Classified Advertising - - ' Kli; SALE . n iirt Hi' wuP. 2bc. Soup Plates 2r, :: e Set $4.45, New rU.; F ir-niutre, o it. steel ..mca.. 1 f f nwnli Ourney Ranges ,in Fancy Blankets 13 ridy Used Topcoats, logger Boots. Log Everything at price rice Come in.andf0rt over B.C FURNt- Black 324. House, four rooms -iih Ave near hos-1 H Linzey. Prince Ru-: ; Co. Uf) M Oollchan Grease, yuullty Order Now. c iff Co. room house, full :n two lots. Phone If .?.!' (292) IrAi.f British India Rugs, 0i j tful Colors, Limlt-v Reasonably Pric-m and look them Furniture Co. Black F Electric washing Al cuiidltlon; Mc-ai id coal range, n:: t:osct and res-- Blue 787. (2911 iVi.ue Nylon For-'- ror $27 50 Phone 291) Trawler 'Endvour" equipped with pr i gear. Apply A'-' W (202) - - ... r- .(t kurnlni T A , .V I I MUX- liupiv t) Heating 292i 4 room house with' Ave 2 blocks off j Aiiiilv O. P. Tinker, 1 202 1 "PltEADS $4.89 . clearance first & b!e and slnile i atlful two-toned . double the prlco. nrted if not satis-"O.D plu postage Handicraft Dlstr!- Sherbmnkr St. W., 8 Que llAtlllNLRY FOR S.M.i: I I JAW octter lumber more illy use the modern date type National Sawmills manufac-Natlonal Machinery LimlU-d. Vancouver, (tf) TENDERS i'FNDERS will be re- n .he Prince Rupert ' Co-operative As-' or purchase of the ruck at Prince Ru-B' closing date De-f ' 1947. Ford V-8. 3- ' 8' W.B.. 1044 model, -r:' with two-speed rear iew hydraulic load-'ji ate Truck may be l- ' f P.R.F.C.A. store at I1' Bu Prince Rupert, B.C. teli .'nrtof In IVio nVinvp P.O. Box 264. r.ipert. B.C. Highest sv '"Oder not necessarily (292) F "nailed Advertising Pays! ANn REOISTRY ACT '"lin.aie ,,f Title a 17500-1 ,l" l iiurleen (I I), lllm-k 'Hi eltl.t (2j) setllim l I i't .., ,1.1 It...... !. I 'EUEa: r.-vtlKfnrtnt-v hronf of wovn crrtltlcnte ol Tine 5 " ".h? name of rtenjamln H '. hf,.n fllnrl In V,U nfripe. ' nmbj given that I shall. ; i"' inn or one month ironi , ine iirst nuunraf-uni i roviHioiiiii rn.m- 'if:-. , n lieu of anld lost Ccr-iH I'1 . i. . . i nii.t fit. lite iiii-mium" wmv ' ihe Land Registry Of-Rupert, DC, this 34th Novi-mbe, i947 A D ANDREW THOMPSON, ( nuty Registrar of Titles. (301) nvi . . CSa' .'"-'1TI V .VT- ap oi Title NO. 330IKI-1 I. int "orth-West Quarter of Lot Jhou. nnij seven Hundred I, 1"rl, t."!,.;!,ve l765' Que e n omain Sixty (100) iHFor. or 1-M I m .r wiiiaractory uroor oi h in .i."bnv CerllflcatB of Title I il :h" lame of Cesnr Verhey- n i thl" ofnre' k ItT. 'tafini by g,vrn u,,t 1 sha11' 1 l one montn irom ,! f the first publication 'itih."!? n "rovlslonal Certificate ... "l Hell tt malA f... nn., I h ,lL' m,1ntlme valid objec- rTtDit" w'llng. I f, l the Land lteslstrv Offlre. ls.,C'1;'1'1 B.C. thlf. 25th. clay I '""her, in.,. An Andrew Thomjwon, "P'lty Heglstrnr nt Titles. 1302) WORK WANTED "bf 'iLE-ad woman wiiTtooki , Yacht .Club. Pur- after children evenings Phone Apply Dr. Large. I rjreen 588. , (285) - -WORK WANTED Practical en-m,w rr,-r and Used Fur-! g,w thoroughly conversant , . t-a at Mflllf Puna ...t 1 1. wun an iorms or mnchinn ch practice seeks employment. Phone Blue 825. 