOR PRINCESS ELIZABETH -Some of the presents for Princess Elizabeth from Canada were In the form of food parcels. Left to right, Harry ,5, Anne.ll and Joe,8, children of Mrs. Violet Beerman of Tottenham, Eng., take a bite from a huge piece" of chocolate cake. QUAGRAS NOW EXTINCT Quagras, small South Airiaan equlnine animals, roamed in enormous herds on the open plains. STILL IN USE The modenr pen had Its origin In the reed or calamus, which is still used in the East. San ta Suggests I GIFTS that have a way with Men! COMES THE YULET1DE SEASON AND MOST MEN AHE GIFT PROBLEMS- WELU -THEUE'S NO LONGER ANY NEED TO WORRY YOUR .l!RETT HEAD . . . WE'VE A STORE FULL OF GIFT SUGGESTIONS THAT'LL l'LEASE HIM. 1 imp I t VOUPE HOME ji j (VEH " GET VOUf? ) II rv ' ( UM-M-M J 1 1 I jffi , f A 7 EARLX OADOy Ji I TiriA, COAT ON AND v f GEE, IT'S ) sCA M rt-rfn) V5 1 I'LL TAKE VOU ) GOODr VvV. fiVk B'5 'ML 7 TO THE STORE ; wlf TT: (l T) &Y Use our person- T'V'tvr. !&WffiS 8 i-f k No I"terest ri ij i ,r"-'- , : w ' t sun y ( v-rYid j uw unarges Mm vm i 111 I MORGANS MENS WEAR 1 TAILORED IN THE" CUSTOM MANNER" Selling For Less . . Our HarrisTweeds as well as a number of other smart CLOTH COATS have been reduced in price to clear before Christmas. See these remarkable values now on display at Sweet Sixteen. For the Christmas Sea son you will want something especially alluring. You will find it among our selections of regular priced DRESSES BLOUSES and SUITS ! i - :. ?-Erfa8'W 1 PMftvteP llJ ?SyXBUB8UE ( SIMPLY RUN S 1 ZT 1 SZoDy MV GUM. ) TO PUNISH 67 MlljT Or-S FOR YOU X' COOKIE, BUT) r' V CWAV WITH YOU J fV 1 Ms -B Lhi froU I WHY ARE -s CN I 'CAUSE YOU'RE 1 I NOW, WILL YOU I I ; C oool W f suchasweet'i (put ME back thru) I so 7 m iPH.SnJfXXoS (ll1 S-ch amomiwD J S THE SAME WINDOW T V1?SV II V&j iF: JWCvffi Wteo - S tBtnS - ' ' v. . 1 H v . I 3 I COOKIE HAS SEEN AB S I ffll5)- i BPsMsSX t&vM)X . ; . , MHialBiiM------M---. S2CV - av Irlfl.nl Ideal, Constant Constant Heat Heat Your mAMTl i That is what you Ret with the new I) U 0 - T II K R M Air-Condition Unit This handsome automatic OIL I-UllNACi: Is perfect for all needs . . . popularly priced. SHENTON'S SHEET METAL WORKS Third Ave. F- Agents for McClary l urna.es IM.one 33 Care . SUE5BSi I ISHING IT TO l!S FOR , COMPLETE1 SATISFACTION' Dan's Service Station MclJrlde St. Green 605 flace I t?'ncheons, Dinners, Tarties FULL'COURSE MEALS 11 A.M. TO 8 PJV1. BROADWAY CAFE (FORMERLY BOSTON) Chinese Dishes a Specialty Banquet Hall for COS THIRD AVENUE WEST Telephone 200 WE PUT NEW LIFE IN OLD FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS New Upholstery Materials Truck anil Auto Cushions Repaired and Recovered 330 Second Avenue (Next to CFPR) BLUE SIS ASK ABOUT CREDIT TERMS I 0 V I Kl ' K PromPl Attention L U V I ll J to Outside Orders Do You Have FIRE PROTECTION We handle Fire Extinguishers for any need . . . GAS OIL ELECTRICAL or GENERAL FIRES All types all sizes KIDDE LUX C02 EXTINGUISHERS PYRENE FO AMITE Ideal for Home, Office, Boat, etc. Call us for Information regarding your fire protection requirements. COMPLETE FACILITIES FOR RECHARGING ON HANI) PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Coal HuHdiiiK Supplies Paint Hardware PHONES 651 - WG52 Phone Green 917 P. II. LINZEY 211 4th Street Prince Rupert Realty Co. Protect Your Home NOW Against Fire Losses Tomorrow May Be Too Late! & A A A A a A A A a A A A A A A A A A A M A