2D3 roll SENT FOR nENT-Sleeplng room for gentleman. Call between 0:00 and 8:00 p.m. 742 7th Ave. West. -oil a,v-A 1 ' ENT-One 3-room apart ment,, uniurnisnea or partly .., .i f ..i . . furnished, with private bath. Ufa 441. i-o'ii r-r nvi r ron ENt Three , - room fur- iiisiieu apartment, with batn. Apply 701 8th Ave. West. Phone Oreen 315. (292, FOR RENT2 single sleeping rooms with kitchen privileges. J21 Sth Avenue East. Phone Red 807. 293. FOR RENT 3 room suite with bath, fully furnished, for 2 months beginning January 15. Apply Post Office Box C38. (tf 1 j IMlOM AM) Itiiiiii) ' BOOM ANb nOARD-$43 each double; $48 single, sleeping1 rooms for rent. Table meals. Mrs. Lawley, 022 Fraser Street. (tf) rntso.VAL PEoTrS-lG-yea'r old girl will mind children, days or evenings. Phone Red 59. (293) RUfjs AND piiESTERFIELDS--cleaned and shampooed. Phone Blue 318. (2921 ALLOHUI.IC8 ANONYMOUS i. i .... ' l a hrtnanrit rnirp frnm drlnfting. it is a confldetial service rendered without cont, by others who have found freedom from alcohol. Box 270 Daily News (tf) WHY MlH lla YouT Notes? I .earn to write rapidly from first day. LIGHTNING LONGHAND is simple, safe, efflcl- . ent. Price . one -dollar only. L. L." Box 120, Terrace. (291) A SANDED FLOOR makes a new room! Dark and stained floors can be made as good as new by sanding, a quick, ef-, flclent Job with modern i equipment. Greer and Brld-den have the latest in floor , sanders and guarantee the best service. Phone Red 5C1. , (tf) I (HIND rOUND Keys and case near Three Sisters Cafe. OVner may have same by paying for this ad. ts FOUND-Amerlcan Scale Rule Owner pay for this ad and apply to Box 157. Terrace, B.C. (295) .METAL WORK PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Furnaces, tanks, eavestroughlng and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) TELL Your Troubles to Thorn Sheet Metal, Furnaces, Smokestacks, Air Conditioning Units. Black 834. 253 East First Avenue. tf) SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINA-tlons. Prepare NOW for Winter examinations. Write M.C.C. Civil Service School, 301 End-erton Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. YOU CAN RUN a Heme Kindergarten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, care M.C.C. Schools. Winnipeg Man. LOST LOST-Olasses In reddish case, between Booth School and the Terminal Lunch. Leave at Dally News. Reward. (292 1 .MI Ill.tllSlKV ACT Ke: Certificate of Title No. 28304-1 to the North Half of the South-r.-.. rnnr niiH the Bouth iWl of the North-East Quarter, of Lot One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty-five (170S). Queen Charlotte Dlatrlet, aald to contain One Hundred ami Sixty (100) acre, more or leas. WHenEA3 satisfactory proo ol hi of the above Certificate of Title Mued In the name of Cesar Verhey S- wn filed In this office. notice l hereby given that . 1 .aha SXr'oT th." nt'at.on Certificate liweof lasue 0 Provisional 1 Title in Ueu of said lost Certificate, finlr" in the meantime valid objec linn bo made to me In writing- IMTED at the Land Registry Olflca. H... n,,rt n.c this 25th day of November MUD. Iieputy Registrar of Titles. IN TIE FOR BOWLS LEAD Annette's and Rosa Lee's oh Tup In Ladies' League Although , suffering a three games to hit cledri sweep defeat at the hands or Big Sisters. In nette's kept In a two-way tie for leadership In the standing nr. the Ladles' Bowling League with Itosa Lee's who won two games' to. one over Variety Store. High single individual scorer for the week was M. Flynn of Westvlew with 201. She also had the high three game score of 604 with average of 221. Oame results for the week: Big Sisters 3, Annette's 0. Savoy Swingers 3, Coasters S. Watts Si Nlckersoh 3, Moose 0. WeWstvIew 2, Comets 1. Manson's 2, Sw?et Sixteen 1. Orange 2, Blowers j. Toilers 2, MIMller Bay 1. Rosa Lee's 2, Variety Store 1. Bankers 2, Cosmos 1. Luck Strikes 2, Savoys 1. Individual scores by teams: WPSTVEIW - V. McDonald 153 100 142 A. Pnrlur 135 80 118 M. Flynn 2(11 203 200 a Hartwlg 150 1B8 85 D. DiM 00 110 103 Handicap 08 1 vo vu Total 857 849 74 COMETS . . K. Held 116 109 105 N. Dou$herty 118 94 146 D. Peachejr 118 85 151 A. Hart 119 108 158 M. McBeth 80 CO 89 Handicap 142 142 142 Total 093 658 849 . ' SWEET SIXTEEN P.. Duncan 144 lit 101 P. McKlnnon 171 ai 11a 11. whht 159 m m 3. Nowak 150 152 104 D Nelaon 143 118 146 Handicap 68 08 68 Totals 835 738 743 MANSON'S T fv,,, iti ooo 232 7 HL. ?2S ? A. Snarka 100 150 143 MM McLeod 89 57 101 IV Sharp 04 109 131 B CowKlll 180 214 143 Handicap 94 94 94 Totala 712 824 850 BLOWERS F Morrison 99 123 123 L. Kesyes 103 123 165 E Houston 119 115 151 F Cslderonl 137 164 179 Hlnton 98 72 251 Handicap . 139 139 139 Totals 095 736 997 ORANGE E Anderon . 130 202 T. Johnson . 134 180 i aq L Ordner . 85 121 123 A Wide ... 122 103 118 O. Newton . . 90 105 114 Handicap . 138 i38 138 Totala 699 849 747 TOILERS n Ellison 117 83 124 0 Richards 133. 121 223 ) Hill 174 151 118 XI. Wide 1M 184 128 J. Menitles 171 151 190 Handicap 112 112 112 Totals 832 802 893 MILLER BAY " reterson 193 133 175 Ross 148 112 102 Morton 91 125 120 Smith 175 45 137 Vincent 138 113 104 Handicap 90 90 90 Totals 833 618 794 SAVOYS SWINOERS A. Kellett 110 167 148 E. Knutaon 157 150 130 L Erlckaon 188 200 250 P. Menzles 226 198 160 R. McCallum 134 104 253 Handicap 47 47 47 COASTERS Totals 808 926 1000 XI. Scharff 70 190 230 IV Knutaon 78 66 120 lewis H4 116 90 Tubbs l' l in no Gllmore 89 134 113 Handicap 102 102 102 Totals 504 670 841 ROSA LEE'S Mary I'oatuK 220 182 153 Elsie Morse 180 162 133 S Ramsay 178 120 158 Z. Hedley 183 128 140 Handicap 9 9 0 1 Ramsay 183 1?0 175 Totals 053 707 708 VARIETY t Krlstjansson 170 170 133 F. Cembclla 195 147 149 I Clough 97 120 125 I. Lykegaard 150 157 112 A. McLean 165 187 166 Handicap ' 71 71 71 Totals 854 832 756 COSMOS 158 177 107 143 11. McChcsuey 110 WANTED WANTED Bolt or pump action .22 rifle, good condition. Write particulars to Box 205, Daily News. tf) TIMBER SALE X42703 rj..ui Tnti'lnca tklll ha received bV the Minister of ForesU at Victoria, nr. n Int.. Ihnn 11 ft IT1. Otl thti 29th day of December. 1947. for the purchase or licence ahim, j mi 3,775.000 f.b m. of spruce, cedar, and hemlock, on an area siiuaira v Moi3iulto Lake, Cumshewa Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands Land Dls- lrlTwo (2) years will be allowed for removal of timber. . Further particulars or the Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C. ONDIE LADIES' BOWLING LEAGUE SCHEDULE Lndlrii' Leagur bowling Bchtdulc for the remainder of the first half of the wimn i an follows. December 10 Variety- vs Tonerer8i.Ma,i5on,s vs- MlUer Bay) Joners vs. Moose: Bavov V vV Blower. otange vs. Scuby'sJ ' a S lg 109 iil 124 129 p. Black tJ, 131 88 "ip 128 128 797 806 hankers-724 I, P ,CK J25 b. J! M Amadio ...... .'.V. 125 i. naxifr inn Handicap jqj Total" 735 BCUBY'S D. Woods J50 L. Thornton J40 T. riraun ., gg J. Thornton jjj a. Vart Met t7 Handicap 28 Totals.. .. 788 707 LUCKY STRIKES , J. Boulter 163 173 B. Smith, 13J 153 B. Vuckovlch 185 183 A. Pontnk 133 141 J. Warren i2 180 Handicap 15, .15 15 Totals 779 833 843 WATTS & NICKERSON . IA. , wrathall 175 151 101 V. Wrathall 208 205 1261 E. Mojiley . . ; 105 154 70 J. Shenton 120 129 157 A. Pierce 175 209 158 Handicap 43 43 43 j' Totals . .; 088 891 721 MOOSE it Astoria 129 01 140 K Ewaslck 98 D. Hilton 121 ill 125 3. McEwen 85 138 82 S. Christopherson 198 145 138 Handicap 122 122 122 Totals 753 720 082. . ...,u ANNETTES Montgomery t 129 Hi 208 Ostashower 124 197 146 M. Wlndle 129 113 122 g- 181 p tD'c'1" 12j ic9 131 ".H a o 5 BIG SISTERS Totals 075 731 793 mmez RI 172 163 EE- Bond 26 123 144 J- Dickens 198 207 134 n. Rothwell 159 131 EE. Dickens 120 B. Alexander Handicap 72 06 2 Totals 706 839 The ,e.Kue .Undfe ' Rosa Annette's Lee's ::::::::::::::: 3 5 Watts A: Nlckerson 2 " Sweet Sixteen X 5c"b!" n Blowers . n. n Coasters al lO 1 ID yr''i 21 18 t. f"' Mason's 20 13 ' S'st"s 19 20 bankers 18 21 .Tollers 17 22 Orange w " Cosmos M 25 Weat Wlew 14 25. Miller Bay 11 28 Comets 4 35. Xloose ....... :.. 10 2! WHEN IN TERRACE STOP AT THE TERRACE HOTEL For Convenience anti Comfort HOT AND COLD WATER is KObSlS Central Heating Sprins-Filled Mattresses SINGER Immediate, delivery of new treadle and electric sewine machines In Prince Rupert and district. SINGER Sewing Machiite Co. Phone 884 Prince Rupert J PARTY GLAMOR FOR YOU k There are good times ahead this coming holiday season. . Let us help you look your best. PHONE G 5 5 Helen's Beauty Salon 200 Fourth Street -Daisy Won't Tel.! READY T START FOR DAhKEST AFRRICAComrhander Attllio GattI left' noted African explorer, and. his chief assistant, Weldon King, son of Clyde King, are shown in, front of fie inobllen radio shack" the'll use.on the first radio-monitored expedition in history to the wilds of Africa. Commander .Gatti will head, the Gatti-ilaliicrafter expedition which leaves' New York on Friday fo' a sit months' stay in British East Africa. A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Christmas Suggp.stioiis CHESTERFIELD SUITES UEDRfobM SUITE. Beauty Rest Mattress, Beauty Rest Box Spring Walnut Tables for every purpose WATCH OUR WINDOW FOR SPECIALS Phone 775 $27 3rd Avenue izmmmm? )"Z1&CZ?Z' ? fjr- iU-JJ w. TAi'Ai-a I TBlek I IT- SEAT COVERS DEFROSTER FANS SPARK PLUGS ROAli LlOHT LOCKING GAS CAPS Numerous Other Items Boh Parker Ltd. 'The Home of Friendly Service" Fhone 83 P.O. Box 38 Prince Rupert LUMBER JUST RECEIVED a lare shipment of Fir Dinicssion, Shiplap, Flooring, Vcc Joint, Kiln-Dricd Fir Finish, Siiingles, and a large assortment of Moulding. Sole Ageilt for R.C. CEMENT CO. ALBERT & McCAFFFRY LTD COMPLETE LINE OF RUILDINC, SUPPLIES I'HOXE li(i COAL PHONE 117 TRY OPEN Choji 5 A.M. TO 2 A.M. CHINESE ! SECOND AVENUE, OFPOStTE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL GREER & BUILDERS AND Repairs Construction Alterations Phone RED 561 Ciil! tFf Eex Cate FOR TASTY MEALS Sticy Chow Mcin DISHES OUR SPECIALTY ( ALEXANDER-COOKIE.' Q YOU EAT MY V'H V ' P ' I i P ( WHICH WE CATj SANDWICH?) W ( WHO ATE iff B . 't Zi2--rrf C TOR COODNISS III Mk I I S I i BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS P.O. Box 721 By Chic Young Prfnrc tttinerf Daflp r5ctos Saturday, December 13, 1947 Mm i. ii ANNETTE mansell UPSTAIRS IN STONE BUILDING JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue SPECIAL! Tiles, Felts, Roll Roofing Papers, Shingles, Wallboards, Masunlle, Flexboard, Lusterlite ASBESTOS PRODUCTS OF ALL KINDS: Mats, Sheets, Pipe Covering, Brick, Packing, Brake Lining, PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. 208 Fourth Street GURVICH & SON CONTRACTORS Land Clearing and Rascmcnt Foundations Rock Work TRUCKS - Phone 32 or Red With and Without -I Hoods, in allsizes. FOUNDATION GARMENTS STYLED BY NATURE'S RIVAL AND LE GANT-The corset that Is dlffertni j V ST i N Big Order. ol WONDER BRA SATIN AND NYLON STOCKINGS New shlDment.lrt .ill latest shades, with 'rjericli Se: scant. SAVOY 9 HOTEL j Carl Zarelli, Prop ) Phone 37 P.O. Box 51 I FRASER STREET i Prince Rupert SAVE MONEY! Send Your Orders to Prince Rupert Roofing Mail Order House ASPHALT AND DUROUESTOS SHINGLES NEW SHIPMENT HAS ARRIVED Phone Blue 389 A RUPERT MARINE REALTY (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPiMENT; TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) Box 548 Phone Green 1)75 NYLON ' Rain Coats Our Specialty CARS TO HIRE 51 1 Sixth Street SUITS .of the SEASON We are prolyl 6f biir iiev shipment 'of Suits ! Drop in and 1 Aspect thorn. Double-Ureasted Shd single models. liEJiHARP,! Pick out Your SUIT OR HAT for Christmas NOW white our ranges Jre' still complete. ACME CLOTHING STORE 633 Third Avenue West PHONE X6 in